// Copyright 2017 PingCAP, Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package statistics
import (
// Histogram represents statistics for a column or index.
type Histogram struct {
ID int64 // Column ID.
NDV int64 // Number of distinct values.
NullCount int64 // Number of null values.
// LastUpdateVersion is the version that this histogram updated last time.
LastUpdateVersion uint64
tp *types.FieldType
// Histogram elements.
// A bucket bound is the smallest and greatest values stored in the bucket. The lower and upper bound
// are stored in one column.
// A bucket count is the number of items stored in all previous buckets and the current bucket.
// Bucket counts are always in increasing order.
// A bucket repeat is the number of repeats of the bucket value, it can be used to find popular values.
Bounds *chunk.Chunk
Buckets []Bucket
// Used for estimating fraction of the interval [lower, upper] that lies within the [lower, value].
// For some types like `Int`, we do not build it because we can get them directly from `Bounds`.
scalars []scalar
// TotColSize is the total column size for the histogram.
TotColSize int64
// Bucket store the bucket count and repeat.
type Bucket struct {
Count int64
Repeat int64
type scalar struct {
lower float64
upper float64
commonPfxLen int // commonPfxLen is the common prefix length of the lower bound and upper bound when the value type is KindString or KindBytes.
// NewHistogram creates a new histogram.
func NewHistogram(id, ndv, nullCount int64, version uint64, tp *types.FieldType, bucketSize int, totColSize int64) *Histogram {
return &Histogram{
ID: id,
NDV: ndv,
NullCount: nullCount,
LastUpdateVersion: version,
tp: tp,
Bounds: chunk.NewChunkWithCapacity([]*types.FieldType{tp}, 2*bucketSize),
Buckets: make([]Bucket, 0, bucketSize),
TotColSize: totColSize,
// GetLower gets the lower bound of bucket `idx`.
func (hg *Histogram) GetLower(idx int) *types.Datum {
d := hg.Bounds.GetRow(2*idx).GetDatum(0, hg.tp)
return &d
// GetUpper gets the upper bound of bucket `idx`.
func (hg *Histogram) GetUpper(idx int) *types.Datum {
d := hg.Bounds.GetRow(2*idx+1).GetDatum(0, hg.tp)
return &d
// AvgColSize is the average column size of the histogram.
func (c *Column) AvgColSize(count int64) float64 {
if count == 0 {
return 0
switch c.Histogram.tp.Tp {
case mysql.TypeFloat:
return 4
case mysql.TypeTiny, mysql.TypeShort, mysql.TypeInt24, mysql.TypeLong, mysql.TypeLonglong,
mysql.TypeDouble, mysql.TypeYear:
return 8
case mysql.TypeDuration, mysql.TypeDate, mysql.TypeDatetime, mysql.TypeTimestamp:
return 16
case mysql.TypeNewDecimal:
return types.MyDecimalStructSize
// Keep two decimal place.
return math.Round(float64(c.TotColSize)/float64(count)*100) / 100
// AppendBucket appends a bucket into `hg`.
func (hg *Histogram) AppendBucket(lower *types.Datum, upper *types.Datum, count, repeat int64) {
hg.Buckets = append(hg.Buckets, Bucket{Count: count, Repeat: repeat})
hg.Bounds.AppendDatum(0, lower)
hg.Bounds.AppendDatum(0, upper)
func (hg *Histogram) updateLastBucket(upper *types.Datum, count, repeat int64) {
len := hg.Len()
hg.Bounds.TruncateTo(2*len - 1)
hg.Bounds.AppendDatum(0, upper)
hg.Buckets[len-1] = Bucket{Count: count, Repeat: repeat}
// DecodeTo decodes the histogram bucket values into `tp`.
