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local_auth_provider.go 12.83 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
Dan Ramich 提交于 2018-06-25 12:48 . Store providers tokens as secrets
package local
import (
metav1 "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1"
const (
Name = "local"
userNameIndex = "authn.management.cattle.io/user-username-index"
gmPrincipalIndex = "authn.management.cattle.io/groupmember-principalid-index"
userSearchIndex = "authn.management.cattle.io/user-search-index"
groupSearchIndex = "authn.management.cattle.io/group-search-index"
searchIndexDefaultLen = 6
type Provider struct {
userLister v3.UserLister
groupLister v3.GroupLister
authConfigLister v3.AuthConfigLister
userIndexer cache.Indexer
gmIndexer cache.Indexer
groupIndexer cache.Indexer
userMGR user.Manager
tokenMGR *tokens.Manager
func Configure(ctx context.Context, mgmtCtx *config.ScaledContext, userMGR user.Manager, tokenMGR *tokens.Manager) common.AuthProvider {
informer := mgmtCtx.Management.Users("").Controller().Informer()
indexers := map[string]cache.IndexFunc{userNameIndex: userNameIndexer, userSearchIndex: userSearchIndexer}
gmInformer := mgmtCtx.Management.GroupMembers("").Controller().Informer()
gmIndexers := map[string]cache.IndexFunc{gmPrincipalIndex: gmPIdIndexer}
gInformer := mgmtCtx.Management.Groups("").Controller().Informer()
gIndexers := map[string]cache.IndexFunc{groupSearchIndex: groupSearchIndexer}
l := &Provider{
userIndexer: informer.GetIndexer(),
gmIndexer: gmInformer.GetIndexer(),
groupLister: mgmtCtx.Management.Groups("").Controller().Lister(),
groupIndexer: gInformer.GetIndexer(),
userLister: mgmtCtx.Management.Users("").Controller().Lister(),
authConfigLister: mgmtCtx.Management.AuthConfigs("").Controller().Lister(),
userMGR: userMGR,
tokenMGR: tokenMGR,
return l
func (l *Provider) GetName() string {
return Name
func (l *Provider) CustomizeSchema(schema *types.Schema) {
schema.ActionHandler = l.actionHandler
func (l *Provider) TransformToAuthProvider(authConfig map[string]interface{}) map[string]interface{} {
return common.TransformToAuthProvider(authConfig)
func (l *Provider) AuthenticateUser(input interface{}) (v3.Principal, []v3.Principal, string, error) {
localInput, ok := input.(*v3public.BasicLogin)
if !ok {
return v3.Principal{}, nil, "", httperror.NewAPIError(httperror.ServerError, "Unexpected input type")
username := localInput.Username
pwd := localInput.Password
objs, err := l.userIndexer.ByIndex(userNameIndex, username)
if err != nil {
return v3.Principal{}, nil, "", err
if len(objs) == 0 {
return v3.Principal{}, nil, "", httperror.WrapAPIError(err, httperror.Unauthorized, "authentication failed")
if len(objs) > 1 {
return v3.Principal{}, nil, "", fmt.Errorf("found more than one users with username %v", username)
user, ok := objs[0].(*v3.User)
if !ok {
return v3.Principal{}, nil, "", fmt.Errorf("fatal error. %v is not a user", objs[0])
if err := bcrypt.CompareHashAndPassword([]byte(user.Password), []byte(pwd)); err != nil {
return v3.Principal{}, nil, "", httperror.WrapAPIError(err, httperror.Unauthorized, "authentication failed")
principalID := getLocalPrincipalID(user)
userPrincipal := l.toPrincipal("user", user.DisplayName, user.Username, principalID, nil)
userPrincipal.Me = true
groupPrincipals, err := l.getGroupPrincipals(user)
if err != nil {
return v3.Principal{}, nil, "", errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to get groups for %v", user.ObjectMeta.Name)
acs, err := l.authConfigLister.List("", labels.Everything())
if err != nil {
return v3.Principal{}, nil, "", err
var checked, allowed bool
for _, config := range acs {
if config.Name != Name && config.Enabled {
checked = true
allowed, err = l.userMGR.CheckAccess(config.AccessMode, config.AllowedPrincipalIDs, userPrincipal, groupPrincipals)
if err != nil {
return v3.Principal{}, nil, "", err
if allowed {
if checked && !allowed {
return v3.Principal{}, nil, "", httperror.NewAPIError(httperror.Unauthorized, "unauthorized")
