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object_goreflect.go 16.61 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
package goja
import (
// JsonEncodable allows custom JSON encoding by JSON.stringify()
// Note that if the returned value itself also implements JsonEncodable, it won't have any effect.
type JsonEncodable interface {
JsonEncodable() interface{}
// FieldNameMapper provides custom mapping between Go and JavaScript property names.
type FieldNameMapper interface {
// FieldName returns a JavaScript name for the given struct field in the given type.
// If this method returns "" the field becomes hidden.
FieldName(t reflect.Type, f reflect.StructField) string
// MethodName returns a JavaScript name for the given method in the given type.
// If this method returns "" the method becomes hidden.
MethodName(t reflect.Type, m reflect.Method) string
type tagFieldNameMapper struct {
tagName string
uncapMethods bool
func (tfm tagFieldNameMapper) FieldName(_ reflect.Type, f reflect.StructField) string {
tag := f.Tag.Get(tfm.tagName)
if idx := strings.IndexByte(tag, ','); idx != -1 {
tag = tag[:idx]
if parser.IsIdentifier(tag) {
return tag
return ""
func uncapitalize(s string) string {
return strings.ToLower(s[0:1]) + s[1:]
func (tfm tagFieldNameMapper) MethodName(_ reflect.Type, m reflect.Method) string {
if tfm.uncapMethods {
return uncapitalize(m.Name)
return m.Name
type uncapFieldNameMapper struct {
func (u uncapFieldNameMapper) FieldName(_ reflect.Type, f reflect.StructField) string {
return uncapitalize(f.Name)
func (u uncapFieldNameMapper) MethodName(_ reflect.Type, m reflect.Method) string {
return uncapitalize(m.Name)
type reflectFieldInfo struct {
Index []int
Anonymous bool
type reflectFieldsInfo struct {
Fields map[string]reflectFieldInfo
Names []string
type reflectMethodsInfo struct {
Methods map[string]int
Names []string
type reflectValueWrapper interface {
esValue() Value
reflectValue() reflect.Value
func isContainer(k reflect.Kind) bool {
switch k {
case reflect.Struct, reflect.Slice, reflect.Array:
return true
return false
func copyReflectValueWrapper(w reflectValueWrapper) {
v := w.reflectValue()
c := reflect.New(v.Type()).Elem()
type objectGoReflect struct {
origValue, fieldsValue reflect.Value
fieldsInfo *reflectFieldsInfo
methodsInfo *reflectMethodsInfo
methodsValue reflect.Value
valueCache map[string]reflectValueWrapper
toString, valueOf func() Value
toJson func() interface{}
func (o *objectGoReflect) init() {
switch o.fieldsValue.Kind() {
case reflect.Bool:
o.class = classBoolean
o.prototype = o.val.runtime.getBooleanPrototype()
o.toString = o._toStringBool
o.valueOf = o._valueOfBool
case reflect.String:
o.class = classString
o.prototype = o.val.runtime.getStringPrototype()
o.toString = o._toStringString
case reflect.Int, reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64:
o.class = classNumber
o.prototype = o.val.runtime.getNumberPrototype()
o.valueOf = o._valueOfInt
case reflect.Uint, reflect.Uint8, reflect.Uint16, reflect.Uint32, reflect.Uint64:
o.class = classNumber
o.prototype = o.val.runtime.getNumberPrototype()
o.valueOf = o._valueOfUint
case reflect.Float32, reflect.Float64:
o.class = classNumber
o.prototype = o.val.runtime.getNumberPrototype()
o.valueOf = o._valueOfFloat
o.class = classObject
o.prototype = o.val.runtime.global.ObjectPrototype
if o.fieldsValue.Kind() == reflect.Struct {
o.fieldsInfo = o.val.runtime.fieldsInfo(o.fieldsValue.Type())
var methodsType reflect.Type
// Always use pointer type for non-interface values to be able to access both methods defined on
// the literal type and on the pointer.
if o.fieldsValue.Kind() != reflect.Interface {
methodsType = reflect.PtrTo(o.fieldsValue.Type())
} else {
methodsType = o.fieldsValue.Type()
o.methodsInfo = o.val.runtime.methodsInfo(methodsType)
// Container values and values that have at least one method defined on the pointer type
// need to be addressable.
