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prcjack / Orderjs

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* Orderjs - Order js in order.
* http://soofound.com
* Copyright 2013, prcjack
* Licensed under the MIT (http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php) license.
* Orderjs is a file(js, css) and module loader.
* It loads modules asynchronously, but executes them in sequence ordered by user.
var orderjsRoot,
glob = this, //global object(window in the browser, or exports on the server).
originalOrderjs = glob.orderjs,
emptyFn = new Function,
rRelPath = /\.\.\//,
rCurrentPath = /\.\//g,
rTrim = /(^\s+)|\s+$/g,
docHead = document.getElementsByTagName('HEAD')[0],
location = document.location;
* Global name of framework. Shortcuts to #orderjs.moduleMgr.require.
function orderjs(names){
return moduleMgr.require.apply(moduleMgr, arguments);
// helper methods
function ext(dest, source) {
for (var i in source) dest[i] = source[i];
return dest;
function isArray(obj){
return !!(obj && obj.constructor === Array);
function isFunction(obj){
return typeof obj == "function";
function isObject(obj){
return (obj && typeof obj == "object");
function isString(obj){
return (typeof obj === "string" || (obj && obj.constructor === String));
function isNonNullStr(obj){
return isString(obj) && (String(obj) !== "");
function trim(text){
return text == null ? "" : text.replace(rTrim , "");
function each(obj, iterator, scope) {
if(!isObject(obj)) return;
for (var i = 0, len = obj.length; i < len; i++) {
if(iterator.call(scope, obj[i], i, obj) === false) return;
function map(obj, iterator, scope) {
var results = [];
each(obj, function(item, index){
results.push(iterator.call(scope, item, index, obj));
return results;
function filter(obj, iterator, scope) {
var results = [];
each(obj, function(item, index){
if(iterator.call(scope, item, index, obj)) results.push(item);
return results;
function bind(f, scope){
return function(){
return f.apply(scope, arguments);
* Trim dotSegment("./") of path: "a/././b.html" -> "a/b.html"
function trimDotSegment(path){
//path.split(rRelPath) is not work under ie6.
return map(path.split("../"), function(seg){
return seg.replace(rCurrentPath, "");
function absolutizePath(path, root){
path = trimDotSegment(path);
if(path.indexOf("/") === 0){//e.g. : "/webApp/login.do"
return location.protocol + "//" + location.host + path;
if(path.indexOf(":") > -1){//e.g. : "http:"
return path;
//if orderjsRoot is undefined yet, use location.href instead.
var list = (root || orderjsRoot || location.href).split("/");
while (rRelPath.test(path)){
path = path.replace(rRelPath, "");
return list.join("/") + "/" + path;
var scripts = document.getElementsByTagName("script"),
orderjsNode = document.getElementById("orderjsNode") || scripts[scripts.length - 1],
orderjsSrc = absolutizePath(orderjsNode.getAttribute("src")),
dataMain = orderjsNode.getAttribute("data-main");
orderjsRoot = orderjsSrc.substr(0, (orderjsSrc.lastIndexOf("/") + 1));
if(!docHead) docHead = orderjsNode.parentNode;
var isSafari = !!(navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf('safari') > -1),
isOpera = !!window.opera,
observeReadyState = (document.attachEvent &&
!(document.attachEvent.toString &&
document.attachEvent.toString().indexOf('[native code') < 0) && !isOpera),
linkObservable = !isSafari;
var fileLoader = orderjs.fileLoader = {
_startedUris : {},
_cacheBuster : new Date().getTime(),
load : function(uri, isCss, onLoad){
if(!isString(uri)) return null;
if(this._startedUris[uri]) return ;
this._startedUris[uri] = true;
var loadEle;
uri += ((uri.indexOf("?") > -1) ? "" : "?") + "_random=" + this._cacheBuster;
loadEle = isCss ? this.createLink(uri) : this.createScript(uri);
this.observeLoad(loadEle, isCss, onLoad);
return loadEle;
createScript : function(uri){
