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array.go 15.77 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
王布衣 提交于 2023-01-15 19:35 . 增加lambda工具包
package lambda
import (
// make Array from source(TIn[] type)
// source support array or slice type
func LambdaArray(source interface{}) Array {
t := reflect.TypeOf(source)
arr := _array{source, t, t.Elem(), reflect.ValueOf(source)}
if !arr.IsSlice() {
err := fmt.Errorf("source type is %s, not array ", arr.arrayType.Kind())
return &arr
type Array interface {
// return true when obj is slice
IsSlice() bool
// array join into string
// eg
// JoinOptions.express func(u user) string {return u.name }
// JoinOptions.Symbol default `,`
Join(options JoinOptions) string
// array filter
// eg: arr.Filter(func(ele int) bool{ return ele>10})
Filter(express interface{}) Array
// sort by quick
// eg
Sort(express interface{}) Array
// sort by quick multithreading
SortMT(express interface{}) Array
// map to new array
// express func(el T) T{ return T }
Map(express interface{}) Array
// append element
Append(elements ...interface{}) Array
// maximum of array
// express eg: express func(ele TIn) TOut{ return TOut },TOut must be number Type or Compare
Max(express interface{}) interface{}
// minimum of array
// express eg: express func(ele TIn) TOut{ return TOut },TOut must be number Type or Compare
Min(express interface{}) interface{}
// Determines whether the Array contains any elements
Any(express interface{}) bool
// Determines whether the condition is satisfied for all elements in the Array
All(express interface{}) bool
// Returns a number indicating how many elements in the specified Array satisfy the condition
Count(express interface{}) int
// Returns the first element of an Array that satisfies the condition
First(express interface{}) (interface{}, error)
// Returns the last element of an Array that satisfies the condition
Last(express interface{}) (interface{}, error)
// Returns the zero based index of the first occurrence in an Array
Index(i int) (interface{}, error)
// skip and Returns the elements
Take(skip, count int) Array
// sum of the values returned by the expression
Sum(express interface{}) interface{}
// average of the values returned by the expression
Average(express interface{}) float64
// Determines whether the array contains the specified element
// number type use default comparator
// other type can implements Compare
Contains(express interface{}) bool
// array or slice pointer
// Array.Pointer().([]T or [n]T)
Pointer() interface{}
func innerLambdaArray(value reflect.Value) Array {
t := value.Type()
arr := _array{value, t, t.Elem(), value}
return &arr
type _array struct {
// source array
source interface{}
// array type
arrayType reflect.Type
// element type
elementType reflect.Type
// value type
value reflect.Value
func (p *_array) Contains(express interface{}) bool {
sz := p.Len()
if express == nil {
panic("express is null")
if t := reflect.TypeOf(express); t.Kind() == reflect.Func {
expType := reflect.TypeOf(express)
checkExpress(expType, []reflect.Type{p.elementType}, []reflect.Type{reflect.TypeOf(true)})
fn := reflect.ValueOf(express)
for i := 0; i < sz; i++ {
ret := fn.Call([]reflect.Value{p.value.Index(i)})
if ret[0].Interface().(bool) {
return true
} else if tor, err := BasicComparator(express); err == nil {
for i := 0; i < sz; i++ {
if tor.CompareTo(p.value.Index(i).Interface()) == 0 {
return true
} else if eq, ok := express.(Equal); ok {
for i := 0; i < sz; i++ {
if eq.Equals(p.value.Index(i).Interface()) {
return true
} else {
panic("unknown type " + t.String())
return false
func (p *_array) Average(express interface{}) float64 {
length := p.Len()
if length == 0 {
return float64(0)
sum := p.Sum(express)
switch sum.(type) {
case int:
return float64(sum.(int)) / float64(length)
case uint8:
return float64(sum.(uint8)) / float64(length)
case uint16:
return float64(sum.(uint16)) / float64(length)
case uint32:
return float64(sum.(uint32)) / float64(length)
case uint64:
return float64(sum.(uint64)) / float64(length)
case int8:
return float64(sum.(int8)) / float64(length)
case int16:
return float64(sum.(int16)) / float64(length)
case int32:
return float64(sum.(int32)) / float64(length)
case int64:
return float64(sum.(int64)) / float64(length)
case float32:
return float64(sum.(float32)) / float64(length)
case float64:
return sum.(float64) / float64(length)
panic("unknown type " + reflect.TypeOf(sum).String())
func (p *_array) Append(elements ...interface{}) Array {
ret := LambdaArray(elements).Map(func(ele interface{}) reflect.Value {
if t := reflect.TypeOf(ele); t.Kind() != p.elementType.Kind() {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("element type[%s] is not %s.", t.String(), p.elementType.String()))
return reflect.ValueOf(ele)
p.value = reflect.Append(p.value, ret...)
