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user_cluster_ingress.go 9.74 KB
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package globaldns
import (
v1Rancher "github.com/rancher/types/apis/core/v1"
v1beta1Rancher "github.com/rancher/types/apis/extensions/v1beta1"
projectv3 "github.com/rancher/types/apis/project.cattle.io/v3"
k8serrors "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/api/errors"
const (
annotationGlobalDNS = "rancher.io/globalDNS.hostname"
appSelectorLabel = "io.cattle.field/appId"
projectSelectorLabel = "field.cattle.io/projectId"
UserIngressControllerName = "globaldns-useringress-controller"
UserGlobalDNSControllerName = "user-controller-watching-globaldns"
type UserIngressController struct {
ingressLister v1beta1Rancher.IngressLister
globalDNSs v3.GlobalDNSInterface
globalDNSLister v3.GlobalDNSLister
appLister projectv3.AppLister
namespaceLister v1Rancher.NamespaceLister
multiclusterappLister v3.MultiClusterAppLister
clusterName string
func newUserIngressController(ctx context.Context, clusterContext *config.UserContext) *UserIngressController {
n := &UserIngressController{
ingressLister: clusterContext.Extensions.Ingresses("").Controller().Lister(),
globalDNSs: clusterContext.Management.Management.GlobalDNSs(""),
globalDNSLister: clusterContext.Management.Management.GlobalDNSs("").Controller().Lister(),
appLister: clusterContext.Management.Project.Apps("").Controller().Lister(),
namespaceLister: clusterContext.Core.Namespaces("").Controller().Lister(),
multiclusterappLister: clusterContext.Management.Management.MultiClusterApps("").Controller().Lister(),
clusterName: clusterContext.ClusterName,
return n
func Register(ctx context.Context, clusterContext *config.UserContext) {
n := newUserIngressController(ctx, clusterContext)
clusterContext.Extensions.Ingresses("").AddHandler(ctx, UserIngressControllerName, n.sync)
g := newUserGlobalDNSController(clusterContext)
clusterContext.Management.Management.GlobalDNSs("").AddHandler(ctx, UserGlobalDNSControllerName, g.sync)
func (ic *UserIngressController) sync(key string, obj *v1beta1.Ingress) (runtime.Object, error) {
if obj == nil {
return ic.reconcileAllGlobalDNSs()
//if there are no globaldns cr, skip this run. If error, return error
noGlobalDNS, err := ic.noGlobalDNS()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if noGlobalDNS {
return nil, nil
annotations := obj.Annotations
//look for globalDNS annotation, if found load the GlobalDNS if there are Ingress endpoints
if annotations[annotationGlobalDNS] != "" && len(obj.Status.LoadBalancer.Ingress) > 0 {
fqdnRequested := annotations[annotationGlobalDNS]
//check if the corresponding GlobalDNS CR is present
globalDNS, err := ic.findGlobalDNS(fqdnRequested)
if globalDNS == nil || (err != nil && k8serrors.IsNotFound(err)) {
return nil, nil
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("UserIngressController: Error %v while finding GlobalDNS resource for FQDN requested %v", err, fqdnRequested)
//check if 'multiclusterappID' or targetProjects on GlobalDNS CR matches the ingress's app/project
if obj.DeletionTimestamp == nil {
var checkPassed bool
if globalDNS.Spec.MultiClusterAppName != "" {
checkPassed, err = ic.checkForMultiClusterApp(obj, globalDNS)
} else if len(globalDNS.Spec.ProjectNames) > 0 {
//check if 'projectNames' on GlobalDNS CR matches to the user's project for multiclusterapp
checkPassed, err = ic.checkForProjects(obj, globalDNS)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if !checkPassed {
logrus.Debugf("UserIngressController: Not enqueing update on globaldns %v, for ingress key %v", globalDNS, key)
return nil, nil
//update endpoints on GlobalDNS status field by enqueueing update on GlobalDNS
ic.globalDNSs.Controller().Enqueue(namespace.GlobalNamespace, globalDNS.Name)
return nil, err
return nil, nil
func (ic *UserIngressController) noGlobalDNS() (bool, error) {
gd, err := ic.globalDNSLister.List(namespace.GlobalNamespace, labels.NewSelector())
if err != nil {
return true, err
return len(gd) == 0, nil
func (ic *UserIngressController) reconcileAllGlobalDNSs() (runtime.Object, error) {
globalDNSList, err := ic.globalDNSLister.List(namespace.GlobalNamespace, labels.NewSelector())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for _, globalDNSObj := range globalDNSList {
//call update on each GlobalDNS obj that refers to this current cluster
targetsCluster, err := ic.doesGlobalDNSTargetCurrentCluster(globalDNSObj)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if targetsCluster {
//enqueue it to the globalDNS controller
ic.globalDNSs.Controller().Enqueue(namespace.GlobalNamespace, globalDNSObj.Name)
return nil, nil
func (ic *UserIngressController) doesGlobalDNSTargetCurrentCluster(globalDNS *v3.GlobalDNS) (bool, error) {
var targetProjectNames []string
if globalDNS.Spec.MultiClusterAppName != "" {
mcappName, err := getMultiClusterAppName(globalDNS.Spec.MultiClusterAppName)
if err != nil {
return false, err
mcapp, err := ic.multiclusterappLister.Get(namespace.GlobalNamespace, mcappName)
if err != nil && k8serrors.IsNotFound(err) {
logrus.Debugf("UserIngressController: reconcileallgdns, multiclusterapp not found by name %v, might be marked for deletion", mcappName)
//pass the check and let the controller continue in this case, it will enqueue update to globaldns and the other controller will figure out the endpoint updates
return true, nil
if err != nil {
return false, err
for _, t := range mcapp.Spec.Targets {
targetProjectNames = append(targetProjectNames, t.ProjectName)
} else if len(globalDNS.Spec.ProjectNames) > 0 {
targetProjectNames = append(targetProjectNames, globalDNS.Spec.ProjectNames...)