var ele = document.createElement("script");
ele.type = "text/javascript";
ele.defer = ele.async = true;
ele.src = uri;
return ele;
createLink : function(uri){
var ele = document.createElement("link");
ele.type = "text/css";
ele.rel = "stylesheet";
ele.defer = ele.async = true;
ele.href = uri;
return ele;
observeLoad : function(ele, isCss, onLoad){
var me = this,
loadHandler = (function(){
var args = arguments;
return function(){ return me.loadHandler.apply(me, args);};
})(ele, isCss, onLoad);
if (observeReadyState) {
ele.attachEvent('onreadystatechange', loadHandler);
} else {
if(isCss && linkObservable){
this.pollCss(ele, loadHandler);
ele.addEventListener('load', loadHandler, false);
ele.addEventListener('error', loadHandler, false);
loadHandler : function(ele, isCss, onLoad){
if (!ele.readyState || ele.readyState === 'loaded' || ele.readyState === 'complete') {
ele.detachEvent('onreadystatechange', arguments.callee);
ele.removeEventListener('load', arguments.callee, false);
ele.removeEventListener('error', arguments.callee, false);
if(!isCss) docHead.removeChild(ele);
if(isFunction(onLoad)) onLoad();
pollCss : function(ele, onLoad){
var me = this,
loaded = !!ele.sheet;
if(isFunction(onLoad)) onLoad();
me.pollCss(ele, onLoad);
}, 50);
toString : function(){return "[object orderjs.fileLoader]";}
* A stack to manage loaded modules' execution.
var execStack = orderjs.execStack = {
_modules : [],
executedList : [],
* Add new unexecuted module to stack.
push : function(module){
var modules = this._modules;
if(module && !this.contains(module)){
var rs = module.readyState;
if(rs < 3){
return module;
pop : function(){
return this._modules.pop();
peek : function(){
var modules = this._modules;
return modules[modules.length - 1];
isExecuting : function(module){
return this.peek() == module;
isEmpty : function(){
return !this._modules.length;
contains : function(module){
var modules = this._modules;
if(modules.indexOf) return modules.indexOf(module) > -1;
for(var i=0,len=modules.length; i<len; i++){
if(modules[i] === module)return true;
return false;
* Check to see if the top module executable (module's readyState >=2 and module.isDepsComplete()),
* if true, call module's exec() method,
* else check its deps' readyState to make sure all of them are ready for execution.
checkExecution : function(){
var rs,
module = this.peek();
rs = module.readyState;
if(rs >=2 && module.isDepsComplete()){
if(rs == 0) module.load();
* Check execution on module ready.
checkExecutionOnModuleReady : function(module){
var executing = this.peek();
if(executing == module || executing.readyState == 0) this.checkExecution();
* Execute module source, pop the module,
* and then start to check next executable, ignoring any execution error.
doExecution : function(module){
this.hndExecErr(err, module);
* Check module's deps' readyState, to make sure all of them ready for execution.
* if any dep is unready, then call its load() method.
checkDeps : function(module){
each(module.getDeps(), this.checkDep, this);
checkDep : function(dep){
var depModule = moduleMgr.getByName(dep);
var rs = depModule.readyState;
if(rs < 3){
if(rs == 0){
return false;
hndExecErr : function(err, module){
throw err;
toString : function(){return "[object orderjs.execStack]";}
* @class Module
* @constructor
* @description Construct a instance by specified config.
* @param {String | Object | Function} [uri] Module uri.
* if provided an object value, all of the members will be merged to module instance.
* if provided a function, means it's a local module without loading source from server.
orderjs.Module = function(uri, isCss){
this.initialize.apply(this, arguments);
orderjs.Module.prototype = {
/** @lends orderjs.Module# */
uri : "",
isCss : false,
* (null) Module required modules.
* @type Array
deps : null,
* (null) Source code of module.
