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resource_quota_sync.go 14.00 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
package resourcequota
import (
namespaceutil "github.com/rancher/rancher/pkg/namespace"
validate "github.com/rancher/rancher/pkg/resourcequota"
corev1 "k8s.io/api/core/v1"
metav1 "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1"
clientcache "k8s.io/client-go/tools/cache"
const (
projectIDAnnotation = "field.cattle.io/projectId"
resourceQuotaLabel = "resourcequota.management.cattle.io/default-resource-quota"
resourceQuotaAnnotation = "field.cattle.io/resourceQuota"
limitRangeAnnotation = "field.cattle.io/containerDefaultResourceLimit"
ResourceQuotaValidatedCondition = "ResourceQuotaValidated"
ResourceQuotaInitCondition = "ResourceQuotaInit"
SyncController takes care of creating Kubernetes resource quota based on the resource limits
defined in namespace.resourceQuota
type SyncController struct {
ProjectLister v3.ProjectLister
Namespaces v1.NamespaceInterface
NamespaceLister v1.NamespaceLister
ResourceQuotas v1.ResourceQuotaInterface
ResourceQuotaLister v1.ResourceQuotaLister
LimitRange v1.LimitRangeInterface
LimitRangeLister v1.LimitRangeLister
NsIndexer clientcache.Indexer
func (c *SyncController) syncResourceQuota(key string, ns *corev1.Namespace) (runtime.Object, error) {
if ns == nil || ns.DeletionTimestamp != nil {
return nil, nil
_, err := c.CreateResourceQuota(ns)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return nil, c.createLimitRange(ns)
func (c *SyncController) createLimitRange(ns *corev1.Namespace) error {
existing, err := c.getExistingLimitRange(ns)
if err != nil {
return err
limitRangeSpec, err := c.getResourceLimitToUpdate(ns)
if err != nil {
return err
operation := "none"
if existing == nil {
if limitRangeSpec != nil {
operation = "create"
} else {
if limitRangeSpec == nil {
operation = "delete"
} else if limitsChanged(existing.Spec.Limits, limitRangeSpec.Limits) {
operation = "update"
switch operation {
case "create":
return c.createDefaultLimitRange(ns, limitRangeSpec)
case "update":
return c.updateDefaultLimitRange(existing, limitRangeSpec)
case "delete":
return c.deleteDefaultLimitRange(existing)
return nil
func limitsChanged(existing []corev1.LimitRangeItem, toUpdate []corev1.LimitRangeItem) bool {
if len(existing) != len(toUpdate) {
return true
if len(existing) == 0 || len(toUpdate) == 0 {
return true
if !reflect.DeepEqual(existing[0].DefaultRequest, toUpdate[0].DefaultRequest) {
return true
if !reflect.DeepEqual(existing[0].Default, toUpdate[0].Default) {
return true
return false
func (c *SyncController) CreateResourceQuota(ns *corev1.Namespace) (runtime.Object, error) {
existing, err := c.getExistingResourceQuota(ns)
if err != nil {
return ns, err
projectLimit, _, err := getProjectResourceQuotaLimit(ns, c.ProjectLister)
if err != nil {
return ns, err
var quotaSpec *corev1.ResourceQuotaSpec
if projectLimit != nil {
quotaSpec, err = c.getNamespaceResourceQuota(ns)
if err != nil {
return ns, err
quotaToUpdate, err := c.getResourceQuotaToUpdate(ns)
if err != nil {
return ns, err
operation := "none"
if existing == nil {
if quotaSpec != nil {
operation = "create"
} else {
if quotaSpec == nil {
operation = "delete"
} else if quotaToUpdate != "" || !reflect.DeepEqual(existing.Spec.Hard, quotaSpec.Hard) {
operation = "update"
var updated *corev1.Namespace
var isFit bool
switch operation {
case "create":
isFit, updated, err = c.validateAndSetNamespaceQuota(ns, quotaToUpdate)
if err != nil {
return updated, err
if !isFit {
// create default "all 0" resource quota
quotaSpec, err = getDefaultQuotaSpec()
if err != nil {
return updated, err
err = c.createDefaultResourceQuota(ns, quotaSpec)
case "update":
isFit, updated, err = c.validateAndSetNamespaceQuota(ns, quotaToUpdate)
if err != nil || !isFit {
return updated, err
err = c.updateResourceQuota(existing, quotaSpec)
case "delete":
err = c.deleteResourceQuota(existing)
if updated == nil {
updated = ns
if err != nil {
return updated, err
set, err := namespaceutil.IsNamespaceConditionSet(ns, ResourceQuotaInitCondition, true)
if err != nil || set {
return updated, err
toUpdate := updated.DeepCopy()
namespaceutil.SetNamespaceCondition(toUpdate, time.Second*1, ResourceQuotaInitCondition, true, "")
return c.Namespaces.Update(toUpdate)
func (c *SyncController) updateResourceQuota(quota *corev1.ResourceQuota, spec *corev1.ResourceQuotaSpec) error {
toUpdate := quota.DeepCopy()
toUpdate.Spec = *spec
