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ldap_client.go 17.77 KB
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Dan Ramich 提交于 2018-09-21 09:53 . Return error in LDAP
package ldap
import (
ldapv2 "gopkg.in/ldap.v2"
metav1 "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1"
var operationalAttrList = []string{"1.1", "+", "*"}
func (p *ldapProvider) loginUser(credential *v3public.BasicLogin, config *v3.LdapConfig, caPool *x509.CertPool) (v3.Principal, []v3.Principal, error) {
logrus.Debug("Now generating Ldap token")
username := credential.Username
password := credential.Password
if password == "" {
return v3.Principal{}, nil, httperror.NewAPIError(httperror.MissingRequired, "password not provided")
lConn, err := p.ldapConnection(config, caPool)
if err != nil {
return v3.Principal{}, nil, err
defer lConn.Close()
serviceAccountPassword := config.ServiceAccountPassword
serviceAccountUserName := config.ServiceAccountDistinguishedName
err = ldap.AuthenticateServiceAccountUser(serviceAccountPassword, serviceAccountUserName, "", lConn)
if err != nil {
return v3.Principal{}, nil, err
logrus.Debug("Binding username password")
searchRequest := ldapv2.NewSearchRequest(config.UserSearchBase,
ldapv2.ScopeWholeSubtree, ldapv2.NeverDerefAliases, 0, 0, false,
fmt.Sprintf("(&(%v=%v)(%v=%v))", ObjectClass, config.UserObjectClass, config.UserLoginAttribute, ldapv2.EscapeFilter(username)),
ldap.GetUserSearchAttributesForLDAP(ObjectClass, config), nil)
result, err := lConn.Search(searchRequest)
if err != nil {
return v3.Principal{}, nil, httperror.WrapAPIError(err, httperror.Unauthorized, "authentication failed") // need to reload this error
if len(result.Entries) < 1 {
return v3.Principal{}, nil, httperror.WrapAPIError(err, httperror.Unauthorized, "Cannot locate user information for "+searchRequest.Filter)
} else if len(result.Entries) > 1 {
return v3.Principal{}, nil, fmt.Errorf("ldap user search found more than one result")
userDN := result.Entries[0].DN //userDN is externalID
err = lConn.Bind(userDN, password)
if err != nil {
if ldapv2.IsErrorWithCode(err, ldapv2.LDAPResultInvalidCredentials) {
return v3.Principal{}, nil, httperror.WrapAPIError(err, httperror.Unauthorized, "authentication failed: invalid credentials")
return v3.Principal{}, nil, httperror.WrapAPIError(err, httperror.ServerError, "server error while authenticating")
searchOpRequest := ldapv2.NewSearchRequest(userDN,
ldapv2.ScopeBaseObject, ldapv2.NeverDerefAliases, 0, 0, false,
fmt.Sprintf("(%v=%v)", ObjectClass, config.UserObjectClass),
operationalAttrList, nil)
opResult, err := lConn.Search(searchOpRequest)
if err != nil {
return v3.Principal{}, nil, httperror.WrapAPIError(err, httperror.Unauthorized, "authentication failed") // need to reload this error
if len(opResult.Entries) < 1 {
return v3.Principal{}, nil, httperror.WrapAPIError(err, httperror.Unauthorized, "Cannot locate user information for "+searchOpRequest.Filter)
userPrincipal, groupPrincipals, err := p.getPrincipalsFromSearchResult(result, opResult, config, lConn)
if err != nil {
return v3.Principal{}, nil, err
allowed, err := p.userMGR.CheckAccess(config.AccessMode, config.AllowedPrincipalIDs, userPrincipal, groupPrincipals)
if err != nil {
return v3.Principal{}, nil, err
if !allowed {
return v3.Principal{}, nil, httperror.NewAPIError(httperror.PermissionDenied, "Permission denied")
return userPrincipal, groupPrincipals, err
