package configsyncer
import (
alertconfig "github.com/rancher/rancher/pkg/controllers/user/alert/config"
monitorutil "github.com/rancher/rancher/pkg/monitoring"
v1 "github.com/rancher/types/apis/core/v1"
v3 "github.com/rancher/types/apis/management.cattle.io/v3"
projectv3 "github.com/rancher/types/apis/project.cattle.io/v3"
apierrors "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/api/errors"
metav1 "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1"
var (
eventGroupInterval = 1
eventGroupWait = 1
eventRepeatInterval = 525600
func NewConfigSyncer(ctx context.Context, cluster *config.UserContext, alertManager *manager.AlertManager, operatorCRDManager *manager.PromOperatorCRDManager) *ConfigSyncer {
return &ConfigSyncer{
apps: cluster.Management.Project.Apps(metav1.NamespaceAll),
secretsGetter: cluster.Core,
clusterAlertGroupLister: cluster.Management.Management.ClusterAlertGroups(cluster.ClusterName).Controller().Lister(),
projectAlertGroupLister: cluster.Management.Management.ProjectAlertGroups("").Controller().Lister(),
clusterAlertRuleLister: cluster.Management.Management.ClusterAlertRules(cluster.ClusterName).Controller().Lister(),
projectAlertRuleLister: cluster.Management.Management.ProjectAlertRules("").Controller().Lister(),
notifierLister: cluster.Management.Management.Notifiers(cluster.ClusterName).Controller().Lister(),
clusterLister: cluster.Management.Management.Clusters(metav1.NamespaceAll).Controller().Lister(),
projectLister: cluster.Management.Management.Projects(cluster.ClusterName).Controller().Lister(),
clusterName: cluster.ClusterName,
alertManager: alertManager,
operatorCRDManager: operatorCRDManager,
type ConfigSyncer struct {
apps projectv3.AppInterface
secretsGetter v1.SecretsGetter
projectAlertGroupLister v3.ProjectAlertGroupLister
clusterAlertGroupLister v3.ClusterAlertGroupLister
projectAlertRuleLister v3.ProjectAlertRuleLister
clusterAlertRuleLister v3.ClusterAlertRuleLister
notifierLister v3.NotifierLister
clusterLister v3.ClusterLister
projectLister v3.ProjectLister
clusterName string
alertManager *manager.AlertManager
operatorCRDManager *manager.PromOperatorCRDManager
func (d *ConfigSyncer) ProjectGroupSync(key string, alert *v3.ProjectAlertGroup) (runtime.Object, error) {
return nil, d.sync()
func (d *ConfigSyncer) ClusterGroupSync(key string, alert *v3.ClusterAlertGroup) (runtime.Object, error) {
return nil, d.sync()
func (d *ConfigSyncer) ProjectRuleSync(key string, alert *v3.ProjectAlertRule) (runtime.Object, error) {
return nil, d.sync()
func (d *ConfigSyncer) ClusterRuleSync(key string, alert *v3.ClusterAlertRule) (runtime.Object, error) {
return nil, d.sync()
func (d *ConfigSyncer) NotifierSync(key string, alert *v3.Notifier) (runtime.Object, error) {
return nil, d.sync()
//sync: update the secret which store the configuration of alertmanager given the latest configured notifiers and alerts rules.
//For each alert, it will generate a route and a receiver in the alertmanager's configuration file, for metric rules it will update operator crd also.