return p
func (p *_array) Any(express interface{}) bool {
if express == nil {
return p.Len() > 0
length := p.Len()
fn := reflect.ValueOf(express)
for i := 0; i < length; i++ {
if fn.Call([]reflect.Value{p.value.Index(i)})[0].Interface().(bool) {
return true
return false
func (p *_array) All(express interface{}) bool {
if express == nil {
return p.Len() > 0
length := p.Len()
fn := reflect.ValueOf(express)
for i := 0; i < length; i++ {
if !fn.Call([]reflect.Value{p.value.Index(i)})[0].Interface().(bool) {
return false
if p.Len() > 0 {
return true
} else {
return false
func (p *_array) Count(express interface{}) int {
if express == nil {
return p.Len()
fn := reflect.ValueOf(express)
count := 0
p.EachV(func(v reflect.Value, _ int) {
if fn.Call([]reflect.Value{v})[0].Interface().(bool) {
return count
func (p *_array) Find(express interface{}, start, step int) (interface{}, error) {
length := p.Len()
if length == 0 {
return nil, errors.New("empty array")
if express == nil {
return p.value.Index(0).Interface(), nil
fn := reflect.ValueOf(express)
for i := start; i < length && i >= 0; i += step {
if ele := p.value.Index(i); fn.Call([]reflect.Value{ele})[0].Interface().(bool) {
return ele.Interface(), nil
return nil, errors.New("not found")
func (p *_array) First(express interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
return p.Find(express, 0, 1)
func (p *_array) Last(express interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
return p.Find(express, p.Len()-1, -1)
func (p *_array) Index(i int) (interface{}, error) {
if i < p.Len() {
return p.value.Index(i), nil
return nil, errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("%d out of range", i))
func (p *_array) Take(skip, count int) Array {
length := p.value.Len()
ret := reflect.MakeSlice(p.arrayType, 0, 0)
for i := skip; i < length; i++ {
if count > 0 {
ret = reflect.Append(ret, p.value.Index(i))
if count == 0 {
return innerLambdaArray(ret)
func (p *_array) Sum(express interface{}) interface{} {
var add Add
if express == nil {
add = Adder(p.elementType)
} else {
add = Adder(reflect.TypeOf(express).Out(0))
length := p.Len()
if length == 0 {
return add.Value()
fn := reflect.ValueOf(express)
fv := func(i int) reflect.Value {
v := p.value.Index(i)
if express == nil {
return v
return fn.Call([]reflect.Value{v})[0]
for i := 0; i < length; i++ {
return add.Value()
func (p *_array) Pointer() interface{} {
return p.value.Interface()
func (p *_array) IsSlice() bool {
return p.arrayType.Kind() == reflect.Slice || p.arrayType.Kind() == reflect.Array
func (p *_array) Len() int {
return p.value.Len()
// check the function express
// exp the express function type
// in express function parameter types
// out express function return types
func checkExpress(exp reflect.Type, in []reflect.Type, out []reflect.Type) {
if exp.Kind() != reflect.Func {
panic("express is not a func express")
// check in
numIn := exp.NumIn()
lenIn := len(in)
if numIn != lenIn {
panic(fmt.Errorf("lambda express parameter count must be %d", lenIn))
for i := 0; i < lenIn; i++ {
if in[i].Kind() != exp.In(i).Kind() {
panic(fmt.Errorf("lambda express the %d'th parameter Type must be %s,not %s,func=%s",
i, exp.In(i).String(), in[i].String(), exp.String()))
if out == nil {
// check output
numOut := exp.NumOut()
lenOut := len(out)
if numOut != lenOut {
panic(fmt.Errorf("lambda express return Types count must be %d", lenOut))
for i := 0; i < lenOut; i++ {
if out[i].Kind() != exp.Out(i).Kind() {
panic(fmt.Errorf("lambda express the %d'th return Type must be %s", i, exp.Out(i).String()))
// check the function express
func checkExpressRARTO(express interface{}, in []reflect.Type) reflect.Type {
t := reflect.TypeOf(express)
if t.NumOut() == 0 {
panic("lambda express must has only one return-value.")
