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pipelineexecution.go 19.97 KB
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package pipelineexecution
import (
mv3 "github.com/rancher/types/apis/management.cattle.io/v3"
networkv1 "github.com/rancher/types/apis/networking.k8s.io/v1"
rbacv1 "github.com/rancher/types/apis/rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1"
corev1 "k8s.io/api/core/v1"
apierrors "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/api/errors"
metav1 "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1"
//This controller is responsible for
// a) setup necessary components when pipeline executions are triggered
// b) maintain the execution queue
// c) terminate an execution when it is aborted
const (
projectIDLabel = "field.cattle.io/projectId"
roleCreateNs = "create-ns"
roleEditNsSuffix = "-namespaces-edit"
roleAdmin = "admin"
type notifierRecipient struct {
Notifier *mv3.Notifier
Recipient string
type executionSummary struct {
Run int
RepoName string
State string
CommitMessage string
Author string
GitRefURL string
PipelineExecutionURL string
Event string
Duration string
Message string
type Lifecycle struct {
systemAccountManager *systemaccount.Manager
namespaceLister v1.NamespaceLister
namespaces v1.NamespaceInterface
secrets v1.SecretInterface
serviceLister v1.ServiceLister
managementSecrets v1.SecretInterface
services v1.ServiceInterface
serviceAccounts v1.ServiceAccountInterface
configMapLister v1.ConfigMapLister
configMaps v1.ConfigMapInterface
podLister v1.PodLister
pods v1.PodInterface
networkPolicies networkv1.NetworkPolicyInterface
clusterRoleBindings rbacv1.ClusterRoleBindingInterface
roleBindings rbacv1.RoleBindingInterface
deployments v1beta2.DeploymentInterface
daemonsets v1beta2.DaemonSetInterface
notifierLister mv3.NotifierLister
pipelineLister v3.PipelineLister
pipelines v3.PipelineInterface
pipelineExecutionLister v3.PipelineExecutionLister
pipelineExecutions v3.PipelineExecutionInterface
pipelineSettingLister v3.PipelineSettingLister
pipelineEngine engine.PipelineEngine
sourceCodeCredentialLister v3.SourceCodeCredentialLister
func Register(ctx context.Context, cluster *config.UserContext) {
clusterName := cluster.ClusterName
namespaces := cluster.Core.Namespaces("")
namespaceLister := cluster.Core.Namespaces("").Controller().Lister()
secrets := cluster.Core.Secrets("")
secretLister := secrets.Controller().Lister()
managementSecrets := cluster.Management.Core.Secrets("")
managementSecretLister := managementSecrets.Controller().Lister()
services := cluster.Core.Services("")
serviceLister := services.Controller().Lister()
serviceAccounts := cluster.Core.ServiceAccounts("")
networkPolicies := cluster.Networking.NetworkPolicies("")
clusterRoleBindings := cluster.RBAC.ClusterRoleBindings("")
roleBindings := cluster.RBAC.RoleBindings("")
deployments := cluster.Apps.Deployments("")
daemonsets := cluster.Apps.DaemonSets("")
pods := cluster.Core.Pods("")
podLister := pods.Controller().Lister()
configMaps := cluster.Core.ConfigMaps("")
configMapLister := configMaps.Controller().Lister()
pipelines := cluster.Management.Project.Pipelines("")
pipelineLister := pipelines.Controller().Lister()
pipelineExecutions := cluster.Management.Project.PipelineExecutions("")
pipelineExecutionLister := pipelineExecutions.Controller().Lister()
pipelineSettingLister := cluster.Management.Project.PipelineSettings("").Controller().Lister()
sourceCodeCredentialLister := cluster.Management.Project.SourceCodeCredentials("").Controller().Lister()
notifierLister := cluster.Management.Management.Notifiers("").Controller().Lister()