func (hg *Histogram) DecodeTo(tp *types.FieldType, timeZone *time.Location) error {
oldIter := chunk.NewIterator4Chunk(hg.Bounds)
hg.Bounds = chunk.NewChunkWithCapacity([]*types.FieldType{tp}, oldIter.Len())
hg.tp = tp
for row := oldIter.Begin(); row != oldIter.End(); row = oldIter.Next() {
datum, err := tablecodec.DecodeColumnValue(row.GetBytes(0), tp, timeZone)
if err != nil {
return errors.Trace(err)
hg.Bounds.AppendDatum(0, &datum)
return nil
// ConvertTo converts the histogram bucket values into `tp`.
func (hg *Histogram) ConvertTo(sc *stmtctx.StatementContext, tp *types.FieldType) (*Histogram, error) {
hist := NewHistogram(hg.ID, hg.NDV, hg.NullCount, hg.LastUpdateVersion, tp, hg.Len(), hg.TotColSize)
iter := chunk.NewIterator4Chunk(hg.Bounds)
for row := iter.Begin(); row != iter.End(); row = iter.Next() {
d := row.GetDatum(0, hg.tp)
d, err := d.ConvertTo(sc, tp)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Trace(err)
hist.Bounds.AppendDatum(0, &d)
hist.Buckets = hg.Buckets
return hist, nil
// Len is the number of buckets in the histogram.
func (hg *Histogram) Len() int {
return len(hg.Buckets)
// HistogramEqual tests if two histograms are equal.
func HistogramEqual(a, b *Histogram, ignoreID bool) bool {
if ignoreID {
old := b.ID
b.ID = a.ID
defer func() { b.ID = old }()
return bytes.Equal([]byte(a.ToString(0)), []byte(b.ToString(0)))
const (
// constants for stats version
curStatsVersion = version1
version1 = 1
// constants for column flag
analyzeFlag = 1
func isAnalyzed(flag int64) bool {
return (flag & analyzeFlag) > 0
// SaveStatsToStorage saves the stats to storage.
func (h *Handle) SaveStatsToStorage(tableID int64, count int64, isIndex int, hg *Histogram, cms *CMSketch, isAnalyzed int64) (err error) {
defer h.mu.Unlock()
ctx := context.TODO()
exec := h.mu.ctx.(sqlexec.SQLExecutor)
_, err = exec.Execute(ctx, "begin")
if err != nil {
return errors.Trace(err)
defer func() {
err = finishTransaction(context.Background(), exec, err)
txn := h.mu.ctx.Txn()
version := txn.StartTS()
var sql string
// If the count is less than 0, then we do not want to update the modify count and count.
if count >= 0 {
sql = fmt.Sprintf("replace into mysql.stats_meta (version, table_id, count) values (%d, %d, %d)", version, tableID, count)
} else {
sql = fmt.Sprintf("update mysql.stats_meta set version = %d where table_id = %d", version, tableID)
_, err = exec.Execute(ctx, sql)
if err != nil {
data, err := encodeCMSketch(cms)
if err != nil {
flag := 0
if isAnalyzed == 1 {
flag = analyzeFlag
replaceSQL := fmt.Sprintf("replace into mysql.stats_histograms (table_id, is_index, hist_id, distinct_count, version, null_count, cm_sketch, tot_col_size, stats_ver, flag) values (%d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, X'%X', %d, %d, %d)",
tableID, isIndex, hg.ID, hg.NDV, version, hg.NullCount, data, hg.TotColSize, curStatsVersion, flag)
_, err = exec.Execute(ctx, replaceSQL)
if err != nil {
deleteSQL := fmt.Sprintf("delete from mysql.stats_buckets where table_id = %d and is_index = %d and hist_id = %d", tableID, isIndex, hg.ID)
_, err = exec.Execute(ctx, deleteSQL)
if err != nil {
sc := h.mu.ctx.GetSessionVars().StmtCtx
for i := range hg.Buckets {
count := hg.Buckets[i].Count
if i > 0 {
count -= hg.Buckets[i-1].Count
var upperBound types.Datum
upperBound, err = hg.GetUpper(i).ConvertTo(sc, types.NewFieldType(mysql.TypeBlob))
if err != nil {
var lowerBound types.Datum
lowerBound, err = hg.GetLower(i).ConvertTo(sc, types.NewFieldType(mysql.TypeBlob))
if err != nil {
insertSQL := fmt.Sprintf("insert into mysql.stats_buckets(table_id, is_index, hist_id, bucket_id, count, repeats, lower_bound, upper_bound) values(%d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, X'%X', X'%X')", tableID, isIndex, hg.ID, i, count, hg.Buckets[i].Repeat, lowerBound.GetBytes(), upperBound.GetBytes())
_, err = exec.Execute(ctx, insertSQL)
if err != nil {
// SaveMetaToStorage will save stats_meta to storage.
