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狂奔的蜗牛. / soter

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arraykeys 提交于 2017-03-27 16:47 . releasev1.1.32
* Copyright 2017 Soter(狂奔的蜗牛 672308444@163.com)
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* Soter
* An open source application development framework for PHP 5.3.0 or newer
* @package Soter
* @author 狂奔的蜗牛
* @email 672308444@163.com
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2015 - 2017, 狂奔的蜗牛, Inc.
* @link http://git.oschina.net/snail/soter
* @since v1.1.32
* @createdtime 2017-03-27 16:47:15
class Soter { private static $soterConfig; public static function classAutoloader($className) { $config = self::$soterConfig; $className = str_replace(array('\\', '_'), '/', $className); foreach (self::$soterConfig->getPackages() as $path) { if (file_exists($filePath = $path . $config->getClassesDirName() . '/' . $className . '.php')) { \Sr::includeOnce($filePath); break; } } } public static function initialize() { self::$soterConfig = new \Soter_Config(); if (function_exists('__autoload')) { spl_autoload_register('__autoload'); } spl_autoload_register(array('Soter', 'classAutoloader')); if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) { $stripList = array('_GET', '_POST', '_COOKIE'); foreach ($stripList as $val) { global $$val; $$val = \Sr::stripSlashes($$val); } } return self::$soterConfig; } public static function &getConfig() { return self::$soterConfig; } public static function run() { if (\Sr::isPluginMode()) { self::runPlugin(); } elseif (\Sr::isCli()) { self::runCli(); } else { $canRunWeb = !\Sr::config()->getIsMaintainMode(); if (!$canRunWeb) { foreach (\Sr::config()->getMaintainIpWhitelist() as $ip) { $info = explode('/', $ip); $netmask = empty($info[1]) ? '32' : $info[1]; if (\Sr::ipInfo(\Sr::clientIp() . '/' . $netmask, 'netaddress') == \Sr::ipInfo($info[0] . '/' . $netmask, 'netaddress')) { $canRunWeb = true; break; } } } if ($canRunWeb) { self::runWeb(); } else { $handle = \Sr::config()->getMaintainModeHandle(); if (is_object($handle)) { $handle->handle(); } } } } private static function initSession() { $config = self::getConfig(); $sessionConfig = $config->getSessionConfig(); @ini_set('session.auto_start', 0); @ini_set('session.gc_probability', 1); @ini_set('session.gc_divisor', 100); @ini_set('session.gc_maxlifetime', $sessionConfig['lifetime']); @ini_set('session.referer_check', ''); @ini_set('session.entropy_file', '/dev/urandom'); @ini_set('session.entropy_length', 16); @ini_set('session.use_cookies', 1); @ini_set('session.use_only_cookies', 1); @ini_set('session.use_trans_sid', 0); @ini_set('session.hash_function', 1); @ini_set('session.hash_bits_per_character', 5); session_cache_limiter('nocache'); session_set_cookie_params( $sessionConfig['lifetime'], $sessionConfig['cookie_path'], preg_match('/^[^\\.]+$/', \Sr::server('HTTP_HOST')) ? null : $sessionConfig['cookie_domain'] ); if (!empty($sessionConfig['session_save_path'])) { session_save_path($sessionConfig['session_save_path']); } session_name($sessionConfig['session_name']); register_shutdown_function('session_write_close'); $sessionHandle = $config->getSessionHandle(); if ($sessionHandle && $sessionHandle instanceof Soter_Session) { $sessionHandle->init(); } if ($sessionConfig['autostart']) { \Sr::sessionStart(); } } private static function runWeb() { $config = self::getConfig(); $class = ''; $method = ''; foreach ($config->getRouters() as $router) { $route = $router->find($config->getRequest()); if ($route->found()) { $config->setRoute($route); $class = $route->getController(); $method = $route->getMethod(); break; } } if (empty($route)) { throw new \Soter_Exception_500('none router was found in configuration'); } $_route = \Sr::config()->getRoute(); if ($hmvcModuleName = \Sr::config()->getCurrentDomainHmvcModuleNname()) { if (\Soter::checkHmvc($hmvcModuleName, false)) { $_route->setHmvcModuleName($hmvcModuleName); $_route->setFound(true); } } if (empty($class)) { $class = $config->getControllerDirName() . '_' . $config->getDefaultController(); $_route->setController($class); } if (empty($method)) { $method = $config->getMethodPrefix() . $config->getDefaultMethod(); $_route->setMethod($method); } $config->setRoute($_route); if (!\Sr::classIsExists($class)) { throw new \Soter_Exception_404('Controller [ ' . $class . ' ] not found'); } self::initSession(); $controllerObject = \Sr::factory($class); if (!($controllerObject instanceof Soter_Controller)) { throw new \Soter_Exception_404('[ ' . $class . ' ] not a valid Soter_Controller'); } if (method_exists($controllerObject, 'before')) { $controllerObject->before(str_replace($config->getMethodPrefix(), '', $method), $route->getArgs()); } if (!method_exists($controllerObject, $method)) { throw new \Soter_Exception_404('Method [ ' . $class . '->' . $method . '() ] not found'); } $cacheClassName = preg_replace('/^' . \Sr::config()->getControllerDirName() . '_/', '', $class); $cacheMethodName = preg_replace('/^' . \Sr::config()->getMethodPrefix() . '/', '', $method); $methodKey = $cacheClassName . '::' . $cacheMethodName; $cacheMethodConfig = $config->getMethodCacheConfig(); if (!empty($cacheMethodConfig) && \Sr::arrayKeyExists($methodKey, $cacheMethodConfig) && $cacheMethodConfig[$methodKey]['cache'] && ($cacheMethoKey = $cacheMethodConfig[$methodKey]['key']())) { if (!($contents = \Sr::cache()->get($cacheMethoKey))) { @ob_start(); $response = call_user_func_array(array($controllerObject, $method), $route->getArgs()); $contents = @ob_get_contents(); @ob_end_clean(); $contents .= is_array($response) ? \Sr::view()->set($response)->load("$cacheClassName/$cacheMethodName") : $response; \Sr::cache()->set($cacheMethoKey, $contents, $cacheMethodConfig[$methodKey]['time']); } } else { if (method_exists($controllerObject, 'after')) { @ob_start(); $response = call_user_func_array(array($controllerObject, $method), $route->getArgs()); $contents = @ob_get_contents(); @ob_end_clean(); $contents .= is_array($response) ? \Sr::view()->set($response)->load("$cacheClassName/$cacheMethodName") : $response; } else { $response = call_user_func_array(array($controllerObject, $method), $route->getArgs()); $contents = is_array($response) ? \Sr::view()->set($response)->load("$cacheClassName/$cacheMethodName") : $response; } } if (method_exists($controllerObject, 'after')) { echo $controllerObject->after(str_replace($config->getMethodPrefix(), '', $method), $route->getArgs(), $contents); } else { echo $contents; } } private static function runCli() { $task = str_replace('/', '_', \Sr::getOpt('task')); $hmvcModuleName = \Sr::getOpt('hmvc'); if (empty($task)) { exit('require a task name,please use --task=<taskname>' . "\n"); } if (!empty($hmvcModuleName)) { self::checkHmvc($hmvcModuleName); } if (strpos($task, 'Soter_') === 0) { $taskName = $task; } else { $taskName = \Soter::getConfig()->getTaskDirName() . '_' . $task; } if (!class_exists($taskName)) { throw new \Soter_Exception_500('class [ ' . $taskName . ' ] not found'); } $taskObject = new $taskName(); if (!($taskObject instanceof Soter_Task)) { throw new \Soter_Exception_500('[ ' . $taskName . ' ] not a valid Soter_Task'); } $args = \Sr::getOpt(); $args = empty($args) ? array() : $args; $taskObject->_execute(new \Soter_CliArgs($args)); } private static function runPlugin() { } public static function checkHmvc($hmvcModuleName, $throwException = true) { if (!empty($hmvcModuleName)) { $config = \Soter::getConfig(); $hmvcModules = $config->getHmvcModules(); if (empty($hmvcModules[$hmvcModuleName])) { if ($throwException) { throw new \Soter_Exception_500('Hmvc Module [ ' . $hmvcModuleName . ' ] not found, please check your config.'); } else { return FALSE; } } static $loadedModules = array(); $hmvcModuleDirName = $hmvcModules[$hmvcModuleName]; if (!\Sr::arrayKeyExists($hmvcModuleName, $loadedModules)) { $loadedModules[$hmvcModuleName] = 1; $hmvcModulePath = $config->getApplicationDir() . $config->getHmvcDirName() . '/' . $hmvcModuleDirName . '/'; $config->setApplicationDir($hmvcModulePath)->addMasterPackage($hmvcModulePath)->bootstrap(); } return $hmvcModuleDirName; } return FALSE; } } class Sr { static private function parseKey($key) { $_info = explode('.', $key); $keyStrArray = ''; foreach ($_info as $k) { $keyStrArray .= "['{$k}']"; } return $keyStrArray; } static function arrayGet($array, $key, $default = null) { return eval('return \Sr::arrayKeyExists(\'' . $key . '\',$array)?$array' . self::parseKey($key) . ':$default;'); } static function arraySet(&$array, $key, $value) { return eval('$array' . self::parseKey($key) . '=$value;'); } static function dump() { echo!self::isCli() ? '<pre style="line-height:1.5em;font-size:14px;">' : "\n"; @ob_start(); $args = func_get_args(); empty($args) ? null : call_user_func_array('var_dump', $args); $html = @ob_get_clean(); echo!self::isCli() ? htmlspecialchars($html) : $html; echo!self::isCli() ? "</pre>" : "\n"; } static function includeOnce($filePath) { static $includeFiles = array(); $key = self::realPath($filePath); if (!\Sr::arrayKeyExists($key, $includeFiles)) { include $filePath; $includeFiles[$key] = 1; } } static function realPath($path, $addSlash = false) { $unipath = PATH_SEPARATOR == ':'; if (strpos($path, ':') === false && strlen($path) && $path{0} != '/') { $path = realpath('.') . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $path; } $path = str_replace(array('/', '\\'), DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $path); $parts = array_filter(explode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $path), 'strlen'); $absolutes = array(); foreach ($parts as $part) { if ('.' == $part) continue; if ('..' == $part) { array_pop($absolutes); } else { $absolutes[] = $part; } } $path = implode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $absolutes); $path = $unipath ? (strlen($path) && $path{0} != '/' ? '/' . $path : $path) : $path; $path = str_replace(array('/', '\\'), '/', $path); return $path . ($addSlash ? '/' : ''); } static function isCli() { return PHP_SAPI == 'cli'; } static function stripSlashes($var) { if (!get_magic_quotes_gpc()) { return $var; } if (is_array($var)) { foreach ($var as $key => $val) { if (is_array($val)) { $var[$key] = self::stripSlashes($val); } else { $var[$key] = stripslashes($val); } } } elseif (is_string($var)) { $var = stripslashes($var); } return $var; } static function business($businessName) { $name = \Soter::getConfig()->getBusinessDirName() . '_' . $businessName; $object = self::factory($name); if (!($object instanceof Soter_Business)) { throw new \Soter_Exception_500('[ ' . $name . ' ] not a valid Soter_Business'); } return $object; } static function dao($daoName) { $name = \Soter::getConfig()->getDaoDirName() . '_' . $daoName; $object = self::factory($name); if (!($object instanceof Soter_Dao)) { throw new \Soter_Exception_500('[ ' . $name . ' ] not a valid Soter_Dao'); } return $object; } static function model($modelName) { $name = \Soter::getConfig()->getModelDirName() . '_' . $modelName; $object = self::factory($name); if (!($object instanceof Soter_Model)) { throw new \Soter_Exception_500('[ ' . $name . ' ] not a valid Soter_Model'); } return $object; } static function library($className) { return self::factory($className); } static function extension($className) { return self::factory('Soter_' . $className); } static function functions($functionFilename) { static $loadedFunctionsFile = array(); if (\Sr::arrayKeyExists($functionFilename, $loadedFunctionsFile)) { return; } else { $loadedFunctionsFile[$functionFilename] = 1; } $config = \Soter::getConfig(); $found = false; foreach ($config->getPackages() as $packagePath) { $filePath = $packagePath . $config->getFunctionsDirName() . '/' . $functionFilename . '.php'; if (file_exists($filePath)) { self::includeOnce($filePath); $found = true; break; } } if (!$found) { throw new \Soter_Exception_500('functions file [ ' . $functionFilename . '.php ] not found'); } } static function factory($className, $hmvcModuleName = null) { if (\Sr::isPluginMode()) { \Soter::checkHmvc($hmvcModuleName); } if (\Sr::strEndsWith(strtolower($className), '.php')) { $className = substr($className, 0, strlen($className) - 4); } $className1 = str_replace(array('\\', '/'), '_', $className); $className2 = str_replace(array('/', '_'), '\\', $className); $args = func_get_args(); $class = class_exists($className1) ? new ReflectionClass($className1) : (class_exists($className2) ? new ReflectionClass($className2) : ''); if ($class) { return $class->newInstanceArgs(array_slice($args, 2)); } throw new \Soter_Exception_500("class [ $className ] not found"); } static function isPluginMode() { return (defined('SOTER_RUN_MODE_PLUGIN') && SOTER_RUN_MODE_PLUGIN); } static function &config($configName = null, $caching = true) { if (empty($configName)) { return \Soter::getConfig(); } $_info = explode('.', $configName); $configFileName = current($_info); static $loadedConfig = array(); $cfg = null; if ($caching && \Sr::arrayKeyExists($configFileName, $loadedConfig)) { $cfg = $loadedConfig[$configFileName]; } elseif ($filePath = \Soter::getConfig()->find($configFileName)) { $loadedConfig[$configFileName] = $cfg = eval('?>' . file_get_contents($filePath)); } else { throw new \Soter_Exception_500('config file [ ' . $configFileName . '.php ] not found'); } if ($cfg && count($_info) > 1) { $val = self::arrayGet($cfg, implode('.', array_slice($_info, 1))); return $val; } else { return $cfg; } } static function getOpt($key = null) { if (!self::isCli()) { return null; } $noopt = array(); static $result = array(); static $parsed = false; if (!$parsed) { $parsed = true; $params = self::arrayGet($GLOBALS, 'argv', array()); reset($params); while (list($tmp, $p) = each($params)) { if ($p{0} == '-') { $pname = substr($p, 1); $value = true; if ($pname{0} == '-') { $pname = substr($pname, 1); if (strpos($p, '=') !== false) { list($pname, $value) = explode('=', substr($p, 2), 2); } } $nextparm = current($params); if (!in_array($pname, $noopt) && $value === true && $nextparm !== false && $nextparm{0} != '-') { list($tmp, $value) = each($params); } $result[$pname] = $value; } else { $result[] = $p; } } } return empty($key) ? $result : (\Sr::arrayKeyExists($key, $result) ? $result[$key] : null); } static function get($key = null, $default = null, $xssClean = false) { $value = is_null($key) ? $_GET : self::arrayGet($_GET, $key, $default); return $xssClean ? self::xssClean($value) : $value; } static function getPost($key, $default = null, $xssClean = false) { $getValue = self::arrayGet($_GET, $key); $value = is_null($getValue) ? self::arrayGet($_POST, $key, $default) : $getValue; return $xssClean ? self::xssClean($value) : $value; } static function post($key = null, $default = null, $xssClean = false) { $value = is_null($key) ? $_POST : self::arrayGet($_POST, $key, $default); return $xssClean ? self::xssClean($value) : $value; } static function postGet($key, $default = null, $xssClean = false) { $postValue = self::arrayGet($_POST, $key); $value = is_null($postValue) ? self::arrayGet($_GET, $key, $default) : $postValue; return $xssClean ? self::xssClean($value) : $value; } static function session($key = null, $default = null, $xssClean = false) { self::sessionStart(); $value = is_null($key) ? (empty($_SESSION) ? null : $_SESSION) : self::arrayGet($_SESSION, $key, $default); return $xssClean ? self::xssClean($value) : $value; } static function sessionSet($key, $value) { self::sessionStart(); if (is_array($key)) { $_SESSION = array_merge($_SESSION, $key); } else { self::arraySet($_SESSION, $key, $value); } } static function sessionUnset($key = null) { if (is_null($key)) { unset($_SESSION); } else { eval('unset($_SESSION' . self::parseKey($key) . ');'); } } static function server($key = null, $default = null) { return is_null($key) ? $_SERVER : self::arrayGet($_SERVER, strtoupper($key), $default); } static function postRawBody() { return file_get_contents('php://input'); } static function cookie($key = null, $default = null, $xssClean = false) { $key = is_null($key) ? null : \Sr::config()->getCookiePrefix() . $key; $value = self::cookieRaw($key, $default, $xssClean); return $xssClean ? self::xssClean($value) : $value; } static function cookieRaw($key = null, $default = null, $xssClean = false) { $value = is_null($key) ? $_COOKIE : self::arrayGet($_COOKIE, $key, $default); return $xssClean ? self::xssClean($value) : $value; } static function setCookie($key, $value, $life = null, $path = '/', $domian = null, $http_only = false) { $key = \Sr::config()->getCookiePrefix() . $key; return self::setCookieRaw($key, $value, $life, $path, $domian, $http_only); } static function setCookieRaw($key, $value, $life = null, $path = '/', $domian = null, $httpOnly = false) { if (!