pipelineEngine := engine.New(cluster, true)
pipelineExecutionLifecycle := &Lifecycle{
systemAccountManager: systemaccount.NewManager(cluster.Management),
namespaces: namespaces,
namespaceLister: namespaceLister,
secrets: secrets,
managementSecrets: managementSecrets,
services: services,
serviceLister: serviceLister,
serviceAccounts: serviceAccounts,
networkPolicies: networkPolicies,
clusterRoleBindings: clusterRoleBindings,
roleBindings: roleBindings,
deployments: deployments,
daemonsets: daemonsets,
pods: pods,
podLister: podLister,
configMaps: configMaps,
configMapLister: configMapLister,
pipelineLister: pipelineLister,
pipelines: pipelines,
pipelineExecutionLister: pipelineExecutionLister,
pipelineExecutions: pipelineExecutions,
pipelineSettingLister: pipelineSettingLister,
pipelineEngine: pipelineEngine,
sourceCodeCredentialLister: sourceCodeCredentialLister,
notifierLister: notifierLister,
stateSyncer := &ExecutionStateSyncer{
clusterName: clusterName,
pipelineLister: pipelineLister,
pipelines: pipelines,
pipelineExecutionLister: pipelineExecutionLister,
pipelineExecutions: pipelineExecutions,
pipelineEngine: pipelineEngine,
registryCertSyncer := &RegistryCertSyncer{
clusterName: clusterName,
pods: pods,
podLister: podLister,
secrets: secrets,
secretLister: secretLister,
managementSecretLister: managementSecretLister,
namespaceLister: namespaceLister,
pipelineExecutionLister: pipelineExecutionLister,
pipelineSettingLister: pipelineSettingLister,
pipelineExecutions.AddClusterScopedLifecycle(ctx, pipelineExecutionLifecycle.GetName(), cluster.ClusterName, pipelineExecutionLifecycle)
go stateSyncer.sync(ctx, syncStateInterval)
go registryCertSyncer.sync(ctx, checkCertRotateInterval)
func (l *Lifecycle) Create(obj *v3.PipelineExecution) (runtime.Object, error) {
return l.Sync(obj)
func (l *Lifecycle) Updated(obj *v3.PipelineExecution) (runtime.Object, error) {
return l.Sync(obj)
func (l *Lifecycle) Sync(obj *v3.PipelineExecution) (runtime.Object, error) {
if obj == nil || obj.DeletionTimestamp != nil {
return obj, nil
if obj.Status.ExecutionState == utils.StateAborted {
if err := l.doStop(obj); err != nil {
return obj, err
if obj.Labels != nil && obj.Labels[utils.PipelineFinishLabel] == "true" {
return l.doFinish(obj)
if v3.PipelineExecutionConditionInitialized.GetStatus(obj) != "" {
return obj, nil
exceed, err := l.exceedQuota(obj)
if err != nil {
return obj, err
if exceed {
obj.Status.ExecutionState = utils.StateQueueing
obj.Labels[utils.PipelineFinishLabel] = ""
if err := l.newExecutionUpdateLastRunState(obj); err != nil {
return obj, err
return obj, nil
} else if obj.Status.ExecutionState == utils.StateQueueing {
obj.Status.ExecutionState = utils.StateWaiting
if err := l.newExecutionUpdateLastRunState(obj); err != nil {
return obj, err
obj.Labels[utils.PipelineFinishLabel] = "false"
if err := l.deploy(obj.Spec.ProjectName); err != nil {
obj.Labels[utils.PipelineFinishLabel] = "true"
obj.Status.ExecutionState = utils.StateFailed
v3.PipelineExecutionConditionInitialized.ReasonAndMessageFromError(obj, err)
if err := l.markLocalRegistryPort(obj); err != nil {
return obj, err
return obj, nil
func (l *Lifecycle) doFinish(obj *v3.PipelineExecution) (*v3.PipelineExecution, error) {
if err := l.doCleanup(obj); err != nil {
return obj, err
shouldNotify, err := l.shouldNotify(obj)
if err != nil {
return obj, err
if shouldNotify {
newObj, err := v3.PipelineExecutionConditionNotified.Once(obj, func() (runtime.Object, error) {
return l.doNotify(obj)
if err != nil {
return newObj.(*v3.PipelineExecution), err