* @type Function
source : null,
* Indicates module state for execution:
* 0 : init;
* 1 : loading;
* 2 : ready, module source is ready( may be loaded or defined an anonymous);
* 3 : complete; module and its deps (if has) are all executed.
readyState : 0,
initialize : function(uri, isCss){
this.track = bind(this.track, this);
this.source = uri;
ext(this, uri);
this.uri = uri;
if(isCss) this.isCss = true;
* Start to load module source if it canStartLoad().
load : function(){
if(this.readyState >= 1 || !this.canStartLoad()) return ;
this.readyState = 1;
fileLoader.load(this.uri, this.isCss, bind(this.fireReady, this));
* If module has shimmed deps, and they're not ready, returns false.
canStartLoad : function(){
return !this.hasDeps() || this.isDepsComplete();
return true;
* Defines module deps and source content.
* @param {Array} deps Module deps, if module has no deps, this param can be ommitted.
* @param {Function} source Module main source.
define : function(deps, source){
if(isFunction(deps)) this.source = deps;
this.deps = filter(deps, function(dep){return isNonNullStr(dep);});
else if(isNonNullStr(deps)){
this.deps = [deps];
if(isFunction(source)) this.source = source;
* Executes this source.
* Fires "exec" event.
exec : function(){
if(this.readyState >= 3) return ;
this.readyState = 3;
var depExports = map(this.getDeps(), function(dep){
var exports,
module = moduleMgr.getByName(dep);
if(module) exports = module.exports;
return exports || {};
this.exports = this.source.apply(this, depExports);
else if(this.shim && isNonNullStr(this.shim.exports)){
this.exports = glob[this.shim.exports];
* Returns true if this deps (if has) are all complete.
isDepsComplete : function(){
var complete = true;
each(this.getDeps(), function(dep){
var depModule = moduleMgr.getByName(dep);
if(!depModule || depModule.readyState < 3){
complete = false;
return false;
}, this);
return complete;
hasDeps : function(){
return !!(this.getDeps().length > 0);
getDeps : function(){
return isArray(this.deps) ? this.deps : [];
* Notify moduleMgr module ready.
fireReady : function(){
if(this.readyState >= 2) return ;
this.readyState = 2;
* Adding this.name for error track info which is helpful for debug.
* @see orderjs.track
track : function(thisObj, method, errObj){
return orderjs.track(this.name, thisObj, method, errObj);
toString : function(){return "[object orderjs.Module]";}
var rModule = /^(?!.+?\.(?:js|css)$)[^\/\?]*$/i,//not ends with ".js", ".css" nor contains "/", "?".
rModSegment = /^(?:(.+)>)?(?:(.+):)?(.+)$/i,//"extension>projNS:moduleName"
rUrl =/([^:>]+:\/\/.+)|([^:>]*\.\/.+)|([^:>]*(?:\/|\?).+)|([^:\/>]+\.css$)|([^:\/>]+\.js$)/i;
var moduleMgr = orderjs.moduleMgr = {
/** @lends orderjs.moduleMgr */
* Base deps, unless these deps are all complete, the normal ordered modules wont start to load.
_baseDeps : isNonNullStr(dataMain) ? [trim(dataMain)] : [],
* @name orderjs.configulation
_config : {
/** @lends orderjs.configulation */
* (false) Enable LAMD(Loose Asynchronous Module Definition) api.
* If true, orderjs.require and orderjs.define will be exposed to global,
* and you can call these methods directly, like:
* <code>
define("myModule", [], function(){});
* </code>
enableLAMD : false,
* AMD support details, works only if enableLAMD is true.
AMD : null,
disableCache : false,
debugMode : false,
* Default css and js root for modules, if no rootNS is specified in module name.
root : {
js : orderjsRoot,
css : orderjsRoot
* Shim for non Orderjs standard modules to make them orderable and exportable.
* Config it with module name as property, detail object as value.
* The detail object has these properties:
* {Array} [deps] Specify module deps, module cant start to load unless all deps complete.