\Sr::isCli()) { header('P3P: CP="CURa ADMa DEVa PSAo PSDo OUR BUS UNI PUR INT DEM STA PRE COM NAV OTC NOI DSP COR"'); } if (!is_null($domian)) { $autoDomain = $domian; } else { $host = self::server('HTTP_HOST'); $is_ip = preg_match('/^((25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|[01]?\d\d?)\.){3}(25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|[01]?\d\d?)$/', $host); $notRegularDomain = preg_match('/^[^\\.]+$/', $host); if ($is_ip) { $autoDomain = $host; } elseif ($notRegularDomain) { $autoDomain = NULL; } else { $autoDomain = '.' . $host; } } setcookie($key, $value, ($life ? $life + time() : null), $path, $autoDomain, (self::server('SERVER_PORT') == 443 ? 1 : 0), $httpOnly); $_COOKIE[$key] = $value; } static function xssClean($var) { if (is_array($var)) { foreach ($var as $key => $val) { if (is_array($val)) { $var[$key] = self::xssClean($val); } else { $var[$key] = self::xssClean0($val); } } } elseif (is_string($var)) { $var = self::xssClean0($var); } return $var; } private static function xssClean0($data) { $data = str_replace(array('&amp;', '&lt;', '&gt;'), array('&amp;amp;', '&amp;lt;', '&amp;gt;'), $data); $data = preg_replace('/(&#*\w+)[\x00-\x20]+;/u', '$1;', $data); $data = preg_replace('/(&#x*[0-9A-F]+);*/iu', '$1;', $data); $data = html_entity_decode($data, ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8'); $data = preg_replace('#(<[^>]+?[\x00-\x20"\'])(?:on|xmlns)[^>]*+>#iu', '$1>', $data); $data = preg_replace('#([a-z]*)[\x00-\x20]*=[\x00-\x20]*([`\'"]*)[\x00-\x20]*j[\x00-\x20]*a[\x00-\x20]*v[\x00-\x20]*a[\x00-\x20]*s[\x00-\x20]*c[\x00-\x20]*r[\x00-\x20]*i[\x00-\x20]*p[\x00-\x20]*t[\x00-\x20]*:#iu', '$1=$2nojavascript...', $data); $data = preg_replace('#([a-z]*)[\x00-\x20]*=([\'"]*)[\x00-\x20]*v[\x00-\x20]*b[\x00-\x20]*s[\x00-\x20]*c[\x00-\x20]*r[\x00-\x20]*i[\x00-\x20]*p[\x00-\x20]*t[\x00-\x20]*:#iu', '$1=$2novbscript...', $data); $data = preg_replace('#([a-z]*)[\x00-\x20]*=([\'"]*)[\x00-\x20]*-moz-binding[\x00-\x20]*:#u', '$1=$2nomozbinding...', $data); $data = preg_replace('#(<[^>]+?)style[\x00-\x20]*=[\x00-\x20]*[`\'"]*.*?expression[\x00-\x20]*\([^>]*+>#i', '$1>', $data); $data = preg_replace('#(<[^>]+?)style[\x00-\x20]*=[\x00-\x20]*[`\'"]*.*?behaviour[\x00-\x20]*\([^>]*+>#i', '$1>', $data); $data = preg_replace('#(<[^>]+?)style[\x00-\x20]*=[\x00-\x20]*[`\'"]*.*?s[\x00-\x20]*c[\x00-\x20]*r[\x00-\x20]*i[\x00-\x20]*p[\x00-\x20]*t[\x00-\x20]*:*[^>]*+>#iu', '$1>', $data); $data = preg_replace('#</*\w+:\w[^>]*+>#i', '', $data); do { $old_data = $data; $data = preg_replace('#</*(?:applet|b(?:ase|gsound|link)|embed|iframe|frame(?:set)?|i(?:frame|layer)|l(?:ayer|ink)|meta|object|s(?:cript|tyle)|title|xml)[^>]*+>#i', '', $data); } while ($old_data !== $data); return $data; } static function hostname() { return function_exists('gethostname') ? gethostname() : (function_exists('php_uname') ? php_uname('n') : 'unknown'); } static function serverIp() { return self::isCli() ? gethostbyname(self::hostname()) : \Sr::server('SERVER_ADDR'); } static function clientIp($source = array('HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR', 'HTTP_CLIENT_IP', 'REMOTE_ADDR'), $check = array('HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR')) { foreach ($source as $k => $v) { $source[$k] = strtoupper($v); } foreach ($check as $k => $v) { $check[$k] = strtoupper($v); } foreach ($source as $v) { if ($ip = self::server($v)) { if (!in_array($v, $check)) { return $ip; }if ($ip = self::checkClientIp($v)) { return $ip; } else { break; } } } return "Unknown"; } private static function checkClientIp($ip) { if (empty($ip)) { return false; } $whitelist = \Sr::config()->getBackendServerIpWhitelist(); foreach ($whitelist as $okayIp) { if ($okayIp == $ip) { return $ip; } } return FALSE; } static function strBeginsWith($str, $sub) { return ( substr($str, 0, strlen($sub)) == $sub ); } static function strEndsWith($str, $sub) { return ( substr($str, strlen($str) - strlen($sub)) == $sub ); } static function ipInfo($ipAddr, $key = null) { $ipAddr = str_replace(" ", "", $ipAddr); $arr = explode('/', $ipAddr); $ipAddr = $arr[0]; $ipAddrArr = explode('.', $ipAddr); foreach ($ipAddrArr as $k => $v) { $ipAddrArr[$k] = intval($v); } $ipAddr = implode('.', $ipAddrArr); $netbits = intval((\Sr::arrayKeyExists(1, $arr) ? $arr[1] : 0)); $subnetMask = long2ip(ip2long("") << (32 - $netbits)); $ip = ip2long($ipAddr); $nm = ip2long($subnetMask); $nw = ($ip & $nm); $bc = $nw | (~$nm); $ips = array(); $ips['netmask'] = long2ip($nm); $ips['count'] = ($bc - $nw - 1); if ($ips['count'] <= 0) { $ips['count'] += 4294967296; } if ($netbits == 32) { $ips['count'] = 0; $ips['start'] = long2ip($ip); $ips['end'] = long2ip($ip); } else { $ips['start'] = long2ip($nw + 1); $ips['end'] = long2ip($bc - 1); } $bc = sprintf('%u', $bc); $nw = sprintf('%u', $nw); $ips['netaddress'] = long2ip($nw); $ips['broadcast'] = long2ip($bc); return is_null($key) ? $ips : $ips[$key]; } private static $dbInstances = array(); static function clearDbInstances($key = null) { if (!is_null($key)) { unset(self::$dbInstances[$key]); } else { self::$dbInstances = array(); } } static function &db($group = '', $isNewInstance = false) { if (is_array($group)) { ksort($group); $groupString = json_encode($group); $key = md5($groupString); if (!\Sr::arrayKeyExists($key, self::$dbInstances) || $isNewInstance) { $group['group'] = $groupString; self::$dbInstances[$key] = new \Soter_Database_ActiveRecord($group); } return self::$dbInstances[$key]; } else { $config = self::config()->getDatabseConfig(); if (empty($config)) { throw new \Soter_Exception_Database('database configuration is empty , did you forget to use "->setDatabseConfig()" in index.php ?'); } if (empty($group)) { $group = $config['default_group']; } if (!\Sr::arrayKeyExists($group, self::$dbInstances) || $isNewInstance) { $config = self::config()->getDatabseConfig($group); if (empty($config)) { throw new \Soter_Exception_Database('unknown database config group [ ' . $group . ' ]'); } $config['group'] = $group; self::$dbInstances[$group] = new \Soter_Database_ActiveRecord($config); } return self::$dbInstances[$group]; } } static function createSqlite3Database($path) { return new \PDO('sqlite:' . $path); } static function microtime() { list ($s1, $s2) = explode(' ', microtime()); $currentTime = (float) sprintf('%.0f', (floatval($s1) + floatval($s2)) * 1000); return $currentTime; } static function safePath($path) { if (!$path) { return ''; } $path = self::realPath($path); $siteRoot = self::realPath(self::server('DOCUMENT_ROOT')); $_path = str_replace($siteRoot, '', $path); $relPath = str_replace($siteRoot, '', rtrim(self::config()->getApplicationDir(), '/')); return '~APPPATH~' . str_replace($relPath, '', $_path); } static function cache($cacheType = null) { return self::config()->getCacheHandle($cacheType); } static function rmdir($dirPath, $includeSelf = true) { if (empty($dirPath)) { return false; } $dirPath = self::realPath($dirPath) . '/'; foreach (scandir($dirPath) as $value) { if ($value == '.' || $value == '..') { continue; } $path = $dirPath . $value; if (is_dir($path)) { self::rmdir($path); @rmdir($path); } else { @unlink($path); } } if ($includeSelf) { @rmdir($dirPath); } return true; } static function view() { static $view; if (!$view) { $view = new \Soter_View(); } return $view; } static function urlPath($subpath = null, $addSlash = true) { if (self::isCli()) { throw new \Soter_Exception_500('urlPath() can not be used in cli mode'); } else { $old_path = getcwd(); $root = str_replace(array("/", "\\"), '/', self::server('DOCUMENT_ROOT')); chdir($root); $root = getcwd(); $root = str_replace(array("/", "\\"), '/', $root); chdir($old_path); $path = str_replace(array("/", "\\"), '/', realpath('.') . ($subpath ? '/' . trim($subpath, '/\\') : '')); $path = self::realPath($path) . ($addSlash ? '/' : ''); return preg_replace('|^' . self::realPath($root) . '|', '', $path); } } static function url($action = '', $getData = array()) { $config = \Sr::config(); $hmvcModuleName = $config->getCurrentDomainHmvcModuleNname(); if ($hmvcModuleName && $config->hmvcIsDomainOnly($hmvcModuleName)) { $action = preg_replace('|^' . $hmvcModuleName . '/?|', '/', $action); } $index = self::config()->getIsRewrite() ? '' : self::config()->getIndexName() . '/'; $url = self::urlPath($index . $action); $url = rtrim($url, '/'); $url = $index ? $url : ($action ? $url : $url . '/'); if (!empty($getData)) { $url = $url . '?'; foreach ($getData as $k => $v) { $url .= $k . '=' . urlencode($v) . '&'; } $url = rtrim($url, '&'); } return $url; } static function readData(Array $map, $sourceData = null) { $data = array(); $formdata = is_null($sourceData) ? \Sr::post() : $sourceData; foreach ($formdata as $formKey => $val) { if (\Sr::arrayKeyExists($formKey, $map)) { $data[$map[$formKey]] = $val; } } return $data; } static function checkData($data, $rules, &$returnData, &$errorMessage, &$errorKey = null, &$db = null) { static $checkRules; if (empty($checkRules)) { $defaultRules = array( 'array' => function($key, $value, $data, $args, &$returnValue, &$break, &$db) { if (!\Sr::arrayKeyExists($key, $data) || !is_array($value)) { return false; } $minOkay = true; if (\Sr::arrayKeyExists(0, $args)) { $minOkay = count($value) >= intval($args[0]); } $maxOkay = true; if (\Sr::arrayKeyExists(1, $args)) { $minOkay = count($value) >= intval($args[1]); } return $minOkay && $maxOkay; }, 'notArray' => function($key, $value, $data, $args, &$returnValue, &$break, &$db) { return !is_array($value); }, 'default' => function($key, $value, $data, $args, &$returnValue, &$break, &$db) { if (is_array($value)) { $i = 0; foreach ($value as $k => $v) { $returnValue[$k] = empty($v) ? (\Sr::arrayKeyExists($i, $args) ? $args[$i] : $args[0]) : $v; $i++; } } elseif (empty($value)) { $returnValue = $args[0]; } return true; }, 'optional' => function($key, $value, $data, $args, &$returnValue, &$break, &$db) { $break = !isset($data[$key]); return true; }, 'required' => function($key, $value, $data, $args, &$returnValue, &$break, &$db) { if (!\Sr::arrayKeyExists($key, $data) || empty($value)) { return false; } $value = (array) $value; foreach ($value as $v) { if (empty($v)) { return false; } } return true; }, 'requiredKey' => function($key, $value, $data, $args, &$returnValue, &$break, &$db) { $args[] = $key; $args = array_unique($args); foreach ($args as $k) { if (!\Sr::arrayKeyExists($k, $data)) { return false; } } return true; }, 'functions' => function($key, $value, $data, $args, &$returnValue, &$break, &$db) { if (!\Sr::arrayKeyExists($key, $data)) { return true; } $returnValue = $value; if (is_array($returnValue)) { foreach ($returnValue as $k => $v) { foreach ($args as $function) { $returnValue[$k] = $function($v); } } } else { foreach ($args as $function) { $returnValue = $function($returnValue); } } return true; }, 'xss' => function($key, $value, $data, $args, &$returnValue, &$break, &$db) { if (!\Sr::arrayKeyExists($key, $data)) { return true; } $returnValue = \Sr::xssClean($value); return true; }, 'match' => function($key, $value, $data, $args, &$returnValue, &$break, &$db) { if (!\Sr::arrayKeyExists($key, $data) || !\Sr::arrayKeyExists(0, $args) || !\Sr::arrayKeyExists($args[0], $data) || $value != $data[$args[0]]) { return false; } return true; }, 'equal' => function($key, $value, $data, $args, &$returnValue, &$break, &$db) { if (!\Sr::arrayKeyExists($key, $data) || !\Sr::arrayKeyExists(0, $args) || $value != $args[0]) { return false; } return true; }, 'enum' => function($key, $value, $data, $args, &$returnValue, &$break, &$db) { if (!\Sr::arrayKeyExists($key, $data)) { return false; } $value = (array) $value; foreach ($value as $v) { if (!in_array($v, $args)) { return false; } } return true; }, 'unique' => function($key, $value, $data, $args, &$returnValue, &$break, &$db) { if (!\Sr::arrayKeyExists($key, $data) || !$value || !count($args)) { return false; } $_info = explode('.', $args[0]); if (count($_info) != 2) { return false; } $table = $_info[0]; $col = $_info[1]; if (\Sr::arrayKeyExists(1, $args)) { $_id_info = explode(':', $args[1]); if (count($_id_info) != 2) { return false; } $id_col = $_id_info[0]; $id = $_id_info[1]; $id = stripos($id, '#') === 0 ? \Sr::getPost(substr($id, 1)) : $id; $where = array($col => $value, "$id_col <>" => $id); } else { $where = array($col => $value); } return !$db->where($where)->from($table)->limit(0, 1)->execute()->total(); }, 'exists' => function($key, $value, $data, $args, &$returnValue, &$break, &$db) { if (!\Sr::arrayKeyExists($key, $data) || !$value || !count($args)) { return false; } $_info = explode('.', $args[0]); if (count($_info) != 2) { return false; } $table = $_info[0]; $col = $_info[1]; $where = array($col => $value); if (count($args) > 1) { foreach (array_slice($args, 1) as $v) { $_id_info = explode(':', $v); if (count($_id_info) != 2) { continue; } $id_col = $_id_info[0]; $id = $_id_info[1]; $id = stripos($id, '#') === 0 ? \Sr::getPost(substr($id, 1)) : $id; $where[$id_col] = $id; } } return $db->where($where)->from($table)->limit(0, 1)->execute()->total(); }, 'min_len' => function($key, $value, $data, $args, &$returnValue, &$break, &$db) { if (!\Sr::arrayKeyExists($key, $data)) { return false; } $v = (array) $value; foreach ($v as $value) { $okay = \Sr::arrayKeyExists(0, $args) ? (mb_strlen($value, 'UTF-8') >= intval($args[0])) : false; if (!$okay) { return false; } } return true; }, 'max_len' => function($key, $value, $data, $args, &$returnValue, &$break, &$db) { if (!\Sr::arrayKeyExists($key, $data)) { return false; } $v = (array) $value; foreach ($v as $value) { $okay = \Sr::arrayKeyExists(0, $args) ? (mb_strlen($value, 'UTF-8') <= intval($args[0])) : false; if (!$okay) { return false; } } return true; }, 'range_len' => function($key, $value, $data, $args, &$returnValue, &$break, &$db) { if (!\Sr::arrayKeyExists($key, $data)) { return false; } $v = (array) $value; foreach ($v as $value) { $okay = count($args) == 2 ? (mb_strlen($value, 'UTF-8') >= intval($args[0])) && (mb_strlen($value, 'UTF-8') <= intval($args[1])) : false; if (!$okay) { return false; } } return true; }, 'len' => function($key, $value, $data, $args, &$returnValue, &$break, &$db) { if (!\Sr::arrayKeyExists($key, $data)) { return false; } $v = (array) $value; foreach ($v as $value) { $okay = \Sr::arrayKeyExists(0, $args) ? (mb_strlen($value, 'UTF-8') == intval($args[0])) : false; if (!