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平凯星辰(北京)科技有限公司 / tikv

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deny.toml 3.74 KB
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# To comply with FIPS 140-2, we should not use crypto algorithms implemented in
# rust, instead we should delegate these operation to OpenSSL, including
# symmetric encryption, asymmetric encryption, hash functions,
# key establishment, digital signatures and random number generators.
deny = [
# Hash functions
# We allow md5 for AWS S3 object lock feature which requires
# computting object's md5.
{ name = "md5", wrappers = ["aws"] },
{ name = "md-5" },
{ name = "sha1" },
{ name = "sha-1" },
# We allow sha2 for oauth2 crate, because it does use sha2 in TiKV use case.
{ name = "sha2", wrappers = ["oauth2"] },
{ name = "sha3" },
# Symmetric encryption
{ name = "aes" },
{ name = "aes-gcm" },
{ name = "aes-gcm-siv" },
{ name = "chacha20poly1305" },
# Asymmetric encryption
{ name = "elliptic-curves" },
{ name = "rsa" },
# Digital signatures
{ name = "dsa" },
{ name = "ecdsa" },
{ name = "ed25519" },
# Message authentication codes
{ name = "hamc" },
# We prefer the system native TLS or OpenSSL.
{ name = "rustls" },
{ name = "ring" },
# Ban trait crates from RustCrypto.
{ name = "aead" },
{ name = "cipher" },
{ name = "digest", wrappers = ["sha2"] },
{ name = "password-hash" },
{ name = "signature" },
multiple-versions = "allow"
vulnerability = "deny"
unmaintained = "allow" # FIXME: Deny it.
unsound = "deny"
yanked = "deny"
notice = "warn"
ignore = [
# Ignore time 0.1 RUSTSEC-2020-0071 as 1) we have taken measures (see
# clippy.toml) to mitigate the issue and 2) time 0.1 has no fix availble.
# NB: Upgrading to time 0.3 do fix the issue but it's an imcompatible
# versoin which removes some necessary APIs (`time::precise_time_ns`) that
# are required by TiKV.
# See https://github.com/time-rs/time/blob/8067540c/CHANGELOG.md#L703
# Ignore RUSTSEC-2023-0072 as we bans the unsound `X509StoreRef::objects`.
# NB: Upgrading rust-openssl the latest version do fix the issue but it
# also upgrade the OpenSSL to v3.x which causes performance degradation.
# See https://github.com/openssl/openssl/issues/17064
# Ignore RUSTSEC-2023-0072 (unsound issue of "atty" crate) as it only
# affects Windows plaform which is not supported offically by TiKV, and 2)
# we have disabled the clap feature "color" so that the "atty" crate is not
# included in production code.
# TODO: Upgrade clap to v4.x.
# Ignore RUSTSEC-2024-0006 as it only included by "rusoto_credential" crate.
# TODO: Upgrade shlex@0.1.1 to v1.3.x.
# TiKV is licensed under Apache 2.0, according to ASF 3RD PARTY LICENSE POLICY,
# TiKV can include licenses in Category A, and include licenses in Category B
# under certain conditions.
# See https://www.apache.org/legal/resolved.html.
unlicensed = "deny"
copyleft = "deny"
private = { ignore = false }
# Allow licenses in Category A
allow = [
exceptions = [
# unicode-ident includes data generated from Unicode Character Database
# which is licensed under Unicode-DFS-2016.
# See https://github.com/dtolnay/unicode-ident/pull/4
{ name = "unicode-ident", allow = ["Unicode-DFS-2016"] },
# Allow licenses in Category B explicitly, make their usage more prominent.
{ name = "slog-json", allow = ["MPL-2.0"] },
{ name = "smartstring", allow = ["MPL-2.0"] },
{ name = "inferno", allow = ["CDDL-1.0"] },
unknown-git = "deny"
unknown-registry = "deny"
allow-org = { github = ["tikv", "pingcap", "rust-lang"] }
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