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pod.go 8.42 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
package watcher
import (
corev1 "k8s.io/api/core/v1"
kerrors "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/api/errors"
metav1 "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1"
type PodWatcher struct {
podLister v1.PodLister
alertManager *manager.Manager
projectAlerts v3.ProjectAlertInterface
projectAlertLister v3.ProjectAlertLister
clusterName string
podRestartTrack sync.Map
clusterLister v3.ClusterLister
type restartTrack struct {
Count int32
Time time.Time
func StartPodWatcher(ctx context.Context, cluster *config.UserContext, manager *manager.Manager) {
projectAlerts := cluster.Management.Management.ProjectAlerts("")
podWatcher := &PodWatcher{
podLister: cluster.Core.Pods("").Controller().Lister(),
projectAlerts: projectAlerts,
projectAlertLister: projectAlerts.Controller().Lister(),
alertManager: manager,
clusterName: cluster.ClusterName,
podRestartTrack: sync.Map{},
clusterLister: cluster.Management.Management.Clusters("").Controller().Lister(),
projectAlertLifecycle := &ProjectAlertLifecycle{
podWatcher: podWatcher,
projectAlerts.AddClusterScopedLifecycle("project-alert-podtarget", cluster.ClusterName, projectAlertLifecycle)
go podWatcher.watch(ctx, syncInterval)
func (w *PodWatcher) watch(ctx context.Context, interval time.Duration) {
for range ticker.Context(ctx, interval) {
err := w.watchRule()
if err != nil {
logrus.Infof("Failed to watch pod, error: %v", err)
type ProjectAlertLifecycle struct {
podWatcher *PodWatcher
func (l *ProjectAlertLifecycle) Create(obj *v3.ProjectAlert) (*v3.ProjectAlert, error) {
l.podWatcher.podRestartTrack.Store(obj.Namespace+":"+obj.Name, make([]restartTrack, 0))
return obj, nil
func (l *ProjectAlertLifecycle) Updated(obj *v3.ProjectAlert) (*v3.ProjectAlert, error) {
return obj, nil
func (l *ProjectAlertLifecycle) Remove(obj *v3.ProjectAlert) (*v3.ProjectAlert, error) {
l.podWatcher.podRestartTrack.Delete(obj.Namespace + ":" + obj.Name)
return obj, nil
func (w *PodWatcher) watchRule() error {
if w.alertManager.IsDeploy == false {
return nil
projectAlerts, err := w.projectAlertLister.List("", labels.NewSelector())
if err != nil {
return err
pAlerts := []*v3.ProjectAlert{}
for _, alert := range projectAlerts {
if controller.ObjectInCluster(w.clusterName, alert) {
pAlerts = append(pAlerts, alert)
for _, alert := range pAlerts {
if alert.Status.AlertState == "inactive" {
if alert.Spec.TargetPod != nil {
parts := strings.Split(alert.Spec.TargetPod.PodName, ":")
ns := parts[0]
podID := parts[1]
newPod, err := w.podLister.Get(ns, podID)
if err != nil {
//TODO: what to do when pod not found
if kerrors.IsNotFound(err) || newPod == nil {
if err = w.projectAlerts.DeleteNamespaced(alert.Namespace, alert.Name, &metav1.DeleteOptions{}); err != nil {
return err
logrus.Debugf("Failed to get pod %s: %v", podID, err)
switch alert.Spec.TargetPod.Condition {
case "notrunning":
w.checkPodRunning(newPod, alert)
case "notscheduled":
w.checkPodScheduled(newPod, alert)
case "restarts":
w.checkPodRestarts(newPod, alert)
return nil
func (w *PodWatcher) checkPodRestarts(pod *corev1.Pod, alert *v3.ProjectAlert) {
for _, containerStatus := range pod.Status.ContainerStatuses {
if containerStatus.State.Running == nil {
curCount := containerStatus.RestartCount
preCount := w.getRestartTimeFromTrack(alert, curCount)
if curCount-preCount >= int32(alert.Spec.TargetPod.RestartTimes) {
alertID := alert.Namespace + "-" + alert.Name
details := ""
if containerStatus.State.Waiting != nil {
details = containerStatus.State.Waiting.Message
clusterDisplayName := w.clusterName
cluster, err := w.clusterLister.Get("", w.clusterName)
if err != nil {
logrus.Warnf("Failed to get cluster for %s: %v", w.clusterName, err)
} else {