logrus.Infof("Updating default resource quota for namespace %v", toUpdate.Namespace)
_, err := c.ResourceQuotas.Update(toUpdate)
return err
func (c *SyncController) updateDefaultLimitRange(limitRange *corev1.LimitRange, spec *corev1.LimitRangeSpec) error {
toUpdate := limitRange.DeepCopy()
toUpdate.Spec = *spec
logrus.Infof("Updating default limit range for namespace %v", toUpdate.Namespace)
_, err := c.LimitRange.Update(toUpdate)
return err
func (c *SyncController) deleteResourceQuota(quota *corev1.ResourceQuota) error {
logrus.Infof("Deleting default resource quota for namespace %v", quota.Namespace)
return c.ResourceQuotas.DeleteNamespaced(quota.Namespace, quota.Name, &metav1.DeleteOptions{})
func (c *SyncController) deleteDefaultLimitRange(limitRange *corev1.LimitRange) error {
logrus.Infof("Deleting limit range %v for namespace %v", limitRange.Name, limitRange.Namespace)
return c.LimitRange.DeleteNamespaced(limitRange.Namespace, limitRange.Name, &metav1.DeleteOptions{})
func (c *SyncController) getExistingResourceQuota(ns *corev1.Namespace) (*corev1.ResourceQuota, error) {
set := labels.Set(map[string]string{resourceQuotaLabel: "true"})
quota, err := c.ResourceQuotaLister.List(ns.Name, set.AsSelector())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if len(quota) == 0 {
return nil, nil
return quota[0], nil
func (c *SyncController) getExistingLimitRange(ns *corev1.Namespace) (*corev1.LimitRange, error) {
set := labels.Set(map[string]string{resourceQuotaLabel: "true"})
limitRanger, err := c.LimitRangeLister.List(ns.Name, set.AsSelector())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if len(limitRanger) == 0 {
return nil, nil
return limitRanger[0], nil
func (c *SyncController) getNamespaceResourceQuota(ns *corev1.Namespace) (*corev1.ResourceQuotaSpec, error) {
limit, err := getNamespaceResourceQuotaLimit(ns)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if limit == nil {
limit = defaultResourceLimit
return convertResourceLimitResourceQuotaSpec(limit)
func getDefaultQuotaSpec() (*corev1.ResourceQuotaSpec, error) {
return convertResourceLimitResourceQuotaSpec(defaultResourceLimit)
var defaultResourceLimit = &v3.ResourceQuotaLimit{
Pods: "0",
Services: "0",
ReplicationControllers: "0",
Secrets: "0",
ConfigMaps: "0",
PersistentVolumeClaims: "0",
ServicesNodePorts: "0",
ServicesLoadBalancers: "0",
RequestsCPU: "0",
RequestsMemory: "0",
RequestsStorage: "0",
LimitsCPU: "0",
LimitsMemory: "0",
func (c *SyncController) createDefaultResourceQuota(ns *corev1.Namespace, spec *corev1.ResourceQuotaSpec) error {
resourceQuota := &corev1.ResourceQuota{
ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
GenerateName: "default-",
Namespace: ns.Name,
Labels: map[string]string{resourceQuotaLabel: "true"},
Spec: *spec,
logrus.Infof("Creating default resource quota for namespace %v", ns.Name)
_, err := c.ResourceQuotas.Create(resourceQuota)
return err
func (c *SyncController) createDefaultLimitRange(ns *corev1.Namespace, spec *corev1.LimitRangeSpec) error {
limitRange := &corev1.LimitRange{
ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
GenerateName: "default-",
Namespace: ns.Name,
Labels: map[string]string{resourceQuotaLabel: "true"},
Spec: *spec,
logrus.Infof("Creating limit range %v for namespace %v", limitRange.Spec, ns.Name)
_, err := c.LimitRange.Create(limitRange)
return err
func (c *SyncController) validateAndSetNamespaceQuota(ns *corev1.Namespace, quotaToUpdate string) (bool, *corev1.Namespace, error) {
if ns == nil || ns.DeletionTimestamp != nil {
return true, ns, nil
// get project limit
projectLimit, projectID, err := getProjectResourceQuotaLimit(ns, c.ProjectLister)
if err != nil {
return false, ns, err
if projectLimit == nil {
return true, ns, err
updatedNs := ns.DeepCopy()
if quotaToUpdate != "" {
if updatedNs.Annotations == nil {
updatedNs.Annotations = map[string]string{}
updatedNs.Annotations[resourceQuotaAnnotation] = quotaToUpdate
updatedNs, err = c.Namespaces.Update(updatedNs)
if err != nil {
return false, updatedNs, err
// validate resource quota
mu := validate.GetProjectLock(projectID)
defer mu.Unlock()
// get other Namespaces
objects, err := c.NsIndexer.ByIndex(nsByProjectIndex, projectID)
if err != nil {
return false, updatedNs, err
var nsLimits []*v3.ResourceQuotaLimit
for _, o := range objects {
other := o.(*corev1.Namespace)
// skip itself
if other.Name == ns.Name {
nsLimit, err := getNamespaceResourceQuotaLimit(other)
if err != nil {
return false, updatedNs, err