//start a queueing execution if there is any
if err := l.startQueueingExecution(obj); err != nil {
return obj, err
return obj, nil
func (l *Lifecycle) markLocalRegistryPort(obj *v3.PipelineExecution) error {
cm, err := l.configMaps.GetNamespaced(utils.PipelineNamespace, utils.ProxyConfigMapName, metav1.GetOptions{})
if err != nil {
return err
portMap, err := utils.GetRegistryPortMapping(cm)
if err != nil {
return err
curPort := ""
if obj.Annotations != nil && obj.Annotations[utils.LocalRegistryPortLabel] != "" {
curPort = obj.Annotations[utils.LocalRegistryPortLabel]
_, projectID := ref.Parse(obj.Spec.ProjectName)
port := portMap[projectID]
if port != curPort {
toUpdate := obj.DeepCopy()
if toUpdate.Annotations == nil {
toUpdate.Annotations = map[string]string{}
toUpdate.Annotations[utils.LocalRegistryPortLabel] = port
if _, err := l.pipelineExecutions.Update(toUpdate); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (l *Lifecycle) newExecutionUpdateLastRunState(obj *v3.PipelineExecution) error {
ns, name := ref.Parse(obj.Spec.PipelineName)
pipeline, err := l.pipelineLister.Get(ns, name)
if err != nil {
return err
if obj.Spec.Run == pipeline.Status.NextRun {
pipeline.Status.LastExecutionID = ref.Ref(obj)
pipeline.Status.LastStarted = obj.Status.Started
if pipeline.Status.LastExecutionID == ref.Ref(obj) {
pipeline.Status.LastRunState = obj.Status.ExecutionState
_, err = l.pipelines.Update(pipeline)
return err
func (l *Lifecycle) startQueueingExecution(obj *v3.PipelineExecution) error {
_, projectID := ref.Parse(obj.Spec.ProjectName)
set := labels.Set(map[string]string{utils.PipelineFinishLabel: ""})
queueingExecutions, err := l.pipelineExecutionLister.List(projectID, set.AsSelector())
if err != nil {
return err
if len(queueingExecutions) == 0 {
return nil
oldestTime := queueingExecutions[0].CreationTimestamp
toRunExecution := queueingExecutions[0]
for _, e := range queueingExecutions {
if e.CreationTimestamp.Before(&oldestTime) {
oldestTime = e.CreationTimestamp
toRunExecution = e
toRunExecution = toRunExecution.DeepCopy()
toRunExecution.Status.ExecutionState = utils.StateWaiting
_, err = l.pipelineExecutions.Update(toRunExecution)
return err
func (l *Lifecycle) exceedQuota(obj *v3.PipelineExecution) (bool, error) {
_, projectID := ref.Parse(obj.Spec.ProjectName)
quotaSetting, err := l.pipelineSettingLister.Get(projectID, utils.SettingExecutorQuota)
if apierrors.IsNotFound(err) {
return false, nil
} else if err != nil {
return false, err
quotaStr := quotaSetting.Default
if quotaSetting.Value != "" {
quotaStr = quotaSetting.Value
quota, err := strconv.Atoi(quotaStr)
if err != nil || quota <= 0 {
return false, nil
set := labels.Set(map[string]string{utils.PipelineFinishLabel: "false"})
runningExecutions, err := l.pipelineExecutionLister.List(projectID, set.AsSelector())
if err != nil {
return false, err
if len(runningExecutions) >= quota {
return true, nil
return false, nil
func (l *Lifecycle) doStop(obj *v3.PipelineExecution) error {
if v3.PipelineExecutionConditionInitialized.IsTrue(obj) {
if err := l.pipelineEngine.StopExecution(obj); err != nil {
return err
if _, err := l.pipelineEngine.SyncExecution(obj); err != nil {
return err
v3.PipelineExecutionConditionBuilt.Message(obj, "aborted by user")
for i := range obj.Status.Stages {
if obj.Status.Stages[i].State == utils.StateBuilding {
obj.Status.Stages[i].State = utils.StateAborted
for j := range obj.Status.Stages[i].Steps {
if obj.Status.Stages[i].Steps[j].State == utils.StateBuilding {
obj.Status.Stages[i].Steps[j].State = utils.StateAborted
//check and update lastrunstate of the pipeline when necessary
