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csv.go 16.45 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
// Copyright 2014 Jonathan Picques. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT license
// The license can be found in the LICENSE file.
// The GoCSV package aims to provide easy CSV serialization and deserialization to the golang programming language
package gocsv
import (
// FailIfUnmatchedStructTags indicates whether it is considered an error when there is an unmatched
// struct tag.
var FailIfUnmatchedStructTags = false
// FailIfDoubleHeaderNames indicates whether it is considered an error when a header name is repeated
// in the csv header.
var FailIfDoubleHeaderNames = false
// ShouldAlignDuplicateHeadersWithStructFieldOrder indicates whether we should align duplicate CSV
// headers per their alignment in the struct definition.
var ShouldAlignDuplicateHeadersWithStructFieldOrder = false
// TagName defines key in the struct field's tag to scan
var TagName = "csv"
// TagSeparator defines seperator string for multiple csv tags in struct fields
var TagSeparator = ","
// FieldSeperator defines how to combine parent struct with child struct
var FieldsCombiner = "."
// Normalizer is a function that takes and returns a string. It is applied to
// struct and header field values before they are compared. It can be used to alter
// names for comparison. For instance, you could allow case insensitive matching
// or convert '-' to '_'.
type Normalizer func(string) string
type ErrorHandler func(*csv.ParseError) bool
// normalizeName function initially set to a nop Normalizer.
var normalizeName = DefaultNameNormalizer()
// DefaultNameNormalizer is a nop Normalizer.
func DefaultNameNormalizer() Normalizer { return func(s string) string { return s } }
// SetHeaderNormalizer sets the normalizer used to normalize struct and header field names.
func SetHeaderNormalizer(f Normalizer) {
normalizeName = f
// Need to clear the cache hen the header normalizer changes.
structInfoCache = sync.Map{}
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CSVWriter used to format CSV
var selfCSVWriter = DefaultCSVWriter
// DefaultCSVWriter is the default SafeCSVWriter used to format CSV (cf. csv.NewWriter)
func DefaultCSVWriter(out io.Writer) *SafeCSVWriter {
writer := NewSafeCSVWriter(csv.NewWriter(out))
// As only one rune can be defined as a CSV separator, we are going to trim
// the custom tag separator and use the first rune.
if runes := []rune(strings.TrimSpace(TagSeparator)); len(runes) > 0 {
writer.Comma = runes[0]
return writer
// SetCSVWriter sets the SafeCSVWriter used to format CSV.
func SetCSVWriter(csvWriter func(io.Writer) *SafeCSVWriter) {
selfCSVWriter = csvWriter
func getCSVWriter(out io.Writer) *SafeCSVWriter {
return selfCSVWriter(out)
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CSVReader used to parse CSV
var selfCSVReader = DefaultCSVReader
// DefaultCSVReader is the default CSV reader used to parse CSV (cf. csv.NewReader)
func DefaultCSVReader(in io.Reader) CSVReader {
return csv.NewReader(in)
// LazyCSVReader returns a lazy CSV reader, with LazyQuotes and TrimLeadingSpace.
func LazyCSVReader(in io.Reader) CSVReader {
csvReader := csv.NewReader(in)
csvReader.LazyQuotes = true
csvReader.TrimLeadingSpace = true
return csvReader
// SetCSVReader sets the CSV reader used to parse CSV.
func SetCSVReader(csvReader func(io.Reader) CSVReader) {
selfCSVReader = csvReader
func getCSVReader(in io.Reader) CSVReader {
return selfCSVReader(in)
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Marshal functions
// MarshalFile saves the interface as CSV in the file.
func MarshalFile(in interface{}, file *os.File) (err error) {
return Marshal(in, file)
// MarshalString returns the CSV string from the interface.
func MarshalString(in interface{}) (out string, err error) {
bufferString := bytes.NewBufferString(out)
if err := Marshal(in, bufferString); err != nil {
return "", err
return bufferString.String(), nil
// MarshalStringWithoutHeaders returns the CSV string from the interface.
