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二花 / thiscute.world

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与超过 1200万 开发者一起发现、参与优秀开源项目,私有仓库也完全免费 :)
config.toml 16.78 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
二花 提交于 2024-03-21 09:33 . fix: eastAsianLineBreaks
baseURL = "https://thiscute.world/"
# [en, zh-cn, fr, ...] 设置默认的语言
defaultContentLanguage = "zh-cn"
# 网站标题
title = "This Cute World"
# 更改使用 Hugo 构建网站时使用的默认主题
theme = "DoIt"
staticDir = ["static", "static-surprises"]
# whether to use robots.txt
enableRobotsTXT = true
# 自动根据 git 提交信息,生成文章的更新时间。这个好像不能识别到每篇文章的修改时间,先关掉
# enableGitInfo = true
# whether to use emoji code
enableEmoji = true
# DoIt 主题版本
version = "0.4.X"
description = "This Cute World"
# 网站关键词
keywords = ["Blog", "部落格", "博客", "Ryan4Yin", "於清樂", "二花", "ThisCuteWorld"]
# 网站默认主题样式 ("light", "dark", "auto")
defaultTheme = "auto"
# DoIt 新增 | 0.2.11 开启 PWA 支持
enablePWA = false
# DoIt 新增 | 0.2.0 搜索配置
enable = true
# 搜索引擎的类型 ("lunr", "algolia")
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# 文章内容最长索引长度
contentLength = 4000
# 搜索框的占位提示语
placeholder = ""
# DoIt 新增 | 0.2.1 最大结果数目
maxResultLength = 10
# DoIt 新增 | 0.2.3 结果内容片段长度
snippetLength = 50
# DoIt 新增 | 0.2.1 搜索结果中高亮部分的 HTML 标签
highlightTag = "em"
# DoIt 新增 | 0.2.4 是否在搜索索引中使用基于 baseURL 的绝对路径
absoluteURL = false
index = "ryan-space"
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# 移动端导航栏模式 ("fixed", "normal", "auto")
mobileMode = "auto"
# DoIt 新增 | 0.2.0 页面头部导航栏标题配置
# LOGO 的 URL(不要设置这个!)
logo = ""
# 标题名称
name = "This Cute World"
# 你可以在名称 (允许 HTML 格式) 之前添加其他信息, 例如图标
pre = ""
# 你可以在名称 (允许 HTML 格式) 之后添加其他信息, 例如图标
post = ""
# DoIt 新增 | 0.2.5 是否为标题显示打字机动画
typeit = true
# Footer config
# 页面底部信息配置
enable = true
# Custom content (HTML format is supported)
# 自定义内容 (支持 HTML 格式)
custom = """
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# whether to show Hugo and theme info
# 是否显示 Hugo 和主题信息
hugo = true
# DoIt 新增 | 0.2.14 托管服务信息 (支持 HTML 格式)
hostedOn = '<a title="Vercel" href="https://vercel.com/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreffer">Vercel</a>'
# whether to show copyright info
# 是否显示版权信息
copyright = true
# whether to show the author
# 是否显示作者
author = true
# site creation time
# 网站创立年份
since = 2021
# ICP info only in China (HTML format is supported)
# ICP 备案信息,仅在中国使用 (支持 HTML 格式)
icp = ""
# license info (HTML format is supported)
# 许可协议信息 (支持 HTML 格式)
license= """
<a rel="license external nofollow noopener noreffer" href="https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/" target="_blank">CC BY-NC 4.0</a>
# Section (所有文章) 页面配置
# section 页面每页显示文章数量
paginate = 1000 # 尽量一页列出所有文章
# DoIt 新增 | 0.2.13 最近更新文章设置
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days = 30
maxCount = 10
# List (目录或标签) 页面配置
# list 页面每页显示文章数量
paginate = 1000 # 尽量一页列出所有文章
# 社交信息设置
GitHub = "ryan4yin"
Twitter = "ryan4yin"
Reddit = "ryan4yin"
Steam = "ryan4yin"
Zhihu = "yuansuye"
Douban = "kirito_c"
Bilibili = "12278805"
RSS = true # RSS 格式太简陋,切换到自定义的 ATOM 格式,此参数仅用于控制显示首页的 RSS 按钮
# DoIt 更改 | 0.2.0 文章页面配置
# DoIt 新增 | 0.2.0 是否在主页隐藏一篇文章
hiddenFromHomePage = false
# DoIt 新增 | 0.2.0 是否在搜索结果中隐藏一篇文章
hiddenFromSearch = false
# DoIt 新增 | 0.2.0 是否使用 twemoji
twemoji = false
# 是否使用 lightgallery
lightgallery = false
# DoIt 新增 | 0.2.0 是否使用 ruby 扩展语法
ruby = true
# DoIt 新增 | 0.2.0 是否使用 fraction 扩展语法
fraction = true
# DoIt 新增 | 0.2.0 是否使用 fontawesome 扩展语法
fontawesome = true
# 是否在文章页面显示原始 Markdown 文档链接
linkToMarkdown = true
# DoIt 新增 | 0.2.13 是否在文章开头显示系列导航
seriesNavigation = true
# DoIt 新增 | 0.2.0 目录配置
# 是否使用目录
enable = true
# DoIt 新增 | 0.2.9 是否保持使用文章前面的静态目录
keepStatic = false
# 是否使侧边目录自动折叠展开
auto = true
# DoIt 新增 | 0.2.0 代码配置
# 是否显示代码块的复制按钮
copy = true
# 默认展开显示的代码行数
maxShownLines = 30
# DoIt 更改 | 0.2.0 KaTeX 数学公式
enable = true
