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nodessyncer.go 18.35 KB
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package nodesyncer
import (
nodehelper "github.com/rancher/rancher/pkg/node"
corev1 "k8s.io/api/core/v1"
metav1 "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1"
const (
AllNodeKey = "_machine_all_"
annotationName = "management.cattle.io/nodesyncer"
type NodeSyncer struct {
machines v3.NodeInterface
clusterNamespace string
nodesSyncer *NodesSyncer
type PodsStatsSyncer struct {
clusterName string
clusterNamespace string
machinesClient v3.NodeInterface
type NodesSyncer struct {
machines v3.NodeInterface
machineLister v3.NodeLister
nodeLister v1.NodeLister
nodeClient v1.NodeInterface
podLister v1.PodLister
clusterNamespace string
clusterLister v3.ClusterLister
func Register(cluster *config.UserContext) {
m := &NodesSyncer{
clusterNamespace: cluster.ClusterName,
machines: cluster.Management.Management.Nodes(cluster.ClusterName),
machineLister: cluster.Management.Management.Nodes(cluster.ClusterName).Controller().Lister(),
nodeLister: cluster.Core.Nodes("").Controller().Lister(),
nodeClient: cluster.Core.Nodes(""),
podLister: cluster.Core.Pods("").Controller().Lister(),
clusterLister: cluster.Management.Management.Clusters("").Controller().Lister(),
n := &NodeSyncer{
clusterNamespace: cluster.ClusterName,
machines: cluster.Management.Management.Nodes(cluster.ClusterName),
nodesSyncer: m,
cluster.Core.Nodes("").Controller().AddHandler("nodesSyncer", n.sync)
cluster.Management.Management.Nodes(cluster.ClusterName).Controller().AddHandler("machinesSyncer", m.sync)
cluster.Management.Management.Nodes(cluster.ClusterName).Controller().AddHandler("machinesLabelSyncer", m.syncLabels)
cluster.Management.Management.Nodes(cluster.ClusterName).Controller().AddHandler("cordonFieldsSyncer", m.syncCordonFields)
func (n *NodeSyncer) sync(key string, node *corev1.Node) error {
needUpdate, err := n.needUpdate(key, node)
if err != nil {
return err
if needUpdate {
n.machines.Controller().Enqueue(n.clusterNamespace, AllNodeKey)
return nil
func (n *NodeSyncer) needUpdate(key string, node *corev1.Node) (bool, error) {
if node == nil || node.DeletionTimestamp != nil {
return true, nil
existing, err := n.nodesSyncer.getMachineForNode(node, true)
if err != nil {
return false, err
if existing == nil {
return true, nil
nodeToPodMap, err := n.nodesSyncer.getNonTerminatedPods()
if err != nil {
return false, err
toUpdate, err := n.nodesSyncer.convertNodeToNode(node, existing, nodeToPodMap)
if err != nil {
return false, err
// update only when nothing changed
if objectsAreEqual(existing, toUpdate) {
return false, nil
return true, nil
func (m *NodesSyncer) sync(key string, machine *v3.Node) error {
if key == fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", m.clusterNamespace, AllNodeKey) {
return m.reconcileAll()
return nil
func (m *NodesSyncer) syncLabels(key string, obj *v3.Node) error {
if obj == nil {
return nil
if obj.Spec.DesiredNodeAnnotations == nil && obj.Spec.DesiredNodeLabels == nil {
return nil
node, err := nodehelper.GetNodeForMachine(obj, m.nodeLister)
if err != nil || node == nil {
return err
updateLabels := false
updateAnnotations := false
// set annotations
if obj.Spec.DesiredNodeAnnotations != nil && !reflect.DeepEqual(node.Annotations, obj.Spec.DesiredNodeAnnotations) {
updateAnnotations = true
// set labels
if obj.Spec.DesiredNodeLabels != nil && !reflect.DeepEqual(node.Labels, obj.Spec.DesiredNodeLabels) {
updateLabels = true