func (d *ConfigSyncer) sync() error {
project, err := project.GetSystemProject(d.clusterName, d.projectLister)
if err != nil {
return err
systemProjectName := project.Name
isDeployed, err := d.isAppDeploy(systemProjectName)
if err != nil {
return err
if !isDeployed {
return nil
clusterDisplayName := common.GetClusterDisplayName(d.clusterName, d.clusterLister)
if _, err := d.alertManager.GetAlertManagerEndpoint(); err != nil {
return err
notifiers, err := d.notifierLister.List("", labels.NewSelector())
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "List notifiers")
clusterAlertGroup, err := d.clusterAlertGroupLister.List(metav1.NamespaceAll, labels.NewSelector())
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "List cluster alert group")
cAlertGroupsMap := map[string]*v3.ClusterAlertGroup{}
for _, v := range clusterAlertGroup {
if len(v.Spec.Recipients) > 0 {
groupID := common.GetGroupID(v.Namespace, v.Name)
cAlertGroupsMap[groupID] = v
projectAlertGroup, err := d.projectAlertGroupLister.List(metav1.NamespaceAll, labels.NewSelector())
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "List project alert group")
pAlertGroupsMap := map[string]*v3.ProjectAlertGroup{}
for _, v := range projectAlertGroup {
if len(v.Spec.Recipients) > 0 && controller.ObjectInCluster(d.clusterName, v) {
groupID := common.GetGroupID(v.Namespace, v.Name)
pAlertGroupsMap[groupID] = v
clusterAlertRules, err := d.clusterAlertRuleLister.List(metav1.NamespaceAll, labels.NewSelector())
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "List cluster alert rules")
projectAlertRules, err := d.projectAlertRuleLister.List(metav1.NamespaceAll, labels.NewSelector())
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "List project alert rules")
cAlertsMap := map[string][]*v3.ClusterAlertRule{}
cAlertsKey := []string{}
for _, alert := range clusterAlertRules {
if _, ok := cAlertGroupsMap[alert.Spec.GroupName]; ok && alert.Status.AlertState != "inactive" {
cAlertsMap[alert.Spec.GroupName] = append(cAlertsMap[alert.Spec.GroupName], alert)
for k := range cAlertsMap {
cAlertsKey = append(cAlertsKey, k)
pAlertsMap := map[string]map[string][]*v3.ProjectAlertRule{}
pAlertsKey := []string{}
for _, alert := range projectAlertRules {
if controller.ObjectInCluster(d.clusterName, alert) {
if _, ok := pAlertGroupsMap[alert.Spec.GroupName]; ok && alert.Status.AlertState != "inactive" {
_, projectName := ref.Parse(alert.Spec.ProjectName)
if _, ok := pAlertsMap[projectName]; !ok {
pAlertsMap[projectName] = make(map[string][]*v3.ProjectAlertRule)
pAlertsMap[projectName][alert.Spec.GroupName] = append(pAlertsMap[projectName][alert.Spec.GroupName], alert)
for k := range pAlertsMap {
pAlertsKey = append(pAlertsKey, k)
if err := d.addClusterAlert2Operator(clusterDisplayName, cAlertsMap, cAlertsKey); err != nil {
return err
if err := d.addProjectAlert2Operator(clusterDisplayName, pAlertsMap, pAlertsKey); err != nil {
return err
config := manager.GetAlertManagerDefaultConfig()
config.Global.PagerdutyURL = "https://events.pagerduty.com/v2/enqueue"
if err = d.addClusterAlert2Config(config, cAlertsMap, cAlertsKey, cAlertGroupsMap, notifiers); err != nil {
return err
if err = d.addProjectAlert2Config(config, pAlertsMap, pAlertsKey, pAlertGroupsMap, notifiers); err != nil {
return err
data, err := yaml.Marshal(config)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "Marshal secrets")
altermanagerAppName, altermanagerAppNamespace := monitorutil.ClusterAlertManagerInfo()
secretClient := d.secretsGetter.Secrets(altermanagerAppNamespace)
secretName := common.GetAlertManagerSecretName(altermanagerAppName)
configSecret, err := secretClient.Get(secretName, metav1.GetOptions{})
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "Get secrets")
if string(configSecret.Data["alertmanager.yaml"]) != string(data) || string(configSecret.Data["notification.tmpl"]) != deployer.NotificationTmpl {
newConfigSecret := configSecret.DeepCopy()
newConfigSecret.Data["alertmanager.yaml"] = data
newConfigSecret.Data["notification.tmpl"] = []byte(deployer.NotificationTmpl)