# 默认块定界符是 $$ ... $$ 和 \\[ ... \\]
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blockRightDelimiter = ""
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mhchem = true
# DoIt 新增 | 0.2.0 Mapbox GL JS 配置
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# 深色主题的地图样式
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navigation = true
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fullscreen = true
# DoIt 更改 | 0.2.0 文章页面的分享信息设置
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Reddit = true
HackerNews = true
# DoIt 更改 | 0.2.0 评论系统设置
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# Disqus 评论系统设置
# DoIt 新增 | 0.1.1
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# DoIt 新增 | 0.2.5 Utterances 评论系统设置
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# {{< version 0.2.0 >}} {{< link "https://waline.js.org/en/" "Waline" >}} comment config
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# Page SEO config
# 页面 SEO 配置
# image URL
# 图片 URL
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# Publisher info
# 出版者信息
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logoUrl = "/avatar/myself.png"
# DoIt 新增 | 0.2.14 相关文章推荐配置
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# DoIt 新增 | 0.2.10 网站 SEO 配置
# 图片 URL
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# 缩略图 URL
thumbnailUrl = ""
# DoIt 新增 | 0.2.0 网站分析配置
enable = true
# Google Analytics
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# 是否匿名化用户 IP
anonymizeIP = true
weight = 1
# language code, CN only here
languageCode = "zh-CN"
languageName = "Simplified Chinese"
# whether to include Chinese/Japanese/Korean
hasCJKLanguage = true
# DoIt 新增 | 0.2.13 赞赏配置
enable = true
bio = "如果你觉得这篇文章对你有所帮助,欢迎评论、分享、打赏~"
link = "https://afdian.net/a/ryan4yin" # 你的赞赏页面的地址
custom = "" # 自定义 HTML
enable = true
# Gravatar 邮箱,用于优先在主页显示的头像
# gravatarEmail = "xiaoyin_c@qq.com"
# 主页显示头像的 URL
avatarURL = "/avatar/myself.webp"
# DoIt 更改 | 0.2.7 主页显示的网站标题 (支持 HTML 格式)
title = ""
# 主页显示的网站副标题
subtitle = "脚下虽有万水千山,但行者必至。"
# 是否为副标题显示打字机动画
typeit = true
# 是否显示社交账号
social = true
# DoIt 新增 | 0.2.0 免责声明 (支持 HTML 格式)
disclaimer = ""
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# special amount of posts in each home posts page
paginate = 10
# DoIt 更改 | 0.2.7 第三方库文件的 CDN 设置
# [languages.zh-cn.params.cdn]
# # CDN 数据文件名称, 默认不启用
# # 位于 "themes/DoIt/assets/data/cdn/" 目录
# # 可以在你的项目下相同路径存放你自己的数据文件:
# # "assets/data/cdn/"
# data = "jsdelivr.yml"
identifier = "statistics"
pre = ""
post = ""
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title = ""
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pre = ""
post = ""
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title = ""
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pre = ""
post = ""
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title = ""
weight = 5
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pre = ""
post = ""
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url = "/categories/life/"
title = ""
weight = 7
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pre = ""
post = ""
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url = "/tags/"
title = ""
weight = 9
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pre = ""
post = ""
name = "朋友们"
url = "/friends/"
title = ""
weight = 11
identifier = "now"
pre = ""
post = ""
name = "此刻"
url = "/now/"
title = ""
weight = 13
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pre = ""
post = ""
name = "关于"
url = "/about/"
title = ""
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weight = 2
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enable = true
# Gravatar 邮箱,用于优先在主页显示的头像
# gravatarEmail = "xiaoyin_c@qq.com"
# 主页显示头像的 URL
avatarURL = "/avatar/myself.webp"
# DoIt 更改 | 0.2.7 主页显示的网站标题 (支持 HTML 格式)
title = ""
# 主页显示的网站副标题
subtitle = """I miss flowers, but see the sea."""