if updateLabels || updateAnnotations {
toUpdate := node.DeepCopy()
if updateLabels {
toUpdate.Labels = obj.Spec.DesiredNodeLabels
if updateAnnotations {
toUpdate.Annotations = obj.Spec.DesiredNodeAnnotations
logrus.Infof("Updating node %v with labels %v and annotations %v", toUpdate.Name, toUpdate.Labels, toUpdate.Annotations)
if _, err := m.nodeClient.Update(toUpdate); err != nil {
return err
// in the end we reset all desired fields
if obj.Spec.DesiredNodeAnnotations != nil || obj.Spec.DesiredNodeLabels != nil {
machine := obj.DeepCopy()
machine.Spec.DesiredNodeAnnotations = nil
machine.Spec.DesiredNodeLabels = nil
if _, err := m.machines.Update(machine); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (m *NodesSyncer) reconcileAll() error {
nodes, err := m.nodeLister.List("", labels.NewSelector())
if err != nil {
return err
nodeMap := make(map[string]*corev1.Node)
for _, node := range nodes {
nodeMap[node.Name] = node
machines, err := m.machineLister.List(m.clusterNamespace, labels.NewSelector())
machineMap := make(map[string]*v3.Node)
toDelete := make(map[string]*v3.Node)
for _, machine := range machines {
node, err := nodehelper.GetNodeForMachine(machine, m.nodeLister)
if err != nil {
return err
if node == nil {
logrus.Debugf("Failed to get node for machine [%s]", machine.Name)
toDelete[machine.Name] = machine
machineMap[node.Name] = machine
nodeToPodMap, err := m.getNonTerminatedPods()
if err != nil {
return err
// reconcile machines for existing nodes
for name, node := range nodeMap {
machine, _ := machineMap[name]
err = m.reconcileNodeForNode(machine, node, nodeToPodMap)
if err != nil {
return err
// run the logic for machine to remove
for name, machine := range machineMap {
if _, ok := nodeMap[name]; !ok {
if err := m.removeNode(machine); err != nil {
return err
for _, machine := range toDelete {
if err := m.removeNode(machine); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (m *NodesSyncer) reconcileNodeForNode(machine *v3.Node, node *corev1.Node, pods map[string][]*corev1.Pod) error {
if machine == nil {
return m.createNode(node, pods)
return m.updateNode(machine, node, pods)
func (m *NodesSyncer) removeNode(machine *v3.Node) error {
if machine.Annotations == nil {
return nil
if _, ok := machine.Annotations[annotationName]; !ok {
return nil
err := m.machines.Delete(machine.ObjectMeta.Name, nil)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "Failed to delete machine [%s]", machine.Name)
logrus.Infof("Deleted cluster node [%s]", machine.Name)
return nil
func (m *NodesSyncer) updateNode(existing *v3.Node, node *corev1.Node, pods map[string][]*corev1.Pod) error {
toUpdate, err := m.convertNodeToNode(node, existing, pods)
if err != nil {
return err
// update only when nothing changed
if objectsAreEqual(existing, toUpdate) {
return nil
logrus.Debugf("Updating machine for node [%s]", node.Name)
_, err = m.machines.Update(toUpdate)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "Failed to update machine for node [%s]", node.Name)
logrus.Debugf("Updated machine for node [%s]", node.Name)
return nil
func (m *NodesSyncer) createNode(node *corev1.Node, pods map[string][]*corev1.Pod) error {
// do not create machine for rke cluster
cluster, err := m.clusterLister.Get("", m.clusterNamespace)
if err != nil {
return err
if cluster.Spec.RancherKubernetesEngineConfig != nil {
return nil
// try to get machine from api, in case cache didn't get the update
existing, err := m.getMachineForNode(node, false)
if err != nil {
return err
if existing != nil {