func (h *Handle) SaveMetaToStorage(tableID, count, modifyCount int64) (err error) {
defer h.mu.Unlock()
ctx := context.TODO()
exec := h.mu.ctx.(sqlexec.SQLExecutor)
_, err = exec.Execute(ctx, "begin")
if err != nil {
return errors.Trace(err)
defer func() {
err = finishTransaction(ctx, exec, err)
var sql string
version := h.mu.ctx.Txn().StartTS()
sql = fmt.Sprintf("replace into mysql.stats_meta (version, table_id, count, modify_count) values (%d, %d, %d, %d)", version, tableID, count, modifyCount)
_, err = exec.Execute(ctx, sql)
func (h *Handle) histogramFromStorage(tableID int64, colID int64, tp *types.FieldType, distinct int64, isIndex int, ver uint64, nullCount int64, totColSize int64) (*Histogram, error) {
selSQL := fmt.Sprintf("select count, repeats, lower_bound, upper_bound from mysql.stats_buckets where table_id = %d and is_index = %d and hist_id = %d order by bucket_id", tableID, isIndex, colID)
rows, fields, err := h.restrictedExec.ExecRestrictedSQL(nil, selSQL)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Trace(err)
bucketSize := len(rows)
hg := NewHistogram(colID, distinct, nullCount, ver, tp, bucketSize, totColSize)
totalCount := int64(0)
for i := 0; i < bucketSize; i++ {
count := rows[i].GetInt64(0)
repeats := rows[i].GetInt64(1)
var upperBound, lowerBound types.Datum
if isIndex == 1 {
lowerBound = rows[i].GetDatum(2, &fields[2].Column.FieldType)
upperBound = rows[i].GetDatum(3, &fields[3].Column.FieldType)
} else {
sc := &stmtctx.StatementContext{TimeZone: time.UTC}
d := rows[i].GetDatum(2, &fields[2].Column.FieldType)
lowerBound, err = d.ConvertTo(sc, tp)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Trace(err)
d = rows[i].GetDatum(3, &fields[3].Column.FieldType)
upperBound, err = d.ConvertTo(sc, tp)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Trace(err)
totalCount += count
hg.AppendBucket(&lowerBound, &upperBound, totalCount, repeats)
return hg, nil
func (h *Handle) columnCountFromStorage(tableID, colID int64) (int64, error) {
selSQL := fmt.Sprintf("select sum(count) from mysql.stats_buckets where table_id = %d and is_index = %d and hist_id = %d", tableID, 0, colID)
rows, _, err := h.restrictedExec.ExecRestrictedSQL(nil, selSQL)
if err != nil {
return 0, errors.Trace(err)
if rows[0].IsNull(0) {
return 0, nil
return rows[0].GetMyDecimal(0).ToInt()
// ValueToString converts a possible encoded value to a formatted string. If the value is encoded, then
// idxCols equals to number of origin values, else idxCols is 0.