ns, name := ref.Parse(obj.Spec.PipelineName)
p, err := l.pipelineLister.Get(ns, name)
if err != nil && !apierrors.IsNotFound(err) {
return err
if p != nil && p.Status.LastExecutionID == obj.Namespace+":"+obj.Name &&
p.Status.LastRunState != obj.Status.ExecutionState {
p.Status.LastRunState = obj.Status.ExecutionState
if _, err := l.pipelines.Update(p); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (l *Lifecycle) doCleanup(obj *v3.PipelineExecution) error {
//Clean up on exception cases
if err := l.pipelineEngine.StopExecution(obj); err != nil {
return err
ns := utils.GetPipelineCommonName(obj.Spec.ProjectName)
labelSet := labels.Set{
utils.LabelKeyApp: utils.JenkinsName,
utils.LabelKeyExecution: obj.Name,
slavePods, err := l.podLister.List(ns, labelSet.AsSelector())
if err != nil {
return err
for _, pod := range slavePods {
if err := l.pods.DeleteNamespaced(ns, pod.Name, &metav1.DeleteOptions{}); err != nil && !apierrors.IsNotFound(err) && !apierrors.IsGone(err) {
return err
return nil
func (l *Lifecycle) Remove(obj *v3.PipelineExecution) (runtime.Object, error) {
if utils.IsFinishState(obj.Status.ExecutionState) {
return obj, nil
return l.doFinish(obj)
func (l *Lifecycle) shouldNotify(obj *v3.PipelineExecution) (bool, error) {
if obj.Spec.PipelineConfig.Notification != nil {
if len(obj.Spec.PipelineConfig.Notification.Recipients) <= 0 {
return false, nil
condition := obj.Spec.PipelineConfig.Notification.Condition
if slice.ContainsString(condition, obj.Status.ExecutionState) {
return true, nil
} else if slice.ContainsString(condition, utils.ConditionChanged) {
_, pipelineName := ref.Parse(obj.Spec.PipelineName)
lastExecutionName := fmt.Sprintf("%s-%d", pipelineName, obj.Spec.Run-1)
lastExecution, err := l.pipelineExecutionLister.Get(obj.Namespace, lastExecutionName)
if apierrors.IsNotFound(err) {
return false, nil
} else if err != nil {
return false, err
if utils.IsFinishState(lastExecution.Status.ExecutionState) &&
lastExecution.Status.ExecutionState != obj.Status.ExecutionState {
return true, nil
return false, nil
func (l *Lifecycle) doNotify(obj *v3.PipelineExecution) (runtime.Object, error) {
toSendRecipients, err := l.getToSendRecipients(obj)
if err != nil {
return obj, err
message, err := defaultNotificationMessage(obj)
if err != nil {
return obj, err
if obj.Spec.PipelineConfig.Notification.Message != "" {
message = obj.Spec.PipelineConfig.Notification.Message
var g errgroup.Group
for _, toSendRecipient := range toSendRecipients {
notifierMessage := &notifiers.Message{
Content: message,
if toSendRecipient.Notifier.Spec.SMTPConfig != nil {
repoName := getRepoNameFromURL(obj.Spec.RepositoryURL)
notifierMessage.Title = fmt.Sprintf("Notification From Rancher: Pipeline #%d build for %s repo %s", obj.Spec.Run, repoName, obj.Status.ExecutionState)
notifierMessage.Content = strings.Replace(message, "\n", "<br>\n", -1)
g.Go(func() error {
return notifiers.SendMessage(toSendRecipient.Notifier, toSendRecipient.Recipient, notifierMessage)
return obj, g.Wait()
func (l *Lifecycle) getToSendRecipients(obj *v3.PipelineExecution) ([]notifierRecipient, error) {
clusterName, _ := ref.Parse(obj.Spec.ProjectName)
existingNotifiers, err := l.notifierLister.List(clusterName, labels.NewSelector())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var toSendRecipients []notifierRecipient
for _, recipient := range obj.Spec.PipelineConfig.Notification.Recipients {
notifierName := recipient.Notifier
for _, notifier := range existingNotifiers {
_, name := ref.Parse(notifierName)
if name == notifier.Spec.DisplayName || name == notifier.Name {
