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piclock.js 6.79 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
This is a clock.
It finds the current time somewhere within the first 100,000 digits,
highlights that number, and scrolls to it.
setInterval(processCurrentTime, 1000);
// These values are found in defaults[12|24].js
// set to true for AM/PM
// set to false for 24 hour clock (00:00 through 23:59)
//isClock12 = true
//showSeconds = true
pistring = pistringRaw
initialized = false
shouldChangeTheme = true
previousTime = new Date(); // creating object of Date class
let previousHour = previousTime.getHours();
let previousMinute = previousTime.getMinutes();
let previousSecond = previousTime.getSeconds();
// Reload the digits of pi probably because the hour/minutes have changed so <span> elements are in new positions.
function updatePiDigits() {
document.getElementById('pidigits').innerHTML = pistring;
// cause page to scroll to show the current hour/minute,
// which is a <span> with the id=now
function scrollToNow() {
var element = document.getElementById('now');
var headerOffset = 45;
var elementPosition = element.getBoundingClientRect().top;
var offsetPosition = elementPosition + window.pageYOffset - headerOffset;
top: offsetPosition,
behavior: "smooth"
// prepend leading zero to a number
function pad(num, size) {
num = num.toString();
while (num.length < size) num = "0" + num;
return num;
// A function to insert some text at a certain position.
String.prototype.insert = function(string, index) {
if (index > 0)
return this.substring(0, index) + string + this.substring(index, this.length);
return string + this;
// Create a span element around a section of text
function addSpan (id, start, length) {
spanString = "<span id=\"" + id + "\">"
// insert in reverse order so we don't need to do extra offset calculation
pistring = pistring.insert("</span>", start+length)
pistring = pistring.insert(spanString, start)
// the span IDs for each of the seconds 0-59 are found
// as a string in piClockData
// for the current hour/minute
// offset is stored in reverse order: deepest into pi first.
// so there is no need to compensate for previously populated <span> elements.
// This works because no <spans> have previously been populated
// in the string at any index lower than the one being inserted.
function populateSecondsSpans(timeStr) {
data = piClockData[timeStr][1]
// The data is already sorted descending so simply add a new span
// for every second without needing to account for earlier populated spans
for (let index = 0; index < data.length; index++) {
const element = data[index];
// data contains [pi digit, spanId]
addSpan(element[1], element[0], 2)
// Change the color of the current <span> second without modifying the size.
function highlightSecond(second) {
for(let sec = 0; sec < 60; sec++) {
id = "sec" + pad(sec,2)
try {
if (sec == second) {
} else {
} catch {
// ignore errors. Probably not populated yet
// call this when time is 3:14 for a bigger time of day. Because it's fun!
function bigTime () {
document.getElementById("now").style.fontSize = "10vw"
// Initialize the clock
function init() {
// for 24-hour clock append to URL this: ?clock-type=24
urlString = window.location.href
url = new URL(urlString)
parmClockType = url.searchParams.get("clock-type")
if (parmClockType == "12") {
isClock12 = true
} else if (parmClockType == "24") {
isClock12 = false
parmClockType = url.searchParams.get("show-seconds")
if (parmClockType == "yes") {
showSeconds = true
} else if (parmClockType == "no") {
showSeconds = false
// This is the main function of the clock.
// It is scheduled so it is called once every second
function processCurrentTime() {
let time = new Date() // creating object of Date class
let month = time.getMonth() + 1
let day = time.getDate()
let hour = time.getHours()
let min = time.getMinutes()
let sec = time.getSeconds()
///// test code ///////
// By default all of this test code should be disabled.
// You can enable any given test by setting testXXXXX = true
testTopOfPage = false
if (testTopOfPage) {
// 10:58 is near the beginning of Pi.
// for debugging or for screenshot you can uncomment these line:
hour = 1
min = 59
sec = 45
testPiDay = false
if (testPiDay) {
// Extra fun on Pi-day
month = 3
day = 14
hour = 1
min = 59
//hour = 15
//min = 9
testPiTime = false
if (testPiTime) {
// test pi-time
// alternate time between 3:13 and 3:14
hour = 3
if (min%2) {
min = 13
} else {
min = 14
testNewHour = false
if (testNewHour) {
// test pi-time
// alternate time between 59 minutes and 00
if (min%2) {
min = 59
} else {
hour = hour + 1
min = 0
/////// process current time ///////////
if (!initialized || previousHour != hour) {
shouldChangeTheme = true
//if (showSeconds && previousSecond != sec) {
previousSecond = sec
if (initialized && previousMinute == min && previousHour == hour) {
previousMinute = min
previousHour = hour
// if this is AM/PM clock then subtract 12 hours
// and show 12am not 00am
if (isClock12) {
if (hour > 12) {
hour = hour - 12
} else if (hour < 1) {
hour = 12
hourString = pad(hour, 2)
minutesString = pad(min, 2)
timeString = hourString + minutesString
offset = piClockData[timeString][0]
pistring = pistringRaw
// insert <span> for every second in the current hour/minute
// Note: all <spans> for seconds are found AFTER the hour/minute <span>
// So make sure to run populateSecondsSpans() before adding
// the span for hour/minute
addSpan("now", offset, 4)
// For fun, when the time is 3:14 (aka Pi-time) make it huge
// plus some other special things on pi-day
if ((hour == 3 && min == 14) ||
(month == 3 && day == 14 &&
((hour == 1 && min == 59) || (hour == 15 && min == 9)))) {
// auto-scroll the webpage to reveal the current time of day.
if (shouldChangeTheme) {
// randomly change the colors every hour
// Note: random also means there may not actually be a theme change
// but more often than not, the colors do change.
shouldChangeTheme = false
initialized = true
processCurrentTime() //calling processCurrentTime() function to initiate the process
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