func (p *ldapProvider) getPrincipalsFromSearchResult(result *ldapv2.SearchResult, opResult *ldapv2.SearchResult, config *v3.LdapConfig, lConn *ldapv2.Conn) (v3.Principal, []v3.Principal, error) {
var groupPrincipals []v3.Principal
var userPrincipal v3.Principal
var nonDupGroupPrincipals []v3.Principal
var userScope, groupScope string
var nestedGroupPrincipals []v3.Principal
groupMap := make(map[string]bool)
entry := result.Entries[0]
userAttributes := entry.Attributes
if !p.permissionCheck(userAttributes, config) {
return v3.Principal{}, nil, fmt.Errorf("Permission denied")
logrus.Debugf("getPrincipals: user attributes: %v ", userAttributes)
userMemberAttribute := entry.GetAttributeValues(config.UserMemberAttribute)
if len(userMemberAttribute) == 0 {
userMemberAttribute = opResult.Entries[0].GetAttributeValues(config.UserMemberAttribute)
logrus.Debugf("SearchResult memberOf attribute {%s}", userMemberAttribute)
isType := false
objectClass := entry.GetAttributeValues(ObjectClass)
for _, obj := range objectClass {
if strings.EqualFold(string(obj), config.UserObjectClass) {
isType = true
if !isType {
return v3.Principal{}, nil, nil
userScope = p.userScope
groupScope = p.groupScope
user, err := ldap.AttributesToPrincipal(entry.Attributes, result.Entries[0].DN, userScope, p.providerName, config.UserObjectClass, config.UserNameAttribute, config.UserLoginAttribute, config.GroupObjectClass, config.GroupNameAttribute)
if err != nil {
return v3.Principal{}, groupPrincipals, err
userPrincipal = *user
if len(userMemberAttribute) > 0 {
for i := 0; i < len(userMemberAttribute); i += 50 {
batchGroupDN := userMemberAttribute[i:ldap.Min(i+50, len(userMemberAttribute))]
filter := fmt.Sprintf("(%v=%v)", ObjectClass, config.GroupObjectClass)
query := "(|"
for _, gdn := range batchGroupDN {
query += fmt.Sprintf("(%v=%v)", config.GroupDNAttribute, ldapv2.EscapeFilter(gdn))
query += ")"
query = fmt.Sprintf("(&%v%v)", filter, query)
// Pulling user's groups
logrus.Debugf("Ldap: Query for pulling user's groups: %v", query)
userMemberGroupPrincipals, err := p.searchLdap(query, groupScope, config, lConn)
groupPrincipals = append(groupPrincipals, userMemberGroupPrincipals...)
if err != nil {
return userPrincipal, groupPrincipals, err
opEntry := opResult.Entries[0]
opAttributes := opEntry.Attributes
groupMemberUserAttribute := entry.GetAttributeValues(config.GroupMemberUserAttribute)
if len(groupMemberUserAttribute) == 0 {
for _, attr := range opAttributes {
if attr.Name == config.GroupMemberUserAttribute {
groupMemberUserAttribute = attr.Values
if len(groupMemberUserAttribute) > 0 {
query := fmt.Sprintf("(&(%v=%v)(%v=%v))", config.GroupMemberMappingAttribute, ldapv2.EscapeFilter(groupMemberUserAttribute[0]), ObjectClass, config.GroupObjectClass)
newGroupPrincipals, err := p.searchLdap(query, groupScope, config, lConn)
//deduplicate groupprincipals get from userMemberAttribute
nonDupGroupPrincipals = p.findNonDuplicateBetweenGroupPrincipals(newGroupPrincipals, groupPrincipals, nonDupGroupPrincipals)
groupPrincipals = append(groupPrincipals, nonDupGroupPrincipals...)
if err != nil {
return userPrincipal, groupPrincipals, err
// Handle nestedgroups for openldap, filter operationalAttrList already handles nestedgroups for freeipa
if config.NestedGroupMembershipEnabled && groupScope == "openldap_group" {
searchDomain := config.UserSearchBase
if config.GroupSearchBase != "" {
searchDomain = config.GroupSearchBase
// Handling nestedgroups: tracing from down to top in order to find the parent groups, parent parent groups, and so on...