_, err = secretClient.Update(newConfigSecret)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "Update secrets")
} else {
logrus.Debug("The config stay the same, will not update the secret")
return nil
func (d *ConfigSyncer) getNotifier(id string, notifiers []*v3.Notifier) *v3.Notifier {
for _, n := range notifiers {
if d.clusterName+":"+n.Name == id {
return n
return nil
func (d *ConfigSyncer) addProjectAlert2Operator(clusterDisplayName string, projectGroups map[string]map[string][]*v3.ProjectAlertRule, keys []string) error {
for _, projectName := range keys {
groupRules := projectGroups[projectName]
_, namespace := monitorutil.ProjectMonitoringInfo(projectName)
promRule := d.operatorCRDManager.GetDefaultPrometheusRule(namespace, projectName)
projectID := fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s", d.clusterName, projectName)
projectDisplayName := common.GetProjectDisplayName(projectID, d.projectLister)
var groupIDs []string
for k := range groupRules {
groupIDs = append(groupIDs, k)
var enabled bool
for _, groupID := range groupIDs {
enabled = true
alertRules := groupRules[groupID]
ruleGroup := d.operatorCRDManager.GetRuleGroup(groupID)
for _, alertRule := range alertRules {
if alertRule.Spec.MetricRule != nil {
ruleID := common.GetRuleID(alertRule.Spec.GroupName, alertRule.Name)
promRule := manager.Metric2Rule(groupID, ruleID, alertRule.Spec.Severity, alertRule.Spec.DisplayName, clusterDisplayName, projectDisplayName, alertRule.Spec.MetricRule)
d.operatorCRDManager.AddRule(ruleGroup, promRule)
d.operatorCRDManager.AddRuleGroup(promRule, *ruleGroup)
if !enabled {
if err := d.operatorCRDManager.SyncPrometheusRule(promRule); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (d *ConfigSyncer) addClusterAlert2Operator(clusterDisplayName string, groupRules map[string][]*v3.ClusterAlertRule, keys []string) error {
var enabled bool
_, namespace := monitorutil.ClusterMonitoringInfo()
promRule := d.operatorCRDManager.GetDefaultPrometheusRule(namespace, d.clusterName)
for _, groupID := range keys {
enabled = true
ruleGroup := d.operatorCRDManager.GetRuleGroup(groupID)
alertRules := groupRules[groupID]
for _, alertRule := range alertRules {
if alertRule.Spec.MetricRule != nil {
ruleID := common.GetRuleID(alertRule.Spec.GroupName, alertRule.Name)
promRule := manager.Metric2Rule(groupID, ruleID, alertRule.Spec.Severity, alertRule.Spec.DisplayName, clusterDisplayName, "", alertRule.Spec.MetricRule)
d.operatorCRDManager.AddRule(ruleGroup, promRule)
d.operatorCRDManager.AddRuleGroup(promRule, *ruleGroup)
if !enabled {
return nil
return d.operatorCRDManager.SyncPrometheusRule(promRule)
func (d *ConfigSyncer) addProjectAlert2Config(config *alertconfig.Config, projectGroups map[string]map[string][]*v3.ProjectAlertRule, keys []string, alertGroups map[string]*v3.ProjectAlertGroup, notifiers []*v3.Notifier) error {
for _, projectName := range keys {
groups := projectGroups[projectName]
var groupIDs []string
for groupID := range groups {
groupIDs = append(groupIDs, groupID)
for _, groupID := range groupIDs {
rules := groups[groupID]
group, ok := alertGroups[groupID]
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("get project alert group %s failed", groupID)
receiver := &alertconfig.Receiver{Name: groupID}
exist := d.addRecipients(notifiers, receiver, group.Spec.Recipients)
if exist {
config.Receivers = append(config.Receivers, receiver)
r1 := d.newRoute(map[string]string{"group_id": groupID}, false, group.Spec.TimingField, []model.LabelName{"group_id"})
for _, alert := range rules {
if alert.Status.AlertState == "inactive" {
groupBy := getProjectAlertGroupBy(alert.Spec)
if alert.Spec.PodRule != nil || alert.Spec.WorkloadRule != nil || alert.Spec.MetricRule != nil {
ruleID := common.GetRuleID(groupID, alert.Name)
d.addRule(ruleID, r1, alert.Spec.CommonRuleField, groupBy)
d.appendRoute(config.Route, r1)
return nil
func (d *ConfigSyncer) addClusterAlert2Config(config *alertconfig.Config, alerts map[string][]*v3.ClusterAlertRule, keys []string, alertGroups map[string]*v3.ClusterAlertGroup, notifiers []*v3.Notifier) error {
for _, groupID := range keys {
groupRules := alerts[groupID]