func MarshalStringWithoutHeaders(in interface{}) (out string, err error) {
bufferString := bytes.NewBufferString(out)
if err := MarshalWithoutHeaders(in, bufferString); err != nil {
return "", err
return bufferString.String(), nil
// MarshalBytes returns the CSV bytes from the interface.
func MarshalBytes(in interface{}) (out []byte, err error) {
bufferString := bytes.NewBuffer(out)
if err := Marshal(in, bufferString); err != nil {
return nil, err
return bufferString.Bytes(), nil
// Marshal returns the CSV in writer from the interface.
func Marshal(in interface{}, out io.Writer) (err error) {
writer := getCSVWriter(out)
return writeTo(writer, in, false)
// MarshalWithoutHeaders returns the CSV in writer from the interface.
func MarshalWithoutHeaders(in interface{}, out io.Writer) (err error) {
writer := getCSVWriter(out)
return writeTo(writer, in, true)
// MarshalChan returns the CSV read from the channel.
func MarshalChan(c <-chan interface{}, out CSVWriter) error {
return writeFromChan(out, c, false)
// MarshalChanWithoutHeaders returns the CSV read from the channel.
func MarshalChanWithoutHeaders(c <-chan interface{}, out CSVWriter) error {
return writeFromChan(out, c, true)
// MarshalCSV returns the CSV in writer from the interface.
func MarshalCSV(in interface{}, out CSVWriter) (err error) {
return writeTo(out, in, false)
// MarshalCSVWithoutHeaders returns the CSV in writer from the interface.
func MarshalCSVWithoutHeaders(in interface{}, out CSVWriter) (err error) {
return writeTo(out, in, true)
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Unmarshal functions
// UnmarshalFile parses the CSV from the file in the interface.
func UnmarshalFile(in *os.File, out interface{}) error {
return Unmarshal(in, out)
// UnmarshalMultipartFile parses the CSV from the multipart file in the interface.
func UnmarshalMultipartFile(in *multipart.File, out interface{}) error {
return Unmarshal(convertTo(in), out)
// UnmarshalFileWithErrorHandler parses the CSV from the file in the interface.
func UnmarshalFileWithErrorHandler(in *os.File, errHandler ErrorHandler, out interface{}) error {
return UnmarshalWithErrorHandler(in, errHandler, out)
// UnmarshalString parses the CSV from the string in the interface.
func UnmarshalString(in string, out interface{}) error {
return Unmarshal(strings.NewReader(in), out)
// UnmarshalBytes parses the CSV from the bytes in the interface.
func UnmarshalBytes(in []byte, out interface{}) error {
return Unmarshal(bytes.NewReader(in), out)
// Unmarshal parses the CSV from the reader in the interface.
func Unmarshal(in io.Reader, out interface{}) error {
return readTo(newSimpleDecoderFromReader(in), out)
// Unmarshal parses the CSV from the reader in the interface.
func UnmarshalWithErrorHandler(in io.Reader, errHandle ErrorHandler, out interface{}) error {
return readToWithErrorHandler(newSimpleDecoderFromReader(in), errHandle, out)
// UnmarshalWithoutHeaders parses the CSV from the reader in the interface.
func UnmarshalWithoutHeaders(in io.Reader, out interface{}) error {
return readToWithoutHeaders(newSimpleDecoderFromReader(in), out)
// UnmarshalCSVWithoutHeaders parses a headerless CSV with passed in CSV reader
func UnmarshalCSVWithoutHeaders(in CSVReader, out interface{}) error {
return readToWithoutHeaders(csvDecoder{in}, out)
// UnmarshalDecoder parses the CSV from the decoder in the interface
func UnmarshalDecoder(in Decoder, out interface{}) error {
return readTo(in, out)
// UnmarshalCSV parses the CSV from the reader in the interface.
func UnmarshalCSV(in CSVReader, out interface{}) error {
return readTo(csvDecoder{in}, out)
// UnmarshalCSVToMap parses a CSV of 2 columns into a map.
