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server.go 6.64 KB
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LiQing 提交于 2022-10-17 13:39 . 根据仓库地址改换库名
package auth
import (
const (
NonceExpire = 180 * time.Second
var (
logger log.Logger
// AuthSession .
type AuthSession struct {
nonce string
created time.Time
type RequestCredentialCallback func(username string) (password string, ha1 string, err error)
// ServerAuthorizer Proxy-Authorization | WWW-Authenticate
type ServerAuthorizer struct {
// a map[call id]authSession pair
sessions map[string]AuthSession
requestCredential RequestCredentialCallback
useAuthInt bool
realm string
log log.Logger
mx sync.RWMutex
// NewServerAuthorizer .
func NewServerAuthorizer(callback RequestCredentialCallback, realm string, authInt bool) *ServerAuthorizer {
auth := &ServerAuthorizer{
sessions: make(map[string]AuthSession),
requestCredential: callback,
useAuthInt: authInt,
realm: realm,
auth.log = utils.NewLogrusLogger(log.DebugLevel, "ServerAuthorizer", nil)
go func() {
for now := range time.Tick(NonceExpire) {
for k, v := range auth.sessions {
if now.After(v.created.Add(180 * time.Second)) {
delete(auth.sessions, k)
return auth
// ServerAuthorizer handles Authenticate requests.
func (auth *ServerAuthorizer) Authenticate(request sip.Request, tx sip.ServerTransaction) (string, bool) {
logger := auth.log
logger.Debugf("Request => %s", request.Short())
from, _ := request.From()
TODO: check domain
to, _ := request.To()
if to.Address.Host() != from.Address.Host() {
sendResponse(request, tx, 400, "User in To and From fields do not match.")
return "", false
hdrs := request.GetHeaders("Authorization")
if len(hdrs) == 0 {
auth.requestAuthentication(request, tx, from)
return "", false
authenticateHeader := hdrs[0].(*sip.GenericHeader)
authArgs := parseAuthHeader(authenticateHeader.Contents)
return auth.checkAuthorization(request, tx, authArgs, from)
func (auth *ServerAuthorizer) requestAuthentication(request sip.Request, tx sip.ServerTransaction, from *sip.FromHeader) {
callID, ok := request.CallID()
if !ok {
sendResponse(request, tx, 400, "Missing required Call-ID header.")
response := sip.NewResponseFromRequest(request.MessageID(), request, 401, "Unauthorized", "")
nonce := generateNonce(8)
opaque := generateNonce(4)
digest := sip.NewParams()
digest.Add("realm", sip.String{Str: "\"" + auth.realm + "\""})
if auth.useAuthInt {
digest.Add("qop", sip.String{Str: "\"auth,auth-int\""})
} else {
digest.Add("qop", sip.String{Str: "\"auth\""})
digest.Add("nonce", sip.String{Str: "\"" + nonce + "\""})
digest.Add("opaque", sip.String{Str: "\"" + opaque + "\""})
digest.Add("stale", sip.String{Str: "\"false\""})
digest.Add("algorithm", sip.String{Str: "\"md5\""})
HeaderName: "WWW-Authenticate",
Contents: "Digest " + digest.ToString(','),
from.Params.Add("tag", sip.String{Str: generateNonce(8)})
auth.sessions[callID.String()] = AuthSession{
nonce: nonce,
created: time.Now(),
response.SetBody("", true)
func (auth *ServerAuthorizer) checkAuthorization(request sip.Request, tx sip.ServerTransaction,
authArgs sip.Params, from *sip.FromHeader) (string, bool) {
callID, ok := request.CallID()
if !ok {
sendResponse(request, tx, 400, "Missing required Call-ID header.")
return "", false
session, found := auth.sessions[callID.String()]
if !found {
auth.requestAuthentication(request, tx, from)
return "", false
if time.Now().After(session.created.Add(NonceExpire)) {
auth.requestAuthentication(request, tx, from)
return "", false
if username, ok := authArgs.Get("username"); ok && username.String() != from.Address.User().String() {
auth.requestAuthentication(request, tx, from)
return "", false
if nonce, ok := authArgs.Get("nonce"); ok && nonce.String() != session.nonce {
auth.requestAuthentication(request, tx, from)
return "", false
username := from.Address.User().String()
password, ha1, err := auth.requestCredential(username)
if err != nil {
sendResponse(request, tx, 404, "User not found")
return "", false
uri, _ := authArgs.Get("uri")
nc, _ := authArgs.Get("nc")
cnonce, _ := authArgs.Get("cnonce")
response, _ := authArgs.Get("response")
qop, _ := authArgs.Get("qop")
realm, _ := authArgs.Get("realm")
result := ""
// HA1 = MD5(A1) = MD5(username:realm:password).
if len(ha1) == 0 {
ha1 = md5Hex(username + ":" + realm.String() + ":" + password)
if qop != nil && qop.String() == "auth" {
// HA2 = MD5(A2) = MD5(method:digestURI).
ha2 := md5Hex(string(request.Method()) + ":" + uri.String())
// Response = MD5(HA1:nonce:nonceCount:credentialsNonce:qop:HA2).
result = md5Hex(ha1 + ":" + session.nonce + ":" + nc.String() +
":" + cnonce.String() + ":auth:" + ha2)
} else if qop != nil && qop.String() == "auth-int" {
// HA2 = MD5(A2) = MD5(method:digestURI:MD5(entityBody)).
ha2 := md5Hex(string(request.Method()) + ":" + uri.String() + ":" + md5Hex(request.Body()))
// Response = MD5(HA1:nonce:nonceCount:credentialsNonce:qop:HA2).
result = md5Hex(ha1 + ":" + session.nonce + ":" + nc.String() +
":" + cnonce.String() + ":auth-int:" + ha2)
} else {
// HA2 = MD5(A2) = MD5(method:digestURI).
ha2 := md5Hex(string(request.Method()) + ":" + uri.String())
// Response = MD5(HA1:nonce:HA2).
result = md5Hex(ha1 + ":" + session.nonce + ":" + ha2)
if result != response.String() {
sendResponse(request, tx, 403, "Forbidden (Bad auth)")
return "", false
return username, true
// parseAuthHeader .
func parseAuthHeader(value string) sip.Params {
authArgs := sip.NewParams()
re := regexp.MustCompile(`([\w]+)=("([^"]+)"|([\w]+))`)
matches := re.FindAllStringSubmatch(value, -1)
for _, match := range matches {
authArgs.Add(match[1], sip.String{Str: strings.Replace(match[2], "\"", "", -1)})
return authArgs
func generateNonce(size int) string {
bytes := make([]byte, size)
_, err := rand.Read(bytes)
if err != nil {
return hex.EncodeToString(bytes)
func md5Hex(data string) string {
sum := md5.Sum([]byte(data))
return hex.EncodeToString(sum[:])
// sendResponse .
func sendResponse(request sip.Request, tx sip.ServerTransaction, statusCode sip.StatusCode, reason string) {
response := sip.NewResponseFromRequest(request.MessageID(), request, statusCode, reason, "")
