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copier.go 15.00 KB
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package api
import (
// These flags define options for tag handling
const (
// Denotes that a destination field must be copied to. If copying fails then a panic will ensue.
tagMust uint8 = 1 << iota
// Denotes that the program should not panic when the must flag is on and
// value is not copied. The program will return an error instead.
// Ignore a destination field from being copied to.
// Denotes that the value as been copied
// Option sets copy options
type Option struct {
// setting this value to true will ignore copying zero values of all the fields, including bools, as well as a
// struct having all it's fields set to their zero values respectively (see IsZero() in reflect/value.go)
IgnoreEmpty bool
DeepCopy bool
// Tag Flags
type flags struct {
BitFlags map[string]uint8
SrcNames tagNameMapping
DestNames tagNameMapping
// Field Tag name mapping
type tagNameMapping struct {
FieldNameToTag map[string]string
TagToFieldName map[string]string
// Copy copy things
func Copy[T any, S any](to *T, from *S) (err error) {
return copier(to, from, Option{})
// CopyWithOption copy with option
func CopyWithOption(toValue interface{}, fromValue interface{}, opt Option) (err error) {
return copier(toValue, fromValue, opt)
func copier(toValue interface{}, fromValue interface{}, opt Option) (err error) {
var (
isSlice bool
amount = 1
from = indirect(reflect.ValueOf(fromValue))
to = indirect(reflect.ValueOf(toValue))
if !to.CanAddr() {
return ErrInvalidCopyDestination
// Return is from value is invalid
if !from.IsValid() {
return ErrInvalidCopyFrom
fromType, isPtrFrom := indirectType(from.Type())
toType, _ := indirectType(to.Type())
if fromType.Kind() == reflect.Interface {
fromType = reflect.TypeOf(from.Interface())
if toType.Kind() == reflect.Interface {
toType, _ = indirectType(reflect.TypeOf(to.Interface()))
oldTo := to
to = reflect.New(reflect.TypeOf(to.Interface())).Elem()
defer func() {
// Just set it if possible to assign for normal types
if from.Kind() != reflect.Slice && from.Kind() != reflect.Struct && from.Kind() != reflect.Map && (from.Type().AssignableTo(to.Type()) || from.Type().ConvertibleTo(to.Type())) {
if !isPtrFrom || !opt.DeepCopy {
} else {
fromCopy := reflect.New(from.Type())
if from.Kind() != reflect.Slice && fromType.Kind() == reflect.Map && toType.Kind() == reflect.Map {
if !fromType.Key().ConvertibleTo(toType.Key()) {
return ErrMapKeyNotMatch
if to.IsNil() {
to.Set(reflect.MakeMapWithSize(toType, from.Len()))
for _, k := range from.MapKeys() {
toKey := indirect(reflect.New(toType.Key()))
if !set(toKey, k, opt.DeepCopy) {
return fmt.Errorf("%w map, old key: %v, new key: %v", ErrNotSupported, k.Type(), toType.Key())
elemType, _ := indirectType(toType.Elem())
toValue := indirect(reflect.New(elemType))
if !set(toValue, from.MapIndex(k), opt.DeepCopy) {
if err = copier(toValue.Addr().Interface(), from.MapIndex(k).Interface(), opt); err != nil {
return err
for {
if elemType == toType.Elem() {
to.SetMapIndex(toKey, toValue)
elemType = reflect.PtrTo(elemType)
toValue = toValue.Addr()
if from.Kind() == reflect.Slice && to.Kind() == reflect.Slice && fromType.ConvertibleTo(toType) {
if to.IsNil() {
slice := reflect.MakeSlice(reflect.SliceOf(to.Type().Elem()), from.Len(), from.Cap())
for i := 0; i < from.Len(); i++ {
if to.Len() < i+1 {
to.Set(reflect.Append(to, reflect.New(to.Type().Elem()).Elem()))
if !set(to.Index(i), from.Index(i), opt.DeepCopy) {
// ignore error while copy slice element
err = copier(to.Index(i).Addr().Interface(), from.Index(i).Interface(), opt)
if err != nil {
if fromType.Kind() != reflect.Struct || toType.Kind() != reflect.Struct {
// skip not supported type
if from.Kind() == reflect.Slice || to.Kind() == reflect.Slice {
isSlice = true
if from.Kind() == reflect.Slice {