func UnmarshalCSVToMap(in CSVReader, out interface{}) error {
decoder := NewSimpleDecoderFromCSVReader(in)
header, err := decoder.GetCSVRow()
if err != nil {
return err
if len(header) != 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("maps can only be created for csv of two columns")
outValue, outType := getConcreteReflectValueAndType(out)
if outType.Kind() != reflect.Map {
return fmt.Errorf("cannot use " + outType.String() + ", only map supported")
keyType := outType.Key()
valueType := outType.Elem()
for {
key := reflect.New(keyType)
value := reflect.New(valueType)
line, err := decoder.GetCSVRow()
if err == io.EOF {
} else if err != nil {
return err
if err := setField(key, line[0], false); err != nil {
return err
if err := setField(value, line[1], false); err != nil {
return err
outValue.SetMapIndex(key.Elem(), value.Elem())
return nil
// UnmarshalToChan parses the CSV from the reader and send each value in the chan c.
// The channel must have a concrete type.
func UnmarshalToChan(in io.Reader, c interface{}) error {
if c == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("goscv: channel is %v", c)
return readEach(newSimpleDecoderFromReader(in), nil, c)
// UnmarshalToChanWithErrorHandler parses the CSV from the reader in the interface.
func UnmarshalToChanWithErrorHandler(in io.Reader, errorHandler ErrorHandler, c interface{}) error {
if c == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("goscv: channel is %v", c)
return readEach(newSimpleDecoderFromReader(in), errorHandler, c)
// UnmarshalToChanWithoutHeaders parses the CSV from the reader and send each value in the chan c.
// The channel must have a concrete type.
func UnmarshalToChanWithoutHeaders(in io.Reader, c interface{}) error {
if c == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("goscv: channel is %v", c)
return readEachWithoutHeaders(newSimpleDecoderFromReader(in), c)
// UnmarshalDecoderToChan parses the CSV from the decoder and send each value in the chan c.
// The channel must have a concrete type.
func UnmarshalDecoderToChan(in SimpleDecoder, c interface{}) error {
if c == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("goscv: channel is %v", c)
return readEach(in, nil, c)
// UnmarshalStringToChan parses the CSV from the string and send each value in the chan c.
// The channel must have a concrete type.
func UnmarshalStringToChan(in string, c interface{}) error {
return UnmarshalToChan(strings.NewReader(in), c)
// UnmarshalBytesToChan parses the CSV from the bytes and send each value in the chan c.
// The channel must have a concrete type.
func UnmarshalBytesToChan(in []byte, c interface{}) error {
return UnmarshalToChan(bytes.NewReader(in), c)
// UnmarshalToCallback parses the CSV from the reader and send each value to the given func f.
// The func must look like func(Struct).
func UnmarshalToCallback(in io.Reader, f interface{}) error {
valueFunc := reflect.ValueOf(f)
t := reflect.TypeOf(f)
if t.NumIn() != 1 {
return fmt.Errorf("the given function must have exactly one parameter")
cerr := make(chan error)
c := reflect.MakeChan(reflect.ChanOf(reflect.BothDir, t.In(0)), 0)
go func() {
cerr <- UnmarshalToChan(in, c.Interface())
for {
select {
case err := <-cerr:
return err
v, notClosed := c.Recv()
if !notClosed || v.Interface() == nil {
callResults := valueFunc.Call([]reflect.Value{v})
// if last returned value from Call() is an error, return it
if len(callResults) > 0 {
if err, ok := callResults[len(callResults)-1].Interface().(error); ok {
return err
return <-cerr
// UnmarshalDecoderToCallback parses the CSV from the decoder and send each value to the given func f.
// The func must look like func(Struct).
func UnmarshalDecoderToCallback(in SimpleDecoder, f interface{}) error {
valueFunc := reflect.ValueOf(f)
t := reflect.TypeOf(f)
if t.NumIn() != 1 {
return fmt.Errorf("the given function must have exactly one parameter")
cerr := make(chan error)
c := reflect.MakeChan(reflect.ChanOf(reflect.BothDir, t.In(0)), 0)
go func() {
cerr <- UnmarshalDecoderToChan(in, c.Interface())
for {
select {
case err := <-cerr:
return err
v, notClosed := c.Recv()
if !notClosed || v.Interface() == nil {
return <-cerr
// UnmarshalBytesToCallback parses the CSV from the bytes and send each value to the given func f.