receiver := &alertconfig.Receiver{Name: groupID}
group, ok := alertGroups[groupID]
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("get cluster alert group %s failed", groupID)
exist := d.addRecipients(notifiers, receiver, group.Spec.Recipients)
if exist {
config.Receivers = append(config.Receivers, receiver)
r1 := d.newRoute(map[string]string{"group_id": groupID}, false, group.Spec.TimingField, []model.LabelName{"group_id"})
for _, alert := range groupRules {
if alert.Status.AlertState == "inactive" {
ruleID := common.GetRuleID(groupID, alert.Name)
groupBy := getClusterAlertGroupBy(alert.Spec)
if alert.Spec.EventRule != nil {
timeFields := v3.TimingField{
GroupWaitSeconds: eventGroupWait,
GroupIntervalSeconds: eventGroupInterval,
RepeatIntervalSeconds: eventRepeatInterval,
r2 := d.newRoute(map[string]string{"rule_id": ruleID}, false, timeFields, groupBy)
d.appendRoute(r1, r2)
if alert.Spec.MetricRule != nil || alert.Spec.SystemServiceRule != nil || alert.Spec.NodeRule != nil {
d.addRule(ruleID, r1, alert.Spec.CommonRuleField, groupBy)
d.appendRoute(config.Route, r1)
return nil
func (d *ConfigSyncer) addRule(ruleID string, route *alertconfig.Route, comm v3.CommonRuleField, groupBy []model.LabelName) {
inherited := true
if comm.Inherited != nil {
inherited = *comm.Inherited
r2 := d.newRoute(map[string]string{"rule_id": ruleID}, inherited, comm.TimingField, groupBy)
d.appendRoute(route, r2)
func (d *ConfigSyncer) newRoute(match map[string]string, inherited bool, timeFields v3.TimingField, groupBy []model.LabelName) *alertconfig.Route {
route := &alertconfig.Route{
Continue: true,
Receiver: match["group_id"],
Match: match,
GroupBy: groupBy,
if !inherited {
if timeFields.GroupWaitSeconds > 0 {
gw := model.Duration(time.Duration(timeFields.GroupWaitSeconds) * time.Second)
route.GroupWait = &gw
if timeFields.RepeatIntervalSeconds > 0 {
ri := model.Duration(time.Duration(timeFields.RepeatIntervalSeconds) * time.Second)
route.RepeatInterval = &ri
if timeFields.GroupIntervalSeconds > 0 {
gi := model.Duration(time.Duration(timeFields.GroupIntervalSeconds) * time.Second)
route.GroupInterval = &gi
return route
func (d *ConfigSyncer) appendRoute(route *alertconfig.Route, subRoute *alertconfig.Route) {
if route.Routes == nil {
route.Routes = []*alertconfig.Route{}
route.Routes = append(route.Routes, subRoute)
func (d *ConfigSyncer) addRecipients(notifiers []*v3.Notifier, receiver *alertconfig.Receiver, recipients []v3.Recipient) bool {
receiverExist := false
for _, r := range recipients {
if r.NotifierName != "" {
notifier := d.getNotifier(r.NotifierName, notifiers)
if notifier == nil {
logrus.Debugf("Can not find the notifier %s", r.NotifierName)
if notifier.Spec.PagerdutyConfig != nil {
pagerduty := &alertconfig.PagerdutyConfig{
ServiceKey: alertconfig.Secret(notifier.Spec.PagerdutyConfig.ServiceKey),
Description: `{{ template "rancher.title" . }}`,
if notifier.Spec.PagerdutyConfig.HTTPClientConfig != nil {
url, err := toAlertManagerURL(notifier.Spec.PagerdutyConfig.HTTPClientConfig.ProxyURL)
if err != nil {
logrus.Errorf("Failed to parse pagerduty proxy url %s, %v", notifier.Spec.PagerdutyConfig.HTTPClientConfig.ProxyURL, err)
pagerduty.HTTPConfig = &alertconfig.HTTPClientConfig{
ProxyURL: *url,
if r.Recipient != "" {
pagerduty.ServiceKey = alertconfig.Secret(r.Recipient)
receiver.PagerdutyConfigs = append(receiver.PagerdutyConfigs, pagerduty)
receiverExist = true
} else if notifier.Spec.WechatConfig != nil {
wechat := &alertconfig.WechatConfig{
APISecret: alertconfig.Secret(notifier.Spec.WechatConfig.Secret),
AgentID: notifier.Spec.WechatConfig.Agent,
CorpID: notifier.Spec.WechatConfig.Corp,
Message: `{{ template "wechat.text" . }}`,
recipient := notifier.Spec.WechatConfig.DefaultRecipient
if r.Recipient != "" {
recipient = r.Recipient
switch notifier.Spec.WechatConfig.RecipientType {
case "tag":
wechat.ToTag = recipient
case "user":
wechat.ToUser = recipient
wechat.ToParty = recipient
if notifier.Spec.WechatConfig.HTTPClientConfig != nil {
url, err := toAlertManagerURL(notifier.Spec.WechatConfig.HTTPClientConfig.ProxyURL)
if err != nil {