$okay) { return false; } } return true; }, 'min' => function($key, $value, $data, $args, &$returnValue, &$break, &$db) { if (!\Sr::arrayKeyExists($key, $data)) { return false; } $v = (array) $value; foreach ($v as $value) { $okay = \Sr::arrayKeyExists(0, $args) && is_numeric($value) ? $value >= $args[0] : false; if (!$okay) { return false; } } return true; }, 'max' => function($key, $value, $data, $args, &$returnValue, &$break, &$db) { if (!\Sr::arrayKeyExists($key, $data)) { return false; } $v = (array) $value; foreach ($v as $value) { $okay = \Sr::arrayKeyExists(0, $args) && is_numeric($value) ? $value <= $args[0] : false; if (!$okay) { return false; } } return true; }, 'range' => function($key, $value, $data, $args, &$returnValue, &$break, &$db) { if (!\Sr::arrayKeyExists($key, $data)) { return false; } $v = (array) $value; foreach ($v as $value) { $okay = (count($args) == 2) && is_numeric($value) ? $value >= $args[0] && $value <= $args[1] : false; if (!$okay) { return false; } } return true; }, 'alpha' => function($key, $value, $data, $args, &$returnValue, &$break, &$db) { if (!\Sr::arrayKeyExists($key, $data)) { return false; } $v = (array) $value; foreach ($v as $value) { $okay = !preg_match('/[^A-Za-z]+/', $value); if (!$okay) { return false; } } return true; }, 'alpha_num' => function($key, $value, $data, $args, &$returnValue, &$break, &$db) { if (!\Sr::arrayKeyExists($key, $data)) { return false; } $v = (array) $value; foreach ($v as $value) { $okay = !preg_match('/[^A-Za-z0-9]+/', $value); if (!$okay) { return false; } } return true; }, 'alpha_dash' => function($key, $value, $data, $args, &$returnValue, &$break, &$db) { if (!\Sr::arrayKeyExists($key, $data)) { return false; } $v = (array) $value; foreach ($v as $value) { $okay = !preg_match('/[^A-Za-z0-9_-]+/', $value); if (!$okay) { return false; } } return true; }, 'alpha_start' => function($key, $value, $data, $args, &$returnValue, &$break, &$db) { if (!\Sr::arrayKeyExists($key, $data)) { return false; } $v = (array) $value; foreach ($v as $value) { $okay = preg_match('/^[A-Za-z]+/', $value); if (!$okay) { return false; } } return true; }, 'num' => function($key, $value, $data, $args, &$returnValue, &$break, &$db) { if (!\Sr::arrayKeyExists($key, $data)) { return false; } $v = (array) $value; foreach ($v as $value) { $okay = !preg_match('/[^0-9]+/', $value); if (!$okay) { return false; } } return true; }, 'int' => function($key, $value, $data, $args, &$returnValue, &$break, &$db) { if (!\Sr::arrayKeyExists($key, $data)) { return false; } $v = (array) $value; foreach ($v as $value) { $okay = preg_match('/^([-+]?[1-9]\d*|0)$/', $value); if (!$okay) { return false; } } return true; }, 'float' => function($key, $value, $data, $args, &$returnValue, &$break, &$db) { if (!\Sr::arrayKeyExists($key, $data)) { return false; } $v = (array) $value; foreach ($v as $value) { $okay = preg_match('/^([1-9]\d*|0)\.\d+$/', $value); if (!$okay) { return false; } } return true; }, 'numeric' => function($key, $value, $data, $args, &$returnValue, &$break, &$db) { if (!\Sr::arrayKeyExists($key, $data)) { return false; } $v = (array) $value; foreach ($v as $value) { $okay = is_numeric($value); if (!$okay) { return false; } } return true; }, 'natural' => function($key, $value, $data, $args, &$returnValue, &$break, &$db) { if (!\Sr::arrayKeyExists($key, $data)) { return false; } $v = (array) $value; foreach ($v as $value) { $okay = preg_match('/^([1-9]\d*|0)$/', $value); if (!$okay) { return false; } } return true; }, 'natural_no_zero' => function($key, $value, $data, $args, &$returnValue, &$break, &$db) { if (!\Sr::arrayKeyExists($key, $data)) { return false; } $v = (array) $value; foreach ($v as $value) { $okay = preg_match('/^[1-9]\d*$/', $value); if (!$okay) { return false; } } return true; }, 'email' => function($key, $value, $data, $args, &$returnValue, &$break, &$db) { if (!\Sr::arrayKeyExists($key, $data)) { return false; } $args[0] = \Sr::arrayKeyExists(0, $args) && $args[0] == 'true' ? TRUE : false; $v = (array) $value; foreach ($v as $value) { $okay = !empty($value) ? preg_match('/^\w+([-+.]\w+)*@\w+([-.]\w+)*\.\w+([-.]\w+)*$/', $value) : $args[0]; if (!$okay) { return false; } } return true; }, 'url' => function($key, $value, $data, $args, &$returnValue, &$break, &$db) { if (!\Sr::arrayKeyExists($key, $data)) { return false; } $args[0] = \Sr::arrayKeyExists(0, $args) && $args[0] == 'true' ? TRUE : false; $v = (array) $value; foreach ($v as $value) { $okay = !empty($value) ? preg_match('/^http[s]?:\/\/[A-Za-z0-9]+\.[A-Za-z0-9]+[\/=\?%\-&_~`@[\]\':+!]*([^<>\"])*$/', $value) : $args[0]; if (!$okay) { return false; } } return true; }, 'qq' => function($key, $value, $data, $args, &$returnValue, &$break, &$db) { if (!\Sr::arrayKeyExists($key, $data)) { return false; } $args[0] = \Sr::arrayKeyExists(0, $args) && $args[0] == 'true' ? TRUE : false; $v = (array) $value; foreach ($v as $value) { $okay = !empty($value) ? preg_match('/^[1-9][0-9]{4,}$/', $value) : $args[0]; if (!$okay) { return false; } } return true; }, 'phone' => function($key, $value, $data, $args, &$returnValue, &$break, &$db) { if (!\Sr::arrayKeyExists($key, $data)) { return false; } $args[0] = \Sr::arrayKeyExists(0, $args) && $args[0] == 'true' ? TRUE : false; $v = (array) $value; foreach ($v as $value) { $okay = !empty($value) ? preg_match('/^(?:\d{3}-?\d{8}|\d{4}-?\d{7})$/', $value) : $args[0]; if (!$okay) { return false; } } return true; }, 'mobile' => function($key, $value, $data, $args, &$returnValue, &$break, &$db) { if (!\Sr::arrayKeyExists($key, $data)) { return false; } $args[0] = \Sr::arrayKeyExists(0, $args) && $args[0] == 'true' ? TRUE : false; $v = (array) $value; foreach ($v as $value) { $okay = !empty($value) ? preg_match('/^(((13[0-9]{1})|(15[0-9]{1})|(18[0-9]{1})|(14[0-9]{1}))+\d{8})$/', $value) : $args[0]; if (!$okay) { return false; } } return true; }, 'zipcode' => function($key, $value, $data, $args, &$returnValue, &$break, &$db) { if (!\Sr::arrayKeyExists($key, $data)) { return false; } $args[0] = \Sr::arrayKeyExists(0, $args) && $args[0] == 'true' ? TRUE : false; $v = (array) $value; foreach ($v as $value) { $okay = !empty($value) ? preg_match('/^[1-9]\d{5}(?!\d)$/', $value) : $args[0]; if (!$okay) { return false; } } return true; }, 'idcard' => function($key, $value, $data, $args, &$returnValue, &$break, &$db) { if (!\Sr::arrayKeyExists($key, $data)) { return false; } $args[0] = \Sr::arrayKeyExists(0, $args) && $args[0] == 'true' ? TRUE : false; $v = (array) $value; foreach ($v as $value) { $okay = !empty($value) ? preg_match('/^\d{14}(\d{4}|(\d{3}[xX])|\d{1})$/', $value) : $args[0]; if (!$okay) { return false; } } return true; }, 'ip' => function($key, $value, $data, $args, &$returnValue, &$break, &$db) { if (!\Sr::arrayKeyExists($key, $data)) { return false; } $args[0] = \Sr::arrayKeyExists(0, $args) && $args[0] == 'true' ? TRUE : false; $v = (array) $value; foreach ($v as $value) { $okay = !empty($value) ? preg_match('/^((25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|[01]?\d\d?)\.){3}(25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|[01]?\d\d?)$/', $value) : $args[0]; if (!$okay) { return false; } } return true; }, 'chs' => function($key, $value, $data, $args, &$returnValue, &$break, &$db) { if (!\Sr::arrayKeyExists($key, $data)) { return false; } $count = implode(',', array_slice($args, 1, 2)); $count = empty($count) ? '1,' : $count; $can_empty = \Sr::arrayKeyExists(0, $args) && $args[0] == 'true'; $v = (array) $value; foreach ($v as $value) { $okay = !empty($value) ? preg_match('/^[\x{4e00}-\x{9fa5}]{' . $count . '}$/u', $value) : $can_empty; if (!$okay) { return false; } } return true; }, 'date' => function($key, $value, $data, $args, &$returnValue, &$break, &$db) { if (!\Sr::arrayKeyExists($key, $data)) { return false; } $args[0] = \Sr::arrayKeyExists(0, $args) && $args[0] == 'true' ? TRUE : false; $v = (array) $value; foreach ($v as $value) { $okay = !empty($value) ? preg_match('/^[0-9]{4}-(((0[13578]|(10|12))-(0[1-9]|[1-2][0-9]|3[0-1]))|(02-(0[1-9]|[1-2][0-9]))|((0[469]|11)-(0[1-9]|[1-2][0-9]|30)))$/', $value) : $args[0]; if (!$okay) { return false; } } return true; }, 'time' => function($key, $value, $data, $args, &$returnValue, &$break, &$db) { if (!\Sr::arrayKeyExists($key, $data)) { return false; } $args[0] = \Sr::arrayKeyExists(0, $args) && $args[0] == 'true' ? TRUE : false; $v = (array) $value; foreach ($v as $value) { $okay = !empty($value) ? preg_match('/^(([0-1][0-9])|([2][0-3])):([0-5][0-9])(:([0-5][0-9]))$/', $value) : $args[0]; if (!$okay) { return false; } } return true; }, 'datetime' => function($key, $value, $data, $args, &$returnValue, &$break, &$db) { if (!\Sr::arrayKeyExists($key, $data)) { return false; } $args[0] = \Sr::arrayKeyExists(0, $args) && $args[0] == 'true' ? TRUE : false; $v = (array) $value; foreach ($v as $value) { $okay = !empty($value) ? preg_match('/^[0-9]{4}-(((0[13578]|(10|12))-(0[1-9]|[1-2][0-9]|3[0-1]))|(02-(0[1-9]|[1-2][0-9]))|((0[469]|11)-(0[1-9]|[1-2][0-9]|30))) (([0-1][0-9])|([2][0-3])):([0-5][0-9])(:([0-5][0-9]))$/', $value) : $args[0]; if (!$okay) { return false; } } return true; }, 'reg' => function($key, $value, $data, $args, &$returnValue, &$break, &$db) { if (!\Sr::arrayKeyExists($key, $data)) { return false; } $v = (array) $value; foreach ($v as $value) { $okay = !empty($args[0]) ? preg_match($args[0], $value) : false; if (!$okay) { return false; } } return true; } ); $userRules = \Sr::config()->getDataCheckRules(); $checkRules = (is_array($userRules) && !empty($userRules)) ? array_merge($defaultRules, $userRules) : $defaultRules; } $getCheckRuleInfo = function($_rule) { $matches = array(); preg_match('|([^\[]+)(?:\[(.*)\](.?))?|', $_rule, $matches); $matches[1] = \Sr::arrayKeyExists(1, $matches) ? $matches[1] : ''; if ($matches[1] == 'reg') { $matches[3] = ''; $matches[2] = \Sr::arrayKeyExists(2, $matches) ? array($matches[2]) : array(); } else { $matches[3] = !empty($matches[3]) ? $matches[3] : ','; $matches[2] = \Sr::arrayKeyExists(2, $matches) ? explode($matches[3], $matches[2]) : array(); } return $matches; }; $returnData = $data; foreach ($rules as $key => $keyRules) { foreach ($keyRules as $rule => $message) { $matches = $getCheckRuleInfo($rule); $_v = self::arrayGet($returnData, $key); $_r = $matches[1]; $args = $matches[2]; if (!\Sr::arrayKeyExists($_r, $checkRules) || !is_callable($checkRules[$_r])) { throw new \Soter_Exception_500('error rule [ ' . $_r . ' ]'); } $ruleFunction = $checkRules[$_r]; $db = (is_object($db) && ($db instanceof Soter_Database_ActiveRecord) ) ? $db : \Sr::db(); $break = false; $returnValue = null; $isOkay = $ruleFunction($key, $_v, $data, $args, $returnValue, $break, $db); if (!$isOkay) { $errorMessage = $message; $errorKey = $key; return false; } if (!is_null($returnValue)) { $returnData[$key] = $returnValue; } if ($break) { break; } } } return true; } static function sessionStart() { if (!self::isCli()) { $started = false; if (version_compare(phpversion(), '5.4.0', '>=')) { $started = session_status() === PHP_SESSION_ACTIVE ? TRUE : FALSE; } else { $started = session_id() === '' ? FALSE : TRUE; } if (!$started && !headers_sent()) { @session_start(); } } } static function page($total, $page, $pagesize, $url, $order = array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6), $a_count = 10) { $a_num = $a_count; $first = '首页'; $last = '尾页'; $pre = '上页'; $next = '下页'; $a_num = $a_num % 2 == 0 ? $a_num + 1 : $a_num; $pages = ceil($total / $pagesize); $curpage = intval($page) ? intval($page) : 1; $curpage = $curpage > $pages || $curpage <= 0 ? 1 : $curpage; $body = '<span class="page_body">'; $prefix = ''; $subfix = ''; $start = $curpage - ($a_num - 1) / 2; $end = $curpage + ($a_num - 1) / 2; $start = $start <= 0 ? 1 : $start; $end = $end > $pages ? $pages : $end; if ($pages >= $a_num) { if ($curpage <= ($a_num - 1) / 2) { $end = $a_num; } if ($end - $curpage <= ($a_num - 1) / 2) { $start -= floor($a_num / 2) - ($end - $curpage); } } for ($i = $start; $i <= $end; $i++) { if ($i == $curpage) { $body .= '<a class="page_cur_page" href="javascript:void(0);"><b>' . $i . '</b></a>'; } else { $body .= '<a href="' . str_replace('{page}', $i, $url) . '">' . $i . '</a>'; } } $body .= '</span>'; $prefix = ($curpage == 1 ? '' : '<span class="page_bar_prefix"><a href="' . str_replace('{page}', 1, $url) . '">' . $first . '</a><a href="' . str_replace('{page}', $curpage - 1, $url) . '">' . $pre . '</a></span>'); $subfix = ($curpage == $pages ? '' : '<span class="page_bar_subfix"><a href="' . str_replace('{page}', $curpage + 1, $url) . '">' . $next . '</a><a href="' . str_replace('{page}', $pages, $url) . '">' . $last . '</a></span>'); $info = "<span class=\"page_cur\">第{$curpage}/{$pages}页</span>"; $id = "gsd09fhas9d" . rand(100000, 1000000); $go = '<script>function ekup(){if(event.keyCode==13){clkyup();}}function clkyup(){var num=document.getElementById(\'' . $id . '\').value;if(!/^\d+$/.test(num)||num<=0||num>' . $pages . '){alert(\'请输入正确页码!\');return;};location=\'' . addslashes($url) . '\'.replace(/\\{page\\}/,document.getElementById(\'' . $id . '\').value);}</script><span class="page_input_num"><input onkeyup="ekup()" type="text" id="' . $id . '" style="width:40px;vertical-align:text-baseline;padding:0 2px;font-size:10px;border:1px solid gray;"/></span><span class="page_btn_go" onclick="clkyup();" style="cursor:pointer;">转到</span>'; $total = "<span class=\"page_total\">共{$total}条</span>"; $pagination = array( $total, $info, $prefix, $body, $subfix, $go ); $output = array(); if (is_null($order)) { $order = array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6); } foreach ($order as $key) { if (\Sr::arrayKeyExists($key - 1, $pagination)) { $output[] = $pagination[$key - 1]; } } return $pages > 1 ? implode("", $output) : ''; } static function json() { $args = func_get_args(); $handle = \Sr::config()->getOutputJsonRender(); if (is_callable($handle)) { return call_user_func_array($handle, $args); } else { return ''; } } static function redirect($url, $msg = null, $time = 3, $view = null) { if (empty($msg) && empty($view)) { header('Location: ' . $url); } else { $time = intval($time) ? intval($time) : 3; header("refresh:{$time};url={$url}"); header("Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8"); if (empty($view)) { echo $msg; } else { self::view()->set(array('msg' => $msg, 'url' => $url, 'time' => $time))->load($view); } } exit(); } static function message($msg, $url = null, $time = 3, $view = null) { $time = intval($time) ? intval($time) : 3; if (!empty($url)) { header("refresh:{$time};url={$url}"); } header("Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8"); if (!empty($view)) { self::view()->set(array('msg' => $msg, 'url' => $url, 'time' => $time))->load($view); } else { echo $msg; } exit(); } public static function __callStatic($name, $arguments) { $methods = self::config()->getSrMethods(); if (empty($methods[$name])) { throw new \Soter_Exception_500($name . ' not found in ->setSrMethods() or it is empty'); } if (is_string($methods[$name])) { $className = $methods[$name] . '_' . self::arrayGet($arguments, 0); if ($className) { return \Sr::factory($className); } else { throw new \Soter_Exception_500($methods[$name] . '() need argument of class name '); } } elseif (is_callable($methods[$name])) { return call_user_func_array($methods[$name], $arguments); } else { throw new \Soter_Exception_500($name . ' unknown type of method [ ' . $name . ' ]'); } } static function arrayKeyExists($key, $array) { if (empty($array) || !is_array($array)) { return false; } $keys = explode('.', $key); while (count($keys) != 0) { if (empty($array) || !is_array($array)) { return false; } $key = array_shift($keys); if (!array_key_exists($key, $array)) { return false; } $array = $array[$key]; } return true; } private static function getEncryptKey($key, $attachKey) { $_key = $key ? $key : self::config()->getEncryptKey(); if (!