return nil
machine, err := m.convertNodeToNode(node, existing, pods)
if err != nil {
return err
if machine.Annotations == nil {
machine.Annotations = make(map[string]string)
machine.Annotations[annotationName] = "true"
_, err = m.machines.Create(machine)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "Failed to create machine for node [%s]", node.Name)
logrus.Infof("Created machine for node [%s]", node.Name)
return nil
func (m *NodesSyncer) getMachineForNode(node *corev1.Node, cache bool) (*v3.Node, error) {
if cache {
return nodehelper.GetMachineForNode(node, m.clusterNamespace, m.machineLister)
labelsSearchSet := labels.Set{nodehelper.LabelNodeName: node.Name}
machines, err := m.machines.List(metav1.ListOptions{LabelSelector: labelsSearchSet.AsSelector().String()})
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if len(machines.Items) == 0 {
machines, err = m.machines.List(metav1.ListOptions{})
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for _, machine := range machines.Items {
if machine.Namespace == m.clusterNamespace {
if nodehelper.IsNodeForNode(node, &machine) {
return &machine, nil
return nil, nil
func resetConditions(machine *v3.Node) *v3.Node {
if machine.Status.InternalNodeStatus.Conditions == nil {
return machine
updated := machine.DeepCopy()
var toUpdateConds []corev1.NodeCondition
for _, cond := range machine.Status.InternalNodeStatus.Conditions {
toUpdateCond := cond.DeepCopy()
toUpdateCond.LastHeartbeatTime = metav1.Time{}
toUpdateCond.LastTransitionTime = metav1.Time{}
toUpdateConds = append(toUpdateConds, *toUpdateCond)
updated.Status.InternalNodeStatus.Conditions = toUpdateConds
return updated
func objectsAreEqual(existing *v3.Node, toUpdate *v3.Node) bool {
// we are updating spec and status only, so compare them
toUpdateToCompare := resetConditions(toUpdate)
existingToCompare := resetConditions(existing)
statusEqual := statusEqualTest(toUpdateToCompare.Status.InternalNodeStatus, existingToCompare.Status.InternalNodeStatus)
labelsEqual := reflect.DeepEqual(toUpdateToCompare.Status.NodeLabels, existing.Status.NodeLabels) && reflect.DeepEqual(toUpdateToCompare.Labels, existing.Labels)
annotationsEqual := reflect.DeepEqual(toUpdateToCompare.Status.NodeAnnotations, existing.Status.NodeAnnotations)
specEqual := reflect.DeepEqual(toUpdateToCompare.Spec.InternalNodeSpec, existingToCompare.Spec.InternalNodeSpec)
nodeNameEqual := toUpdateToCompare.Status.NodeName == existingToCompare.Status.NodeName
requestsEqual := isEqual(toUpdateToCompare.Status.Requested, existingToCompare.Status.Requested)
limitsEqual := isEqual(toUpdateToCompare.Status.Limits, existingToCompare.Status.Limits)
rolesEqual := toUpdateToCompare.Spec.Worker == existingToCompare.Spec.Worker && toUpdateToCompare.Spec.Etcd == existingToCompare.Spec.Etcd &&
toUpdateToCompare.Spec.ControlPlane == existingToCompare.Spec.ControlPlane
retVal := statusEqual && specEqual && nodeNameEqual && labelsEqual && annotationsEqual && requestsEqual && limitsEqual && rolesEqual
if !retVal {
logrus.Debugf("ObjectsAreEqualResults for %s: statusEqual: %t specEqual: %t"+
" nodeNameEqual: %t labelsEqual: %t annotationsEqual: %t requestsEqual: %t limitsEqual: %t rolesEqual: %t",
toUpdate.Name, statusEqual, specEqual, nodeNameEqual, labelsEqual, annotationsEqual, requestsEqual, limitsEqual, rolesEqual)
return retVal
func statusEqualTest(proposed, existing corev1.NodeStatus) bool {
// Tests here should validate that fields of the corev1.NodeStatus type are equal for Rancher's purposes.