if !o.origValue.CanAddr() && (isContainer(o.origValue.Kind()) || len(o.methodsInfo.Names) > 0) {
value := reflect.New(o.origValue.Type()).Elem()
o.origValue = value
if value.Kind() != reflect.Ptr {
o.fieldsValue = value
o.extensible = true
switch o.origValue.Interface().(type) {
case fmt.Stringer:
o.toString = o._toStringStringer
case error:
o.toString = o._toStringError
if len(o.methodsInfo.Names) > 0 && o.fieldsValue.Kind() != reflect.Interface {
o.methodsValue = o.fieldsValue.Addr()
} else {
o.methodsValue = o.fieldsValue
if j, ok := o.origValue.Interface().(JsonEncodable); ok {
o.toJson = j.JsonEncodable
func (o *objectGoReflect) getStr(name unistring.String, receiver Value) Value {
if v := o._get(name.String()); v != nil {
return v
return o.baseObject.getStr(name, receiver)
func (o *objectGoReflect) _getField(jsName string) reflect.Value {
if o.fieldsInfo != nil {
if info, exists := o.fieldsInfo.Fields[jsName]; exists {
return o.fieldsValue.FieldByIndex(info.Index)
return reflect.Value{}
func (o *objectGoReflect) _getMethod(jsName string) reflect.Value {
if o.methodsInfo != nil {
if idx, exists := o.methodsInfo.Methods[jsName]; exists {
return o.methodsValue.Method(idx)
return reflect.Value{}
func (o *objectGoReflect) elemToValue(ev reflect.Value) (Value, reflectValueWrapper) {
if isContainer(ev.Kind()) {
ret := o.val.runtime.toValue(ev.Interface(), ev)
if obj, ok := ret.(*Object); ok {
if w, ok := obj.self.(reflectValueWrapper); ok {
return ret, w
return ret, nil
if ev.Kind() == reflect.Interface {
ev = ev.Elem()
if ev.Kind() == reflect.Invalid {
return _null, nil
return o.val.runtime.toValue(ev.Interface(), ev), nil
func (o *objectGoReflect) _getFieldValue(name string) Value {
if v := o.valueCache[name]; v != nil {
return v.esValue()
if v := o._getField(name); v.IsValid() {
res, w := o.elemToValue(v)
if w != nil {
if o.valueCache == nil {
o.valueCache = make(map[string]reflectValueWrapper)
o.valueCache[name] = w
return res
return nil
func (o *objectGoReflect) _get(name string) Value {
if o.fieldsValue.Kind() == reflect.Struct {
if ret := o._getFieldValue(name); ret != nil {
return ret
if v := o._getMethod(name); v.IsValid() {
return o.val.runtime.toValue(v.Interface(), v)
return nil
func (o *objectGoReflect) getOwnPropStr(name unistring.String) Value {
n := name.String()
if o.fieldsValue.Kind() == reflect.Struct {
if v := o._getFieldValue(n); v != nil {
return &valueProperty{
value: v,
writable: true,
enumerable: true,
if v := o._getMethod(n); v.IsValid() {
return &valueProperty{
value: o.val.runtime.toValue(v.Interface(), v),
enumerable: true,
return o.baseObject.getOwnPropStr(name)
func (o *objectGoReflect) setOwnStr(name unistring.String, val Value, throw bool) bool {
has, ok := o._put(name.String(), val, throw)
if !has {
if res, ok := o._setForeignStr(name, nil, val, o.val, throw); !ok {
o.val.runtime.typeErrorResult(throw, "Cannot assign to property %s of a host object", name)
return false
} else {
return res
return ok
func (o *objectGoReflect) setForeignStr(name unistring.String, val, receiver Value, throw bool) (bool, bool) {
return o._setForeignStr(name, trueValIfPresent(o._has(name.String())), val, receiver, throw)
func (o *objectGoReflect) setForeignIdx(idx valueInt, val, receiver Value, throw bool) (bool, bool) {
return o._setForeignIdx(idx, nil, val, receiver, throw)
func (o *objectGoReflect) _put(name string, val Value, throw bool) (has, ok bool) {
if o.fieldsValue.Kind() == reflect.Struct {
if v := o._getField(name); v.IsValid() {
cached := o.valueCache[name]
if cached != nil {
err := o.val.runtime.toReflectValue(val, v, &objectExportCtx{})
if err != nil {
if cached != nil {
o.val.runtime.typeErrorResult(throw, "Go struct conversion error: %v", err)
return true, false
if cached != nil {
delete(o.valueCache, name)
return true, true
return false, false
func (o *objectGoReflect) _putProp(name unistring.String, value Value, writable, enumerable, configurable bool) Value {