$key && !$_key) { throw new \Soter_Exception_500('encrypt key can not empty or you can set it in index.php : ->setEncryptKey()'); } return substr(md5($_key . $attachKey), 0, 8); } static function encrypt($str, $key = '', $attachKey = '') { if (!$str) { return ''; } $str = $str . ''; $key = self::getEncryptKey($key, $attachKey); $block = mcrypt_get_block_size('des', 'ecb'); $pad = $block - (strlen($str) % $block); $str .= str_repeat(chr($pad), $pad); return bin2hex(mcrypt_encrypt(MCRYPT_DES, $key, $str, MCRYPT_MODE_ECB)); } static function decrypt($str, $key = '', $attachKey = '') { if (!$str) { return ''; } $str = $str . ''; $key = self::getEncryptKey($key, $attachKey); $str = @pack("H*", $str); if (!$str) { return ''; } $str = @mcrypt_decrypt(MCRYPT_DES, $key, $str, MCRYPT_MODE_ECB); $pad = ord($str[($len = strlen($str)) - 1]); return substr($str, 0, strlen($str) - $pad); } static function classIsExists($class) { if (class_exists($class, false)) { return true; } $classNamePath = str_replace('_', '/', $class); foreach (self::config()->getPackages() as $path) { if (file_exists($filePath = $path . self::config()->getClassesDirName() . '/' . $classNamePath . '.php')) { return true; } } return false; } static function isAjax() { return isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH']) && (strtolower($_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH']) == 'xmlhttprequest'); } public function getTempPath() { $path = ''; if (!function_exists('sys_get_temp_dir')) { if (!empty($_ENV['TMP'])) { $path = realpath($_ENV['TMP']); } elseif (!empty($_ENV['TMPDIR'])) { $path = realpath($_ENV['TMPDIR']); } elseif (!empty($_ENV['TEMP'])) { $path = realpath($_ENV['TEMP']); } else { $tempfile = tempnam(uniqid(rand(), TRUE), ''); if (file_exists($tempfile)) { unlink($tempfile); $path = realpath(dirname($tempfile)); } } } else { $path = sys_get_temp_dir(); } return $path ? $path . '/' : ''; } } class Soter_PDO extends PDO { protected $transactionCounter = 0; private $isLast; public function isInTransaction() { return !$this->isLast; } public function beginTransaction() { if (!$this->transactionCounter++) { return parent::beginTransaction(); } $this->exec('SAVEPOINT trans' . $this->transactionCounter); return $this->transactionCounter >= 0; } public function commit() { if (!--$this->transactionCounter) { $this->isLast = true; return parent::commit(); } $this->isLast = false; return $this->transactionCounter >= 0; } public function rollback() { if (--$this->transactionCounter) { $this->exec('ROLLBACK TO trans' . $this->transactionCounter + 1); return true; } return parent::rollback(); } } abstract class Soter_Database { private $driverType, $database, $tablePrefix, $pconnect, $debug, $charset, $collate, $tablePrefixSqlIdentifier, $slowQueryTime, $slowQueryHandle, $slowQueryDebug, $minIndexType, $indexDebug, $indexHandle, $masters, $slaves, $connectionMasters, $connectionSlaves, $versionThan56 = false, $_errorMsg, $_lastSql, $_lastPdoInstance, $_isInTransaction = false, $_config, $_lastInsertId = 0, $_cacheTime = 0, $_cacheKey, $_masterPdo = null, $_locked = false ; public function __construct(Array $config = array()) { $this->setConfig($config); } public function &getLastPdoInstance() { return $this->_lastPdoInstance; } public function lock() { $this->_locked = true; return $this; } public function unlock() { $this->_locked = false; return $this; } public function isLocked() { return $this->_locked; } public function lastId() { if (strtolower($this->getDriverType()) == 'sqlite') { return $this->_lastInsertBatchCount > 1 ? ($this->_lastInsertId - $this->_lastInsertBatchCount + 1) : $this->_lastInsertId; } else { return $this->_lastInsertId; } } public function error() { return $this->_errorMsg; } public function close() { $this->_masterPdo = null; $this->_lastPdoInstance = null; $this->connectionMasters = array(); $this->connectionSlaves = array(); return $this; } public function lastSql() { return $this->_lastSql; } public function getSlowQueryDebug() { return $this->slowQueryDebug; } public function getMinIndexType() { return $this->minIndexType; } public function getIndexDebug() { return $this->indexDebug; } public function setSlowQueryDebug($slowQueryDebug) { $this->slowQueryDebug = $slowQueryDebug; return $this; } public function setMinIndexType($minIndexType) { $this->minIndexType = $minIndexType; return $this; } public function setIndexDebug($indexDebug) { $this->indexDebug = $indexDebug; return $this; } public function getSlowQueryTime() { return $this->slowQueryTime; } public function &getSlowQueryHandle() { return $this->slowQueryHandle; } public function &getIndexHandle() { return $this->indexHandle; } public function setSlowQueryTime($slowQueryTime) { $this->slowQueryTime = $slowQueryTime; return $this; } public function setSlowQueryHandle(Soter_Database_SlowQuery_Handle $slowQueryHandle) { $this->slowQueryHandle = $slowQueryHandle; return $this; } public function setIndexHandle(Soter_Database_Index_Handle $indexHandle) { $this->indexHandle = $indexHandle; return $this; } public function getConfig() { return $this->_config; } public function setConfig(Array $config = array()) { foreach (($this->_config = array_merge($this->getDefaultConfig(), $config)) as $key => $value) { $this->{$key} = $value; } $this->connectionMasters = array(); $this->connectionSlaves = array(); $this->_errorMsg = ''; $this->_lastSql = ''; $this->_isInTransaction = false; $this->_lastInsertId = 0; $this->_lastPdoInstance = NULL; $this->_cacheKey = ''; $this->_cacheTime = 0; $this->_masterPdo = ''; $this->_locked = false; } public function getDriverType() { return $this->driverType; } public function getMasters() { return $this->masters; } public function getMaster($key) { return $this->masters[$key]; } public function getSlaves() { return $this->slaves; } public function getSlave($key) { return $this->slaves[$key]; } public function getDatabase() { return $this->database; } public function getTablePrefix() { return $this->tablePrefix; } public function getPconnect() { return $this->pconnect; } public function getDebug() { return $this->debug; } public function getCharset() { return $this->charset; } public function getCollate() { return $this->collate; } public function getTablePrefixSqlIdentifier() { return $this->tablePrefixSqlIdentifier; } public function setDriverType($driverType) { $this->driverType = $driverType; return $this; } public function setMasters($masters) { $this->masters = $masters; return $this; } public function setSlaves($slaves) { $this->slaves = $slaves; return $this; } public function setDatabase($database) { $this->database = $database; return $this; } public function setTablePrefix($tablePrefix) { $this->tablePrefix = $tablePrefix; return $this; } public function setPconnect($pconnect) { $this->pconnect = $pconnect; return $this; } public function setDebug($debug) { $this->debug = $debug; return $this; } public function setCharset($charset) { $this->charset = $charset; return $this; } public function setCollate($collate) { $this->collate = $collate; return $this; } public function setTablePrefixSqlIdentifier($tablePrefixSqlIdentifier) { $this->tablePrefixSqlIdentifier = $tablePrefixSqlIdentifier; return $this; } public static function getDefaultConfig() { return array( 'driverType' => 'mysql', 'debug' => true, 'pconnect' => false, 'charset' => 'utf8', 'collate' => 'utf8_general_ci', 'database' => '', 'tablePrefix' => '', 'tablePrefixSqlIdentifier' => '_prefix_', 'slowQueryDebug' => false, 'slowQueryTime' => 3000, 'slowQueryHandle' => null, 'indexDebug' => false, 'minIndexType' => 'ALL', 'indexHandle' => null, 'masters' => array( 'master01' => array( 'hostname' => '', 'port' => 3306, 'username' => 'root', 'password' => '', ) ), 'slaves' => array() ); } private function _isSqlite() { return strtolower($this->getDriverType()) == 'sqlite'; } private function _isMysql() { return strtolower($this->getDriverType()) == 'mysql'; } private function _init() { $info = array( 'master' => array( 'getMasters', 'connectionMasters', ), 'slave' => array( 'getSlaves', 'connectionSlaves', ), ); try { foreach ($info as $type => $group) { $configGroup = $this->{$group[0]}(); $connections = &$this->{$group[1]}; foreach ($configGroup as $key => $config) { if (!\Sr::arrayKeyExists($key, $connections)) { $options[\PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE] = \PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION; $options[\PDO::ATTR_PERSISTENT] = $this->getPconnect(); if ($this->_isMysql()) { $options[\PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_INIT_COMMAND] = 'SET NAMES ' . $this->getCharset() . ' COLLATE ' . $this->getCollate(); $options[\PDO::ATTR_EMULATE_PREPARES] = TRUE; $dsn = 'mysql:host=' . $config['hostname'] . ';port=' . $config['port'] . ';dbname=' . $this->getDatabase() . ';charset=' . $this->getCharset(); $connections[$key] = new \Soter_PDO($dsn, $config['username'], $config['password'], $options); $connections[$key]->exec('SET NAMES ' . $this->getCharset()); } elseif ($this->_isSqlite()) { if (!file_exists($this->getDatabase())) { throw new \Soter_Exception_Database('sqlite3 database file [' . \Sr::realPath($this->getDatabase()) . '] not found'); } $connections[$key] = new \Soter_PDO('sqlite:' . $this->getDatabase(), null, null, $options); } else { throw new \Soter_Exception_Database('unknown driverType [ ' . $this->getDriverType() . ' ]'); } } } } if (empty($this->connectionSlaves) && !empty($this->connectionMasters)) { $this->connectionSlaves[0] = $this->connectionMasters[array_rand($this->connectionMasters)]; } if (empty($this->_masterPdo) && !empty($this->connectionMasters)) { $this->_masterPdo = $this->connectionMasters[array_rand($this->connectionMasters)]; } return !(empty($this->connectionMasters) && empty($this->connectionSlaves)); } catch (Exception $e) { $this->_displayError($e); } } public function begin() { if (!$this->_init()) { return FALSE; } $this->_masterPdo->beginTransaction(); $this->_isInTransaction = TRUE; } public function commit() { if (!$this->_init()) { return FALSE; } $this->_masterPdo->commit(); $this->_isInTransaction = $this->_masterPdo->isInTransaction(); } public function rollback() { if (!$this->_init()) { return FALSE; } $this->_masterPdo->rollback(); } public function cache($cacheTime, $cacheKey = '') { $this->_cacheTime = (int) $cacheTime; $this->_cacheKey = $cacheKey; return $this; } private function _checkPrefixIdentifier($str) { $prefix = $this->getTablePrefix(); $identifier = $this->getTablePrefixSqlIdentifier(); return $identifier ? str_replace($identifier, $prefix, $str) : $str; } public function execute($sql = '', array $values = array()) { if (!$this->_init()) { return FALSE; } $startTime = \Sr::microtime(); $sql = $sql ? $this->_checkPrefixIdentifier($sql) : $this->getSql(); $this->_lastSql = $sql; $values = !empty($values) ? $values : $this->_getValues(); $cacheHandle = null; $cacheKey = ''; if ($this->_cacheTime) { $cacheKey = empty($this->_cacheKey) ? md5($sql . var_export($values, true)) : $this->_cacheKey; $cacheHandle = \Sr::config()->getCacheHandle(); if (empty($cacheHandle)) { throw new \Soter_Exception_500('no cache handle found , please set cache handle'); } $return = $cacheHandle->get($cacheKey); if (!is_null($return)) { $this->_cacheKey = ''; $this->_cacheTime = 0; $this->_reset(); return $return; } } $isWriteType = $this->_isWriteType($sql); $isWritetRowsType = $this->_isWriteRowsType($sql); $isWriteInsertType = $this->_isWriteInsertType($sql); $return = false; try { if ($this->_isInTransaction) { $pdo = &$this->_masterPdo; $this->_lastPdoInstance = &$pdo; if ($sth = $pdo->prepare($sql)) { if ($isWriteType) { $status = $sth->execute($values); $return = $isWritetRowsType ? $sth->rowCount() : $status; $this->_lastInsertId = $isWriteInsertType ? $pdo->lastInsertId() : 0; } else { $return = $sth->execute($values) ? $sth->fetchAll(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC) : array(); $return = new \Soter_Database_Resultset($return); } } else { $errorInfo = $pdo->errorInfo(); $this->_displayError($errorInfo[2], $errorInfo[1]); } } else { if ($this->isLocked()) { $pdo = &$this->_masterPdo; } else { if ($isWriteType) { $pdo = &$this->connectionMasters[array_rand($this->connectionMasters)]; } else { $pdo = &$this->connectionSlaves[array_rand($this->connectionSlaves)]; } } $this->_lastPdoInstance = &$pdo; if ($sth = $pdo->prepare($sql)) { if ($isWriteType) { $status = $sth->execute($values); $return = $isWritetRowsType ? $sth->rowCount() : $status; $this->_lastInsertId = $isWriteInsertType ? $pdo->lastInsertId() : 0; } else { $return = $sth->execute($values) ? $sth->fetchAll(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC) : array(); $return = new \Soter_Database_Resultset($return); } } else { $errorInfo = $pdo->errorInfo(); $this->_displayError($errorInfo[2], $errorInfo[1]); } } $usingTime = (\Sr::microtime() - $startTime) . ''; $explainRows = array(); if ($this->_isMysql() && ($this->slowQueryDebug || $this->indexDebug) && (($this->_isExplain56Type($sql) && $this->versionThan56) || ($this->_isExplainType($sql) && !$this->versionThan56))) { reset($this->connectionMasters); $sth = $this->connectionMasters[key($this->connectionMasters)]->prepare('EXPLAIN ' . $sql); $sth->execute($this->_getValues()); $explainRows = $sth->fetchAll(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); } if ($this->slowQueryDebug && ($usingTime >= $this->getSlowQueryTime())) { if ($this->slowQueryHandle instanceof Soter_Database_SlowQuery_Handle) { $this->slowQueryHandle->handle($sql, var_export($explainRows, true), $usingTime); } } if ($this->indexDebug && $this->indexHandle instanceof Soter_Database_Index_Handle) { $badIndex = false; if ($this->_isMysql()) { $order = array( 'system' => 1, 'const' => 2, 'eq_ref' => 3, 'ref' => 4, 'fulltext' => 5, 'ref_or_null' => 6, 'index_merge' => 7, 'unique_subquery' => 8, 'index_subquery' => 9, 'range' => 10, 'index' => 11, 'all' => 12, ); foreach ($explainRows as $row) { if (\Sr::arrayKeyExists(strtolower($row['type']), $order) && \Sr::arrayKeyExists(strtolower($this->getMinIndexType()), $order)) { $key = $order[strtolower($row['type'])]; $minKey = $order[strtolower($this->getMinIndexType())]; if ($key > $minKey) { if (stripos($row['Extra'], 'optimized') === false) { $badIndex = true; break; } } } } } elseif (strtolower($this->getDriverType()) == 'sqlite') { } if ($badIndex) { $this->indexHandle->handle($sql, var_export($explainRows, true), $usingTime); } } } catch (Exception $exc) { $this->_reset(); $this->_displayError($exc); } if ($this->_cacheTime) { $cacheHandle->set($cacheKey, $return, $this->_cacheTime); } $this->_cacheKey = ''; $this->_cacheTime = 0; $this->_reset(); return $return; } private function _isWriteType($sql) { if (!preg_match('/^\s*"?(SET|INSERT|UPDATE|DELETE|REPLACE|CREATE|DROP|TRUNCATE|LOAD DATA|COPY|ALTER|GRANT|REVOKE|LOCK|UNLOCK)\s+/i', $sql)) { return FALSE; } return TRUE; } private function _isWriteInsertType($sql) { if (!preg_match('/^\s*"?(INSERT|REPLACE)\s+/i', $sql)) { return FALSE; } return TRUE; } private function _isExplain56Type($sql) { if (!preg_match('/^\s*"?(SELECT|INSERT|UPDATE|DELETE|REPLACE)\s+/i', $sql)) { return FALSE; } return TRUE; } private function _isExplainType($sql) { if (!preg_match('/^\s*"?