// The Images field lists would be equal if they contain the same data regardless of order. Using reflect.DeepEqual
// does not see lists with the same content but different order as equal, and would cause
// Rancher to update the resource unnecessarily. So if Images becomes a field we need to validate we need to add
// a custom method to validate the equality.
// Rancher doesn't use the following NodeStatus data, so for time savings we are skipping, but in the future these tests
// should be added here.
// SKIP:
// - Images # Do not use reflect.DeepEquals on this field for testing.
// - NodeInfo
// - DaemonEndpoints
// - Phase
// Capacity
if !reflect.DeepEqual(proposed.Capacity, existing.Capacity) {
logrus.Debugf("Changes in Capacity, proposed %#v, existing: %#v", proposed.Capacity, existing.Capacity)
return false
// Allocatable
if !reflect.DeepEqual(proposed.Allocatable, existing.Allocatable) {
logrus.Debugf("Changes in Allocatable, proposed %#v, existing: %#v", proposed.Allocatable, existing.Allocatable)
return false
// Conditions
if !reflect.DeepEqual(proposed.Conditions, existing.Conditions) {
logrus.Debugf("Changes in Conditions, proposed %#v, existing: %#v", proposed.Conditions, existing.Conditions)
return false
// Addresses
if !reflect.DeepEqual(proposed.Addresses, existing.Addresses) {
logrus.Debugf("Changes in Addresses, proposed %#v, existing: %#v", proposed.Addresses, existing.Addresses)
return false
// Volumes in use (This test might prove to be an issue if order is not returned consistently.)
if !reflect.DeepEqual(proposed.VolumesInUse, existing.VolumesInUse) {
logrus.Debugf("Changes in VolumesInUse, proposed %#v, existing: %#v", proposed.VolumesInUse, existing.VolumesInUse)
return false
// VolumesAttached (This test might prove to cause excessive updates if order is not returned consistently.)
if !reflect.DeepEqual(proposed.VolumesAttached, existing.VolumesAttached) {
logrus.Debugf("Changes in VolumesAttached, proposed %#v, existing: %#v", proposed.VolumesAttached, existing.VolumesAttached)
return false
return true
func (m *NodesSyncer) convertNodeToNode(node *corev1.Node, existing *v3.Node, pods map[string][]*corev1.Pod) (*v3.Node, error) {
var machine *v3.Node
if existing == nil {
machine = &v3.Node{
Spec: v3.NodeSpec{},
Status: v3.NodeStatus{},
ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
GenerateName: "machine-"},
machine.Namespace = m.clusterNamespace
machine.Status.Requested = make(map[corev1.ResourceName]resource.Quantity)
machine.Status.Limits = make(map[corev1.ResourceName]resource.Quantity)
machine.Spec.InternalNodeSpec = *node.Spec.DeepCopy()
machine.Status.InternalNodeStatus = *node.Status.DeepCopy()
machine.Spec.RequestedHostname = node.Name
} else {
machine = existing.DeepCopy()
machine.Spec.InternalNodeSpec = *node.Spec.DeepCopy()
machine.Status.InternalNodeStatus = *node.Status.DeepCopy()
requests, limits := aggregateRequestAndLimitsForNode(pods[node.Name])
if machine.Status.Requested == nil {
machine.Status.Requested = corev1.ResourceList{}
if machine.Status.Limits == nil {
machine.Status.Limits = corev1.ResourceList{}
for name, quantity := range requests {
machine.Status.Requested[name] = quantity
for name, quantity := range limits {
machine.Status.Limits[name] = quantity
if node.Labels != nil {
_, etcd := node.Labels["node-role.kubernetes.io/etcd"]
machine.Spec.Etcd = etcd
_, control := node.Labels["node-role.kubernetes.io/controlplane"]
_, master := node.Labels["node-role.kubernetes.io/master"]
if control || master {
