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daemon_linux_upstart.go 4.71 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
王布衣 提交于 2年前 . 新增daemon工具库
// Copyright 2020 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package daemon
import (
// upstartRecord - standard record (struct) for linux upstart version of daemon package
type upstartRecord struct {
name string
description string
kind Kind
dependencies []string
// Standard service path for systemV daemons
func (linux *upstartRecord) servicePath() string {
return "/etc/init/" + linux.name + ".conf"
// Is a service installed
func (linux *upstartRecord) isInstalled() bool {
if _, err := os.Stat(linux.servicePath()); err == nil {
return true
return false
// Check service is running
func (linux *upstartRecord) checkRunning() (string, bool) {
output, err := exec.Command("status", linux.name).Output()
if err == nil {
if matched, err := regexp.MatchString(linux.name+" start/running", string(output)); err == nil && matched {
reg := regexp.MustCompile("process ([0-9]+)")
data := reg.FindStringSubmatch(string(output))
if len(data) > 1 {
return "Service (pid " + data[1] + ") is running...", true
return "Service is running...", true
return "Service is stopped", false
// Install the service
func (linux *upstartRecord) Install(args ...string) (string, error) {
installAction := "Install " + linux.description + ":"
if ok, err := checkPrivileges(); !ok {
return installAction + failed, err
srvPath := linux.servicePath()
if linux.isInstalled() {
return installAction + failed, ErrAlreadyInstalled
file, err := os.Create(srvPath)
if err != nil {
return installAction + failed, err
defer file.Close()
execPatch, err := executablePath(linux.name)
if err != nil {
return installAction + failed, err
templ, err := template.New("upstatConfig").Parse(upstatConfig)
if err != nil {
return installAction + failed, err
if err := templ.Execute(
&struct {
Name, Description, Path, Args string
}{linux.name, linux.description, execPatch, strings.Join(args, " ")},
); err != nil {
return installAction + failed, err
if err := os.Chmod(srvPath, 0755); err != nil {
return installAction + failed, err
return installAction + success, nil
// Remove the service
func (linux *upstartRecord) Remove() (string, error) {
removeAction := "Removing " + linux.description + ":"
if ok, err := checkPrivileges(); !ok {
return removeAction + failed, err
if !linux.isInstalled() {
return removeAction + failed, ErrNotInstalled
if err := os.Remove(linux.servicePath()); err != nil {
return removeAction + failed, err
return removeAction + success, nil
// Start the service
func (linux *upstartRecord) Start() (string, error) {
startAction := "Starting " + linux.description + ":"
if ok, err := checkPrivileges(); !ok {
return startAction + failed, err
if !linux.isInstalled() {
return startAction + failed, ErrNotInstalled
if _, ok := linux.checkRunning(); ok {
return startAction + failed, ErrAlreadyRunning
if err := exec.Command("start", linux.name).Run(); err != nil {
return startAction + failed, err
return startAction + success, nil
// Stop the service
func (linux *upstartRecord) Stop() (string, error) {
stopAction := "Stopping " + linux.description + ":"
if ok, err := checkPrivileges(); !ok {
return stopAction + failed, err
if !linux.isInstalled() {
return stopAction + failed, ErrNotInstalled
if _, ok := linux.checkRunning(); !ok {
return stopAction + failed, ErrAlreadyStopped
if err := exec.Command("stop", linux.name).Run(); err != nil {
return stopAction + failed, err
return stopAction + success, nil
// Status - Get service status
func (linux *upstartRecord) Status() (string, error) {
if ok, err := checkPrivileges(); !ok {
return "", err
if !linux.isInstalled() {
return statNotInstalled, ErrNotInstalled
statusAction, _ := linux.checkRunning()
return statusAction, nil
// Run - Run service
func (linux *upstartRecord) Run(e Executable) (string, error) {
runAction := "Running " + linux.description + ":"
return runAction + " completed.", nil
// GetTemplate - gets service config template
func (linux *upstartRecord) GetTemplate() string {
return upstatConfig
// SetTemplate - sets service config template
func (linux *upstartRecord) SetTemplate(tplStr string) error {
upstatConfig = tplStr
return nil
var upstatConfig = `# {{.Name}} {{.Description}}
description "{{.Description}}"
author "Pichu Chen <pichu@tih.tw>"
start on runlevel [2345]
stop on runlevel [016]
#kill timeout 5
exec {{.Path}} {{.Args}} >> /var/log/{{.Name}}.log 2>> /var/log/{{.Name}}.err
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