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王布衣 / gox

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enumerable.go 2.39 KB
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王布衣 authored 2023-06-07 20:08 . 修订部分util工具库
// Copyright (c) 2015, Emir Pasic. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package arraylist
import (
func assertEnumerableImplementation() {
var _ internal.EnumerableWithIndex = (*List)(nil)
// Each calls the given function once for each element, passing that element's index and value.
func (list *List) Each(f func(index int, value interface{})) {
iterator := list.Iterator()
for iterator.Next() {
f(iterator.Index(), iterator.Value())
// Map invokes the given function once for each element and returns a
// container containing the values returned by the given function.
func (list *List) Map(f func(index int, value interface{}) interface{}) *List {
newList := &List{}
iterator := list.Iterator()
for iterator.Next() {
newList.Add(f(iterator.Index(), iterator.Value()))
return newList
// Select returns a new container containing all elements for which the given function returns a true value.
func (list *List) Select(f func(index int, value interface{}) bool) *List {
newList := &List{}
iterator := list.Iterator()
for iterator.Next() {
if f(iterator.Index(), iterator.Value()) {
return newList
// Any passes each element of the collection to the given function and
// returns true if the function ever returns true for any element.
func (list *List) Any(f func(index int, value interface{}) bool) bool {
iterator := list.Iterator()
for iterator.Next() {
if f(iterator.Index(), iterator.Value()) {
return true
return false
// All passes each element of the collection to the given function and
// returns true if the function returns true for all elements.
func (list *List) All(f func(index int, value interface{}) bool) bool {
iterator := list.Iterator()
for iterator.Next() {
if !f(iterator.Index(), iterator.Value()) {
return false
return true
// Find passes each element of the container to the given function and returns
// the first (index,value) for which the function is true or -1,nil otherwise
// if no element matches the criteria.
func (list *List) Find(f func(index int, value interface{}) bool) (int, interface{}) {
iterator := list.Iterator()
for iterator.Next() {
if f(iterator.Index(), iterator.Value()) {
return iterator.Index(), iterator.Value()
return -1, nil