* {String} [exports] Global variable defined in module, so that we can reference it.
* @example
* To shim for "jQuery" and "jQuery-ui" modules, you can:
* <code>
orderjs.config("shim", {
"jQuery" : {
exports : "jQuery"
"jQuery-ui" : {
deps : ["jQuery"],
exports : "jQuery"
* </code>
shim : {},
* Prior path for special modules. You can use cross domain urls here, like public cnd.
* @example
* use baidu cnd for jquery modules, you can:
* <code>
orderjs.config("paths", {
"jquery" : "http://libs.baidu.com/jquery/1.4.2/jquery.js",
"jquery-ui" : "http://libs.baidu.com/jqueryui/1.10.2/jquery-ui.min.js"
* </code>
paths : {}
_moduleRoots : {},
* Stores modules indexed with module uri.
_modules : {},
* Modules ordered by orderjs() method;
_normalOrderList : [],
* Stores modules imported by calling the require() method.
_orderList : [],
* Stores parsed names to improve performance for parseName() method.
_parsedNames : {},
* Stores ready modules, for debug only.
readyList : [],
* If the require is in the "requireBase" mode, adds modules as base deps,
* or else just require the modules as normal.
addBase : function(names){
if(!this._baseDepsLoading || this._baseDepsComplete){
return this.require.apply(this, arguments);
var baseDeps = this._baseDeps,
deps = isArray(names) ? names : arguments;
each(deps, function(dep){if(isNonNullStr(dep) || isFunction(dep))baseDeps.push(dep);});
* Apply config detail to {@link orderjs.configulation}.
* @param {Object} options Config detail.
* @param {Object | String} [options.root] Config the default root (relative to order.js root).
* if provided an object value, use the property "js" or "css" for the root.
* if provided a string value, means for both js && css root.
* @param {Object} [options.paths] Config the paths with object for values, overrides the same configed.
* @param {Object} [options.shim] Config the shim with object for values, overrides the same configed.
* Note: any other configs will be extended directly to orderjs.configulation.
applyConfig : function(options){
if(!isObject(options)) return;
var applyOpt = ext({}, options),
cfg = this._config,
optRoot = applyOpt.root,
cfgRoot = cfg.root;
cfgRoot.js = cfgRoot.css = absolutizePath(optRoot);
for(var i in optRoot){
cfgRoot[i.toLowerCase()] = absolutizePath(optRoot[i]);
delete applyOpt.root;
ext(cfg.paths, applyOpt.paths);
delete applyOpt.paths;
ext(cfg.shim, applyOpt.shim);
delete applyOpt.shim;
ext(cfg, applyOpt);
* Config Orderjs.
* @param {String | Object} name Config name.
* Provide string value for config one, and an object value for batch.
* @see
* #applyConfig
config : function(name, value){
var len = arguments.length;
if(len == 2){
var options = {};
options[name] = value;
else if(len == 1){
if(isString(name)) return this._config[name];
if(isObject(name)) this.applyConfig(name);
* Clear complete modules from order list, then add uncompletes to execStack.
checkOrderListExec : function(){
var module, orderList;
orderList = this._orderList;
while(module = orderList[0]){
if(module.readyState >=3){
* Creates a module by valid module name or a function.
create: function(name){
var module;
name = trim(name);
var opt,
parsedName = this.parseName(name),
uri = parsedName.uri,
isCss = parsedName.type == "css",
s = this._modules;
if(s[uri]) module = s[uri];
opt = {
uri : uri,
name : name,
isCss : isCss,
shim : this._config.shim[name]
module = s[uri] = new orderjs.Module(opt);
else if(isFunction(name)){
module = new orderjs.Module(name);
orderjs.debug(this + '>create(): Invalid name = ' + name + '', "err");
return module;
* Defines named module deps and source.
define : function(name, deps, source){
var module = this.getByName(name);
module = this.create(name);
module.define(deps, source);
if(module.hasDeps()) this.loadDeps(module);
return module;
* End the "requireBase" mode.