return userPrincipal, groupPrincipals, "", nil
func getLocalPrincipalID(user *v3.User) string {
// TODO error condition handling: no principal, more than one that would match
var principalID string
for _, p := range user.PrincipalIDs {
if strings.HasPrefix(p, Name+"://") {
principalID = p
return principalID
func (l *Provider) getGroupPrincipals(user *v3.User) ([]v3.Principal, error) {
groupPrincipals := []v3.Principal{}
for _, pid := range user.PrincipalIDs {
objs, err := l.gmIndexer.ByIndex(gmPrincipalIndex, pid)
if err != nil {
return []v3.Principal{}, err
for _, o := range objs {
gm, ok := o.(*v3.GroupMember)
if !ok {
//find group for this member mapping
localGroup, err := l.groupLister.Get("", gm.GroupName)
if err != nil {
logrus.Errorf("Failed to get Group resource %v: %v", gm.GroupName, err)
groupPrincipal := l.toPrincipal("group", localGroup.DisplayName, "", Name+"://"+localGroup.Name, nil)
groupPrincipal.MemberOf = true
groupPrincipals = append(groupPrincipals, groupPrincipal)
return groupPrincipals, nil
func (l *Provider) SearchPrincipals(searchKey, principalType string, token v3.Token) ([]v3.Principal, error) {
return l.SearchPrincipalsDedupe(searchKey, principalType, token, nil)
// SearchPrincipalsDedupe performs principal search, but deduplicates the results against the supplied list (that should have come from other non-local auth providers)
// This is to avoid getting duplicate search results
func (l *Provider) SearchPrincipalsDedupe(searchKey, principalType string, token v3.Token, principalsFromOtherProviders []v3.Principal) ([]v3.Principal, error) {
fromOtherProviders := map[string]bool{}
for _, p := range principalsFromOtherProviders {
fromOtherProviders[p.Name] = true
var principals []v3.Principal
var localUsers []*v3.User
var localGroups []*v3.Group
var err error
if len(searchKey) > searchIndexDefaultLen {
localUsers, localGroups, err = l.listAllUsersAndGroups(searchKey)
} else {
localUsers, localGroups, err = l.listUsersAndGroupsByIndex(searchKey)
if err != nil {
logrus.Infof("Failed to search User/Group resources for %v: %v", searchKey, err)
return principals, err
if principalType == "" || principalType == "user" {
for _, user := range localUsers {
for _, p := range user.PrincipalIDs {
if fromOtherProviders[p] {
continue User
principalID := getLocalPrincipalID(user)
userPrincipal := l.toPrincipal("user", user.DisplayName, user.Username, principalID, &token)
principals = append(principals, userPrincipal)
if principalType == "" || principalType == "group" {
for _, group := range localGroups {
groupPrincipal := l.toPrincipal("group", group.DisplayName, "", Name+"://"+group.Name, &token)
principals = append(principals, groupPrincipal)
return principals, nil
func (l *Provider) toPrincipal(principalType, displayName, loginName, id string, token *v3.Token) v3.Principal {
if displayName == "" {
displayName = loginName
princ := v3.Principal{
ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{Name: id},
DisplayName: displayName,
LoginName: loginName,
Provider: Name,
Me: false,
if principalType == "user" {
princ.PrincipalType = "user"
if token != nil {
princ.Me = l.isThisUserMe(token.UserPrincipal, princ)
} else {
princ.PrincipalType = "group"
if token != nil {
princ.MemberOf = l.tokenMGR.IsMemberOf(*token, princ)
return princ
func (l *Provider) GetPrincipal(principalID string, token v3.Token) (v3.Principal, error) {
// TODO implement group lookup (local groups currently not implemented, so we can skip)
// parsing id to get the external id and type. id looks like github_[user|org|team]://12345
var name string
parts := strings.SplitN(principalID, ":", 2)
if len(parts) != 2 {
return v3.Principal{}, errors.Errorf("invalid id %v", principalID)
name = strings.TrimPrefix(parts[1], "//")
user, err := l.userLister.Get("", name)
if err != nil {
return v3.Principal{}, err
princID := getLocalPrincipalID(user)
princ := l.toPrincipal("user", user.DisplayName, user.Username, princID, &token)
