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phli 提交于 2018-04-24 16:40 . ineffassign & misspell fix
package jenkins
import (
images "github.com/rancher/rancher/pkg/image"
func ConvertPipelineExecutionToJenkinsPipeline(execution *v3.PipelineExecution) (PipelineJob, error) {
if execution == nil {
return PipelineJob{}, errors.New("nil pipeline execution")
if err := utils.ValidPipelineSpec(execution.Spec.Pipeline.Spec); err != nil {
return PipelineJob{}, err
copyExecution := execution.DeepCopy()
pipelineJob := PipelineJob{
Plugin: WorkflowJobPlugin,
Definition: Definition{
Class: FlowDefinitionClass,
Plugin: FlowDefinitionPlugin,
Sandbox: true,
Script: convertPipelineExecution(copyExecution),
return pipelineJob, nil
func convertStep(pipeline *v3.Pipeline, stageOrdinal int, stepOrdinal int) string {
stepContent := ""
stepName := fmt.Sprintf("step-%d-%d", stageOrdinal, stepOrdinal)
step := pipeline.Spec.Stages[stageOrdinal].Steps[stepOrdinal]
if step.SourceCodeConfig != nil {
branch := step.SourceCodeConfig.Branch
branchCondition := step.SourceCodeConfig.BranchCondition
//default only branch xxx
if branchCondition == "except" {
branch = fmt.Sprintf(":^(?!(%s))", branch)
} else if branchCondition == "all" {
branch = "**"
isRef := strings.HasPrefix(branch, "refs/")
if isRef {
stepContent = fmt.Sprintf("checkout([$class: 'GitSCM', branches: [[name: 'local/temp']], userRemoteConfigs: [[url: '%s', refspec: '+%s:refs/remotes/local/temp', credentialsId: '%s']]])",
step.SourceCodeConfig.URL, branch, step.SourceCodeConfig.SourceCodeCredentialName)
} else {
stepContent = fmt.Sprintf("git url: '%s', branch: '%s', credentialsId: '%s'", step.SourceCodeConfig.URL, branch, step.SourceCodeConfig.SourceCodeCredentialName)
} else if step.RunScriptConfig != nil {
if step.RunScriptConfig.IsShell {
stepContent = fmt.Sprintf(`sh ''' %s '''`, step.RunScriptConfig.ShellScript)
} else {
script := step.RunScriptConfig.Entrypoint
if step.RunScriptConfig.Command != "" {
script = script + " " + step.RunScriptConfig.Command
stepContent = fmt.Sprintf(`sh ''' %s '''`, script)
} else if step.PublishImageConfig != nil {
stepContent = fmt.Sprintf(`sh """/usr/local/bin/dockerd-entrypoint.sh /bin/drone-docker"""`)
} else {
return ""
return fmt.Sprintf(stepBlock, stepName, stepName, stepName, stepContent)
func convertStage(pipeline *v3.Pipeline, stageOrdinal int) string {
var buffer bytes.Buffer
stage := pipeline.Spec.Stages[stageOrdinal]
for i := range stage.Steps {
buffer.WriteString(convertStep(pipeline, stageOrdinal, i))
if i != len(stage.Steps)-1 {
return fmt.Sprintf(stageBlock, stage.Name, buffer.String())
func convertPipelineExecution(execution *v3.PipelineExecution) string {
pipeline := execution.Spec.Pipeline
var containerbuffer bytes.Buffer
var pipelinebuffer bytes.Buffer
for j, stage := range pipeline.Spec.Stages {
pipelinebuffer.WriteString(convertStage(&pipeline, j))
for k, step := range stage.Steps {
stepName := fmt.Sprintf("step-%d-%d", j, k)
image := ""
options := ""
if step.SourceCodeConfig != nil {
image = images.Resolve(v3.ToolsSystemImages.PipelineSystemImages.AlpineGit)
} else if step.RunScriptConfig != nil {
image = step.RunScriptConfig.Image
options = getPreservedEnvVarOptions(execution)
} else if step.PublishImageConfig != nil {
registry, repo, tag := utils.SplitImageTag(step.PublishImageConfig.Tag)
//TODO key-key mapping instead of registry-key mapping
reg, _ := regexp.Compile("[^a-zA-Z0-9]+")
proceccedRegistry := strings.ToLower(reg.ReplaceAllString(registry, ""))
secretName := fmt.Sprintf("%s-%s", pipeline.Namespace, proceccedRegistry)
pluginRepo := fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", registry, repo)
