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object_goslice.go 7.76 KB
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package goja
import (
type objectGoSlice struct {
data *[]interface{}
lengthProp valueProperty
origIsPtr bool
func (r *Runtime) newObjectGoSlice(data *[]interface{}, isPtr bool) *objectGoSlice {
obj := &Object{runtime: r}
a := &objectGoSlice{
baseObject: baseObject{
val: obj,
data: data,
origIsPtr: isPtr,
obj.self = a
return a
func (o *objectGoSlice) init() {
o.class = classArray
o.prototype = o.val.runtime.getArrayPrototype()
o.lengthProp.writable = true
o.extensible = true
o.baseObject._put("length", &o.lengthProp)
func (o *objectGoSlice) updateLen() {
o.lengthProp.value = intToValue(int64(len(*o.data)))
func (o *objectGoSlice) _getIdx(idx int) Value {
return o.val.runtime.ToValue((*o.data)[idx])
func (o *objectGoSlice) getStr(name unistring.String, receiver Value) Value {
var ownProp Value
if idx := strToGoIdx(name); idx >= 0 && idx < len(*o.data) {
ownProp = o._getIdx(idx)
} else if name == "length" {
ownProp = &o.lengthProp
return o.getStrWithOwnProp(ownProp, name, receiver)
func (o *objectGoSlice) getIdx(idx valueInt, receiver Value) Value {
if idx := int64(idx); idx >= 0 && idx < int64(len(*o.data)) {
return o._getIdx(int(idx))
if o.prototype != nil {
if receiver == nil {
return o.prototype.self.getIdx(idx, o.val)
return o.prototype.self.getIdx(idx, receiver)
return nil
func (o *objectGoSlice) getOwnPropStr(name unistring.String) Value {
if idx := strToGoIdx(name); idx >= 0 {
if idx < len(*o.data) {
return &valueProperty{
value: o._getIdx(idx),
writable: true,
enumerable: true,
return nil
if name == "length" {
return &o.lengthProp
return nil
func (o *objectGoSlice) getOwnPropIdx(idx valueInt) Value {
if idx := int64(idx); idx >= 0 && idx < int64(len(*o.data)) {
return &valueProperty{
value: o._getIdx(int(idx)),
writable: true,
enumerable: true,
return nil
func (o *objectGoSlice) grow(size int) {
oldcap := cap(*o.data)
if oldcap < size {
n := make([]interface{}, size, growCap(size, len(*o.data), oldcap))
copy(n, *o.data)
*o.data = n
} else {
tail := (*o.data)[len(*o.data):size]
for k := range tail {
tail[k] = nil
*o.data = (*o.data)[:size]
func (o *objectGoSlice) shrink(size int) {
tail := (*o.data)[size:]
for k := range tail {
tail[k] = nil
*o.data = (*o.data)[:size]
func (o *objectGoSlice) putIdx(idx int, v Value, throw bool) {
if idx >= len(*o.data) {
o.grow(idx + 1)
(*o.data)[idx] = v.Export()
func (o *objectGoSlice) putLength(v uint32, throw bool) bool {
if bits.UintSize == 32 && v > math.MaxInt32 {
panic(rangeError("Integer value overflows 32-bit int"))
newLen := int(v)
curLen := len(*o.data)
if newLen > curLen {
} else if newLen < curLen {
return true
func (o *objectGoSlice) setOwnIdx(idx valueInt, val Value, throw bool) bool {
if i := toIntStrict(int64(idx)); i >= 0 {
if i >= len(*o.data) {
if res, ok := o._setForeignIdx(idx, nil, val, o.val, throw); ok {
return res
o.putIdx(i, val, throw)
} else {
name := idx.string()
if res, ok := o._setForeignStr(name, nil, val, o.val, throw); !ok {
o.val.runtime.typeErrorResult(throw, "Can't set property '%s' on Go slice", name)
return false
} else {
return res
return true
func (o *objectGoSlice) setOwnStr(name unistring.String, val Value, throw bool) bool {
if idx := strToGoIdx(name); idx >= 0 {
if idx >= len(*o.data) {
if res, ok := o._setForeignStr(name, nil, val, o.val, throw); ok {
return res
o.putIdx(idx, val, throw)
} else {
if name == "length" {
return o.putLength(o.val.runtime.toLengthUint32(val), throw)
if res, ok := o._setForeignStr(name, nil, val, o.val, throw); !ok {