return princ, nil
func (l *Provider) listAllUsersAndGroups(searchKey string) ([]*v3.User, []*v3.Group, error) {
var localUsers []*v3.User
var localGroups []*v3.Group
allUsers, err := l.userLister.List("", labels.NewSelector())
if err != nil {
logrus.Infof("Failed to search User resources for %v: %v", searchKey, err)
return localUsers, localGroups, err
for _, user := range allUsers {
if !(strings.HasPrefix(user.ObjectMeta.Name, searchKey) || strings.HasPrefix(user.Username, searchKey) || strings.HasPrefix(user.DisplayName, searchKey)) {
localUsers = append(localUsers, user)
allGroups, err := l.groupLister.List("", labels.NewSelector())
if err != nil {
logrus.Infof("Failed to search group resources for %v: %v", searchKey, err)
return localUsers, localGroups, err
for _, group := range allGroups {
if !(strings.HasPrefix(group.ObjectMeta.Name, searchKey) || strings.HasPrefix(group.DisplayName, searchKey)) {
localGroups = append(localGroups, group)
return localUsers, localGroups, err
func (l *Provider) listUsersAndGroupsByIndex(searchKey string) ([]*v3.User, []*v3.Group, error) {
var localUsers []*v3.User
var localGroups []*v3.Group
var err error
objs, err := l.userIndexer.ByIndex(userSearchIndex, searchKey)
if err != nil {
logrus.Infof("Failed to search User resources for %v: %v", searchKey, err)
return localUsers, localGroups, err
for _, obj := range objs {
user, ok := obj.(*v3.User)
if !ok {
logrus.Errorf("User isnt a user %v", obj)
return localUsers, localGroups, err
localUsers = append(localUsers, user)
groupObjs, err := l.groupIndexer.ByIndex(groupSearchIndex, searchKey)
if err != nil {
logrus.Infof("Failed to search Group resources for %v: %v", searchKey, err)
return localUsers, localGroups, err
for _, obj := range groupObjs {
group, ok := obj.(*v3.Group)
if !ok {
logrus.Errorf("Object isnt a group %v", obj)
return localUsers, localGroups, err
localGroups = append(localGroups, group)
return localUsers, localGroups, err
func (l *Provider) isThisUserMe(me v3.Principal, other v3.Principal) bool {
if me.ObjectMeta.Name == other.ObjectMeta.Name && me.LoginName == other.LoginName && me.PrincipalType == other.PrincipalType {
return true
return false
func (l *Provider) actionHandler(actionName string, action *types.Action, request *types.APIContext) error {
return httperror.NewAPIError(httperror.ActionNotAvailable, "")
func userNameIndexer(obj interface{}) ([]string, error) {
user, ok := obj.(*v3.User)
if !ok {
return []string{}, nil
return []string{user.Username}, nil
func gmPIdIndexer(obj interface{}) ([]string, error) {
gm, ok := obj.(*v3.GroupMember)
if !ok {
return []string{}, nil
return []string{gm.PrincipalID}, nil
func userSearchIndexer(obj interface{}) ([]string, error) {
user, ok := obj.(*v3.User)
if !ok {
return []string{}, nil
var fieldIndexes []string
fieldIndexes = append(fieldIndexes, indexField(user.Username, minOf(len(user.Username), searchIndexDefaultLen))...)
fieldIndexes = append(fieldIndexes, indexField(user.DisplayName, minOf(len(user.DisplayName), searchIndexDefaultLen))...)
fieldIndexes = append(fieldIndexes, indexField(user.ObjectMeta.Name, minOf(len(user.ObjectMeta.Name), searchIndexDefaultLen))...)
return fieldIndexes, nil
func groupSearchIndexer(obj interface{}) ([]string, error) {
group, ok := obj.(*v3.Group)
if !ok {
return []string{}, nil
var fieldIndexes []string
fieldIndexes = append(fieldIndexes, indexField(group.DisplayName, minOf(len(group.DisplayName), searchIndexDefaultLen))...)
fieldIndexes = append(fieldIndexes, indexField(group.ObjectMeta.Name, minOf(len(group.ObjectMeta.Name), searchIndexDefaultLen))...)
return fieldIndexes, nil
func minOf(length int, defaultLen int) int {
if length < defaultLen {
return length
return defaultLen
func indexField(field string, maxindex int) []string {
var fieldIndexes []string
for i := 2; i <= maxindex; i++ {
fieldIndexes = append(fieldIndexes, field[0:i])
return fieldIndexes
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