(SELECT)\s+/i', $sql)) { return FALSE; } return TRUE; } private function _isWriteRowsType($sql) { if (!preg_match('/^\s*"?(INSERT|UPDATE|DELETE|REPLACE)\s+/i', $sql)) { return FALSE; } return TRUE; } protected function _displayError($message, $code = 0) { $sql = $this->_lastSql ? ' , ' . "\n" . 'with query : ' . $this->_lastSql : ''; $group = "Database Group : [ " . $this->group . " ] , error : "; if ($message instanceof Exception) { $this->_errorMsg = $message->getMessage() . $sql; } else { $this->_errorMsg = $message . $sql; } if ($this->getDebug() || $this->_isInTransaction) { if ($message instanceof Exception) { throw new \Soter_Exception_Database($group . $this->_errorMsg, 500, 'Soter_Exception_Database', $message->getFile(), $message->getLine()); } else { throw new \Soter_Exception_Database($group . $message . $sql, $code); } } } public function getSqlValues() { return $this->_getValues(); } public abstract function getSql(); protected abstract function _getValues(); } class Soter_Database_ActiveRecord extends Soter_Database { private $arSelect , $arFrom , $arJoin , $arWhere , $arGroupby , $arHaving , $arLimit , $arOrderby , $arSet , $arUpdateBatch , $arInsert , $arInsertBatch , $_asTable , $_asColumn , $_values , $_sqlType , $_currentSql ; protected $_lastInsertBatchCount = 0 ; protected function _getValues() { return $this->_values; } public function __construct(Array $config = array()) { parent::__construct($config); $this->_reset(); } protected function _reset() { $this->arSelect = array(); $this->arFrom = array(); $this->arJoin = array(); $this->arWhere = array(); $this->arGroupby = array(); $this->arHaving = array(); $this->arOrderby = array(); $this->arLimit = ''; $this->arSet = array(); $this->arUpdateBatch = array(); $this->arInsert = array(); $this->arInsertBatch = array(); $this->_asTable = array(); $this->_asColumn = array(); $this->_values = array(); $this->_sqlType = 'select'; $this->_currentSql = ''; } public function select($select, $wrap = TRUE) { foreach (explode(',', $select) as $key) { $this->arSelect[] = array($key, $wrap); } return $this; } public function from($from, $as = '') { $this->arFrom = array($from, $as); if ($as) { $this->_asTable[$as] = 1; } return $this; } public function join($table, $on, $type = '') { $this->arJoin[] = array($table, $on, strtoupper($type)); return $this; } public function where($where, $leftWrap = 'AND', $rightWrap = '') { if (!empty($where) && is_array($where)) { $this->arWhere[] = array($where, $leftWrap, $rightWrap, count($this->arWhere)); } return $this; } public function groupBy($key) { $key = explode(',', $key); foreach ($key as $k) { $this->arGroupby[] = trim($k); } return $this; } public function having($having, $leftWrap = 'AND', $rightWrap = '') { $this->arHaving[] = array($having, $leftWrap, $rightWrap, count($this->arHaving)); return $this; } public function orderBy($key, $type = 'desc') { $this->arOrderby[$key] = $type; return $this; } public function limit($offset, $count) { $this->arLimit = "$offset , $count"; return $this; } public function insert($table, array $data) { $this->_sqlType = 'insert'; $this->arInsert = $data; $this->_lastInsertBatchCount = 0; $this->from($table); return $this; } public function replace($table, array $data) { $this->_sqlType = 'replace'; $this->arInsert = $data; $this->from($table); return $this; } private function _compileInsert() { $keys = array(); $values = array(); foreach ($this->arInsert as $key => $value) { $keys[] = $this->_protectIdentifier($key); $values[] = '?'; $this->_values[] = $value; } if (!empty($keys)) { return '(' . implode(',', $keys) . ') ' . "\n" . 'VALUES (' . implode(',', $values) . ')'; } return ''; } public function insertBatch($table, array $data) { $this->_sqlType = 'insertBatch'; $this->arInsertBatch = $data; $this->_lastInsertBatchCount = count($data); $this->from($table); return $this; } public function replaceBatch($table, array $data) { $this->_sqlType = 'replaceBatch'; $this->arInsertBatch = $data; $this->_lastInsertBatchCount = count($data); $this->from($table); return $this; } private function _compileInsertBatch() { $keys = array(); $values = array(); if (!empty($this->arInsertBatch[0])) { foreach ($this->arInsertBatch[0] as $key => $value) { $keys[] = $this->_protectIdentifier($key); } foreach ($this->arInsertBatch as $row) { $_values = array(); foreach ($row as $key => $value) { $_values[] = '?'; $this->_values[] = $value; } $values[] = '(' . implode(',', $_values) . ')'; } return '(' . implode(',', $keys) . ') ' . "\n VALUES " . implode(' , ', $values); } return ''; } public function delete($table, array $where = array()) { $this->from($table); $this->where($where); $this->_sqlType = 'delete'; return $this; } public function update($table, array $data = array(), array $where = array()) { $this->from($table); $this->where($where); foreach ($data as $key => $value) { if (is_bool($value)) { $this->set($key, (($value === FALSE) ? 0 : 1), true); } elseif (is_null($value)) { $this->set($key, 'NULL', false); } else { $this->set($key, $value, true); } } return $this; } public function updateBatch($table, array $values, $index) { $this->from($table); $this->_sqlType = 'updateBatch'; $this->arUpdateBatch = array($values, $index); if (!empty($values[0])) { foreach ($values as $val) { $ids[] = $val[$index]; } $this->where(array($index => $ids)); } return $this; } private function _compileUpdateBatch() { list($values, $index) = $this->arUpdateBatch; if (count($values) && \Sr::arrayKeyExists("0.$index", $values)) { $ids = array(); $final = array(); $_values = array(); foreach ($values as $key => $val) { $ids[] = $val[$index]; foreach (array_keys($val) as $field) { if ($field != $index) { if (is_array($val[$field])) { $_column = explode(' ', key($val[$field])); $column = $this->_protectIdentifier($_column[0]); $op = isset($_column[1]) ? $_column[1] : ''; $final[$field][] = 'WHEN ' . $this->_protectIdentifier($index) . ' = ? THEN ' . $column . ' ' . $op . ' ' . "?"; $_values[$field][] =$val[$index] ; $_values[$field][] = current($val[$field]); } else { $final[$field][] = 'WHEN ' . $this->_protectIdentifier($index) . ' = ? THEN ' . "?"; $_values[$field][] = $val[$index]; $_values[$field][] = $val[$field]; } } } } foreach ($_values as $field => $value) { if ($field == $index) { continue; } if (!empty($_values[$field]) && is_array($_values[$field])) { foreach ($value as $v) { $this->_values[] = $v; } } } $_values = null; $sql = ""; $cases = ''; foreach ($final as $k => $v) { $cases .= $this->_protectIdentifier($k) . ' = CASE ' . "\n"; foreach ($v as $row) { $cases .= $row . "\n"; } $cases .= 'ELSE ' . $this->_protectIdentifier($k) . ' END, '; } $sql .= substr($cases, 0, -2); return $sql; } return ''; } public function set($key, $value, $wrap = true) { $this->_sqlType = 'update'; $this->arSet[$key] = array($value, $wrap); return $this; } public function wrap($str) { $_key = explode('.', $str); if (count($_key) == 2) { return $this->_protectIdentifier($this->_checkPrefix($_key[0])) . '.' . $this->_protectIdentifier($_key[1]); } else { return $this->_protectIdentifier($_key[0]); } } public function getSql() { if ($this->_currentSql) { return $this->_currentSql; } switch ($this->_sqlType) { case 'select': $this->_currentSql = $this->_getSelectSql(); break; case 'update': $this->_currentSql = $this->_getUpdateSql(); break; case 'updateBatch': $this->_currentSql = $this->_getUpdateBatchSql(); break; case 'insert': $this->_currentSql = $this->_getInsertSql(); break; case 'insertBatch': $this->_currentSql = $this->_getInsertBatchSql(); break; case 'replace': $this->_currentSql = $this->_getReplaceSql(); break; case 'replaceBatch': $this->_currentSql = $this->_getReplaceBatchSql(); break; case 'delete': $this->_currentSql = $this->_getDeleteSql(); break; } return $this->_currentSql; } private function _getUpdateSql() { $sql[] = "\n" . 'UPDATE '; $sql[] = $this->_getFrom(); $sql[] = "\n" . 'SET'; $sql[] = $this->_compileSet(); $sql[] = $this->_getWhere(); $sql[] = $this->_getLimit(); return implode(' ', $sql); } private function _getUpdateBatchSql() { $sql[] = "\n" . 'UPDATE '; $sql[] = $this->_getFrom(); $sql[] = "\n" . 'SET'; $sql[] = $this->_compileUpdateBatch(); $sql[] = $this->_getWhere(); return implode(' ', $sql); } private function _getInsertSql() { $sql[] = "\n" . 'INSERT INTO '; $sql[] = $this->_getFrom(); $sql[] = $this->_compileInsert(); return implode(' ', $sql); } private function _getInsertBatchSql() { $sql[] = "\n" . 'INSERT INTO '; $sql[] = $this->_getFrom(); $sql[] = $this->_compileInsertBatch(); return implode(' ', $sql); } private function _getReplaceSql() { $sql[] = "\n" . 'REPLACE INTO '; $sql[] = $this->_getFrom(); $sql[] = $this->_compileInsert(); return implode(' ', $sql); } private function _getReplaceBatchSql() { $sql[] = "\n" . 'REPLACE INTO '; $sql[] = $this->_getFrom(); $sql[] = $this->_compileInsertBatch(); return implode(' ', $sql); } private function _getDeleteSql() { $sql[] = "\n" . 'DELETE FROM '; $sql[] = $this->_getFrom(); $sql[] = $this->_getWhere(); return implode(' ', $sql); } private function _getSelectSql() { $from = $this->_getFrom(); $where = $this->_getWhere(); $having = ''; foreach ($this->arHaving as $w) { $having .= call_user_func_array(array($this, '_compileWhere'), $w); } $having = trim($having); if ($having) { $having = "\n" . ' HAVING ' . $having; } $groupBy = trim($this->_compileGroupBy()); if ($groupBy) { $groupBy = "\n" . ' GROUP BY ' . $groupBy; } $orderBy = trim($this->_compileOrderBy()); if ($orderBy) { $orderBy = "\n" . ' ORDER BY ' . $orderBy; } $limit = $this->_getLimit(); $select = $this->_compileSelect(); $sql = "\n" . ' SELECT ' . $select . "\n" . ' FROM ' . $from . $where . $groupBy . $having . $orderBy . $limit ; return $sql; } private function _compileSet() { $set = array(); foreach ($this->arSet as $key => $value) { list($value, $wrap) = $value; if ($wrap) { $set[] = $this->_protectIdentifier($key) . ' = ' . '?'; $this->_values[] = $value; } else { $set[] = $this->_protectIdentifier($key) . ' = ' . $value; } } return implode(' , ', $set); } private function _compileGroupBy() { $groupBy = array(); foreach ($this->arGroupby as $key) { $_key = explode('.', $key); if (count($_key) == 2) { $groupBy[] = $this->_protectIdentifier($this->_checkPrefix($_key[0])) . '.' . $this->_protectIdentifier($_key[1]); } else { $groupBy[] = $this->_protectIdentifier($_key[0]); } } return implode(' , ', $groupBy); } private function _compileOrderBy() { $orderby = array(); foreach ($this->arOrderby as $key => $type) { $type = strtoupper($type); $_key = explode('.', $key); if (count($_key) == 2) { $orderby[] = $this->_protectIdentifier($this->_checkPrefix($_key[0])) . '.' . $this->_protectIdentifier($_key[1]) . ' ' . $type; } else { $orderby[] = $this->_protectIdentifier($_key[0]) . ' ' . $type; } } return implode(' , ', $orderby); } private function _compileWhere($where, $leftWrap = 'AND', $rightWrap = '', $index = -1) { $_where = array(); if ($index == 0) { $str = strtoupper(trim($leftWrap)); foreach (array('AND', 'OR') as $v) { if (stripos($str, $v) !== false) { $leftWrap = ''; break; } } } if (is_string($where)) { return ' ' . $leftWrap . ' ' . $where . $rightWrap . ' '; } foreach ($where as $key => $value) { $key = trim($key); $_key = explode(' ', $key, 2); $op = count($_key) == 2 ? $_key[1] : ''; $key = explode('.', $_key[0]); if (count($key) == 2) { $key = $this->_protectIdentifier($this->_checkPrefix($key[0])) . '.' . $this->_protectIdentifier($key[1]); } else { $key = $this->_protectIdentifier(current($key)); } if (is_array($value)) { $op = $op ? $op . ' IN ' : ' IN '; $op = strtoupper($op); $_where[] = $key . ' ' . $op . '(' . implode(',', array_fill(0, count($value), '?')) . ')'; foreach ($value as $v) { array_push($this->_values, $v); } } elseif (is_bool($value)) { $op = $op ? $op : '='; $op = strtoupper($op); $value = $value ? 1 : 0; $_where[] = $key . ' ' . $op . ' ? '; array_push($this->_values, $value); } elseif (is_null($value)) { $op = $op ? $op : 'IS'; $op = strtoupper($op); $_where[] = $key . ' ' . $op . ' NULL '; } else { $op = $op ? $op : '='; $op = strtoupper($op); $_where[] = $key . ' ' . $op . ' ? '; array_push($this->_values, $value); } } return ' ' . $leftWrap . ' ' . implode(' AND ', $_where) . $rightWrap . ' '; } private function _compileSelect() { $selects = $this->arSelect; if (empty($selects)) { $selects[] = array('*', true); } foreach ($selects as $key => $_value) { $protect = $_value[1]; $value = trim($_value[0]); if ($value != '*') { $_info = explode('.', $value); if (count($_info) == 2) { $_v = $this->_checkPrefix($_info[0]); $_info[0] = $protect ? $this->_protectIdentifier($_v) : $_v; $_info[1] = $protect ? $this->_protectIdentifier($_info[1]) : $_info[1]; $value = implode('.', $_info); } else { $value = $protect ? $this->_protectIdentifier($value) : $value; } } $selects[$key] = $value; } return implode(',', $selects); } private function _compileFrom($from, $as = '') { if ($as) { $this->_asTable[$as] = 1; $as = ' AS ' . $this->_protectIdentifier($as) . ' '; } return $this->_protectIdentifier($this->_checkPrefix($from)) . $as; } private function _compileJoin($table, $on, $type = '') { if (is_array($table)) { $this->_asTable[current($table)] = 1; $table = $this->_protectIdentifier($this->_checkPrefix(key($table))) . ' AS ' . $this->_protectIdentifier(current($table)) . ' '; } else { $table = $this->_protectIdentifier($this->_checkPrefix($table)); } list($left, $right) = explode('=', $on); $_left = explode('.', $left); $_right = explode('.', $right); if (count($_left) == 2) { $_left[0] = $this->_protectIdentifier($this->_checkPrefix($_left[0])); $_left[1] = $this->_protectIdentifier($_left[1]); $left = ' ' . implode('.', $_left) . ' '; } else { $left = $this->_protectIdentifier($left); } if (count($_right) == 2) { $_right[0] = $this->_protectIdentifier($this->_checkPrefix($_right[0])); $_right[1] = $this->_protectIdentifier($_right[1]); $right = ' ' . implode('.', $_right) . ' '; } else { $right = $this->_protectIdentifier($right); } $on = $left . ' = ' . $right; return ' ' . $type . ' JOIN ' . $table . ' ON ' . $on . ' '; } private function _checkPrefix($str) { if (stripos($str, '(') || stripos($str, ')') || trim($str) == '*') { return $str; } $prefix = $this->getTablePrefix(); if ($prefix && strpos($str, $prefix) === FALSE) { if (!\Sr::arrayKeyExists($str, $this->_asTable)) { return $prefix . $str; } } return $str; } private function _protectIdentifier($str) { if (stripos($str, '(') || stripos($str, ')') || trim($str) == '*') { return $str; } $_str = explode(' ', $str); if (count($_str) == 3 && strtolower($_str[1]) == 'as') { return "`{$_str[0]}` AS `{$_str[2]}`"; } else { return "`$str`"; } } private function _getFrom() { $table = ' ' . call_user_func_array(array($this, '_compileFrom'), $this->arFrom) . ' '; foreach ($this->arJoin as $join) { $table .= call_user_func_array(array($this, '_compileJoin'), $join); } return $table; } private function _getWhere() { $where = ''; $hasEmptyIn = false; foreach ($this->arWhere as $w) { foreach ($w[0] as $value) { if (is_array($value) && empty($value)) { $hasEmptyIn = true; break; } } if ($hasEmptyIn) { break; } $where .