// When traversing up, we note down all the parent groups and add them to groupPrincipals
for _, groupPrincipal := range groupPrincipals {
err = p.gatherParentGroups(groupPrincipal, searchDomain, groupScope, config, lConn, groupMap, &nestedGroupPrincipals)
if err != nil {
return userPrincipal, groupPrincipals, nil
nonDupGroupPrincipals = p.findNonDuplicateBetweenGroupPrincipals(nestedGroupPrincipals, groupPrincipals, []v3.Principal{})
groupPrincipals = append(groupPrincipals, nonDupGroupPrincipals...)
return userPrincipal, groupPrincipals, nil
func (p *ldapProvider) gatherParentGroups(groupPrincipal v3.Principal, searchDomain string, groupScope string, config *v3.LdapConfig, lConn *ldapv2.Conn, groupMap map[string]bool, nestedGroupPrincipals *[]v3.Principal) error {
groupMap[groupPrincipal.ObjectMeta.Name] = true
principals := []v3.Principal{}
parts := strings.SplitN(groupPrincipal.ObjectMeta.Name, ":", 2)
if len(parts) != 2 {
return errors.Errorf("invalid id %v", groupPrincipal.ObjectMeta.Name)
groupDN := strings.TrimPrefix(parts[1], "//")
searchGroup := ldapv2.NewSearchRequest(searchDomain,
ldapv2.ScopeWholeSubtree, ldapv2.NeverDerefAliases, 0, 0, false,
fmt.Sprintf("(&(%v=%v)(%v=%v))", config.GroupMemberMappingAttribute, ldapv2.EscapeFilter(groupDN), ObjectClass, config.GroupObjectClass),
ldap.GetGroupSearchAttributesForLDAP(ObjectClass, config), nil)
resultGroups, err := lConn.Search(searchGroup)
if err != nil {
return err
for i := 0; i < len(resultGroups.Entries); i++ {
entry := resultGroups.Entries[i]
principal, err := ldap.AttributesToPrincipal(entry.Attributes, entry.DN, groupScope, p.providerName, config.UserObjectClass, config.UserNameAttribute, config.UserLoginAttribute, config.GroupObjectClass, config.GroupNameAttribute)
if err != nil {
logrus.Errorf("Error translating group result: %v", err)
principals = append(principals, *principal)
for _, gp := range principals {
if _, ok := groupMap[gp.ObjectMeta.Name]; ok {
} else {
*nestedGroupPrincipals = append(*nestedGroupPrincipals, gp)
err = p.gatherParentGroups(gp, searchDomain, groupScope, config, lConn, groupMap, nestedGroupPrincipals)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (p *ldapProvider) findNonDuplicateBetweenGroupPrincipals(newGroupPrincipals []v3.Principal, groupPrincipals []v3.Principal, nonDupGroupPrincipals []v3.Principal) []v3.Principal {
for _, gp := range newGroupPrincipals {
counter := 0
for _, usermembergp := range groupPrincipals {
// check the groups ObjectMeta.Name and name fields value are the same, then they are the same group
if gp.ObjectMeta.Name == usermembergp.ObjectMeta.Name && gp.DisplayName == usermembergp.DisplayName {
} else {
if counter == len(groupPrincipals) {
nonDupGroupPrincipals = append(nonDupGroupPrincipals, gp)
return nonDupGroupPrincipals
func (p *ldapProvider) getPrincipal(distinguishedName string, scope string, config *v3.LdapConfig, caPool *x509.CertPool) (*v3.Principal, error) {
var search *ldapv2.SearchRequest
var filter string
if !slice.ContainsString(freeIpaScopes, scope) && !slice.ContainsString(openLdapScopes, scope) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Invalid scope")
var attributes []*ldapv2.AttributeTypeAndValue
var attribs []*ldapv2.EntryAttribute
object, err := ldapv2.ParseDN(distinguishedName)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for _, rdns := range object.RDNs {
for _, attr := range rdns.Attributes {
attributes = append(attributes, attr)
entryAttr := ldapv2.NewEntryAttribute(attr.Type, []string{attr.Value})
attribs = append(attribs, entryAttr)