* If the config enableLAMD is set to true by base deps, then turn it on,
* and then start to require normal orders.
endRequireBase : function(){
this._baseDepsLoading = false;
this._baseDepsComplete = true;
ext(glob, {
require : orderjs,
define : orderjs.define
ext(glob.define, {
AMDType : "LAMD",
AMD : ext({}, this._config.AMD)
* Get defined module by an absolute uri.
get : function(uri){
return this._modules[uri];
* Get defined module by a module name.
getByName : function(name){
return this.get(this.nameToUri(name));
* Get registered module root by rootNS and type.
* @param {String} [rootNS] Root namespace, if not provided, use the default root.
* @param {String} [type="js"] Type of module: "css" or "js".
getModuleRoot : function(rootNS, type){
var root, roots;
type = isNonNullStr(type) ? trim(type).toLowerCase() : "js";
roots = this._moduleRoots[trim(rootNS).toLowerCase()];
return (roots || this._config.root)[type] || "";
* Bridge method bt orderjs.Module and orderjs.execStack on module ready.
* @see orderjs.execStack.hndReady
hndReady : function(module){
* Start to load one module.
load : function(name){
var module;
module = this.getByName(name);
if(!module) module = this.create(name);
if(module.canStartLoad()) module.load();
else if(module.hasDeps()) this.loadDeps(module);
return module;
loadDeps : function(module){
each(module.getDeps(), this.load, this);
* Get type from module name.
* @see
* #parseName()
nameToType : function(name){
return this.parseName(name).type;
* Get uri from module name.
* @see
* #parseName()
nameToUri : function(name){
return this.parseName(name).uri;
* Parse module name to readable object, which may contain following members:
* {String} uri Module uri.
* {String} type Module type: "js" or "css".
* {String} rootNS Module root namespace.
* @param {String} name Module name represention.
* The represention is formed of 3 parts: "extension>projNS:moduleName"
* The "extension" specified the type of module, separated by ">".
* The "rootNS" specified the root namespace of module, separated by ":".
* You should register the namespace first.
* The moduleName specified the path(relative to the rootNS)
* and module file name(without exetension),
* the directory separator of the path is "." not "/".
* If any following condition occurs in the name represention,
* it's treat as an uri without any convert(ignore the "extension" and "projNS")
* 1. name ends with ".js", ".css"
* 2. name contains "/", "?"
parseName : function(name){
if(!isString(name)) return {};
name = trim(name);
if(!isNonNullStr(name)) return {};
if(this._config.paths[name]) name = this._config.paths[name];
var moduleMatch, urlMatch, sgMatch,
moduleName, type, root, rootNS,
result = this._parsedNames[name];
if(result) return result;
result = {};
if(moduleMatch = name.match(rModule)){
//orderjs.dir(moduleMatch, "moduleMatch");
if(sgMatch = name.match(rModSegment)){
//orderjs.dir(sgMatch, "sgMatch");
result.name = moduleName = trim((sgMatch[3] || ""));
result.type = type = sgMatch[1] || "js";
result.rootNS = rootNS = sgMatch[2];
root = this.getModuleRoot(rootNS, type);
result.uri = root + moduleName.replace(/\./g, "/") + "." + type;
//orderjs.debug(this + ' name = ' + name + ' moduleMatch = ' + moduleMatch[0] + '');
//orderjs.dir(name.match(rModSegment), name );
//orderjs.dir(moduleMatch, name);
else if(urlMatch = name.match(rUrl)){
//orderjs.dir(urlMatch, name);
result.type = (urlMatch[4]) ? "css" : "js";
result.uri = absolutizePath(urlMatch[0], this._config.root[result.type]);
this._parsedNames[name] = result;
else if(orderjs.config("debugMode")){
orderjs.debug(this + '>parseName(): Invalid name = ' + name + '');
return result;
* Register a short name(namespace) for roots.