ot := t.Out(0)
checkExpress(t, in, []reflect.Type{ot})
return ot
func (p *_array) Map(express interface{}) Array {
in := []reflect.Type{p.elementType}
ot := checkExpressRARTO(express, in)
var result reflect.Value
length := p.Len()
// slice or array
isSlice := p.arrayType.Kind() == reflect.Slice
var element reflect.Value
if isSlice {
result = reflect.MakeSlice(reflect.SliceOf(ot), p.Len(), p.Len())
element = result
} else {
result = reflect.New(reflect.ArrayOf(length, ot))
element = result.Elem()
funcValue := reflect.ValueOf(express)
params := []reflect.Value{reflect.ValueOf(0)}
for i := 0; i < length; i++ {
params[0] = p.value.Index(i)
trans := funcValue.Call(params)
v := element.Index(i)
return innerLambdaArray(result)
type JoinOptions struct {
Symbol string
express interface{}
func (p *_array) Join(option JoinOptions) string {
if option.express != nil {
return p.Map(option.express).Join(JoinOptions{Symbol: option.Symbol})
if p.elementType.Kind() != reflect.String {
panic("the array is not string array")
if option.Symbol == "" {
option.Symbol = ","
length := p.Len()
var build strings.Builder
for i := 0; i < length; i++ {
s := p.value.Index(i).Interface().(string)
if i < length-1 {
return build.String()
func (p *_array) Filter(express interface{}) Array {
in := []reflect.Type{p.elementType}
ft := reflect.TypeOf(express)
ot := reflect.TypeOf(true)
checkExpress(ft, in, []reflect.Type{ot})
ret := reflect.MakeSlice(reflect.SliceOf(p.elementType), 0, 0)
funcValue := reflect.ValueOf(express)
params := []reflect.Value{reflect.ValueOf(0)}
length := p.Len()
for i := 0; i < length; i++ {
params[0] = p.value.Index(i)
trans := funcValue.Call(params)
if trans[0].Interface().(bool) {
ret = reflect.Append(ret, params[0])
return innerLambdaArray(ret)
func (p *_array) SortByBubble(express interface{}) Array {
in := []reflect.Type{p.elementType, p.elementType}
ft := reflect.TypeOf(express)
ot := reflect.TypeOf(true)
checkExpress(ft, in, []reflect.Type{ot})
length := p.Len()
v := reflect.ValueOf(0)
funcValue := reflect.ValueOf(express)
params := []reflect.Value{v, v}
for i := 0; i < length-1; i++ {
for j := 0; j < length-i-1; j++ {
params[0] = p.value.Index(j)
params[1] = p.value.Index(j + 1)
trans := funcValue.Call(params)
if !trans[0].Interface().(bool) {
temp := params[0].Interface()
p.value.Index(j + 1).Set(reflect.ValueOf(temp))
return p
func (p *_array) CopyValue() reflect.Value {
var arr reflect.Value
if p.IsSlice() {
arr = reflect.MakeSlice(reflect.SliceOf(p.elementType), p.Len(), p.Len())
} else {
arr = reflect.New(reflect.ArrayOf(p.Len(), p.elementType))
reflect.Copy(arr, p.value)
return arr
func (p *_array) Sort(express interface{}) Array {
in := []reflect.Type{p.elementType, p.elementType}
ft := reflect.TypeOf(express)
ot := reflect.TypeOf(true)
checkExpress(ft, in, []reflect.Type{ot})
length := p.Len()
v := reflect.ValueOf(0)