toSendRecipients = append(toSendRecipients, struct {
Notifier *mv3.Notifier
Recipient string
}{Notifier: notifier, Recipient: recipient.Recipient})
return toSendRecipients, nil
func (l *Lifecycle) GetName() string {
return "pipeline-execution-controller"
//reconcileRb grant access to pipeline service account inside project namespaces
func (l *Lifecycle) reconcileRb(projectName string) error {
commonName := utils.GetPipelineCommonName(projectName)
_, projectID := ref.Parse(projectName)
namespaces, err := l.namespaceLister.List("", labels.NewSelector())
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "Error list cluster namespaces")
var namespacesInProject []*corev1.Namespace
for _, namespace := range namespaces {
parts := strings.Split(namespace.Annotations[projectIDLabel], ":")
if len(parts) == 2 && parts[1] == projectID {
namespacesInProject = append(namespacesInProject, namespace)
} else {
if err := l.roleBindings.DeleteNamespaced(namespace.Name, commonName, &metav1.DeleteOptions{}); err != nil && !apierrors.IsNotFound(err) {
return err
for _, namespace := range namespacesInProject {
rb := getRoleBindings(namespace.Name, commonName)
if _, err := l.roleBindings.Create(rb); err != nil && !apierrors.IsAlreadyExists(err) {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "Error create role binding")
clusterRbs := []string{roleCreateNs, projectID + roleEditNsSuffix}
for _, crbName := range clusterRbs {
crb := getClusterRoleBindings(commonName, crbName)
if _, err := l.clusterRoleBindings.Create(crb); err != nil && !apierrors.IsAlreadyExists(err) {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "Error create cluster role binding")
return nil
func defaultNotificationMessage(execution *v3.PipelineExecution) (string, error) {
notificationTemplate := `
Pipeline execution #{{.Run}} for {{.RepoName}} repo ended in '{{.State}}' state
Commit message: {{.CommitMessage}}
Author: {{.Author}}
Git Ref URL: {{.GitRefURL}}
Pipeline execution URL: {{.PipelineExecutionURL}}
Event: {{.Event}}
Duration: {{.Duration}}
Message: {{.Message}}
repoName := getRepoNameFromURL(execution.Spec.RepositoryURL)
duration := "<Unknown>"
endTime, err1 := time.Parse(time.RFC3339, execution.Status.Ended)
startTime, err2 := time.Parse(time.RFC3339, execution.Status.Started)
if err1 == nil && err2 == nil {
duration = endTime.Sub(startTime).String()
} else {
logrus.Warnf("cannot parse duration of pipeline execution %s: %v,%v", execution.Name, err1, err2)
buildLink := fmt.Sprintf("%s/p/%s/pipeline/pipelines/%s/run/%d",
builtMessage := "Success"
if v3.PipelineExecutionConditionBuilt.IsFalse(execution) {
builtMessage = v3.PipelineExecutionConditionBuilt.GetMessage(execution)
buf := &bytes.Buffer{}
data := executionSummary{
Run: execution.Spec.Run,
RepoName: repoName,
State: execution.Status.ExecutionState,
CommitMessage: execution.Spec.Message,
Author: execution.Spec.Author,
GitRefURL: execution.Spec.HTMLLink,
PipelineExecutionURL: buildLink,
Event: execution.Spec.Event,
Duration: duration,
Message: builtMessage,
t, err := template.New("notification").Parse(notificationTemplate)
if err != nil {
return "", err
if err := t.Execute(buf, data); err != nil {
return "", err
return buf.String(), nil
func getRepoNameFromURL(repoURL string) string {
reg := regexp.MustCompile(".*/([^/]*?)/([^/]*?).git")
match := reg.FindStringSubmatch(repoURL)
if len(match) != 3 {
logrus.Warnf("failed to parse git repo url: %s", repoURL)
return fmt.Sprintf("<%s>", repoURL)
return fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", match[1], match[2])
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