// The func must look like func(Struct).
func UnmarshalBytesToCallback(in []byte, f interface{}) error {
return UnmarshalToCallback(bytes.NewReader(in), f)
// UnmarshalStringToCallback parses the CSV from the string and send each value to the given func f.
// The func must look like func(Struct).
func UnmarshalStringToCallback(in string, c interface{}) (err error) {
return UnmarshalToCallback(strings.NewReader(in), c)
// UnmarshalToCallbackWithError parses the CSV from the reader and
// send each value to the given func f.
// If func returns error, it will stop processing, drain the
// parser and propagate the error to caller.
// The func must look like func(Struct) error.
func UnmarshalToCallbackWithError(in io.Reader, f interface{}) error {
valueFunc := reflect.ValueOf(f)
t := reflect.TypeOf(f)
if t.NumIn() != 1 {
return fmt.Errorf("the given function must have exactly one parameter")
if t.NumOut() != 1 {
return fmt.Errorf("the given function must have exactly one return value")
if !isErrorType(t.Out(0)) {
return fmt.Errorf("the given function must only return error")
cerr := make(chan error)
c := reflect.MakeChan(reflect.ChanOf(reflect.BothDir, t.In(0)), 0)
go func() {
cerr <- UnmarshalToChan(in, c.Interface())
var fErr error
for {
select {
case err := <-cerr:
if err != nil {
return err
return fErr
v, notClosed := c.Recv()
if !notClosed || v.Interface() == nil {
if err := <-cerr; err != nil {
fErr = err
// callback f has already returned an error, stop processing but keep draining the chan c
if fErr != nil {
results := valueFunc.Call([]reflect.Value{v})
// If the callback f returns an error, stores it and returns it in future.
errValue := results[0].Interface()
if errValue != nil {
fErr = errValue.(error)
return fErr
// UnmarshalBytesToCallbackWithError parses the CSV from the bytes and
// send each value to the given func f.
// If func returns error, it will stop processing, drain the
// parser and propagate the error to caller.
// The func must look like func(Struct) error.
func UnmarshalBytesToCallbackWithError(in []byte, f interface{}) error {
return UnmarshalToCallbackWithError(bytes.NewReader(in), f)
// UnmarshalStringToCallbackWithError parses the CSV from the string and
// send each value to the given func f.
// If func returns error, it will stop processing, drain the
// parser and propagate the error to caller.
// The func must look like func(Struct) error.
func UnmarshalStringToCallbackWithError(in string, c interface{}) (err error) {
return UnmarshalToCallbackWithError(strings.NewReader(in), c)
// CSVToMap creates a simple map from a CSV of 2 columns.
func CSVToMap(in io.Reader) (map[string]string, error) {
decoder := newSimpleDecoderFromReader(in)
header, err := decoder.GetCSVRow()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if len(header) != 2 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("maps can only be created for csv of two columns")
m := make(map[string]string)
for {
line, err := decoder.GetCSVRow()
if err == io.EOF {
} else if err != nil {
return nil, err
m[line[0]] = line[1]
return m, nil
// CSVToMaps takes a reader and returns an array of dictionaries, using the header row as the keys
func CSVToMaps(reader io.Reader) ([]map[string]string, error) {
r := getCSVReader(reader)
rows := []map[string]string{}
var header []string
for {
record, err := r.Read()
if err == io.EOF {
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if header == nil {
header = record
} else {
dict := map[string]string{}
for i := range header {
dict[header[i]] = record[i]
rows = append(rows, dict)
return rows, nil
// CSVToChanMaps parses the CSV from the reader and send a dictionary in the chan c, using the header row as the keys.
func CSVToChanMaps(reader io.Reader, c chan<- map[string]string) error {
r := csv.NewReader(reader)
var header []string
for {
record, err := r.Read()
if err == io.EOF {
if err != nil {
return err
if header == nil {
header = record
} else {
dict := map[string]string{}
for i := range header {
dict[header[i]] = record[i]
c <- dict
return nil
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