if _, ok := o._put(name.String(), value, false); ok {
return value
return o.baseObject._putProp(name, value, writable, enumerable, configurable)
func (r *Runtime) checkHostObjectPropertyDescr(name unistring.String, descr PropertyDescriptor, throw bool) bool {
if descr.Getter != nil || descr.Setter != nil {
r.typeErrorResult(throw, "Host objects do not support accessor properties")
return false
if descr.Writable == FLAG_FALSE {
r.typeErrorResult(throw, "Host object field %s cannot be made read-only", name)
return false
if descr.Configurable == FLAG_TRUE {
r.typeErrorResult(throw, "Host object field %s cannot be made configurable", name)
return false
return true
func (o *objectGoReflect) defineOwnPropertyStr(name unistring.String, descr PropertyDescriptor, throw bool) bool {
if o.val.runtime.checkHostObjectPropertyDescr(name, descr, throw) {
n := name.String()
if has, ok := o._put(n, descr.Value, throw); !has {
o.val.runtime.typeErrorResult(throw, "Cannot define property '%s' on a host object", n)
return false
} else {
return ok
return false
func (o *objectGoReflect) _has(name string) bool {
if o.fieldsValue.Kind() == reflect.Struct {
if v := o._getField(name); v.IsValid() {
return true
if v := o._getMethod(name); v.IsValid() {
return true
return false
func (o *objectGoReflect) hasOwnPropertyStr(name unistring.String) bool {
return o._has(name.String()) || o.baseObject.hasOwnPropertyStr(name)
func (o *objectGoReflect) _valueOfInt() Value {
return intToValue(o.fieldsValue.Int())
func (o *objectGoReflect) _valueOfUint() Value {
return intToValue(int64(o.fieldsValue.Uint()))
func (o *objectGoReflect) _valueOfBool() Value {
if o.fieldsValue.Bool() {
return valueTrue
} else {
return valueFalse
func (o *objectGoReflect) _valueOfFloat() Value {
return floatToValue(o.fieldsValue.Float())
func (o *objectGoReflect) _toStringStringer() Value {
return newStringValue(o.origValue.Interface().(fmt.Stringer).String())
func (o *objectGoReflect) _toStringString() Value {
return newStringValue(o.fieldsValue.String())
func (o *objectGoReflect) _toStringBool() Value {
if o.fieldsValue.Bool() {
return stringTrue
} else {
return stringFalse
func (o *objectGoReflect) _toStringError() Value {
return newStringValue(o.origValue.Interface().(error).Error())
func (o *objectGoReflect) deleteStr(name unistring.String, throw bool) bool {
n := name.String()
if o._has(n) {
o.val.runtime.typeErrorResult(throw, "Cannot delete property %s from a Go type", n)
return false
return o.baseObject.deleteStr(name, throw)
type goreflectPropIter struct {
o *objectGoReflect
idx int
func (i *goreflectPropIter) nextField() (propIterItem, iterNextFunc) {
names := i.o.fieldsInfo.Names
if i.idx < len(names) {
name := names[i.idx]
return propIterItem{name: newStringValue(name), enumerable: _ENUM_TRUE}, i.nextField
i.idx = 0
return i.nextMethod()
func (i *goreflectPropIter) nextMethod() (propIterItem, iterNextFunc) {
names := i.o.methodsInfo.Names
if i.idx < len(names) {
name := names[i.idx]
return propIterItem{name: newStringValue(name), enumerable: _ENUM_TRUE}, i.nextMethod
return propIterItem{}, nil
func (o *objectGoReflect) iterateStringKeys() iterNextFunc {
r := &goreflectPropIter{
o: o,
if o.fieldsInfo != nil {
return r.nextField
return r.nextMethod
func (o *objectGoReflect) stringKeys(_ bool, accum []Value) []Value {
// all own keys are enumerable
if o.fieldsInfo != nil {
for _, name := range o.fieldsInfo.Names {
accum = append(accum, newStringValue(name))
for _, name := range o.methodsInfo.Names {
accum = append(accum, newStringValue(name))
return accum
func (o *objectGoReflect) export(*objectExportCtx) interface{} {
return o.origValue.Interface()
func (o *objectGoReflect) exportType() reflect.Type {
return o.origValue.Type()
func (o *objectGoReflect) equal(other objectImpl) bool {
if other, ok := other.(*objectGoReflect); ok {
k1, k2 := o.fieldsValue.Kind(), other.fieldsValue.Kind()
