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builtin_number.go 8.55 KB
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package goja
import (
func (r *Runtime) toNumber(v Value) Value {
switch t := v.(type) {
case valueFloat, valueInt:
return v
case *Object:
switch t := t.self.(type) {
case *primitiveValueObject:
return r.toNumber(t.pValue)
case *objectGoReflect:
if t.class == classNumber && t.valueOf != nil {
return t.valueOf()
if t == r.global.NumberPrototype {
return _positiveZero
panic(r.NewTypeError("Value is not a number: %s", v))
func (r *Runtime) numberproto_valueOf(call FunctionCall) Value {
return r.toNumber(call.This)
func (r *Runtime) numberproto_toString(call FunctionCall) Value {
var numVal Value
switch t := call.This.(type) {
case valueFloat, valueInt:
numVal = t
case *Object:
switch t := t.self.(type) {
case *primitiveValueObject:
numVal = r.toNumber(t.pValue)
case *objectGoReflect:
if t.class == classNumber {
if t.toString != nil {
return t.toString()
if t.valueOf != nil {
numVal = t.valueOf()
if t == r.global.NumberPrototype {
return asciiString("0")
if numVal == nil {
panic(r.NewTypeError("Value is not a number"))
var radix int
if arg := call.Argument(0); arg != _undefined {
radix = int(arg.ToInteger())
} else {
radix = 10
if radix < 2 || radix > 36 {
panic(r.newError(r.getRangeError(), "toString() radix argument must be between 2 and 36"))
num := numVal.ToFloat()
if math.IsNaN(num) {
return stringNaN
if math.IsInf(num, 1) {
return stringInfinity
if math.IsInf(num, -1) {
return stringNegInfinity
if radix == 10 {
return asciiString(fToStr(num, ftoa.ModeStandard, 0))
return asciiString(ftoa.FToBaseStr(num, radix))
func (r *Runtime) numberproto_toFixed(call FunctionCall) Value {
num := r.toNumber(call.This).ToFloat()
prec := call.Argument(0).ToInteger()
if prec < 0 || prec > 100 {
panic(r.newError(r.getRangeError(), "toFixed() precision must be between 0 and 100"))
if math.IsNaN(num) {
return stringNaN
return asciiString(fToStr(num, ftoa.ModeFixed, int(prec)))
func (r *Runtime) numberproto_toExponential(call FunctionCall) Value {
num := r.toNumber(call.This).ToFloat()
precVal := call.Argument(0)
var prec int64
if precVal == _undefined {
return asciiString(fToStr(num, ftoa.ModeStandardExponential, 0))
} else {
prec = precVal.ToInteger()
if math.IsNaN(num) {
return stringNaN
if math.IsInf(num, 1) {
return stringInfinity
if math.IsInf(num, -1) {
return stringNegInfinity
if prec < 0 || prec > 100 {
panic(r.newError(r.getRangeError(), "toExponential() precision must be between 0 and 100"))
return asciiString(fToStr(num, ftoa.ModeExponential, int(prec+1)))
func (r *Runtime) numberproto_toPrecision(call FunctionCall) Value {
numVal := r.toNumber(call.This)
precVal := call.Argument(0)
if precVal == _undefined {
return numVal.toString()
num := numVal.ToFloat()
prec := precVal.ToInteger()
if math.IsNaN(num) {
return stringNaN
if math.IsInf(num, 1) {
return stringInfinity
if math.IsInf(num, -1) {
return stringNegInfinity
if prec < 1 || prec > 100 {
panic(r.newError(r.getRangeError(), "toPrecision() precision must be between 1 and 100"))
return asciiString(fToStr(num, ftoa.ModePrecision, int(prec)))
func (r *Runtime) number_isFinite(call FunctionCall) Value {
switch arg := call.Argument(0).(type) {
case valueInt:
return valueTrue
case valueFloat:
f := float64(arg)
return r.toBoolean(!math.IsInf(f, 0) && !math.IsNaN(f))
return valueFalse
func (r *Runtime) number_isInteger(call FunctionCall) Value {
switch arg := call.Argument(0).(type) {
case valueInt:
return valueTrue
case valueFloat:
f := float64(arg)
return r.toBoolean(!math.IsNaN(f) && !math.IsInf(f, 0) && math.Floor(f) == f)
return valueFalse
func (r *Runtime) number_isNaN(call FunctionCall) Value {
if f, ok := call.Argument(0).(valueFloat); ok && math.IsNaN(float64(f)) {
return valueTrue
return valueFalse
func (r *Runtime) number_isSafeInteger(call FunctionCall) Value {
arg := call.Argument(0)
if i, ok := arg.(valueInt); ok && i >= -(maxInt-1) && i <= maxInt-1 {
return valueTrue
if arg == _negativeZero {
return valueTrue
return valueFalse
func createNumberProtoTemplate() *objectTemplate {
t := newObjectTemplate()