= call_user_func_array(array($this, '_compileWhere'), $w); } if ($hasEmptyIn) { return ' WHERE 0'; } $where = trim($where); if ($where) { $where = "\n" . ' WHERE ' . $where; } return $where; } private function _getLimit() { $limit = $this->arLimit; if ($limit) { $limit = "\n" . ' LIMIT ' . $limit; } return $limit; } public function __toString() { return $this->getSql(); } } class Soter_Database_Resultset { private $_resultSet = array(), $_rowsKey = '' ; public function __construct($resultSet) { $this->_resultSet = $resultSet; } public function total() { return count($this->_resultSet); } public function rows($isAssoc = true) { $key = $this->_rowsKey; $this->_rowsKey = ''; if ($key) { if ($isAssoc) { $rows = array(); foreach ($this->_resultSet as $row) { $rows[$row[$key]] = $row; } return $rows; } else { $rows = array(); foreach ($this->_resultSet as $row) { $rows[$row[$key]] = array_values($row); } return $rows; } } else { if ($isAssoc) { return $this->_resultSet; } else { $rows = array(); foreach ($this->_resultSet as $row) { $rows[] = array_values($row); } return $rows; } } } public function row($index = null, $isAssoc = true) { if (!is_null($index) && \Sr::arrayKeyExists($index, $this->_resultSet)) { return $isAssoc ? $this->_resultSet[$index] : array_values($this->_resultSet[$index]); } else { $row = current($this->_resultSet); return $isAssoc ? (is_array($row) ? $row : array()) : array_values($row); } } public function object($beanClassName, $index = null) { $beanDirName = \Sr::config()->getBeanDirName(); if (stripos($beanClassName, $beanDirName . '_') === false) { $beanClassName = $beanDirName . '_' . $beanClassName; } $object = new $beanClassName(); if (!($object instanceof Soter_Bean)) { throw new \Soter_Exception_500('error class [ ' . $beanClassName . ' ] , need instanceof Soter_Bean'); } $row = $this->row($index); foreach ($row as $key => $value) { $method = "set" . str_replace(' ', '', ucwords(str_replace('_', ' ', $key))) . ""; $object->{$method}($value); } return $object; } public function objects($beanClassName) { $rowsKey = $this->_rowsKey; $this->_rowsKey = ''; $beanDirName = \Sr::config()->getBeanDirName(); if (stripos($beanClassName, $beanDirName . '_') === false) { $beanClassName = $beanDirName . '_' . $beanClassName; } $object = new $beanClassName(); if (!($object instanceof Soter_Bean)) { throw new \Soter_Exception_500('error class [ ' . $beanClassName . ' ] , need instanceof Soter_Bean'); } $objects = array(); $rows = $this->rows(); foreach ($rows as $row) { $object = new $beanClassName(); foreach ($row as $key => $value) { $method = "set" . str_replace(' ', '', ucwords(str_replace('_', ' ', $key))); $object->{$method}($value); } if ($rowsKey) { $objects[$row[$rowsKey]] = $object; } else { $objects[] = $object; } } return $objects; } public function values($columnName) { $columns = array(); foreach ($this->_resultSet as $row) { if (\Sr::arrayKeyExists($columnName, $row)) { $columns[] = $row[$columnName]; } else { return array(); } } return $columns; } public function value($columnName, $default = null, $index = null) { $row = $this->row($index); return ($columnName && \Sr::arrayKeyExists($columnName, $row)) ? $row[$columnName] : $default; } public function key($columnName) { $this->_rowsKey = $columnName; return $this; } } interface Soter_Logger_Writer { public function write(Soter_Exception $exception); } interface Soter_Request { public function getPathInfo(); public function getQueryString(); } interface Soter_Uri_Rewriter { public function rewrite($uri); } interface Soter_Exception_Handle { public function handle(Soter_Exception $exception); } interface Soter_Maintain_Handle { public function handle(); } interface Soter_Database_SlowQuery_Handle { public function handle($sql, $explainString, $time); } interface Soter_Database_Index_Handle { public function handle($sql, $explainString, $time); } interface Soter_Cache { public function set($key, $value, $cacheTime = 0); public function get($key); public function delete($key); public function clean(); public function &instance($key = null, $isRead = true); public function reset(); } abstract class Soter_Controller { } abstract class Soter_Model { } abstract class Soter_Dao { private $db; public function __construct() { $this->db = \Sr::db(); } public function setDb(Soter_Database_ActiveRecord $db) { $this->db = $db; return $this; } public function &getDb() { return $this->db; } public abstract function getTable(); public abstract function getPrimaryKey(); public abstract function getColumns(); public function insert($data) { $num = $this->getDb()->insert($this->getTable(), $data)->execute(); return $num ? $this->getDb()->lastId() : 0; } public function insertBatch($rows) { $num = $this->getDb()->insertBatch($this->getTable(), $rows)->execute(); return $num ? $this->getDb()->lastId() : 0; } public function update($data, $where) { $where = is_array($where) ? $where : array($this->getPrimaryKey() => $where); return $this->getDb()->where($where)->update($this->getTable(), $data)->execute(); } public function updateBatch($data, $index) { return $this->getDb()->updateBatch($this->getTable(), $data, $index)->execute(); } public function find($values, $isRows = false, Array $orderBy = array()) { if (empty($values)) { return 0; } if (is_array($values)) { $is_asso = array_diff_assoc(array_keys($values), range(0, sizeof($values))) ? TRUE : FALSE; if ($is_asso) { $this->getDb()->where($values); } else { $this->getDb()->where(array($this->getPrimaryKey() => array_values($values))); } } else { $this->getDb()->where(array($this->getPrimaryKey() => $values)); } foreach ($orderBy as $k => $v) { $this->getDb()->orderBy($k, $v); } if (!$isRows) { $this->getDb()->limit(0, 1); } $rs = $this->getDb()->from($this->getTable())->execute(); if ($isRows) { return $rs->rows(); } else { return $rs->row(); } } public function findAll($where = null, Array $orderBy = array(), $limit = null, $fields = null) { if (!is_null($fields)) { $this->getDb()->select($fields); } if (!is_null($where)) { $this->getDb()->where($where); } foreach ($orderBy as $k => $v) { $this->getDb()->orderBy($k, $v); } if (!is_null($limit)) { $this->getDb()->limit(0, $limit); } return $this->getDb()->from($this->getTable())->execute()->rows(); } public function findCol($col, $where, $isRows = false, Array $orderBy = array()) { $row = $this->find($where, $isRows, $orderBy); if (!$isRows) { return isset($row[$col]) ? $row[$col] : null; } else { $vals = array(); foreach ($row as $v) { $vals[] = $v[$col]; } return $vals; } } public function delete($values, $cond = NULL) { if (!empty($values)) { $this->getDb()->where(array($this->getPrimaryKey() => is_array($values) ? array_values($values) : $values)); } if (!empty($cond)) { $this->getDb()->where($cond); } return $this->getDb()->delete($this->getTable())->execute(); } public function getPage($page, $pagesize, $url, $fields = '*', Array $where = null, Array $orderBy = array(), $pageBarOrder = array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6), $pageBarACount = 10) { $data = array(); if (is_array($where)) { $this->getDb()->where($where); } $total = $this->getDb()->select('count(*) as total') ->from($this->getTable()) ->execute() ->value('total'); if (is_array($where)) { $this->getDb()->where($where); } foreach ($orderBy as $k => $v) { $this->getDb()->orderBy($k, $v); } $data['items'] = $this->getDb() ->select($fields) ->limit(($page - 1) * $pagesize, $pagesize) ->from($this->getTable())->execute()->rows(); $data['page'] = \Sr::page($total, $page, $pagesize, $url, $pageBarOrder, $pageBarACount); return $data; } public function search($page, $pagesize, $url, $fields, $cond, Array $values = array(), $pageBarOrder = array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6), $pageBarACount = 10) { $data = array(); $table = $this->getDb()->getTablePrefix() . $this->getTable(); $rs = $this->getDb() ->execute('select count(*) as total from ' . $table . (strpos(trim($cond), 'order') === 0 ? ' ' : ' where ') . $cond, $values); $total = $rs->total() > 1 ? $rs->total() : $rs->value('total'); $data['items'] = $this->getDb() ->execute('select ' . $fields . ' from ' . $table . (strpos(trim($cond), 'order') === 0 ? ' ' : ' where ') . $cond . ' limit ' . (($page - 1) * $pagesize) . ',' . $pagesize, $values) ->rows(); $data['page'] = \Sr::page($total, $page, $pagesize, $url, $pageBarOrder, $pageBarACount); return $data; } } abstract class Soter_Business { } abstract class Soter_Bean { } abstract class Soter_Task { protected $debug = false, $debugError = false; public function __construct() { if (!\Sr::isCli()) { throw new \Soter_Exception_500('Task only in cli mode'); } if (!function_exists('shell_exec')) { throw new \Soter_Exception_500('Function [ shell_exec ] was disabled , run task must be enabled it .'); } } public function _execute(Soter_CliArgs $args) { $this->debug = $args->get('debug'); $this->debugError = $args->get('debug-error'); $startTime = \Sr::microtime(); $class = get_class($this); if ($this->debugError) { $_startTime = date('Y-m-d H:i:s.') . substr($startTime . '', strlen($startTime . '') - 3); $error = $this->execute($args); if ($error) { $this->_log('Task [ ' . $class . ' ] execute failed , started at [ ' . $_startTime . ' ], use time ' . (\Sr::microtime() - $startTime) . ' ms , exited with error : [ ' . $error . ' ]'); $this->_log('', false); } } else { $this->_log('Task [ ' . $class . ' ] start'); $this->execute($args); $this->_log('Task [ ' . $class . ' ] end , use time ' . (\Sr::microtime() - $startTime) . ' ms'); $this->_log('', false); } } public function _log($msg, $time = true) { if ($this->debug || $this->debugError) { $nowTime = '' . \Sr::microtime(); echo ($time ? date('[Y-m-d H:i:s.' . substr($nowTime, strlen($nowTime) - 3) . ']') . ' [PID:' . sprintf('%- 5d', getmypid()) . '] ' : '') . $msg . "\n"; } } public final function pidIsExists($pid) { if (PATH_SEPARATOR == ':') { return trim(shell_exec("ps ax | awk '{ print $1 }' | grep -e \"^{$pid}$\""), "\n") == $pid; } else { return preg_match("/\t?\s?$pid\t?\s?/", shell_exec('tasklist /NH /FI "PID eq ' . $pid . '"')); } } abstract function execute(Soter_CliArgs $args); } abstract class Soter_Task_Single extends Soter_Task { public function _execute(Soter_CliArgs $args) { $this->debug = $args->get('debug'); $class = get_class($this); $startTime = \Sr::microtime(); $this->_log('Single Task [ ' . $class . ' ] start'); $lockFilePath = $args->get('pid'); if (!$lockFilePath) { $tempDirPath = \Sr::config()->getStorageDirPath(); $key = md5(\Sr::config()->getApplicationDir() . \Sr::config()->getClassesDirName() . '/' . \Sr::config()->getTaskDirName() . '/' . str_replace('_', '/', get_class($this)) . '.php'); $lockFilePath = \Sr::realPath($tempDirPath) . '/' . $key . '.pid'; } if (file_exists($lockFilePath)) { $pid = file_get_contents($lockFilePath); if ($this->pidIsExists($pid)) { $this->_log('Single Task [ ' . $class . ' ] is running with pid ' . $pid . ' , now exiting...'); $this->_log('Single Task [ ' . $class . ' ] end , use time ' . (\Sr::microtime() - $startTime) . ' ms'); $this->_log('', false); return; } } if (file_put_contents($lockFilePath, getmypid()) === false) { throw new \Soter_Exception_500('can not create file : [ ' . $lockFilePath . ' ]'); } $this->_log('update pid file [ ' . $lockFilePath . ' ]'); $this->execute($args); @unlink($lockFilePath); $this->_log('clean pid file [ ' . $lockFilePath . ' ]'); $this->_log('Single Task [ ' . $class . ' ] end , use time ' . (\Sr::microtime() - $startTime) . ' ms'); $this->_log('', false); } } abstract class Soter_Task_Multiple extends Soter_Task { protected abstract function getMaxCount(); public function _execute(Soter_CliArgs $args) { $this->debug = $args->get('debug'); $class = get_class($this); $startTime = \Sr::microtime(); $this->_log('Multiple Task [ ' . $class . ' ] start'); $lockFilePath = $args->get('pid'); if (!$lockFilePath) { $tempDirPath = \Sr::config()->getStorageDirPath(); $key = md5(\Sr::config()->getApplicationDir() . \Sr::config()->getClassesDirName() . '/' . \Sr::config()->getTaskDirName() . '/' . str_replace('_', '/', get_class($this)) . '.php'); $lockFilePath = \Sr::realPath($tempDirPath) . '/' . $key . '.pid'; } $alivedPids = array(); if (file_exists($lockFilePath)) { $count = 0; $pids = explode("\n", file_get_contents($lockFilePath)); foreach ($pids as $pid) { if ($pid = (int) $pid) { if ($this->pidIsExists($pid)) { $alivedPids[] = $pid; if (++$count > $this->getMaxCount() - 1) { $this->_log('Multiple Task [ ' . $class . ' ] reach max count : ' . $this->getMaxCount() . ' , now exiting...'); $this->_log('Multiple Task [ ' . $class . ' ] end , use time ' . (\Sr::microtime() - $startTime) . ' ms'); $this->_log('', false); return; } } } } } $alivedPids[] = getmypid(); if (file_put_contents($lockFilePath, implode("\n", $alivedPids)) === false) { throw new \Soter_Exception_500('can not create file : [ ' . $lockFilePath . ' ]'); } $this->_log('update pid file [ ' . $lockFilePath . ' ]'); $this->execute($args); $this->_log('clean pid file [ ' . $lockFilePath . ' ]'); $this->_log('Multiple Task [ ' . $class . ' ] end , use time ' . (\Sr::microtime() - $startTime) . ' ms'); $this->_log('', false); } } abstract class Soter_Router { protected $route; public function __construct() { $this->route = new \Soter_Route(); } public abstract function find(); public function &route() { return $this->route; } } abstract class Soter_Exception extends Exception { protected $errorMessage, $errorCode, $errorFile, $errorLine, $errorType, $trace, $httpStatusLine = 'HTTP/1.0 500 Internal Server Error', $exceptionName = 'Soter_Exception'; public function __construct($errorMessage = '', $errorCode = 0, $errorType = 'Exception', $errorFile = '', $errorLine = '0') { parent::__construct($errorMessage, $errorCode); $this->errorMessage = $errorMessage; $this->errorCode = $errorCode; $this->errorType = $errorType; $this->errorFile = \Sr::realPath($errorFile); $this->errorLine = $errorLine; $this->trace = debug_backtrace(false); } public function errorType2string($errorType) { $value = $errorType; $levelNames = array( E_ERROR => 'ERROR', E_WARNING => 'WARNING', E_PARSE => 'PARSE', E_NOTICE => 'NOTICE', E_CORE_ERROR => 'CORE_ERROR', E_CORE_WARNING => 'CORE_WARNING', E_COMPILE_ERROR => 'COMPILE_ERROR', E_COMPILE_WARNING => 'COMPILE_WARNING', E_USER_ERROR => 'USER_ERROR', E_USER_WARNING => 'USER_WARNING', E_USER_NOTICE => 'USER_NOTICE'); if (defined('E_STRICT')) { $levelNames[E_STRICT] = 'STRICT'; } if (defined('E_DEPRECATED')) { $levelNames[E_DEPRECATED] = 'DEPRECATED'; } if (defined('E_USER_DEPRECATED')) { $levelNames[E_USER_DEPRECATED] = 'USER_DEPRECATED'; } if (defined('E_RECOVERABLE_ERROR')) { $levelNames[E_RECOVERABLE_ERROR] = 'RECOVERABLE_ERROR'; } $levels = array(); if (($value & E_ALL) == E_ALL) { $levels[] = 'E_ALL'; $value&=~E_ALL; } foreach ($levelNames as $level => $name) { if (($value & $level) == $level) { $levels[] = $name; } } if (empty($levelNames[$this->errorCode])) { return $this->errorType ? $this->errorType : 'General Error'; } return implode(' | ', $levels); } public function getErrorMessage() { return $this->errorMessage ? $this->errorMessage : $this->getMessage(); } public function getErrorCode() { return $this->errorCode ? $this->errorCode : $this->getCode(); } public function getEnvironment() { return \Sr::config()->getEnvironment(); } public function getErrorFile($safePath = FALSE) { $file = $this->errorFile ? $this->errorFile : $this->getFile(); return $safePath ? \Sr::safePath($file) : $file; } public function getErrorLine() { return $this->errorLine ? $this->errorLine : ( $this->errorFile ? $this->errorLine : $this->getLine()); } public function getErrorType() { return $this->errorType2string($this->errorCode); } public function render($isJson = FALSE, $return = FALSE) { if ($isJson) { $string = $this->renderJson(); } elseif (\Sr::isCli()) { $string = $this->renderCli(); } else { $string = str_replace('</body>', $this->getTraceString(FALSE) . '</body>', $this->renderHtml()); } if ($return) { return $string; } else { echo $string; } } public function getTraceCliString() { return $this->getTraceString(TRUE); } public function getTraceHtmlString() { return $this->getTraceString(FALSE); } private function getTraceString($isCli) { $trace = array_reverse($this->trace); $str = $isCli ? "[ Debug Backtrace ]\n" : '<div style="padding:10px;">[ Debug Backtrace ]<br/>'; if (empty($trace)) { return ''; } $i = 1; foreach ($trace as $e) { $file = \Sr::safePath(Sr::arrayGet($e, 'file')); $line = \Sr::arrayGet($e, 'line'); $func = (!empty($e['class']) ? "{$e['class']}{$e['type']}{$e['function']}()" : "{$e['function']}()"); $str.