if registry == utils.DefaultRegistry {
//the `plugins/docker` image fails when setting DOCKER_REGISTRY to index.docker.io
registry = ""
image = images.Resolve(v3.ToolsSystemImages.PipelineSystemImages.PluginsDocker)
publishoption := `, privileged: true, envVars: [
envVar(key: 'PLUGIN_REPO', value: '%s'),
envVar(key: 'PLUGIN_TAG', value: '%s'),
envVar(key: 'PLUGIN_DOCKERFILE', value: '%s'),
envVar(key: 'PLUGIN_CONTEXT', value: '%s'),
envVar(key: 'DOCKER_REGISTRY', value: '%s'),
secretEnvVar(key: 'DOCKER_USERNAME', secretName: '%s', secretKey: 'username'),
secretEnvVar(key: 'DOCKER_PASSWORD', secretName: '%s', secretKey: 'password'),
options = fmt.Sprintf(publishoption, pluginRepo, tag, step.PublishImageConfig.DockerfilePath, step.PublishImageConfig.BuildContext, registry, secretName, secretName)
} else {
return ""
containerDef := fmt.Sprintf(containerBlock, stepName, image, options)
return fmt.Sprintf(pipelineBlock, containerbuffer.String(), images.Resolve(v3.ToolsSystemImages.PipelineSystemImages.JenkinsJnlp), pipelinebuffer.String())
func getPreservedEnvVarOptions(execution *v3.PipelineExecution) string {
var buffer bytes.Buffer
for k, v := range getEnvVarMap(execution) {
buffer.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf(envVarSkel, k, v))
return fmt.Sprintf(envVarsSkel, buffer.String())
func getEnvVarMap(execution *v3.PipelineExecution) map[string]string {
m := map[string]string{}
sourceCodeConfig := execution.Spec.Pipeline.Spec.Stages[0].Steps[0].SourceCodeConfig
repoURL := sourceCodeConfig.URL
repoName := ""
if strings.Contains(repoURL, "/") {
trimmedURL := strings.TrimRight(repoURL, "/")
idx := strings.LastIndex(trimmedURL, "/")
repoName = strings.TrimSuffix(trimmedURL[idx+1:], ".git")
commit := execution.Status.Commit
if commit != "" && len(commit) > 7 {
//use abbreviated SHA
commit = commit[:7]
m["CICD_GIT_COMMIT"] = commit
m["CICD_GIT_REPO_NAME"] = repoName
m["CICD_GIT_BRANCH"] = sourceCodeConfig.Branch
m["CICD_GIT_URL"] = sourceCodeConfig.URL
m["CICD_PIPELINE_ID"] = execution.Spec.PipelineName
m["CICD_PIPELINE_NAME"] = execution.Spec.Pipeline.Spec.DisplayName
m["CICD_TRIGGER_TYPE"] = execution.Spec.TriggeredBy
m["CICD_EXECUTION_ID"] = ref.Ref(execution)
m["CICD_EXECUTION_SEQUENCE"] = strconv.Itoa(execution.Spec.Run)
for k, v := range execution.Status.EnvVars {
m[k] = v
return m
func parsePreservedEnvVar(execution *v3.PipelineExecution) {
m := getEnvVarMap(execution)
pipeline := execution.Spec.Pipeline
//environment variables substitution in configs
for _, stage := range pipeline.Spec.Stages {
for _, step := range stage.Steps {
if step.RunScriptConfig != nil {
for k, v := range m {
step.RunScriptConfig.Image = strings.Replace(step.RunScriptConfig.Image, "${"+k+"}", v, -1)
} else if step.PublishImageConfig != nil {
for k, v := range m {
step.PublishImageConfig.Tag = strings.Replace(step.PublishImageConfig.Tag, "${"+k+"}", v, -1)
const stageBlock = `stage('%s'){
parallel %s
const stepBlock = `'%s': {
container(name: '%s') {
const pipelineBlock = `def label = "buildpod.${env.JOB_NAME}.${env.BUILD_NUMBER}".replace('-', '_').replace('/', '_')
podTemplate(label: label, containers: [
containerTemplate(name: 'jnlp', image: '%s', envVars: [
envVar(key: 'JENKINS_URL', value: 'http://jenkins:8080')], args: '${computer.jnlpmac} ${computer.name}', ttyEnabled: false)]) {
node(label) {
timestamps {
const containerBlock = `containerTemplate(name: '%s', image: '%s', ttyEnabled: true, command: 'cat' %s),`
const envVarSkel = "envVar(key: '%s', value: '%s'),"
const envVarsSkel = `, envVars: [
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