// go through target projects and check if its part of the current cluster
for _, projectNameSet := range targetProjectNames {
split := strings.SplitN(projectNameSet, ":", 2)
if len(split) != 2 {
return false, fmt.Errorf("UserIngressController: Error in splitting project Name %v", projectNameSet)
// check if the project in this iteration belongs to the same cluster in current context
if split[0] == ic.clusterName {
return true, nil
return false, nil
func (ic *UserIngressController) findGlobalDNS(fqdnRequested string) (*v3.GlobalDNS, error) {
allGlobalDNSs, err := ic.globalDNSLister.List(namespace.GlobalNamespace, labels.NewSelector())
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("UserIngressController: Error listing GlobalDNSs %v", err)
for _, gd := range allGlobalDNSs {
if strings.EqualFold(gd.Spec.FQDN, fqdnRequested) {
return gd, nil
return nil, nil
func (ic *UserIngressController) isProjectApproved(projectsApproved []string, project string) bool {
for _, listedProject := range projectsApproved {
split := strings.SplitN(listedProject, ":", 2)
if len(split) != 2 {
logrus.Errorf("UserIngressController: Error in splitting project ID %v", listedProject)
return false
listedProjectName := split[1]
if strings.EqualFold(listedProjectName, project) {
return true
return false
func (ic *UserIngressController) checkForMultiClusterApp(obj *v1beta1.Ingress, globalDNS *v3.GlobalDNS) (bool, error) {
ingressLabels := obj.Labels
appID := ingressLabels[appSelectorLabel]
if appID != "" {
//find the app CR
// go through all projects from multiclusterapp's targets
mcappName, err := getMultiClusterAppName(globalDNS.Spec.MultiClusterAppName)
if err != nil {
return false, err
mcapp, err := ic.multiclusterappLister.Get(namespace.GlobalNamespace, mcappName)
if err != nil && k8serrors.IsNotFound(err) {
logrus.Debugf("UserIngressController: multiclusterapp not found by name %v", mcappName)
//pass the check and let the controller continue in this case, it will enqueue update to globaldns and the other controller will figure out the endpoint updates
return true, nil
if err != nil {
return false, fmt.Errorf("UserIngressController: Error %v listing multiclusterapp by name %v", err, mcappName)
for _, t := range mcapp.Spec.Targets {
split := strings.SplitN(t.ProjectName, ":", 2)
if len(split) != 2 {
return false, fmt.Errorf("error in splitting project ID %v", t.ProjectName)
if split[0] != ic.clusterName {
projectNS := split[1]
userApp, err := ic.appLister.Get(projectNS, appID)
if err != nil && k8serrors.IsNotFound(err) {
logrus.Debugf("UserIngressController: The app %v for this ingress is not under the target namespace %v of multiclusterapp", projectNS, appID)
return false, nil
} else if err != nil {
return false, fmt.Errorf("UserIngressController: Error finding the App with the Id %v under namespace %v", appID, projectNS)
if strings.EqualFold(userApp.Spec.MultiClusterAppName, mcappName) {
return true, nil
return false, nil
func (ic *UserIngressController) checkForProjects(obj *v1beta1.Ingress, globalDNS *v3.GlobalDNS) (bool, error) {
ns, err := ic.namespaceLister.Get("", obj.Namespace)
if err != nil {
return false, fmt.Errorf("UserIngressController: Cannot find the App's namespace with the Id %v, error: %v", obj.Namespace, err)
nameSpaceProject := ns.ObjectMeta.Labels[projectSelectorLabel]
logrus.Debugf("UserIngressController: check if Ingress's project %v belongs to GlobalDNS target projects %v", nameSpaceProject, globalDNS.Spec.ProjectNames)
if ic.isProjectApproved(globalDNS.Spec.ProjectNames, nameSpaceProject) {
return true, nil
return false, nil
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