funcValue := reflect.ValueOf(express)
params := []reflect.Value{v, v}
p.value = p.CopyValue()
compare := func(a reflect.Value, b int) bool {
params[0], params[1] = a, p.value.Index(b)
return funcValue.Call(params)[0].Interface().(bool)
var inner func(int, int)
// quick sort
inner = func(l, r int) {
if l < r {
i, j, x := l, r, p.value.Index(l)
x = reflect.ValueOf(x.Interface())
for i < j {
for i < j && compare(x, j) {
if i < j {
for i < j && !compare(x, i) {
if i < j {
inner(l, i-1)
inner(i+1, r)
inner(0, length-1)
return p
func (p *_array) SortMT(express interface{}) Array {
in := []reflect.Type{p.elementType, p.elementType}
ft := reflect.TypeOf(express)
ot := reflect.TypeOf(true)
checkExpress(ft, in, []reflect.Type{ot})
funcValue := reflect.ValueOf(express)
compare := func(a, b reflect.Value) bool {
return funcValue.Call([]reflect.Value{a, b})[0].Interface().(bool)
var quick func(arr reflect.Value, ch chan reflect.Value)
quick = func(arr reflect.Value, ch chan reflect.Value) {
if arr.Len() == 1 {
ch <- arr.Index(0)
if arr.Len() == 0 {
left := reflect.MakeSlice(reflect.SliceOf(p.elementType), 0, 0)
right := reflect.MakeSlice(reflect.SliceOf(p.elementType), 0, 0)
length := arr.Len()
x := arr.Index(0)
for i := 1; i < length; i++ {
curr := arr.Index(i)
if compare(x, curr) {
left = reflect.Append(left, curr)
} else {
right = reflect.Append(right, curr)
lch := make(chan reflect.Value, left.Len())
rch := make(chan reflect.Value, right.Len())
go quick(left, lch)
go quick(right, rch)
for v := range lch {
ch <- v
ch <- x
for v := range rch {
ch <- v
ch := make(chan reflect.Value)
go quick(p.value, ch)
values := reflect.MakeSlice(reflect.SliceOf(p.elementType), 0, 0)
for v := range ch {
values = reflect.Append(values, v)
return innerLambdaArray(values)
func (p *_array) maxOrMin(express interface{}, isMax bool) interface{} {
if express != nil {
in := []reflect.Type{p.elementType}
ft := reflect.TypeOf(express)
ot := reflect.TypeOf(0)
checkExpress(ft, in, []reflect.Type{ot})
var m reflect.Value
var mc interface{}
funcValue := reflect.ValueOf(express)
f := func(value reflect.Value) interface{} {
if express == nil {
return value.Interface()
return funcValue.Call([]reflect.Value{value})[0].Interface()
p.EachV(func(v reflect.Value, index int) {
vc := f(v)
if index == 0 {
m = v
mc = vc
} else {
tor, err := BasicComparator(vc)
if err != nil {
if isMax {
if tor.CompareTo(mc) > 0 {
m = v
mc = vc
} else {
if tor.CompareTo(mc) < 0 {
m = v
mc = vc
return m.Interface()
func (p *_array) Max(express interface{}) interface{} {
return p.maxOrMin(express, true)
func (p *_array) Min(express interface{}) interface{} {
return p.maxOrMin(express, false)
func (p *_array) EachV(fn func(v reflect.Value, i int)) {
if fn == nil {
length := p.Len()
for i := 0; i < length; i++ {
fn(p.value.Index(i), i)
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