logrus.Errorf("Failed to parse wechat proxy url %s, %v", notifier.Spec.WechatConfig.HTTPClientConfig.ProxyURL, err)
wechat.HTTPConfig = &alertconfig.HTTPClientConfig{
ProxyURL: *url,
receiver.WechatConfigs = append(receiver.WechatConfigs, wechat)
receiverExist = true
} else if notifier.Spec.WebhookConfig != nil {
webhook := &alertconfig.WebhookConfig{
URL: notifier.Spec.WebhookConfig.URL,
if r.Recipient != "" {
webhook.URL = r.Recipient
if notifier.Spec.WebhookConfig.HTTPClientConfig != nil {
url, err := toAlertManagerURL(notifier.Spec.WebhookConfig.HTTPClientConfig.ProxyURL)
if err != nil {
logrus.Errorf("Failed to parse webhook proxy url %s, %v", notifier.Spec.WebhookConfig.HTTPClientConfig.ProxyURL, err)
webhook.HTTPConfig = &alertconfig.HTTPClientConfig{
ProxyURL: *url,
receiver.WebhookConfigs = append(receiver.WebhookConfigs, webhook)
receiverExist = true
} else if notifier.Spec.SlackConfig != nil {
slack := &alertconfig.SlackConfig{
APIURL: alertconfig.Secret(notifier.Spec.SlackConfig.URL),
Channel: notifier.Spec.SlackConfig.DefaultRecipient,
Text: `{{ template "slack.text" . }}`,
Title: `{{ template "rancher.title" . }}`,
TitleLink: "",
Color: `{{ if eq (index .Alerts 0).Labels.severity "critical" }}danger{{ else if eq (index .Alerts 0).Labels.severity "warning" }}warning{{ else }}good{{ end }}`,
if r.Recipient != "" {
slack.Channel = r.Recipient
if notifier.Spec.SlackConfig.HTTPClientConfig != nil {
url, err := toAlertManagerURL(notifier.Spec.SlackConfig.HTTPClientConfig.ProxyURL)
if err != nil {
logrus.Errorf("Failed to parse slack proxy url %s, %v", notifier.Spec.SlackConfig.HTTPClientConfig.ProxyURL, err)
slack.HTTPConfig = &alertconfig.HTTPClientConfig{
ProxyURL: *url,
receiver.SlackConfigs = append(receiver.SlackConfigs, slack)
receiverExist = true
} else if notifier.Spec.SMTPConfig != nil {
header := map[string]string{}
header["Subject"] = `{{ template "rancher.title" . }}`
email := &alertconfig.EmailConfig{
Smarthost: notifier.Spec.SMTPConfig.Host + ":" + strconv.Itoa(notifier.Spec.SMTPConfig.Port),
AuthPassword: alertconfig.Secret(notifier.Spec.SMTPConfig.Password),
AuthUsername: notifier.Spec.SMTPConfig.Username,
RequireTLS: ¬ifier.Spec.SMTPConfig.TLS,
To: notifier.Spec.SMTPConfig.DefaultRecipient,
Headers: header,
From: notifier.Spec.SMTPConfig.Sender,
HTML: `{{ template "email.text" . }}`,
if r.Recipient != "" {
email.To = r.Recipient
receiver.EmailConfigs = append(receiver.EmailConfigs, email)
receiverExist = true
return receiverExist
func (d *ConfigSyncer) isAppDeploy(appNamespace string) (bool, error) {
appName, _ := monitorutil.ClusterAlertManagerInfo()
app, err := d.apps.GetNamespaced(appNamespace, appName, metav1.GetOptions{})
if err != nil {
if apierrors.IsNotFound(err) {
return false, nil
return false, errors.Wrapf(err, "get app %s failed", appName)
if app.DeletionTimestamp != nil {
return false, nil
return true, nil
func includeProjectMetrics(projectAlerts []*v3.ProjectAlertRule) bool {
for _, v := range projectAlerts {
if v.Spec.MetricRule != nil {
return true
return false
func getClusterAlertGroupBy(spec v3.ClusterAlertRuleSpec) []model.LabelName {
if spec.EventRule != nil {
return []model.LabelName{"rule_id", "resource_kind", "target_namespace", "target_name", "event_message"}
} else if spec.SystemServiceRule != nil {
return []model.LabelName{"rule_id", "component_name"}
} else if spec.NodeRule != nil {
return []model.LabelName{"rule_id", "node_name", "alert_type"}
} else if spec.MetricRule != nil {
return []model.LabelName{"rule_id"}
return nil
func getProjectAlertGroupBy(spec v3.ProjectAlertRuleSpec) []model.LabelName {
if spec.PodRule != nil {
return []model.LabelName{"rule_id", "namespace", "pod_name", "alert_type"}
} else if spec.WorkloadRule != nil {
return []model.LabelName{"rule_id", "workload_namespace", "workload_name", "workload_kind"}
} else if spec.MetricRule != nil {
return []model.LabelName{"rule_id"}
return nil
func toAlertManagerURL(urlStr string) (*alertconfig.URL, error) {
url, err := url.Parse(urlStr)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &alertconfig.URL{URL: url}, nil
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