func ValueToString(value *types.Datum, idxCols int) (string, error) {
if idxCols == 0 {
return value.ToString()
decodedVals, err := codec.DecodeRange(value.GetBytes(), idxCols)
if err != nil {
return "", errors.Trace(err)
str, err := types.DatumsToString(decodedVals, true)
if err != nil {
return "", errors.Trace(err)
return str, nil
func (hg *Histogram) bucketToString(bktID, idxCols int) string {
upperVal, err := ValueToString(hg.GetUpper(bktID), idxCols)
lowerVal, err := ValueToString(hg.GetLower(bktID), idxCols)
return fmt.Sprintf("num: %d lower_bound: %s upper_bound: %s repeats: %d", hg.bucketCount(bktID), lowerVal, upperVal, hg.Buckets[bktID].Repeat)
// ToString gets the string representation for the histogram.
func (hg *Histogram) ToString(idxCols int) string {
strs := make([]string, 0, hg.Len()+1)
if idxCols > 0 {
strs = append(strs, fmt.Sprintf("index:%d ndv:%d", hg.ID, hg.NDV))
} else {
strs = append(strs, fmt.Sprintf("column:%d ndv:%d totColSize:%d", hg.ID, hg.NDV, hg.TotColSize))
for i := 0; i < hg.Len(); i++ {
strs = append(strs, hg.bucketToString(i, idxCols))
return strings.Join(strs, "\n")
// equalRowCount estimates the row count where the column equals to value.
func (hg *Histogram) equalRowCount(value types.Datum) float64 {
index, match := hg.Bounds.LowerBound(0, &value)
// Since we store the lower and upper bound together, if the index is an odd number, then it points to a upper bound.
if index%2 == 1 {
if match {
return float64(hg.Buckets[index/2].Repeat)
return hg.totalRowCount() / float64(hg.NDV)
if match {
cmp := chunk.GetCompareFunc(hg.tp)
if cmp(hg.Bounds.GetRow(index), 0, hg.Bounds.GetRow(index+1), 0) == 0 {
return float64(hg.Buckets[index/2].Repeat)
return hg.totalRowCount() / float64(hg.NDV)
return 0
// greaterRowCount estimates the row count where the column greater than value.
func (hg *Histogram) greaterRowCount(value types.Datum) float64 {
gtCount := hg.totalRowCount() - hg.lessRowCount(value) - hg.equalRowCount(value)
if gtCount < 0 {
gtCount = 0
return gtCount
// greaterAndEqRowCount estimates the row count where the column greater than or equal to value.
func (hg *Histogram) greaterAndEqRowCount(value types.Datum) float64 {
return hg.totalRowCount() - hg.lessRowCount(value)
// lessRowCount estimates the row count where the column less than value.
func (hg *Histogram) lessRowCountWithBktIdx(value types.Datum) (float64, int) {
// all the values is null
if hg.Bounds == nil {
return 0, 0
index, match := hg.Bounds.LowerBound(0, &value)
if index == hg.Bounds.NumRows() {
return hg.totalRowCount(), hg.Len() - 1
// Since we store the lower and upper bound together, so dividing the index by 2 will get the bucket index.
bucketIdx := index / 2
curCount, curRepeat := float64(hg.Buckets[bucketIdx].Count), float64(hg.Buckets[bucketIdx].Repeat)
preCount := float64(0)
if bucketIdx > 0 {
preCount = float64(hg.Buckets[bucketIdx-1].Count)
if index%2 == 1 {
if match {
return curCount - curRepeat, bucketIdx
return preCount + hg.calcFraction(bucketIdx, &value)*(curCount-curRepeat-preCount), bucketIdx
return preCount, bucketIdx
func (hg *Histogram) lessRowCount(value types.Datum) float64 {
result, _ := hg.lessRowCountWithBktIdx(value)
return result
// lessAndEqRowCount estimates the row count where the column less than or equal to value.
func (hg *Histogram) lessAndEqRowCount(value types.Datum) float64 {
return hg.lessRowCount(value) + hg.equalRowCount(value)
// betweenRowCount estimates the row count where column greater or equal to a and less than b.