if !ldap.IsType(attribs, scope) && !p.permissionCheck(attribs, config) {
logrus.Errorf("Failed to get object %v", distinguishedName)
return nil, nil
entityType := strings.Split(scope, "_")[1]
if strings.EqualFold("user", entityType) {
filter = fmt.Sprintf("(%v=%v)", ObjectClass, config.UserObjectClass)
} else {
filter = fmt.Sprintf("(%v=%v)", ObjectClass, config.GroupObjectClass)
logrus.Debugf("Query for getPrincipal(%v): %v", distinguishedName, filter)
lConn, err := p.ldapConnection(config, caPool)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer lConn.Close()
// Bind before query
// If service acc bind fails, and auth is on, return principal formed using DN
serviceAccountUsername := ldap.GetUserExternalID(config.ServiceAccountDistinguishedName, "")
err = lConn.Bind(serviceAccountUsername, config.ServiceAccountPassword)
if err != nil {
if ldapv2.IsErrorWithCode(err, ldapv2.LDAPResultInvalidCredentials) && config.Enabled {
var kind string
if strings.EqualFold("user", entityType) {
kind = "user"
} else if strings.EqualFold("group", entityType) {
kind = "group"
principal := &v3.Principal{
ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{Name: scope + "://" + distinguishedName},
DisplayName: distinguishedName,
LoginName: distinguishedName,
PrincipalType: kind,
return principal, nil
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Error in ldap bind: %v", err)
if strings.EqualFold("user", entityType) {
search = ldapv2.NewSearchRequest(distinguishedName,
ldapv2.ScopeBaseObject, ldapv2.NeverDerefAliases, 0, 0, false,
ldap.GetUserSearchAttributesForLDAP(ObjectClass, config), nil)
} else {
search = ldapv2.NewSearchRequest(distinguishedName,
ldapv2.ScopeBaseObject, ldapv2.NeverDerefAliases, 0, 0, false,
ldap.GetGroupSearchAttributesForLDAP(ObjectClass, config), nil)
result, err := lConn.Search(search)
if err != nil {
if ldapErr, ok := err.(*ldapv2.Error); ok && ldapErr.ResultCode == 32 {
return nil, httperror.NewAPIError(httperror.NotFound, fmt.Sprintf("%v not found", distinguishedName))
return nil, httperror.WrapAPIError(errors.Wrapf(err, "server returned error for search %v %v: %v", search.BaseDN, filter, err), httperror.ServerError, "Internal server error")
if len(result.Entries) < 1 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("No identities can be retrieved")
} else if len(result.Entries) > 1 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("More than one result found")
entry := result.Entries[0]
entryAttributes := entry.Attributes
if !p.permissionCheck(entry.Attributes, config) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Permission denied")
principal, err := ldap.AttributesToPrincipal(entryAttributes, distinguishedName, scope, p.providerName, config.UserObjectClass, config.UserNameAttribute, config.UserLoginAttribute, config.GroupObjectClass, config.GroupNameAttribute)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return principal, nil
func (p *ldapProvider) searchPrincipals(name, principalType string, config *v3.LdapConfig, lConn *ldapv2.Conn) ([]v3.Principal, error) {
name = ldapv2.EscapeFilter(name)
var principals []v3.Principal
if principalType == "" || principalType == "user" {
userPrincipals, err := p.searchUser(name, config, lConn)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
principals = append(principals, userPrincipals...)
if principalType == "" || principalType == "group" {
groupPrincipals, err := p.searchGroup(name, config, lConn)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
principals = append(principals, groupPrincipals...)