nsLimits = append(nsLimits, nsLimit)
nsLimit, err := getNamespaceResourceQuotaLimit(updatedNs)
if err != nil {
return false, updatedNs, err
isFit, msg, err := validate.IsQuotaFit(nsLimit, nsLimits, projectLimit)
if err != nil {
return false, updatedNs, err
if !isFit && msg != "" {
msg = fmt.Sprintf("Resource quota [%v] exceeds project limit ", msg)
validated, err := c.setValidated(updatedNs, isFit, msg)
return isFit, validated, err
func (c *SyncController) setValidated(ns *corev1.Namespace, value bool, msg string) (*corev1.Namespace, error) {
set, err := namespaceutil.IsNamespaceConditionSet(ns, ResourceQuotaValidatedCondition, value)
if set || err != nil {
return ns, err
toUpdate := ns.DeepCopy()
err = namespaceutil.SetNamespaceCondition(toUpdate, time.Second*1, ResourceQuotaValidatedCondition, value, msg)
if err != nil {
return ns, err
return c.Namespaces.Update(toUpdate)
func (c *SyncController) getResourceQuotaToUpdate(ns *corev1.Namespace) (string, error) {
quota := getNamespaceResourceQuota(ns)
defaultQuota, err := getProjectNamespaceDefaultQuota(ns, c.ProjectLister)
if err != nil {
return "", err
// rework after api framework change is done
// when annotation field is passed as null, the annotation should be removed
// instead of being updated with the null value
var updatedQuota *v3.NamespaceResourceQuota
if quota != "" && quota != "null" {
// check if fields need to be removed or set
// based on the default quota
var existingQuota v3.NamespaceResourceQuota
err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(convert.ToString(quota)), &existingQuota)
if err != nil {
return "", err
updatedQuota, err = completeQuota(&existingQuota, defaultQuota)
if updatedQuota == nil || err != nil {
return "", err
var b []byte
if updatedQuota == nil {
b, err = json.Marshal(defaultQuota)
} else {
b, err = json.Marshal(updatedQuota)
if err != nil {
return "", err
return string(b), nil
func (c *SyncController) getResourceLimitToUpdate(ns *corev1.Namespace) (*corev1.LimitRangeSpec, error) {
nsLimit, err := getNamespaceContainerResourceLimit(ns)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
projectLimit, err := getProjectContainerDefaultLimit(ns, c.ProjectLister)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// rework after api framework change is done
// when annotation field is passed as null, the annotation should be removed
// instead of being updated with the null value
var updatedLimit *v3.ContainerResourceLimit
if nsLimit != nil {
// check if fields need to be removed or set
// based on the default quota
updatedLimit, err = completeLimit(nsLimit, projectLimit)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if updatedLimit != nil {
return convertPodResourceLimitToLimitRangeSpec(updatedLimit)
} else if nsLimit != nil {
return convertPodResourceLimitToLimitRangeSpec(nsLimit)
return nil, nil
func completeQuota(existingQuota *v3.NamespaceResourceQuota, defaultQuota *v3.NamespaceResourceQuota) (*v3.NamespaceResourceQuota, error) {
if defaultQuota == nil {
return nil, nil
existingLimitMap, err := convert.EncodeToMap(existingQuota.Limit)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
newLimitMap, err := convert.EncodeToMap(defaultQuota.Limit)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for key, value := range existingLimitMap {
if _, ok := newLimitMap[key]; ok {
newLimitMap[key] = value
if reflect.DeepEqual(existingLimitMap, newLimitMap) {
return nil, nil
toReturn := existingQuota.DeepCopy()
newLimit := v3.ResourceQuotaLimit{}
if err := mapstructure.Decode(newLimitMap, &newLimit); err != nil {
return nil, err
toReturn.Limit = newLimit
return toReturn, nil
func completeLimit(existingLimit *v3.ContainerResourceLimit, defaultLimit *v3.ContainerResourceLimit) (*v3.ContainerResourceLimit, error) {
if defaultLimit == nil {
return nil, nil
existingLimitMap, err := convert.EncodeToMap(existingLimit)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
newLimitMap, err := convert.EncodeToMap(defaultLimit)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for key, value := range existingLimitMap {
if _, ok := newLimitMap[key]; ok {
newLimitMap[key] = value
if reflect.DeepEqual(existingLimitMap, newLimitMap) {
return nil, nil
toReturn := existingLimit.DeepCopy()
newLimit := v3.ContainerResourceLimit{}
if err := mapstructure.Decode(newLimitMap, &newLimit); err != nil {
return nil, err
toReturn = &newLimit
return toReturn, nil
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