func (hg *Histogram) betweenRowCount(a, b types.Datum) float64 {
lessCountA := hg.lessRowCount(a)
lessCountB := hg.lessRowCount(b)
// If lessCountA is not less than lessCountB, it may be that they fall to the same bucket and we cannot estimate
// the fraction, so we use `totalCount / NDV` to estimate the row count, but the result should not greater than
// lessCountB or totalRowCount-lessCountA.
if lessCountA >= lessCountB && hg.NDV > 0 {
result := math.Min(lessCountB, hg.totalRowCount()-lessCountA)
return math.Min(result, hg.totalRowCount()/float64(hg.NDV))
return lessCountB - lessCountA
func (hg *Histogram) totalRowCount() float64 {
if hg.Len() == 0 {
return float64(hg.NullCount)
return float64(hg.Buckets[hg.Len()-1].Count + hg.NullCount)
// mergeBuckets is used to merge every two neighbor buckets.
func (hg *Histogram) mergeBuckets(bucketIdx int) {
curBuck := 0
c := chunk.NewChunkWithCapacity([]*types.FieldType{hg.tp}, bucketIdx)
for i := 0; i+1 <= bucketIdx; i += 2 {
hg.Buckets[curBuck] = hg.Buckets[i+1]
c.AppendDatum(0, hg.GetLower(i))
c.AppendDatum(0, hg.GetUpper(i+1))
if bucketIdx%2 == 0 {
hg.Buckets[curBuck] = hg.Buckets[bucketIdx]
c.AppendDatum(0, hg.GetLower(bucketIdx))
c.AppendDatum(0, hg.GetUpper(bucketIdx))
hg.Bounds = c
hg.Buckets = hg.Buckets[:curBuck]
// getIncreaseFactor will return a factor of data increasing after the last analysis.
func (hg *Histogram) getIncreaseFactor(totalCount int64) float64 {
columnCount := hg.totalRowCount()
if columnCount == 0 {
// avoid dividing by 0
return 1.0
return float64(totalCount) / columnCount
// validRange checks if the range is valid, it is used by `SplitRange` to remove the invalid range,
// the possible types of range are index key range and handle key range.
func validRange(ran *ranger.Range) bool {
var low, high []byte
if ran.LowVal[0].Kind() == types.KindBytes {
low, high = ran.LowVal[0].GetBytes(), ran.HighVal[0].GetBytes()
} else {
low, high = codec.EncodeInt(nil, ran.LowVal[0].GetInt64()), codec.EncodeInt(nil, ran.HighVal[0].GetInt64())
if ran.LowExclude {
low = kv.Key(low).PrefixNext()
if !ran.HighExclude {
high = kv.Key(high).PrefixNext()
return bytes.Compare(low, high) < 0
// SplitRange splits the range according to the histogram upper bound. Note that we treat last bucket's upper bound
// as inf, so all the split ranges will totally fall in one of the (-inf, u(0)], (u(0), u(1)],...(u(n-3), u(n-2)],
// (u(n-2), +inf), where n is the number of buckets, u(i) is the i-th bucket's upper bound.
func (hg *Histogram) SplitRange(ranges []*ranger.Range) []*ranger.Range {
split := make([]*ranger.Range, 0, len(ranges))
for len(ranges) > 0 {
// Find the last bound that greater or equal to the LowVal.
idx := hg.Bounds.UpperBound(0, &ranges[0].LowVal[0])
if !ranges[0].LowExclude && idx > 0 {
cmp := chunk.Compare(hg.Bounds.GetRow(idx-1), 0, &ranges[0].LowVal[0])
if cmp == 0 {
// Treat last bucket's upper bound as inf, so we do not need split any more.
if idx >= hg.Bounds.NumRows()-2 {
split = append(split, ranges...)