amount = from.Len()
for i := 0; i < amount; i++ {
var dest, source reflect.Value
if isSlice {
// source
if from.Kind() == reflect.Slice {
source = indirect(from.Index(i))
} else {
source = indirect(from)
// dest
dest = indirect(reflect.New(toType).Elem())
} else {
source = indirect(from)
dest = indirect(to)
destKind := dest.Kind()
initDest := false
if destKind == reflect.Interface {
initDest = true
dest = indirect(reflect.New(toType))
// Get tag options
flgs, err := getFlags(dest, source, toType, fromType)
if err != nil {
return err
// check source
if source.IsValid() {
// Copy from source field to dest field or method
fromTypeFields := deepFields(fromType)
for _, field := range fromTypeFields {
name := field.Name
// Get bit flags for field
fieldFlags, _ := flgs.BitFlags[name]
// Check if we should ignore copying
if (fieldFlags & tagIgnore) != 0 {
srcFieldName, destFieldName := getFieldName(name, flgs)
if fromField := source.FieldByName(srcFieldName); fromField.IsValid() && !shouldIgnore(fromField, opt.IgnoreEmpty) {
// process for nested anonymous field
destFieldNotSet := false
if f, ok := dest.Type().FieldByName(destFieldName); ok {
for idx := range f.Index {
destField := dest.FieldByIndex(f.Index[:idx+1])
if destField.Kind() != reflect.Ptr {
if !destField.IsNil() {
if !destField.CanSet() {
destFieldNotSet = true
// destField is a nil pointer that can be set
newValue := reflect.New(destField.Type().Elem())
if destFieldNotSet {
toField := dest.FieldByName(destFieldName)
if toField.IsValid() {
if toField.CanSet() {
if !set(toField, fromField, opt.DeepCopy) {
if err := copier(toField.Addr().Interface(), fromField.Interface(), opt); err != nil {
return err
if fieldFlags != 0 {
// Note that a copy was made
flgs.BitFlags[name] = fieldFlags | hasCopied
} else {
// try to set to method
var toMethod reflect.Value
if dest.CanAddr() {
toMethod = dest.Addr().MethodByName(destFieldName)
} else {
toMethod = dest.MethodByName(destFieldName)
if toMethod.IsValid() && toMethod.Type().NumIn() == 1 && fromField.Type().AssignableTo(toMethod.Type().In(0)) {
// Copy from from method to dest field
for _, field := range deepFields(toType) {
name := field.Name
srcFieldName, destFieldName := getFieldName(name, flgs)
var fromMethod reflect.Value
if source.CanAddr() {
fromMethod = source.Addr().MethodByName(srcFieldName)
} else {
fromMethod = source.MethodByName(srcFieldName)
if fromMethod.IsValid() && fromMethod.Type().NumIn() == 0 && fromMethod.Type().NumOut() == 1 && !shouldIgnore(fromMethod, opt.IgnoreEmpty) {
if toField := dest.FieldByName(destFieldName); toField.IsValid() && toField.CanSet() {
values := fromMethod.Call([]reflect.Value{})
if len(values) >= 1 {
set(toField, values[0], opt.DeepCopy)
if isSlice && to.Kind() == reflect.Slice {
if dest.Addr().Type().AssignableTo(to.Type().Elem()) {
if to.Len() < i+1 {
to.Set(reflect.Append(to, dest.Addr()))
} else {
if !set(to.Index(i), dest.Addr(), opt.DeepCopy) {
// ignore error while copy slice element
err = copier(to.Index(i).Addr().Interface(), dest.Addr().Interface(), opt)
if err != nil {
} else if dest.Type().AssignableTo(to.Type().Elem()) {
if to.Len() < i+1 {
to.Set(reflect.Append(to, dest))
} else {
if !set(to.Index(i), dest, opt.DeepCopy) {
// ignore error while copy slice element
err = copier(to.Index(i).Addr().Interface(), dest.Interface(), opt)
if err != nil {
} else if initDest {
err = checkBitFlags(flgs.BitFlags)
func shouldIgnore(v reflect.Value, ignoreEmpty bool) bool {
if !ignoreEmpty {
return false
return v.IsZero()
func deepFields(reflectType reflect.Type) []reflect.StructField {
if reflectType, _ = indirectType(reflectType); reflectType.Kind() == reflect.Struct {
fields := make([]reflect.StructField, 0, reflectType.NumField())
for i := 0; i < reflectType.NumField(); i++ {
v := reflectType.Field(i)
if v.Anonymous {
fields = append(fields, deepFields(v.Type)...)