o.val.runtime.typeErrorResult(throw, "Can't set property '%s' on Go slice", name)
return false
} else {
return res
return true
func (o *objectGoSlice) setForeignIdx(idx valueInt, val, receiver Value, throw bool) (bool, bool) {
return o._setForeignIdx(idx, trueValIfPresent(o.hasOwnPropertyIdx(idx)), val, receiver, throw)
func (o *objectGoSlice) setForeignStr(name unistring.String, val, receiver Value, throw bool) (bool, bool) {
return o._setForeignStr(name, trueValIfPresent(o.hasOwnPropertyStr(name)), val, receiver, throw)
func (o *objectGoSlice) hasOwnPropertyIdx(idx valueInt) bool {
if idx := int64(idx); idx >= 0 {
return idx < int64(len(*o.data))
return false
func (o *objectGoSlice) hasOwnPropertyStr(name unistring.String) bool {
if idx := strToIdx64(name); idx >= 0 {
return idx < int64(len(*o.data))
return name == "length"
func (o *objectGoSlice) defineOwnPropertyIdx(idx valueInt, descr PropertyDescriptor, throw bool) bool {
if i := toIntStrict(int64(idx)); i >= 0 {
if !o.val.runtime.checkHostObjectPropertyDescr(idx.string(), descr, throw) {
return false
val := descr.Value
if val == nil {
val = _undefined
o.putIdx(i, val, throw)
return true
o.val.runtime.typeErrorResult(throw, "Cannot define property '%d' on a Go slice", idx)
return false
func (o *objectGoSlice) defineOwnPropertyStr(name unistring.String, descr PropertyDescriptor, throw bool) bool {
if idx := strToGoIdx(name); idx >= 0 {
if !o.val.runtime.checkHostObjectPropertyDescr(name, descr, throw) {
return false
val := descr.Value
if val == nil {
val = _undefined
o.putIdx(idx, val, throw)
return true
if name == "length" {
return o.val.runtime.defineArrayLength(&o.lengthProp, descr, o.putLength, throw)
o.val.runtime.typeErrorResult(throw, "Cannot define property '%s' on a Go slice", name)
return false
func (o *objectGoSlice) _deleteIdx(idx int64) {
if idx < int64(len(*o.data)) {
(*o.data)[idx] = nil
func (o *objectGoSlice) deleteStr(name unistring.String, throw bool) bool {
if idx := strToIdx64(name); idx >= 0 {
return true
return o.baseObject.deleteStr(name, throw)
func (o *objectGoSlice) deleteIdx(i valueInt, throw bool) bool {
idx := int64(i)
if idx >= 0 {
return true
type goslicePropIter struct {
o *objectGoSlice
idx, limit int
func (i *goslicePropIter) next() (propIterItem, iterNextFunc) {
if i.idx < i.limit && i.idx < len(*i.o.data) {
name := strconv.Itoa(i.idx)
return propIterItem{name: newStringValue(name), enumerable: _ENUM_TRUE}, i.next
return propIterItem{}, nil
func (o *objectGoSlice) iterateStringKeys() iterNextFunc {
return (&goslicePropIter{
o: o,
limit: len(*o.data),
func (o *objectGoSlice) stringKeys(_ bool, accum []Value) []Value {
for i := range *o.data {
accum = append(accum, asciiString(strconv.Itoa(i)))
return accum
func (o *objectGoSlice) export(*objectExportCtx) interface{} {
if o.origIsPtr {
return o.data
return *o.data
func (o *objectGoSlice) exportType() reflect.Type {
if o.origIsPtr {
return reflectTypeArrayPtr
return reflectTypeArray
func (o *objectGoSlice) equal(other objectImpl) bool {
if other, ok := other.(*objectGoSlice); ok {
return o.data == other.data
return false
func (o *objectGoSlice) esValue() Value {
return o.val
func (o *objectGoSlice) reflectValue() reflect.Value {
return reflect.ValueOf(o.data).Elem()
func (o *objectGoSlice) setReflectValue(value reflect.Value) {
o.data = value.Addr().Interface().(*[]interface{})
func (o *objectGoSlice) sortLen() int {
return len(*o.data)
func (o *objectGoSlice) sortGet(i int) Value {
return o.getIdx(valueInt(i), nil)
func (o *objectGoSlice) swap(i int, j int) {
(*o.data)[i], (*o.data)[j] = (*o.data)[j], (*o.data)[i]
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