// Get the corresponding upper bound.
if idx%2 == 0 {
upperBound := hg.Bounds.GetRow(idx)
var i int
// Find the first range that need to be split by the upper bound.
for ; i < len(ranges); i++ {
if chunk.Compare(upperBound, 0, &ranges[i].HighVal[0]) < 0 {
split = append(split, ranges[:i]...)
ranges = ranges[i:]
if len(ranges) == 0 {
// Split according to the upper bound.
cmp := chunk.Compare(upperBound, 0, &ranges[0].LowVal[0])
if cmp > 0 || (cmp == 0 && !ranges[0].LowExclude) {
upper := upperBound.GetDatum(0, hg.tp)
split = append(split, &ranger.Range{
LowExclude: ranges[0].LowExclude,
LowVal: []types.Datum{ranges[0].LowVal[0]},
HighVal: []types.Datum{upper},
HighExclude: false})
ranges[0].LowVal[0] = upper
ranges[0].LowExclude = true
if !validRange(ranges[0]) {
ranges = ranges[1:]
return split
func (hg *Histogram) bucketCount(idx int) int64 {
if idx == 0 {
return hg.Buckets[0].Count
return hg.Buckets[idx].Count - hg.Buckets[idx-1].Count
// HistogramToProto converts Histogram to its protobuf representation.
// Note that when this is used, the lower/upper bound in the bucket must be BytesDatum.
func HistogramToProto(hg *Histogram) *tipb.Histogram {
protoHg := &tipb.Histogram{
Ndv: hg.NDV,
for i := 0; i < hg.Len(); i++ {
bkt := &tipb.Bucket{
Count: hg.Buckets[i].Count,
LowerBound: hg.GetLower(i).GetBytes(),
UpperBound: hg.GetUpper(i).GetBytes(),
Repeats: hg.Buckets[i].Repeat,
protoHg.Buckets = append(protoHg.Buckets, bkt)
return protoHg
// HistogramFromProto converts Histogram from its protobuf representation.
// Note that we will set BytesDatum for the lower/upper bound in the bucket, the decode will
// be after all histograms merged.
func HistogramFromProto(protoHg *tipb.Histogram) *Histogram {
tp := types.NewFieldType(mysql.TypeBlob)
hg := NewHistogram(0, protoHg.Ndv, 0, 0, tp, len(protoHg.Buckets), 0)
for _, bucket := range protoHg.Buckets {
lower, upper := types.NewBytesDatum(bucket.LowerBound), types.NewBytesDatum(bucket.UpperBound)
hg.AppendBucket(&lower, &upper, bucket.Count, bucket.Repeats)
return hg
func (hg *Histogram) popFirstBucket() {
hg.Buckets = hg.Buckets[1:]
c := chunk.NewChunkWithCapacity([]*types.FieldType{hg.tp, hg.tp}, hg.Bounds.NumRows()-2)
c.Append(hg.Bounds, 2, hg.Bounds.NumRows())
hg.Bounds = c
func (hg *Histogram) isIndexHist() bool {
return hg.tp.Tp == mysql.TypeBlob
// MergeHistograms merges two histograms.
