package compose
import (
hutils "github.com/rancher/rancher/pkg/controllers/user/helm/utils"
managementClient "github.com/rancher/types/client/management/v3"
kerrors "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/api/errors"
metav1 "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1"
const (
composeTokenPrefix = "compose-token-"
url = "https://localhost:%v/v3"
// Lifecycle for GlobalComposeConfig is a controller which watches composeConfig and execute the yaml config and create a bunch of global resources. There is no sync logic between yaml file and resources, which means config is only executed once. And resource is not deleted even if the compose config is deleted.
type Lifecycle struct {
TokenClient v3.TokenInterface
UserClient v3.UserInterface
HTTPSPortGetter common.KubeConfigGetter
ComposeClient v3.GlobalComposeConfigInterface
func Register(managementContext *config.ManagementContext, portGetter common.KubeConfigGetter) {
composeClient := managementContext.Management.GlobalComposeConfigs("")
tokenClient := managementContext.Management.Tokens("")
userClient := managementContext.Management.Users("")
l := Lifecycle{
HTTPSPortGetter: portGetter,
TokenClient: tokenClient,
UserClient: userClient,
ComposeClient: composeClient,
composeClient.AddHandler("compose-controller", l.sync)
func (l Lifecycle) sync(key string, obj *v3.GlobalComposeConfig) error {
if key == "" || obj == nil {
return nil
obj, err := l.Create(obj)
if err != nil {
return &controller.ForgetError{
Err: err,
_, err = l.ComposeClient.Update(obj)
return err
func (l Lifecycle) Create(obj *v3.GlobalComposeConfig) (*v3.GlobalComposeConfig, error) {
userID := obj.Annotations["field.cattle.io/creatorId"]
user, err := l.UserClient.Get(userID, metav1.GetOptions{})
if err != nil {
return obj, err
token := ""
if t, err := l.TokenClient.Get(composeTokenPrefix+user.Name, metav1.GetOptions{}); err != nil && !kerrors.IsNotFound(err) {
return obj, err
} else if kerrors.IsNotFound(err) {
token, err = hutils.GenerateToken(user, composeTokenPrefix, l.TokenClient)
if err != nil {
return obj, err
} else {
token = t.Name + ":" + t.Token
globalClient, err := constructGlobalClient(token, l.HTTPSPortGetter.GetHTTPSPort())
if err != nil {
return obj, err
config := &compose.Config{}
if err := yaml.Unmarshal([]byte(obj.Spec.RancherCompose), config); err != nil {
return obj, err
if err := up(globalClient, config); err != nil {
return obj, err
return obj, nil
func CreateGlobalResources(globalCLient *managementClient.Client, config *compose.Config) error {
// schema map contains all the schemas
schemas := GetSchemaMap(globalCLient)
// referenceMap is a map of schemaType with name -> id value
referenceMap := map[string]map[string]string{}
rawData, err := json.Marshal(config)
if err != nil {
return err
rawMap := map[string]interface{}{}
if err := json.Unmarshal(rawData, &rawMap); err != nil {
return err
delete(rawMap, "version")
// find all resources that has no references
sortedSchemas := common.SortSchema(schemas)
for _, schemaKey := range sortedSchemas {
key := schemaKey + "s"
if v, ok := rawMap[key]; ok {
if !isGlobalResource(schemaKey, globalCLient) {
logrus.Warnf("%s is not a global resource. Skipping", schemaKey)
value, ok := v.(map[string]interface{})
if !ok {
baseClient := &globalCLient.APIBaseClient
for name, data := range value {
dataMap, ok := data.(map[string]interface{})
if !ok {
if err := common.ReplaceGlobalReference(schemas[schemaKey], dataMap, referenceMap, baseClient); err != nil {
return err
dataMap["name"] = name
respObj := map[string]interface{}{}
// in here we have to make sure the same name won't be created twice
// todo: right now the global resource can be created with the same name
created := map[string]string{}
if err := baseClient.List(schemaKey, &types.ListOpts{}, &respObj); err != nil {
return err
if data, ok := respObj["data"]; ok {
if collections, ok := data.([]interface{}); ok {
for _, obj := range collections {
if objMap, ok := obj.(map[string]interface{}); ok {
createdName := common.GetValue(objMap, "name")
if createdName != "" {
created[createdName] = common.GetValue(objMap, "id")
id := ""
if v, ok := created[name]; ok {
id = v
} else {
if err := baseClient.Create(schemaKey, dataMap, &respObj); err != nil && !strings.Contains(err.Error(), "already exist") {
return err
} else if err != nil && strings.Contains(err.Error(), "already exist") {
v, ok := respObj["id"]
if !ok {
return errors.Errorf("id is missing after creating %s obj", schemaKey)
id = v.(string)
if f, ok := WaitCondition[schemaKey]; ok {
if err := f(baseClient, id, schemaKey); err != nil {
return err
// fill in reference map name -> id
if err := common.FillInReferenceMap(baseClient, schemaKey, referenceMap, nil); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func isGlobalResource(schemaType string, globalClient *managementClient.Client) bool {
schema, ok := globalClient.Types[schemaType]
if !ok {
return false
if _, ok := schema.ResourceFields["clusterId"]; ok {
return false
if _, ok := schema.ResourceFields["projectId"]; ok {
return false
return true
func GetSchemaMap(globalClient *managementClient.Client) map[string]types.Schema {
schemas := map[string]types.Schema{}
for k, s := range globalClient.Types {
if _, ok := s.ResourceFields["creatorId"]; !ok {
schemas[k] = s
return schemas
func up(globalClient *managementClient.Client, config *compose.Config) error {
return CreateGlobalResources(globalClient, config)
type ClientSet struct {
mClient *managementClient.Client
func constructGlobalClient(token string, port int) (*managementClient.Client, error) {
mClient, err := managementClient.NewClient(&clientbase.ClientOpts{
URL: fmt.Sprintf(url, port),
TokenKey: token,
Insecure: true,
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return mClient, nil
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