="&rarr; " . ($i++) . ".{$func} " . ($line ? "[ line:{$line} {$file} ]" : '') . ($isCli ? "\n" : '<br/>'); } $str.=$isCli ? "\n" : '</div>'; return $str; } public function renderCli() { return "$this->exceptionName [ " . $this->getErrorType() . " ]\n" . "Environment: " . $this->getEnvironment() . "\n" . "Line: " . $this->getErrorLine() . ". " . $this->getErrorFile() . "\n" . "Message: " . $this->getErrorMessage() . "\n" . "Time: " . date('Y/m/d H:i:s T') . "\n"; } public function renderHtml() { return '<body style="padding:0;margin:0;background:black;color:whitesmoke;">' . '<div style="padding:10px;background:red;font-size:18px;">' . $this->exceptionName . ' [ ' . $this->getErrorType() . ' ] </div>' . '<div style="padding:10px;background:black;font-size:14px;color:yellow;line-height:1.5em;">' . '<font color="whitesmoke">Environment: </font>' . $this->getEnvironment() . '<br/>' . '<font color="whitesmoke">Line: </font>' . $this->getErrorLine() . ' [ ' . $this->getErrorFile(TRUE) . ' ]<br/>' . '<font color="whitesmoke">Message: </font>' . htmlspecialchars($this->getErrorMessage()) . '</br>' . '<font color="whitesmoke">Time: </font>' . date('Y/m/d H:i:s T') . '</div>' . '</body>'; } public function renderJson() { $render = \Soter::getConfig()->getExceptionJsonRender(); if (is_callable($render)) { return $render($this); } return ''; } public function setHttpHeader() { if (!\Sr::isCli()) { header($this->httpStatusLine); } return $this; } public function __toString() { return $this->render(FALSE, TRUE); } } abstract class Soter_Session { protected $config; public function __construct($configFileName) { if (is_array($configFileName)) { $this->config = $configFileName; } else { $this->config = \Sr::config($configFileName); } } public abstract function init(); } class Soter_Exception_404 extends Soter_Exception { protected $exceptionName = 'Soter_Exception_404', $httpStatusLine = 'HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found'; } class Soter_Exception_500 extends Soter_Exception { protected $exceptionName = 'Soter_Exception_500', $httpStatusLine = 'HTTP/1.0 500 Internal Server Error'; } class Soter_Exception_Database extends Soter_Exception { protected $exceptionName = 'Soter_Exception_Database', $httpStatusLine = 'HTTP/1.0 500 Internal Server Error'; } class Soter_Request_Default implements Soter_Request { private $pathInfo, $queryString; public function __construct() { $this->pathInfo = \Sr::arrayGet($_SERVER, 'PATH_INFO', \Sr::arrayGet($_SERVER, 'REDIRECT_PATH_INFO')); $this->queryString = \Sr::arrayGet($_SERVER, 'QUERY_STRING', ''); } public function getPathInfo() { return $this->pathInfo; } public function getQueryString() { return $this->queryString; } public function setPathInfo($pathInfo) { $this->pathInfo = $pathInfo; return $this; } public function setQueryString($queryString) { $this->queryString = $queryString; return $this; } } class Soter_View { private static $vars = array(); public function add($key, $value = array()) { if (is_array($key)) { foreach ($key as $k => $v) { if (!\Sr::arrayKeyExists($k, self::$vars)) { self::$vars[$k] = $v; } } } else { if (!\Sr::arrayKeyExists($key, self::$vars)) { self::$vars[$key] = $value; } } return $this; } public function set($key, $value = array()) { if (is_array($key)) { foreach ($key as $k => $v) { self::$vars[$k] = $v; } } else { self::$vars[$key] = $value; } return $this; } private function _load($path, $data = array(), $return = false) { if (!file_exists($path)) { throw new \Soter_Exception_500('view file : [ ' . $path . ' ] not found'); } $data = array_merge(self::$vars, $data); if (!empty($data)) { extract($data); } if ($return) { @ob_start(); include $path; $html = ob_get_contents(); @ob_end_clean(); return $html; } else { include $path; return; } } public function load($viewName, $data = array(), $return = false) { $config = \Sr::config(); $path = $config->getApplicationDir() . $config->getViewsDirName() . '/' . $viewName . '.php'; $hmvcModules = $config->getHmvcModules(); $hmvcDirName = \Sr::arrayGet($hmvcModules, $config->getRoute()->getHmvcModuleName(), ''); if ($hmvcDirName) { $hmvcPath = \Sr::realPath($config->getPrimaryApplicationDir() . $config->getHmvcDirName() . '/' . $hmvcDirName); $trace = debug_backtrace(); $calledIsInHmvc = false; $appPath = \Sr::realPath($config->getApplicationDir()); foreach ($trace as $t) { $filepath = \Sr::arrayGet($t, 'file', ''); if (!empty($filepath)) { $filepath = \Sr::realPath($filepath); $checkList = array('load', 'runWeb', 'message', 'redirect'); $function = \Sr::arrayGet($t, 'function', ''); if ($filepath && in_array($function, $checkList) && strpos($filepath, $appPath) === 0 && strpos($filepath, $hmvcPath) === 0) { $calledIsInHmvc = true; break; } elseif (!in_array($function, $checkList)) { break; } } } if (!$calledIsInHmvc) { $path = $config->getPrimaryApplicationDir() . $config->getViewsDirName() . '/' . $viewName . '.php'; } } return $this->_load($path, $data, $return); } public function loadParent($viewName, $data = array(), $return = false) { $config = \Sr::config(); $path = $config->getPrimaryApplicationDir() . $config->getViewsDirName() . '/' . $viewName . '.php'; return $this->_load($path, $data, $return); } } class Soter_CliArgs { private $args; public function __construct() { $this->args = \Sr::getOpt(); } public function get($key = null, $default = null) { if (empty($key)) { return $this->args; } return \Sr::arrayGet($this->args, $key, $default); } } class Soter_Route { private $found = false; private $controller, $method, $args, $hmvcModuleName; public function getHmvcModuleName() { return $this->hmvcModuleName; } public function setHmvcModuleName($hmvcModuleName) { $this->hmvcModuleName = $hmvcModuleName; return $this; } public function found() { return $this->found; } public function setFound($found) { $this->found = $found; return $this; } public function getController() { return $this->controller; } public function getMethod() { return $this->method; } public function getControllerShort() { return preg_replace('/^' . \Sr::config()->getControllerDirName() . '_/', '', $this->getController()); } public function getMethodShort() { return preg_replace('/^' . \Sr::config()->getMethodPrefix() . '/', '', $this->getMethod()); } public function getArgs() { return $this->args; } public function __construct() { $this->args = array(); } public function setController($controller) { $this->controller = $controller; return $this; } public function setMethod($method) { $this->method = $method; return $this; } public function setArgs(array $args) { $this->args = $args; return $this; } } class Soter_Router_Get_Default extends Soter_Router { public function find() { $config = \Sr::config(); $query = $config->getRequest()->getQueryString(); if ($config->getRequest()->getPathInfo() || !$query) { return $this->route->setFound(FALSE); } parse_str($query, $get); $controllerName = \Sr::arrayGet($get, $config->getRouterUrlControllerKey(), ''); $methodName = \Sr::arrayGet($get, $config->getRouterUrlMethodKey(), ''); $hmvcModule = \Sr::arrayGet($get, $config->getRouterUrlModuleKey(), ''); $_hmvcModule = $config->getCurrentDomainHmvcModuleNname(); if (!$_hmvcModule) { if ($config->hmvcIsDomainOnly($hmvcModule)) { $hmvcModule = ''; } } else { $hmvcModule = $_hmvcModule; } $hmvcModuleDirName = \Soter::checkHmvc($hmvcModule, false); if ($controllerName) { $controllerName = $config->getControllerDirName() . '_' . $controllerName; } if ($methodName) { $methodName = $config->getMethodPrefix() . $methodName; } return $this->route->setHmvcModuleName($hmvcModuleDirName ? $hmvcModule : '') ->setController($controllerName) ->setMethod($methodName) ->setFound($hmvcModuleDirName || $controllerName); } } class Soter_Router_PathInfo_Default extends Soter_Router { public function find() { $config = \Soter::getConfig(); $uri = $config->getRequest()->getPathInfo(); $uri = trim($uri, '/'); if (empty($uri)) { return $this->route->setFound(FALSE); } else { if ($uriRewriter = $config->getUriRewriter()) { $uri = $uriRewriter->rewrite($uri); } } $_info = explode('/', $uri); $hmvcModule = current($_info); $_hmvcModule = $config->getCurrentDomainHmvcModuleNname(); if (!$_hmvcModule) { if ($config->hmvcIsDomainOnly($hmvcModule)) { $hmvcModule = ''; } } else { $hmvcModule = $_hmvcModule; } $hmvcModuleDirName = \Soter::checkHmvc($hmvcModule, FALSE); if (!$_hmvcModule && $hmvcModuleDirName && !$config->hmvcIsDomainOnly($hmvcModule)) { $uri = ltrim(substr($uri, strlen($hmvcModule)), '/'); } $controller = $config->getDefaultController(); $method = $config->getDefaultMethod(); $subfix = $config->getMethodUriSubfix(); if ($uri) { $methodPathArr = explode($subfix, $uri); if (\Sr::strEndsWith($uri, $subfix)) { if (stripos($methodPathArr[0], '/') !== false) { $controller = str_replace('/', '_', dirname($uri)); $method = basename($methodPathArr[0]); } else { $method = basename($methodPathArr[0]); } } else { $controller = str_replace('/', '_', $uri); } } $controller = $config->getControllerDirName() . '_' . $controller; $methodAndParameters = explode($config->getMethodParametersDelimiter(), $method); $method = $config->getMethodPrefix() . current($methodAndParameters); array_shift($methodAndParameters); $parameters = $methodAndParameters; return $this->route ->setHmvcModuleName($hmvcModuleDirName ? $hmvcModule : '') ->setController($controller) ->setMethod($method) ->setArgs($parameters) ->setFound(TRUE); } } class Soter_Config { private $applicationDir = '', $primaryApplicationDir = '', $indexDir = '', $indexName = '', $classesDirName = 'classes', $hmvcDirName = 'hmvc', $libraryDirName = 'library', $functionsDirName = 'functions', $storageDirPath = '', $viewsDirName = 'views', $configDirName = 'config', $controllerDirName = 'Controller', $businessDirName = 'Business', $daoDirName = 'Dao', $beanDirName = 'Bean', $modelDirName = 'Model', $taskDirName = 'Task', $defaultController = 'Welcome', $defaultMethod = 'index', $methodPrefix = 'do_', $methodUriSubfix = '.do', $routerUrlModuleKey = 'm', $routerUrlControllerKey = 'c', $routerUrlMethodKey = 'a', $methodParametersDelimiter = '-', $logsSubDirNameFormat = 'Y-m-d/H', $cookiePrefix = '', $backendServerIpWhitelist = array(), $isRewrite = FALSE, $request, $showError = true, $routersContainer = array(), $packageMasterContainer = array(), $packageContainer = array(), $loggerWriterContainer = array(), $uriRewriter, $exceptionHandle, $route, $environment = 'development', $hmvcModules = array(), $isMaintainMode = false, $maintainIpWhitelist = array(), $maintainModeHandle, $databseConfig, $cacheHandles = array(), $cacheConfig, $sessionConfig, $sessionHandle, $methodCacheConfig, $dataCheckRules, $outputJsonRender, $exceptionJsonRender, $srMethods = array(), $encryptKey, $hmvcDomains = array(), $errorMemoryReserveSize = 512000 ; public function find($filename) { foreach ($this->getPackages() as $packagePath) { $path = $packagePath . $this->getConfigDirName() . '/'; $filePath = $path . $this->getEnvironment() . '/' . $filename . '.php'; $fileDefaultPath = $path . 'default/' . $filename . '.php'; if (file_exists($filePath)) { return $filePath; } elseif (file_exists($fileDefaultPath)) { return $fileDefaultPath; } } return ""; } public function getExceptionMemoryReserveSize() { return $this->errorMemoryReserveSize; } public function setExceptionMemoryReserveSize($exceptionMemoryReserveSize) { $this->errorMemoryReserveSize = $exceptionMemoryReserveSize; return $this; } public function setExceptionControl($isExceptionControl) { if ($isExceptionControl && !\Sr::isPluginMode()) { \Soter_Logger_Writer_Dispatcher::initialize(); } return $this; } public function getStorageDirPath() { return empty($this->storageDirPath) ? $this->getPrimaryApplicationDir() . 'storage/' : $this->storageDirPath; } public function setStorageDirPath($storageDirPath) { $this->storageDirPath = \Sr::realPath($storageDirPath, true); return $this; } public function getCurrentDomainHmvcModuleNname() { if (!$this->hmvcDomains['enable']) { return false; } $_domain = \Sr::server('http_host'); $domain = explode('.', $_domain); $length = count($domain); $topDomain = ''; if ($length >= 2) { $topDomain = $domain[$length - 2] . '.' . $domain[$length - 1]; } foreach ($this->hmvcDomains['domains'] as $prefix => $hvmc) { if (($hvmc['isFullDomain'] ? $prefix : ($prefix . '.' . $topDomain)) == $_domain) { return $hvmc['enable'] ? $hvmc['hmvcModuleName'] : false; } } return ''; } public function hmvcIsDomainOnly($hmvcModuleName) { if (!$hmvcModuleName || !$this->hmvcDomains['enable']) { return false; } foreach ($this->hmvcDomains['domains'] as $hvmc) { if ($hmvcModuleName == $hvmc['hmvcModuleName'] && $hvmc['enable']) { return $hvmc['domainOnly']; } } return false; } public function setHmvcDomains(Array $hmvcDomains) { $this->hmvcDomains = $hmvcDomains; return $this; } public function getEncryptKey() { $key = $this->getEnvironment(); if (isset($this->encryptKey[$key])) { return $this->encryptKey[$key]; } elseif (isset($this->encryptKey['default'])) { return $this->encryptKey['default']; } return ''; } public function setEncryptKey($encryptKey) { if (is_array($encryptKey)) { $this->encryptKey = $encryptKey; } else { $this->encryptKey = array( 'default' => $encryptKey, ); } return $this; } public function getSrMethods() { return $this->srMethods; } public function setSrMethods(array $srMethods) { $this->srMethods = $srMethods; return $this; } public function getExceptionJsonRender() { return $this->exceptionJsonRender; } public function setExceptionJsonRender($exceptionJsonRender) { $this->exceptionJsonRender = $exceptionJsonRender; return $this; } public function getOutputJsonRender() { return $this->outputJsonRender; } public function setOutputJsonRender($outputJsonHandle) { $this->outputJsonRender = $outputJsonHandle; return $this; } public function getDataCheckRules() { return $this->dataCheckRules; } public function setDataCheckRules($dataCheckRules) { $this->dataCheckRules = is_array($dataCheckRules) ? $dataCheckRules : \Sr::config($dataCheckRules, false); return $this; } public function getMethodCacheConfig() { return $this->methodCacheConfig; } public function setMethodCacheConfig($methodCacheConfig) { $this->methodCacheConfig = is_array($methodCacheConfig) ? $methodCacheConfig : \Sr::config($methodCacheConfig, false); return $this; } public function getViewsDirName() { return $this->viewsDirName; } public function setViewsDirName($viewsDirName) { $this->viewsDirName = $viewsDirName; return $this; } public function getCacheHandle($key = '') { if (empty($this->cacheConfig)) { $this->cacheConfig = array( 'default_type' => 'file', 'drivers' => array( 'file' => array( 'class' => 'Soter_Cache_File', 'config' => \Sr::config()->getStorageDirPath() . 'cache/' ), ) ); } if (is_array($key)) { $className = $key['class']; $config = $key['config']; return is_null($config) ? new $className() : new $className($config); } else { $key = $key ? $key : $this->cacheConfig['default_type']; if (!