func MergeHistograms(sc *stmtctx.StatementContext, lh *Histogram, rh *Histogram, bucketSize int) (*Histogram, error) {
if lh.Len() == 0 {
return rh, nil
if rh.Len() == 0 {
return lh, nil
lh.NDV += rh.NDV
lLen := lh.Len()
cmp, err := lh.GetUpper(lLen-1).CompareDatum(sc, rh.GetLower(0))
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Trace(err)
offset := int64(0)
if cmp == 0 {
lh.updateLastBucket(rh.GetUpper(0), lh.Buckets[lLen-1].Count+rh.Buckets[0].Count, rh.Buckets[0].Repeat)
offset = rh.Buckets[0].Count
for lh.Len() > bucketSize {
lh.mergeBuckets(lh.Len() - 1)
if rh.Len() == 0 {
return lh, nil
for rh.Len() > bucketSize {
rh.mergeBuckets(rh.Len() - 1)
lCount := lh.Buckets[lh.Len()-1].Count
rCount := rh.Buckets[rh.Len()-1].Count - offset
lAvg := float64(lCount) / float64(lh.Len())
rAvg := float64(rCount) / float64(rh.Len())
for lh.Len() > 1 && lAvg*2 <= rAvg {
lh.mergeBuckets(lh.Len() - 1)
lAvg *= 2
for rh.Len() > 1 && rAvg*2 <= lAvg {
rh.mergeBuckets(rh.Len() - 1)
rAvg *= 2
for i := 0; i < rh.Len(); i++ {
lh.AppendBucket(rh.GetLower(i), rh.GetUpper(i), rh.Buckets[i].Count+lCount-offset, rh.Buckets[i].Repeat)
for lh.Len() > bucketSize {
lh.mergeBuckets(lh.Len() - 1)
return lh, nil
// AvgCountPerValue gets the average row count per value by the data of histogram.
func (hg *Histogram) AvgCountPerValue(totalCount int64) float64 {
curNDV := float64(hg.NDV) * hg.getIncreaseFactor(totalCount)
if curNDV == 0 {
curNDV = 1
return float64(totalCount) / curNDV
func (hg *Histogram) outOfRange(val types.Datum) bool {
if hg.Len() == 0 {
return true
return chunk.Compare(hg.Bounds.GetRow(0), 0, &val) > 0 ||
chunk.Compare(hg.Bounds.GetRow(hg.Bounds.NumRows()-1), 0, &val) < 0
// ErrorRate is the error rate of estimate row count by bucket and cm sketch.
type ErrorRate struct {
ErrorTotal float64
QueryTotal int64
// MaxErrorRate is the max error rate of estimate row count of a not pseudo column.
// If the table is pseudo, but the average error rate is less than MaxErrorRate,
// then the column is not pseudo.
const MaxErrorRate = 0.25
// NotAccurate is true when the total of query is zero or the average error
// rate is greater than MaxErrorRate.
func (e *ErrorRate) NotAccurate() bool {
if e.QueryTotal == 0 {
return true
return e.ErrorTotal/float64(e.QueryTotal) > MaxErrorRate
func (e *ErrorRate) update(rate float64) {
e.ErrorTotal += rate
func (e *ErrorRate) merge(rate *ErrorRate) {
e.QueryTotal += rate.QueryTotal
e.ErrorTotal += rate.ErrorTotal
// Column represents a column histogram.
type Column struct {
Count int64
Info *model.ColumnInfo
isHandle bool
func (c *Column) String() string {
return c.Histogram.ToString(0)
func (c *Column) equalRowCount(sc *stmtctx.StatementContext, val types.Datum, modifyCount int64) (float64, error) {
if val.IsNull() {
return float64(c.NullCount), nil
// all the values is null
if c.Histogram.Bounds == nil {
return 0.0, nil
if c.NDV > 0 && c.outOfRange(val) {
return float64(modifyCount) / float64(c.NDV), nil
if c.CMSketch != nil {
count, err := c.CMSketch.queryValue(sc, val)
return float64(count), errors.Trace(err)
return c.Histogram.equalRowCount(val), nil
// getColumnRowCount estimates the row count by a slice of Range.
func (c *Column) getColumnRowCount(sc *stmtctx.StatementContext, ranges []*ranger.Range, modifyCount int64) (float64, error) {
var rowCount float64
for _, rg := range ranges {
cmp, err := rg.LowVal[0].CompareDatum(sc, &rg.HighVal[0])
if err != nil {
return 0, errors.Trace(err)
if cmp == 0 {
// the point case.
if !rg.LowExclude && !rg.HighExclude {
var cnt float64
cnt, err = c.equalRowCount(sc, rg.LowVal[0], modifyCount)
if err != nil {
return 0, errors.Trace(err)
rowCount += cnt
// the interval case.