# 是否为副标题显示打字机动画
typeit = false
# 是否显示社交账号
social = true
# DoIt 新增 | 0.2.0 免责声明 (支持 HTML 格式)
disclaimer = ""
enable = true
bio = "If you find my creation helpful, please consider commenting, sharing & sponsoring."
link = "https://www.buymeacoffee.com/ryan4yin" # The link to your sponsor page
custom = "" # Custom HTML button
enable = true
# special amount of posts in each home posts page
paginate = 10
# [[languages.zh-cn.menu.main]]
# identifier = "statistics"
# pre = ""
# post = ""
# name = "Trending"
# url = "/statistics/"
# title = ""
# weight = 1
identifier = "series"
pre = ""
post = ""
name = "Series"
url = "/series/"
title = ""
weight = 3
identifier = "posts"
pre = ""
post = ""
name = "Posts"
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title = ""
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pre = ""
post = ""
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title = ""
weight = 7
identifier = "essays"
pre = ""
post = ""
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url = "/categories/life/"
title = ""
weight = 9
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pre = ""
post = ""
name = "Tags"
url = "/tags/"
title = ""
weight = 11
identifier = "now"
pre = ""
post = ""
name = "Now"
url = "/now/"
title = ""
weight = 15
identifier = "about"
pre = ""
post = ""
name = "About"
url = "/about/"
title = ""
weight = 17
# Hugo 解析文档的配置
# 语法高亮设置
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lineNos = true
lineNumbersInTable = true
# false 是必要的设置
# (https://github.com/dillonzq/DoIt/issues/158)
noClasses = false
# Goldmark 是 Hugo 0.60 以来的默认 Markdown 解析库
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table = true
taskList = true
typographer = true
# 是否在文档中直接使用 HTML 标签
unsafe = true
enable = true
# 自动去除中文之间的换行(而不是将其替换为空格)
eastAsianLineBreaks = true
escapedSpace = true
# 目录设置
startLevel = 2
endLevel = 6
# 作者配置
name = "ryan4yin"
nickname = "Ryan4Yin"
avatar = "https://thiscute.world/avatar/myself.webp"
link = "https://thiscute.world/"
# 网站地图配置
changefreq = "weekly"
filename = "sitemap.xml"
priority = 0.5
# Permalinks 配置
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posts = "posts/:filename"
# 隐私信息配置
enableDNT = true
privacyEnhanced = true
# Atom feed
# Add "ATOM" to the Page Kinds under [outputs] (in your site config) for which
# you want to enable Atom feeds.
# Example:
# [outputs]
# home = ["HTML", "ATOM"]
# https://gist.github.com/lpar/7ded35d8f52fef7490a5be92e6cd6937
suffixes = ["xml"]
# https://validator.w3.org/feed/docs/atom.html#whatIsAtom
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baseName = "index" # generated file = <baseName>.<mediaType."application/atom+xml".suffixes[0]> = index.xml
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# 用于分类的设置
author = "authors"
category = "categories"
tag = "tags"
series = "series"
# 用于 Hugo 输出文档的设置
# DoIt 更改 | 0.2.0
# 为了支持搜索,需要在这里设定,输出 json 索引文件
# <domain>/atom.xml
home = ["HTML", "ATOM", "JSON"]
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