clusterDisplayName = cluster.Spec.DisplayName
data := map[string]string{}
data["alert_type"] = "podRestarts"
data["alert_id"] = alertID
data["severity"] = alert.Spec.Severity
data["alert_name"] = alert.Spec.DisplayName
data["cluster_name"] = clusterDisplayName
data["namespace"] = pod.Namespace
data["pod_name"] = pod.Name
data["container_name"] = containerStatus.Name
data["restart_times"] = strconv.Itoa(alert.Spec.TargetPod.RestartTimes)
data["restart_interval"] = strconv.Itoa(alert.Spec.TargetPod.RestartIntervalSeconds)
if details != "" {
data["logs"] = details
if err := w.alertManager.SendAlert(data); err != nil {
logrus.Debugf("Error occurred while getting pod %s: %v", alert.Spec.TargetPod.PodName, err)
func (w *PodWatcher) getRestartTimeFromTrack(alert *v3.ProjectAlert, curCount int32) int32 {
obj, ok := w.podRestartTrack.Load(alert.Namespace + ":" + alert.Name)
if !ok {
return curCount
tracks := obj.([]restartTrack)
now := time.Now()
if len(tracks) == 0 {
tracks = append(tracks, restartTrack{Count: curCount, Time: now})
w.podRestartTrack.Store(alert.Namespace+":"+alert.Name, tracks)
return curCount
for i, track := range tracks {
if now.Sub(track.Time).Seconds() < float64(alert.Spec.TargetPod.RestartIntervalSeconds) {
tracks = tracks[i:]
tracks = append(tracks, restartTrack{Count: curCount, Time: now})
w.podRestartTrack.Store(alert.Namespace+":"+alert.Name, tracks)
return track.Count
w.podRestartTrack.Store(alert.Namespace+":"+alert.Name, []restartTrack{})
return curCount
func (w *PodWatcher) checkPodRunning(pod *corev1.Pod, alert *v3.ProjectAlert) {
if !w.checkPodScheduled(pod, alert) {
alertID := alert.Namespace + "-" + alert.Name
for _, containerStatus := range pod.Status.ContainerStatuses {
if containerStatus.State.Running == nil {
//TODO: need to consider all the cases
details := ""
if containerStatus.State.Waiting != nil {
details = containerStatus.State.Waiting.Message
if containerStatus.State.Terminated != nil {
details = containerStatus.State.Terminated.Message
clusterDisplayName := w.clusterName
cluster, err := w.clusterLister.Get("", w.clusterName)
if err != nil {
logrus.Warnf("Failed to get cluster for %s: %v", w.clusterName, err)
} else {
clusterDisplayName = cluster.Spec.DisplayName
data := map[string]string{}
data["alert_type"] = "podNotRunning"
data["alert_id"] = alertID
data["severity"] = alert.Spec.Severity
data["alert_name"] = alert.Spec.DisplayName
data["cluster_name"] = clusterDisplayName
data["namespace"] = pod.Namespace
data["pod_name"] = pod.Name
data["container_name"] = containerStatus.Name
if details != "" {
data["logs"] = details
if err := w.alertManager.SendAlert(data); err != nil {
logrus.Debugf("Error occurred while send alert %s: %v", alert.Spec.TargetPod.PodName, err)
func (w *PodWatcher) checkPodScheduled(pod *corev1.Pod, alert *v3.ProjectAlert) bool {
alertID := alert.Namespace + "-" + alert.Name
for _, condition := range pod.Status.Conditions {
if condition.Type == corev1.PodScheduled && condition.Status == corev1.ConditionFalse {
details := condition.Message
clusterDisplayName := w.clusterName
cluster, err := w.clusterLister.Get("", w.clusterName)
if err != nil {
logrus.Warnf("Failed to get cluster for %s: %v", w.clusterName, err)
} else {
clusterDisplayName = cluster.Spec.DisplayName
data := map[string]string{}
data["alert_type"] = "podNotScheduled"
data["alert_id"] = alertID
data["severity"] = alert.Spec.Severity
data["alert_name"] = alert.Spec.DisplayName
data["cluster_name"] = clusterDisplayName
data["namespace"] = pod.Namespace
data["pod_name"] = pod.Name
if details != "" {
data["logs"] = details
if err := w.alertManager.SendAlert(data); err != nil {
logrus.Debugf("Error occurred while getting pod %s: %v", alert.Spec.TargetPod.PodName, err)
return false
return true
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