cnt := c.betweenRowCount(rg.LowVal[0], rg.HighVal[0])
if c.outOfRange(rg.LowVal[0]) || c.outOfRange(rg.HighVal[0]) {
cnt += float64(modifyCount) / outOfRangeBetweenRate
if rg.LowExclude {
lowCnt, err := c.equalRowCount(sc, rg.LowVal[0], modifyCount)
if err != nil {
return 0, errors.Trace(err)
cnt -= lowCnt
if !rg.HighExclude {
highCnt, err := c.equalRowCount(sc, rg.HighVal[0], modifyCount)
if err != nil {
return 0, errors.Trace(err)
cnt += highCnt
rowCount += cnt
if rowCount > c.totalRowCount() {
rowCount = c.totalRowCount()
} else if rowCount < 0 {
rowCount = 0
return rowCount, nil
// Index represents an index histogram.
type Index struct {
statsVer int64 // statsVer is the version of the current stats, used to maintain compatibility
Info *model.IndexInfo
func (idx *Index) String() string {
return idx.Histogram.ToString(len(idx.Info.Columns))
func (idx *Index) equalRowCount(sc *stmtctx.StatementContext, b []byte, modifyCount int64) float64 {
val := types.NewBytesDatum(b)
if idx.NDV > 0 && idx.outOfRange(val) {
return float64(modifyCount) / (float64(idx.NDV))
if idx.CMSketch != nil {
return float64(idx.CMSketch.QueryBytes(b))
return idx.Histogram.equalRowCount(val)
func (idx *Index) getRowCount(sc *stmtctx.StatementContext, indexRanges []*ranger.Range, modifyCount int64) (float64, error) {
totalCount := float64(0)
for _, indexRange := range indexRanges {
lb, err := codec.EncodeKey(sc, nil, indexRange.LowVal...)
if err != nil {
return 0, errors.Trace(err)
rb, err := codec.EncodeKey(sc, nil, indexRange.HighVal...)
if err != nil {
return 0, errors.Trace(err)
fullLen := len(indexRange.LowVal) == len(indexRange.HighVal) && len(indexRange.LowVal) == len(idx.Info.Columns)
if fullLen && bytes.Equal(lb, rb) {
if !indexRange.LowExclude && !indexRange.HighExclude {
totalCount += idx.equalRowCount(sc, lb, modifyCount)
if indexRange.LowExclude {
lb = kv.Key(lb).PrefixNext()
if !indexRange.HighExclude {
rb = kv.Key(rb).PrefixNext()
l := types.NewBytesDatum(lb)
r := types.NewBytesDatum(rb)
totalCount += idx.betweenRowCount(l, r)
if idx.outOfRange(l) || idx.outOfRange(r) {
totalCount += float64(modifyCount) / outOfRangeBetweenRate
if totalCount > idx.totalRowCount() {
totalCount = idx.totalRowCount()
return totalCount, nil
func (idx *Index) outOfRange(val types.Datum) bool {
if idx.Histogram.Len() == 0 {
return true
withInLowBoundOrPrefixMatch := chunk.Compare(idx.Bounds.GetRow(0), 0, &val) <= 0 ||
matchPrefix(idx.Bounds.GetRow(0), 0, &val)
withInHighBound := chunk.Compare(idx.Bounds.GetRow(idx.Bounds.NumRows()-1), 0, &val) >= 0
return !withInLowBoundOrPrefixMatch || !withInHighBound
// matchPrefix checks whether ad is the prefix of value
func matchPrefix(row chunk.Row, colIdx int, ad *types.Datum) bool {
switch ad.Kind() {
case types.KindString, types.KindBytes, types.KindBinaryLiteral, types.KindMysqlBit:
return strings.HasPrefix(row.GetString(colIdx), ad.GetString())
return false
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