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catalog_data.go 5.13 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
Erik Wilson 提交于 2019-05-16 10:22 . Fix helm-git cache updates on HA
package app
import (
v3 "github.com/rancher/types/apis/management.cattle.io/v3"
metav1 "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1"
utilerrors "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/util/errors"
const (
libraryURL = "https://git.rancher.io/charts"
libraryBranch = "master"
libraryName = "library"
systemLibraryURL = "https://git.rancher.io/system-charts"
systemLibraryBranch = "master"
systemLibraryName = "system-library"
defSystemChartVer = "management.cattle.io/default-system-chart-version"
// updateCatalogURL updates annotations if they are outdated and system catalog url/branch if it matches outdated defaults
func updateCatalogURL(catalogClient v3.CatalogInterface, desiredDefaultURL string, desiredDefaultBranch string) error {
oldCatalog, err := catalogClient.Get(systemLibraryName, metav1.GetOptions{})
if err != nil {
return err
desiredCatalog := oldCatalog.DeepCopy()
if oldAnno := oldCatalog.Annotations[defSystemChartVer]; oldAnno == "" {
// If url/branch are old defaults, update - otherwise they are user set and should not be changed
if oldCatalog.Spec.URL == systemLibraryURL && oldCatalog.Spec.Branch == systemLibraryBranch {
setDesiredChartLib(desiredCatalog, desiredDefaultURL, desiredDefaultBranch)
} else {
oldAnnotations := make(map[string]interface{})
json.Unmarshal([]byte(oldAnno), &oldAnnotations)
// If url/branch catalog spec and annotation do not match, user likely has not changed it, so to new defaults
if oldCatalog.Spec.URL == oldAnnotations["url"] && oldCatalog.Spec.Branch == oldAnnotations["branch"] {
setDesiredChartLib(desiredCatalog, desiredDefaultURL, desiredDefaultBranch)
// Annotation should be up to date with current desired default
setCatalogAnnotation(desiredCatalog, desiredDefaultURL, desiredDefaultBranch)
// If old catalog does not match desired catalog state, update
if !reflect.DeepEqual(oldCatalog, desiredCatalog) {
return exponentialCatalogUpdate(catalogClient, desiredCatalog)
return nil
// setCatalogAnnotation sets default system chart version to match the desired URL and desired branch env variables
func setCatalogAnnotation(catalog *v3.Catalog, desiredURL string, desiredBranch string) {
if catalog.Annotations == nil {
catalog.Annotations = make(map[string]string)
systemChartMap := make(map[string]string)
systemChartMap["url"] = desiredURL
systemChartMap["branch"] = desiredBranch
defChartAnno, _ := json.Marshal(systemChartMap)
catalog.Annotations[defSystemChartVer] = string(defChartAnno)
// setDesiredChartLib sets the catalog url and branch to match the desired URL and desired branch env variables
func setDesiredChartLib(catalog *v3.Catalog, desiredURL string, desiredBranch string) {
catalog.Spec.URL = desiredURL
catalog.Spec.Branch = desiredBranch
func exponentialCatalogUpdate(catalogClient v3.CatalogInterface, desiredCatalog *v3.Catalog) error {
backoff := wait.Backoff{
Duration: 1 * time.Second,
Factor: 2,
Steps: 3,
catalog := desiredCatalog
err := wait.ExponentialBackoff(backoff, func() (bool, error) {
if _, err := catalogClient.Update(catalog); err != nil {
if !errors.IsConflict(err) {
return false, err
if catalog, err = catalogClient.Get(systemLibraryName, metav1.GetOptions{}); err != nil {
return false, err
catalog.Annotations[defSystemChartVer] = desiredCatalog.Annotations[defSystemChartVer]
setDesiredChartLib(catalog, desiredCatalog.Spec.URL, desiredCatalog.Spec.Branch)
return false, nil
return true, nil
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed upgrading system-chart catalog: %v", err)
return nil
func syncCatalogs(management *config.ManagementContext) error {
return utilerrors.AggregateGoroutines(
// add charts
func() error {
return doAddCatalogs(management, libraryName, libraryURL, libraryBranch)
// add rancher-charts
func() error {
if err := doAddCatalogs(management, systemLibraryName, systemLibraryURL, systemLibraryBranch); err != nil {
return err
desiredDefaultURL := systemLibraryURL
desiredDefaultBranch := systemLibraryBranch
if fromEnvURL := os.Getenv("CATTLE_SYSTEM_CHART_DEFAULT_URL"); fromEnvURL != "" {
desiredDefaultURL = fromEnvURL
if fromEnvBranch := os.Getenv("CATTLE_SYSTEM_CHART_DEFAULT_BRANCH"); fromEnvBranch != "" {
desiredDefaultBranch = fromEnvBranch
return updateCatalogURL(management.Management.Catalogs(""), desiredDefaultURL, desiredDefaultBranch)
func doAddCatalogs(management *config.ManagementContext, name, url, branch string) error {
catalogClient := management.Management.Catalogs("")
_, err := catalogClient.Get(name, metav1.GetOptions{})
if err != nil && !errors.IsNotFound(err) {
return err
} else if errors.IsNotFound(err) {
obj := &v3.Catalog{
ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
Name: name,
Spec: v3.CatalogSpec{
URL: url,
CatalogKind: "helm:git",
Branch: branch,
if _, err := catalogClient.Create(obj); err != nil {
return err
return nil
马建仓 AI 助手