* @param {String} ns Short name used in moudle name.
* @param {Object | String} roots Specify the css or js root(relative to configed default root).
* if provided an object value, use the property "js" or "css" for the root.
* if provided a string value, means for both js && css root.
regRootNS : function(ns, roots){
if(!isNonNullStr(ns)) return ;
if(isNonNullStr(roots)) roots = {js : roots, css : roots};
else if(!isObject(roots)) return ;
var registered, parsedRootNS,
parsedNames = this._parsedNames,
moduleRoots = this._moduleRoots;
ns = ns.toLowerCase();
moduleRoots[ns] = {};
registered = moduleRoots[ns];
for(var i in roots){
registered[i.toLowerCase()] = absolutizePath(roots[i], this._config.root[i]);
//clear old parsedNames that within ns root.
for(var i in parsedNames){
parsedRootNS = this.parseName(i).rootNS;
if(parsedRootNS && parsedRootNS.toLowerCase() == ns){
delete parsedNames[i];
* Start to load module(s) by providing a names array or a list of names.
* @param {String | Array} name Module name, can be a defined module name or an url.
* @example
* <code>
//you can call in this way:
orderjs.require(["form.widgets", "css>form.widgets"]);
//or in this way:
orderjs.require("form.widgets", "css>form.widgets");
//by url
* </code>
* @see
* #orderjs.moduleMgr.parseName for more name parsing rules detais.
* @return {Object}
* if the first required module has been executed and defined an exports, returns the exports.
require : function(names){
var firstExports, module,
args = isArray(names) ? names : arguments;
module = this.getByName(args[0]);
firstExports = module.exports;
if(args.length == 1) return firstExports;
if(names === this._baseDeps){
//clear b4 next base require.
this._baseDeps = [];
//push deps to normal orderList.
var nList = this._normalOrderList;
return each(args, function(name){nList.push(name);});
each(args, function(name){
module = this.load(name);
if(module && module.readyState < 3){
}, this);
return firstExports;
* Set loading mode of require to "requireBase",
* to stop normal orders from starting to load.
* then call the require to load base deps.
startRequireBase : function(){
if(this._baseDepsComplete) return;
if(this._baseDeps.length == 0) return this.endRequireBase();
this._baseDepsLoading = true;
toString : function(){return "[object orderjs.moduleMgr]";}
each(["define", "require", "addBase", "regRootNS", "config"], function(method){
orderjs[method] = bind(moduleMgr[method], moduleMgr);
ext(orderjs, {
/** @lends orderjs */
* Framework version code.
version : "0.9.2",
revision : "236",
* Reference to orderjsNode, may be useful for framework developers.
* @type HTMLScriptElement
orderjsNode : orderjsNode,
* Map path to absolute path.
* @param {String} path Path to be mapped, always be a relative path.
* @param {String} [root] If the path is a relative path, use this root for convert.
* defaults to #orderjsRoot.
* @example
* var root = "http://domain.com/resource/js/";
* var cssRoot = absolutizePath("../css/", root);
* alert(cssRoot);//"http://domain.com/resource/css/";
absolutizePath : absolutizePath,
* Set global orderjs to previous defined.
noConflict : function(){
glob.orderjs = glob.originalOrderjs;
* Outputs msg on debug console.
* Debug helper fn, implements by users.
* @param {any} msg Message to be output;
* @param {String} [type="msg"] Message type, values: "msg", "warn", "err";
debug : emptyFn,
* Print all members of an object on debug console.
* Debug helper fn, implements by users.
* @param
dir : emptyFn,
* Make error track info which is helpful for debug the detail of error.
* Debug helper fn, implements by users.
* @param {String} [name] Module name.
* @param {Object} [thisObj] The scope object of the erroring function.
* @param {String} [method] The name of the erroring function.
* @param {Object} [errObj] The invalid object cause the error.
track : emptyFn
glob.orderjs = orderjs;