if k1 == k2 {
if isContainer(k1) {
return o.fieldsValue == other.fieldsValue
return o.fieldsValue.Interface() == other.fieldsValue.Interface()
return false
func (o *objectGoReflect) reflectValue() reflect.Value {
return o.fieldsValue
func (o *objectGoReflect) setReflectValue(v reflect.Value) {
o.fieldsValue = v
o.origValue = v
o.methodsValue = v.Addr()
func (o *objectGoReflect) esValue() Value {
return o.val
func (r *Runtime) buildFieldInfo(t reflect.Type, index []int, info *reflectFieldsInfo) {
n := t.NumField()
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
field := t.Field(i)
name := field.Name
if !ast.IsExported(name) {
if r.fieldNameMapper != nil {
name = r.fieldNameMapper.FieldName(t, field)
if name != "" {
if inf, exists := info.Fields[name]; !exists {
info.Names = append(info.Names, name)
} else {
if len(inf.Index) <= len(index) {
if name != "" || field.Anonymous {
idx := make([]int, len(index)+1)
copy(idx, index)
idx[len(idx)-1] = i
if name != "" {
info.Fields[name] = reflectFieldInfo{
Index: idx,
Anonymous: field.Anonymous,
if field.Anonymous {
typ := field.Type
for typ.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
typ = typ.Elem()
if typ.Kind() == reflect.Struct {
r.buildFieldInfo(typ, idx, info)
var emptyMethodsInfo = reflectMethodsInfo{}
func (r *Runtime) buildMethodsInfo(t reflect.Type) (info *reflectMethodsInfo) {
n := t.NumMethod()
if n == 0 {
return &emptyMethodsInfo
info = new(reflectMethodsInfo)
info.Methods = make(map[string]int, n)
info.Names = make([]string, 0, n)
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
method := t.Method(i)
name := method.Name
if !ast.IsExported(name) {
if r.fieldNameMapper != nil {
name = r.fieldNameMapper.MethodName(t, method)
if name == "" {
if _, exists := info.Methods[name]; !exists {
info.Names = append(info.Names, name)
info.Methods[name] = i
func (r *Runtime) buildFieldsInfo(t reflect.Type) (info *reflectFieldsInfo) {
info = new(reflectFieldsInfo)
n := t.NumField()
info.Fields = make(map[string]reflectFieldInfo, n)
info.Names = make([]string, 0, n)
r.buildFieldInfo(t, nil, info)
func (r *Runtime) fieldsInfo(t reflect.Type) (info *reflectFieldsInfo) {
var exists bool
if info, exists = r.fieldsInfoCache[t]; !exists {
info = r.buildFieldsInfo(t)
if r.fieldsInfoCache == nil {
r.fieldsInfoCache = make(map[reflect.Type]*reflectFieldsInfo)
r.fieldsInfoCache[t] = info
func (r *Runtime) methodsInfo(t reflect.Type) (info *reflectMethodsInfo) {
var exists bool
if info, exists = r.methodsInfoCache[t]; !exists {
info = r.buildMethodsInfo(t)
if r.methodsInfoCache == nil {
r.methodsInfoCache = make(map[reflect.Type]*reflectMethodsInfo)
r.methodsInfoCache[t] = info
// SetFieldNameMapper sets a custom field name mapper for Go types. It can be called at any time, however
// the mapping for any given value is fixed at the point of creation.
// Setting this to nil restores the default behaviour which is all exported fields and methods are mapped to their
// original unchanged names.
func (r *Runtime) SetFieldNameMapper(mapper FieldNameMapper) {
r.fieldNameMapper = mapper
r.fieldsInfoCache = nil
r.methodsInfoCache = nil
// TagFieldNameMapper returns a FieldNameMapper that uses the given tagName for struct fields and optionally
// uncapitalises (making the first letter lower case) method names.
// The common tag value syntax is supported (name[,options]), however options are ignored.
// Setting name to anything other than a valid ECMAScript identifier makes the field hidden.
func TagFieldNameMapper(tagName string, uncapMethods bool) FieldNameMapper {
return tagFieldNameMapper{
tagName: tagName,
uncapMethods: uncapMethods,
// UncapFieldNameMapper returns a FieldNameMapper that uncapitalises struct field and method names
// making the first letter lower case.
func UncapFieldNameMapper() FieldNameMapper {
return uncapFieldNameMapper{}
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