return principals, nil
func (p *ldapProvider) searchUser(name string, config *v3.LdapConfig, lConn *ldapv2.Conn) ([]v3.Principal, error) {
srchAttributes := strings.Split(config.UserSearchAttribute, "|")
query := fmt.Sprintf("(&(%v=%v)", ObjectClass, config.UserObjectClass)
srchAttrs := "(|"
for _, attr := range srchAttributes {
srchAttrs += fmt.Sprintf("(%v=%v*)", attr, name)
query += srchAttrs + "))"
logrus.Debugf("%s searchUser query: %s", p.providerName, query)
return p.searchLdap(query, p.userScope, config, lConn)
func (p *ldapProvider) searchGroup(name string, config *v3.LdapConfig, lConn *ldapv2.Conn) ([]v3.Principal, error) {
query := fmt.Sprintf("(&(%v=*%v*)(%v=%v))", config.GroupSearchAttribute, name, ObjectClass, config.GroupObjectClass)
logrus.Debugf("%s searchGroup query: %s", p.providerName, query)
return p.searchLdap(query, p.groupScope, config, lConn)
func (p *ldapProvider) searchLdap(query string, scope string, config *v3.LdapConfig, lConn *ldapv2.Conn) ([]v3.Principal, error) {
var principals []v3.Principal
var search *ldapv2.SearchRequest
entityType := strings.Split(scope, "_")[1]
searchDomain := config.UserSearchBase
if strings.EqualFold("user", entityType) {
search = ldapv2.NewSearchRequest(searchDomain,
ldapv2.ScopeWholeSubtree, ldapv2.NeverDerefAliases, 0, 0, false,
ldap.GetUserSearchAttributesForLDAP(ObjectClass, config), nil)
} else {
if config.GroupSearchBase != "" {
searchDomain = config.GroupSearchBase
search = ldapv2.NewSearchRequest(searchDomain,
ldapv2.ScopeWholeSubtree, ldapv2.NeverDerefAliases, 0, 0, false,
ldap.GetGroupSearchAttributesForLDAP(ObjectClass, config), nil)
// Bind before query
serviceAccountUsername := ldap.GetUserExternalID(config.ServiceAccountDistinguishedName, "")
err := lConn.Bind(serviceAccountUsername, config.ServiceAccountPassword)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Error %v in ldap bind", err)
results, err := lConn.SearchWithPaging(search, 1000)
if err != nil {
ldapErr, ok := reflect.ValueOf(err).Interface().(*ldapv2.Error)
if ok && ldapErr.ResultCode != ldapv2.LDAPResultNoSuchObject {
return []v3.Principal{}, fmt.Errorf("When searching ldap, Failed to search: %s, error: %#v", query, err)
for i := 0; i < len(results.Entries); i++ {
entry := results.Entries[i]
principal, err := ldap.AttributesToPrincipal(entry.Attributes, results.Entries[i].DN, scope, p.providerName, config.UserObjectClass, config.UserNameAttribute, config.UserLoginAttribute, config.GroupObjectClass, config.GroupNameAttribute)
if err != nil {
return []v3.Principal{}, err
principals = append(principals, *principal)
return principals, nil
func (p *ldapProvider) ldapConnection(config *v3.LdapConfig, caPool *x509.CertPool) (*ldapv2.Conn, error) {
servers := config.Servers
TLS := config.TLS
port := config.Port
connectionTimeout := config.ConnectionTimeout
return ldap.NewLDAPConn(servers, TLS, port, connectionTimeout, caPool)
func (p *ldapProvider) permissionCheck(attributes []*ldapv2.EntryAttribute, config *v3.LdapConfig) bool {
userObjectClass := config.UserObjectClass
userEnabledAttribute := config.UserEnabledAttribute
userDisabledBitMask := config.UserDisabledBitMask
return ldap.HasPermission(attributes, userObjectClass, userEnabledAttribute, userDisabledBitMask)
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