t.protoFactory = func(r *Runtime) *Object {
return r.global.ObjectPrototype
t.putStr("constructor", func(r *Runtime) Value { return valueProp(r.getNumber(), true, false, true) })
t.putStr("toExponential", func(r *Runtime) Value { return r.methodProp(r.numberproto_toExponential, "toExponential", 1) })
t.putStr("toFixed", func(r *Runtime) Value { return r.methodProp(r.numberproto_toFixed, "toFixed", 1) })
t.putStr("toLocaleString", func(r *Runtime) Value { return r.methodProp(r.numberproto_toString, "toLocaleString", 0) })
t.putStr("toPrecision", func(r *Runtime) Value { return r.methodProp(r.numberproto_toPrecision, "toPrecision", 1) })
t.putStr("toString", func(r *Runtime) Value { return r.methodProp(r.numberproto_toString, "toString", 1) })
t.putStr("valueOf", func(r *Runtime) Value { return r.methodProp(r.numberproto_valueOf, "valueOf", 0) })
return t
var numberProtoTemplate *objectTemplate
var numberProtoTemplateOnce sync.Once
func getNumberProtoTemplate() *objectTemplate {
numberProtoTemplateOnce.Do(func() {
numberProtoTemplate = createNumberProtoTemplate()
return numberProtoTemplate
func (r *Runtime) getNumberPrototype() *Object {
ret := r.global.NumberPrototype
if ret == nil {
ret = &Object{runtime: r}
r.global.NumberPrototype = ret
o := r.newTemplatedObject(getNumberProtoTemplate(), ret)
o.class = classNumber
return ret
func (r *Runtime) getParseFloat() *Object {
ret := r.global.parseFloat
if ret == nil {
ret = r.newNativeFunc(r.builtin_parseFloat, "parseFloat", 1)
r.global.parseFloat = ret
return ret
func (r *Runtime) getParseInt() *Object {
ret := r.global.parseInt
if ret == nil {
ret = r.newNativeFunc(r.builtin_parseInt, "parseInt", 2)
r.global.parseInt = ret
return ret
func createNumberTemplate() *objectTemplate {
t := newObjectTemplate()
t.protoFactory = func(r *Runtime) *Object {
return r.getFunctionPrototype()
t.putStr("length", func(r *Runtime) Value { return valueProp(intToValue(1), false, false, true) })
t.putStr("name", func(r *Runtime) Value { return valueProp(asciiString("Number"), false, false, true) })
t.putStr("prototype", func(r *Runtime) Value { return valueProp(r.getNumberPrototype(), false, false, false) })
t.putStr("EPSILON", func(r *Runtime) Value { return valueProp(_epsilon, false, false, false) })
t.putStr("isFinite", func(r *Runtime) Value { return r.methodProp(r.number_isFinite, "isFinite", 1) })
t.putStr("isInteger", func(r *Runtime) Value { return r.methodProp(r.number_isInteger, "isInteger", 1) })
t.putStr("isNaN", func(r *Runtime) Value { return r.methodProp(r.number_isNaN, "isNaN", 1) })
t.putStr("isSafeInteger", func(r *Runtime) Value { return r.methodProp(r.number_isSafeInteger, "isSafeInteger", 1) })
t.putStr("MAX_SAFE_INTEGER", func(r *Runtime) Value { return valueProp(valueInt(maxInt-1), false, false, false) })
t.putStr("MIN_SAFE_INTEGER", func(r *Runtime) Value { return valueProp(valueInt(-(maxInt - 1)), false, false, false) })
t.putStr("MIN_VALUE", func(r *Runtime) Value { return valueProp(valueFloat(math.SmallestNonzeroFloat64), false, false, false) })
t.putStr("MAX_VALUE", func(r *Runtime) Value { return valueProp(valueFloat(math.MaxFloat64), false, false, false) })
t.putStr("NaN", func(r *Runtime) Value { return valueProp(_NaN, false, false, false) })
t.putStr("NEGATIVE_INFINITY", func(r *Runtime) Value { return valueProp(_negativeInf, false, false, false) })
t.putStr("parseFloat", func(r *Runtime) Value { return valueProp(r.getParseFloat(), true, false, true) })
t.putStr("parseInt", func(r *Runtime) Value { return valueProp(r.getParseInt(), true, false, true) })
t.putStr("POSITIVE_INFINITY", func(r *Runtime) Value { return valueProp(_positiveInf, false, false, false) })
return t
var numberTemplate *objectTemplate
var numberTemplateOnce sync.Once
func getNumberTemplate() *objectTemplate {
numberTemplateOnce.Do(func() {
numberTemplate = createNumberTemplate()
return numberTemplate
func (r *Runtime) getNumber() *Object {
ret := r.global.Number
if ret == nil {
ret = &Object{runtime: r}
r.global.Number = ret
r.newTemplatedFuncObject(getNumberTemplate(), ret, r.builtin_Number,
r.wrapNativeConstruct(r.builtin_newNumber, ret, r.getNumberPrototype()))
return ret
马建仓 AI 助手