} else {
fields = append(fields, v)
return fields
return nil
func indirect(reflectValue reflect.Value) reflect.Value {
for reflectValue.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
reflectValue = reflectValue.Elem()
return reflectValue
func indirectType(reflectType reflect.Type) (_ reflect.Type, isPtr bool) {
for reflectType.Kind() == reflect.Ptr || reflectType.Kind() == reflect.Slice {
reflectType = reflectType.Elem()
isPtr = true
return reflectType, isPtr
func set(to, from reflect.Value, deepCopy bool) bool {
if from.IsValid() {
if to.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
// set `to` to nil if from is nil
if from.Kind() == reflect.Ptr && from.IsNil() {
return true
} else if to.IsNil() {
// `from` -> `to`
// sql.NullString -> *string
if fromValuer, ok := driverValuer(from); ok {
v, err := fromValuer.Value()
if err != nil {
return false
// if `from` is not valid do nothing with `to`
if v == nil {
return true
// allocate new `to` variable with default value (eg. *string -> new(string))
// depointer `to`
to = to.Elem()
if deepCopy {
toKind := to.Kind()
if toKind == reflect.Interface && to.IsNil() {
if reflect.TypeOf(from.Interface()) != nil {
toKind = reflect.TypeOf(to.Interface()).Kind()
if toKind == reflect.Struct || toKind == reflect.Map || toKind == reflect.Slice {
return false
if from.Type().ConvertibleTo(to.Type()) {
} else if toScanner, ok := to.Addr().Interface().(sql.Scanner); ok {
// `from` -> `to`
// *string -> sql.NullString
if from.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
// if `from` is nil do nothing with `to`
if from.IsNil() {
return true
// depointer `from`
from = indirect(from)
// `from` -> `to`
// string -> sql.NullString
// set `to` by invoking method Scan(`from`)
err := toScanner.Scan(from.Interface())
if err != nil {
return false
} else if fromValuer, ok := driverValuer(from); ok {
// `from` -> `to`
// sql.NullString -> string
v, err := fromValuer.Value()
if err != nil {
return false
// if `from` is not valid do nothing with `to`
if v == nil {
return true
rv := reflect.ValueOf(v)
if rv.Type().AssignableTo(to.Type()) {
} else if from.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
return set(to, from.Elem(), deepCopy)
} else {
return false
return true
// parseTags Parses struct tags and returns uint8 bit flags.
func parseTags(tag string) (flg uint8, name string, err error) {
for _, t := range strings.Split(tag, ",") {
switch t {
case "-":
flg = tagIgnore
case "must":
flg = flg | tagMust
case "nopanic":
flg = flg | tagNoPanic
if unicode.IsUpper([]rune(t)[0]) {
name = strings.TrimSpace(t)
} else {
err = errors.New("copier field name tag must be start upper case")
// getTagFlags Parses struct tags for bit flags, field name.
func getFlags(dest, src reflect.Value, toType, fromType reflect.Type) (flags, error) {
flgs := flags{
BitFlags: map[string]uint8{},
SrcNames: tagNameMapping{
FieldNameToTag: map[string]string{},
TagToFieldName: map[string]string{},
DestNames: tagNameMapping{
FieldNameToTag: map[string]string{},
TagToFieldName: map[string]string{},
var toTypeFields, fromTypeFields []reflect.StructField
if dest.IsValid() {
toTypeFields = deepFields(toType)
if src.IsValid() {
fromTypeFields = deepFields(fromType)
// Get a list dest of tags
for _, field := range toTypeFields {
tags := field.Tag.Get("copier")
if tags != "" {
var name string
var err error
if flgs.BitFlags[field.Name], name, err = parseTags(tags); err != nil {
return flags{}, err
} else if name != "" {
flgs.DestNames.FieldNameToTag[field.Name] = name
flgs.DestNames.TagToFieldName[name] = field.Name
// Get a list source of tags
for _, field := range fromTypeFields {
tags := field.Tag.Get("copier")
if tags != "" {
var name string
var err error
if _, name, err = parseTags(tags); err != nil {
return flags{}, err
} else if name != "" {
flgs.SrcNames.FieldNameToTag[field.Name] = name
flgs.SrcNames.TagToFieldName[name] = field.Name
return flgs, nil
// checkBitFlags Checks flags for error or panic conditions.
func checkBitFlags(flagsList map[string]uint8) (err error) {
// Check flag conditions were met
for name, flgs := range flagsList {
if flgs&hasCopied == 0 {
switch {
case flgs&tagMust != 0 && flgs&tagNoPanic != 0:
err = fmt.Errorf("field %s has must tag but was not copied", name)
case flgs&(tagMust) != 0:
panic(fmt.Sprintf("Field %s has must tag but was not copied", name))
func getFieldName(fieldName string, flgs flags) (srcFieldName string, destFieldName string) {
// get dest field name
if srcTagName, ok := flgs.SrcNames.FieldNameToTag[fieldName]; ok {
destFieldName = srcTagName
if destTagName, ok := flgs.DestNames.TagToFieldName[srcTagName]; ok {
destFieldName = destTagName
} else {
if destTagName, ok := flgs.DestNames.TagToFieldName[fieldName]; ok {
destFieldName = destTagName
if destFieldName == "" {
destFieldName = fieldName
// get source field name
if destTagName, ok := flgs.DestNames.FieldNameToTag[fieldName]; ok {
srcFieldName = destTagName
if srcField, ok := flgs.SrcNames.TagToFieldName[destTagName]; ok {
srcFieldName = srcField
} else {
if srcField, ok := flgs.SrcNames.TagToFieldName[fieldName]; ok {
srcFieldName = srcField
if srcFieldName == "" {
srcFieldName = fieldName
func driverValuer(v reflect.Value) (i driver.Valuer, ok bool) {
if !v.CanAddr() {
i, ok = v.Interface().(driver.Valuer)
i, ok = v.Addr().Interface().(driver.Valuer)
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