machine.Spec.ControlPlane = true
_, worker := node.Labels["node-role.kubernetes.io/worker"]
machine.Spec.Worker = worker
machine.Status.NodeAnnotations = node.Annotations
machine.Status.NodeLabels = node.Labels
machine.Status.NodeName = node.Name
machine.APIVersion = "management.cattle.io/v3"
machine.Kind = "Node"
if machine.Labels == nil {
machine.Labels = map[string]string{}
machine.Labels[nodehelper.LabelNodeName] = node.Name
v3.NodeConditionRegistered.Message(machine, "registered with kubernetes")
return machine, nil
func (m *NodesSyncer) getNonTerminatedPods() (map[string][]*corev1.Pod, error) {
pods := make(map[string][]*corev1.Pod)
fromCache, err := m.podLister.List("", labels.NewSelector())
if err != nil {
return pods, err
for _, pod := range fromCache {
if pod.Spec.NodeName == "" || pod.DeletionTimestamp != nil {
// kubectl uses this cache to filter out the pods
if pod.Status.Phase == "Succeeded" || pod.Status.Phase == "Failed" {
var nodePods []*corev1.Pod
if fromMap, ok := pods[pod.Spec.NodeName]; ok {
nodePods = fromMap
nodePods = append(nodePods, pod)
pods[pod.Spec.NodeName] = nodePods
return pods, nil
func aggregateRequestAndLimitsForNode(pods []*corev1.Pod) (map[corev1.ResourceName]resource.Quantity, map[corev1.ResourceName]resource.Quantity) {
requests, limits := map[corev1.ResourceName]resource.Quantity{}, map[corev1.ResourceName]resource.Quantity{}
podsData := make(map[string]map[string]map[corev1.ResourceName]resource.Quantity)
if pods != nil {
//podName -> req/limit -> data
for _, pod := range pods {
podsData[pod.Name] = make(map[string]map[corev1.ResourceName]resource.Quantity)
requests, limits := getPodData(pod)
podsData[pod.Name]["requests"] = requests
podsData[pod.Name]["limits"] = limits
requests[corev1.ResourcePods] = *resource.NewQuantity(int64(len(pods)), resource.DecimalSI)
for _, podData := range podsData {
podRequests, podLimits := podData["requests"], podData["limits"]
addMap(podRequests, requests)
addMap(podLimits, limits)
return requests, limits
func isEqual(data1 map[corev1.ResourceName]resource.Quantity, data2 map[corev1.ResourceName]resource.Quantity) bool {
if (data1 == nil || len(data1) == 0) && (data2 == nil || len(data2) == 0) {
return true
if data1 == nil || data2 == nil {
return false
for key, value := range data1 {
if _, exists := data2[key]; !exists {
return false
value2 := data2[key]
if value.Value() != value2.Value() {
return false
return true
func getPodData(pod *corev1.Pod) (map[corev1.ResourceName]resource.Quantity, map[corev1.ResourceName]resource.Quantity) {
requests, limits := map[corev1.ResourceName]resource.Quantity{}, map[corev1.ResourceName]resource.Quantity{}
for _, container := range pod.Spec.Containers {
addMap(container.Resources.Requests, requests)
addMap(container.Resources.Limits, limits)
for _, container := range pod.Spec.InitContainers {
addMapForInit(container.Resources.Requests, requests)
addMapForInit(container.Resources.Limits, limits)
return requests, limits
func addMap(data1 map[corev1.ResourceName]resource.Quantity, data2 map[corev1.ResourceName]resource.Quantity) {
for name, quantity := range data1 {
if value, ok := data2[name]; !ok {
data2[name] = *quantity.Copy()
} else {
data2[name] = value
func addMapForInit(data1 map[corev1.ResourceName]resource.Quantity, data2 map[corev1.ResourceName]resource.Quantity) {
for name, quantity := range data1 {
value, ok := data2[name]
if !ok {
data2[name] = *quantity.Copy()
if quantity.Cmp(value) > 0 {
data2[name] = *quantity.Copy()
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