\Sr::arrayKeyExists("drivers.$key", $this->cacheConfig)) { throw new \Soter_Exception_500('unknown cache type [ ' . $key . ' ]'); } $config = $this->cacheConfig['drivers'][$key]['config']; $className = $this->cacheConfig['drivers'][$key]['class']; if (!\Sr::arrayKeyExists($key, $this->cacheHandles)) { $this->cacheHandles[$key] = is_null($config) ? new $className() : new $className($config); } return $this->cacheHandles[$key]; } } public function getCacheConfig() { return $this->cacheConfig; } public function setCacheConfig($cacheConfig) { $this->cacheHandles = array(); if (is_string($cacheConfig)) { $this->cacheConfig = \Sr::config($cacheConfig, false); } elseif (is_array($cacheConfig)) { $this->cacheConfig = $cacheConfig; } else { throw new \Soter_Exception_500('unknown type of cache configure , it should be a string or an array .'); } return $this; } public function getSessionHandle() { return $this->sessionHandle; } public function setSessionHandle($sessionHandle) { if ($sessionHandle instanceof Soter_Session) { $this->sessionHandle = $sessionHandle; } else { $this->sessionHandle = \Sr::config($sessionHandle, false); } return $this; } public function getSessionConfig() { if (empty($this->sessionConfig)) { $this->sessionConfig = array( 'autostart' => false, 'cookie_path' => '/', 'cookie_domain' => \Sr::server('HTTP_HOST'), 'session_name' => 'SOTER', 'lifetime' => 3600, ); } return $this->sessionConfig; } public function setSessionConfig($sessionConfig) { if (is_array($sessionConfig)) { $this->sessionConfig = $sessionConfig; } else { $this->sessionConfig = \Sr::config($sessionConfig, false); } return $this; } public function getDatabseConfig($group = null) { if (empty($group)) { return $this->databseConfig; } else { return \Sr::arrayKeyExists($group, $this->databseConfig) ? $this->databseConfig[$group] : array(); } } public function setDatabseConfig($databseConfig) { \Sr::clearDbInstances(); $this->databseConfig = is_array($databseConfig) ? $databseConfig : \Sr::config($databseConfig, false); return $this; } public function getIsMaintainMode() { return $this->isMaintainMode; } public function getMaintainModeHandle() { return $this->maintainModeHandle; } public function setIsMaintainMode($isMaintainMode) { $this->isMaintainMode = $isMaintainMode; return $this; } public function setMaintainModeHandle(Soter_Maintain_Handle $maintainModeHandle) { $this->maintainModeHandle = $maintainModeHandle; return $this; } public function getMaintainIpWhitelist() { return $this->maintainIpWhitelist; } public function setMaintainIpWhitelist($maintainIpWhitelist) { $this->maintainIpWhitelist = $maintainIpWhitelist; return $this; } public function getMethodParametersDelimiter() { return $this->methodParametersDelimiter; } public function setMethodParametersDelimiter($methodParametersDelimiter) { $this->methodParametersDelimiter = $methodParametersDelimiter; return $this; } public function getRouterUrlModuleKey() { return $this->routerUrlModuleKey; } public function getRouterUrlControllerKey() { return $this->routerUrlControllerKey; } public function getRouterUrlMethodKey() { return $this->routerUrlMethodKey; } public function setRouterUrlModuleKey($routerUrlModuleKey) { $this->routerUrlModuleKey = $routerUrlModuleKey; return $this; } public function setRouterUrlControllerKey($routerUrlControllerKey) { $this->routerUrlControllerKey = $routerUrlControllerKey; return $this; } public function setRouterUrlMethodKey($routerUrlMethodKey) { $this->routerUrlMethodKey = $routerUrlMethodKey; return $this; } public function getUriRewriter() { return $this->uriRewriter; } public function setUriRewriter(Soter_Uri_Rewriter $uriRewriter) { $this->uriRewriter = $uriRewriter; return $this; } public function getPrimaryApplicationDir() { return $this->primaryApplicationDir; } public function setPrimaryApplicationDir($primaryApplicationDir) { $this->primaryApplicationDir = \Sr::realPath($primaryApplicationDir) . '/'; return $this; } public function getBackendServerIpWhitelist() { return $this->backendServerIpWhitelist; } public function setBackendServerIpWhitelist(Array $backendServerIpWhitelist) { $this->backendServerIpWhitelist = $backendServerIpWhitelist; return $this; } public function getCookiePrefix() { return $this->cookiePrefix; } public function setCookiePrefix($cookiePrefix) { $this->cookiePrefix = $cookiePrefix; return $this; } public function getLogsSubDirNameFormat() { return $this->logsSubDirNameFormat; } public function setLogsSubDirNameFormat($logsSubDirNameFormat) { $this->logsSubDirNameFormat = $logsSubDirNameFormat; return $this; } public function addAutoloadFunctions(Array $funciontsFileNameArray) { foreach ($funciontsFileNameArray as $functionsFileName) { \Sr::functions($functionsFileName); } return $this; } public function getFunctionsDirName() { return $this->functionsDirName; } public function setFunctionsDirName($functionsDirName) { $this->functionsDirName = $functionsDirName; return $this; } public function getModelDirName() { return $this->modelDirName; } public function setModelDirName($modelDirName) { $this->modelDirName = $modelDirName; return $this; } public function getBeanDirName() { return $this->beanDirName; } public function setBeanDirName($beanDirName) { $this->beanDirName = $beanDirName; return $this; } public function getBusinessDirName() { return $this->businessDirName; } public function getDaoDirName() { return $this->daoDirName; } public function getTaskDirName() { return $this->taskDirName; } public function setBusinessDirName($businessDirName) { $this->businessDirName = $businessDirName; return $this; } public function setDaoDirName($daoDirName) { $this->daoDirName = $daoDirName; return $this; } public function setTaskDirName($taskDirName) { $this->taskDirName = $taskDirName; return $this; } public function getEnvironment() { return $this->environment; } public function setEnvironment($environment) { $this->environment = $environment; return $this; } public function getConfigDirName() { return $this->configDirName; } public function setConfigDirName($configDirName) { $this->configDirName = $configDirName; return $this; } public function getRoute() { return empty($this->route) ? new \Soter_Route() : $this->route; } public function setRoute($route) { $this->route = $route; return $this; } public function getLibraryDirName() { return $this->libraryDirName; } public function setLibraryDirName($libraryDirName) { $this->libraryDirName = $libraryDirName; return $this; } public function getHmvcDirName() { return $this->hmvcDirName; } public function setHmvcDirName($hmvcDirName) { $this->hmvcDirName = $hmvcDirName; return $this; } public function getHmvcModules() { return $this->hmvcModules; } public function setHmvcModules($hmvcModules) { $this->hmvcModules = $hmvcModules; return $this; } public function getControllerDirName() { return $this->controllerDirName; } public function setControllerDirName($controllerDirName) { $this->controllerDirName = $controllerDirName; return $this; } public function getExceptionHandle() { return $this->exceptionHandle; } public function setExceptionHandle($exceptionHandle) { $this->exceptionHandle = $exceptionHandle; return $this; } function setExceptionLevel($exceptionLevel) { error_reporting($exceptionLevel); return $this; } public function getApplicationDir() { return $this->applicationDir; } public function getIndexDir() { return $this->indexDir; } public function getIndexName() { return $this->indexName; } public function setApplicationDir($applicationDir) { $this->applicationDir = \Sr::realPath($applicationDir) . '/'; if (empty($this->primaryApplicationDir)) { $this->primaryApplicationDir = $this->applicationDir; } return $this; } public function setIndexDir($indexDir) { $this->indexDir = \Sr::realPath($indexDir) . '/'; return $this; } public function setIndexName($indexName) { $this->indexName = $indexName; return $this; } public function setLoggerWriterContainer(Soter_Logger_Writer $loggerWriterContainer) { $this->loggerWriterContainer = $loggerWriterContainer; return $this; } public function getMethodPrefix() { return $this->methodPrefix; } public function getMethodUriSubfix() { return $this->methodUriSubfix; } public function setMethodPrefix($methodPrefix) { $this->methodPrefix = $methodPrefix; return $this; } public function setMethodUriSubfix($methodUriSubfix) { if (!$methodUriSubfix) { throw new \Soter_Exception_500('"Method Uri Subfix" can not be empty.'); } $this->methodUriSubfix = $methodUriSubfix; return $this; } public function getDefaultController() { return $this->defaultController; } public function getDefaultMethod() { return $this->defaultMethod; } public function setDefaultController($defaultController) { $this->defaultController = $defaultController; return $this; } public function setDefaultMethod($defaultMethod) { $this->defaultMethod = $defaultMethod; return $this; } public function getClassesDirName() { return $this->classesDirName; } public function setClassesDirName($classesDirName) { $this->classesDirName = $classesDirName; return $this; } public function getPackages() { return array_merge($this->packageMasterContainer, $this->packageContainer); } public function addMasterPackages(Array $packagesPath) { foreach ($packagesPath as $packagePath) { $this->addMasterPackage($packagePath); } return $this; } public function addMasterPackage($packagePath) { $packagePath = \Sr::realPath($packagePath) . '/'; if (!in_array($packagePath, $this->packageMasterContainer)) { array_push($this->packageMasterContainer, $packagePath); if (file_exists($library = $packagePath . $this->getLibraryDirName() . '/')) { array_push($this->packageMasterContainer, $library); } } return $this; } public function addPackages(Array $packagesPath) { foreach ($packagesPath as $packagePath) { $this->addPackage($packagePath); } return $this; } public function addPackage($packagePath) { $packagePath = \Sr::realPath($packagePath) . '/'; if (!in_array($packagePath, $this->packageContainer)) { array_push($this->packageContainer, $packagePath); if (file_exists($library = $packagePath . $this->getLibraryDirName() . '/')) { array_push($this->packageContainer, $library); } } return $this; } public function bootstrap() { if (file_exists($bootstrap = $this->getApplicationDir() . 'bootstrap.php')) { \Sr::includeOnce($bootstrap); } } public function getShowError() { return $this->showError; } public function getRoutersContainer() { return $this->routersContainer; } public function setShowError($showError) { $this->showError = $showError; return $this; } public function getRequest() { return $this->request; } public function setRequest(Soter_Request $request) { $this->request = $request; return $this; } public function addRouter(Soter_Router $router) { array_unshift($this->routersContainer, $router); return $this; } public function getRouters() { return $this->routersContainer; } public function addLoggerWriter(Soter_Logger_Writer $loggerWriter) { $this->loggerWriterContainer[] = $loggerWriter; return $this; } public function getLoggerWriters() { return $this->loggerWriterContainer; } public function getIsRewrite() { return $this->isRewrite; } public function setTimeZone($timeZone) { date_default_timezone_set($timeZone); return $this; } public function setIsRewrite($isRewrite) { $this->isRewrite = $isRewrite; return $this; } } class Soter_Logger_Writer_Dispatcher { private static $instance; private static $memReverse; public static function initialize() { if (empty(self::$instance)) { self::$memReverse = str_repeat("x", \Soter::getConfig()->getExceptionMemoryReserveSize()); self::$instance = new \Soter_Logger_Writer_Dispatcher(); \Sr::isPluginMode() ? ini_set('display_errors', TRUE) : ini_set('display_errors', FALSE); set_exception_handler(array(self::$instance, 'handleException')); set_error_handler(array(self::$instance, 'handleError')); register_shutdown_function(array(self::$instance, 'handleFatal')); } } final public function handleException($exception) { if (is_subclass_of($exception, 'Soter_Exception')) { $this->dispatch($exception); } else { $this->dispatch(new \Soter_Exception_500($exception->getMessage(), $exception->getCode(), get_class($exception), $exception->getFile(), $exception->getLine())); } } final public function handleError($code, $message, $file, $line) { if (0 == error_reporting()) { return; } $this->dispatch(new \Soter_Exception_500($message, $code, 'General Error', $file, $line)); } final public function handleFatal() { if (0 == error_reporting()) { return; } $lastError = error_get_last(); $fatalError = array(1, 256, 64, 16, 4, 4096); if (!\Sr::arrayKeyExists("type", $lastError) || !in_array($lastError["type"], $fatalError)) { return; } self::$memReverse = null; $this->dispatch(new \Soter_Exception_500($lastError['message'], $lastError['type'], 'Fatal Error', $lastError['file'], $lastError['line'])); } final public function dispatch(Soter_Exception $exception) { $config = \Sr::config(); ini_set('display_errors', TRUE); $loggerWriters = $config->getLoggerWriters(); foreach ($loggerWriters as $loggerWriter) { $loggerWriter->write($exception); } if ($config->getShowError()) { $handle = $config->getExceptionHandle(); if ($handle instanceof Soter_Exception_Handle) { $handle->handle($exception); } else { $exception->render(); } } elseif (\Sr::isCli()) { $exception->render(); } exit(); } } class Soter_Logger_FileWriter implements Soter_Logger_Writer { private $logsDirPath, $log404; public function __construct($logsDirPath, $log404 = true) { $this->log404 = $log404; $this->logsDirPath = \Sr::realPath($logsDirPath) . '/' . date(\Sr::config()->getLogsSubDirNameFormat()) . '/'; } public function write(Soter_Exception $exception) { if (!$this->log404 && ($exception instanceof Soter_Exception_404)) { return; } $content = 'Domain : ' . \Sr::server('http_host') . "\n" . 'ClientIP : ' . \Sr::server('SERVER_ADDR') . "\n" . 'ServerIP : ' . \Sr::serverIp() . "\n" . 'ServerHostname : ' . \Sr::hostname() . "\n" . (!\Sr::isCli() ? 'Request Uri : ' . \Sr::server('request_uri') : '') . "\n" . (!\Sr::isCli() ? 'Get Data : ' . json_encode(\Sr::get()) : '') . "\n" . (!\Sr::isCli() ? 'Post Data : ' . json_encode(\Sr::post()) : '') . "\n" . (!\Sr::isCli() ? 'Cookie Data : ' . json_encode(\Sr::cookie()) : '') . "\n" . (!\Sr::isCli() ? 'Server Data : ' . json_encode(\Sr::server()) : '') . "\n" . $exception->renderCli() . "\n"; if (!is_dir($this->logsDirPath)) { mkdir($this->logsDirPath, 0700, true); } if (!file_exists($logsFilePath = $this->logsDirPath . 'logs.php')) { $content = '<?php defined("IN_SOTER") or exit();?>' . "\n" . $content; } file_put_contents($logsFilePath, $content, LOCK_EX | FILE_APPEND); } } class Soter_Maintain_Handle_Default implements Soter_Maintain_Handle { public function handle() { if (!\Sr::isCli()) { header('Content-type: text/html;charset=utf-8'); } echo '<center><h2>server is under maintenance</h2><h3>服务器维护中</h3>' . date('Y/m/d H:i:s e') . '</center>'; } } class Soter_Uri_Rewriter_Default implements Soter_Uri_Rewriter { public function rewrite($uri) { return $uri; } } class Soter_Exception_Handle_Default implements Soter_Exception_Handle { public function handle(Soter_Exception $exception) { $exception->render(); } } class Soter_Database_SlowQuery_Handle_Default implements Soter_Database_SlowQuery_Handle { public function handle($sql, $explainString, $time) { $dir = \Sr::config()->getStorageDirPath() . 'slow-query-debug/'; $file = $dir . 'slow-query-debug.php'; if (!is_dir($dir)) { mkdir($dir, 0700, true); } $content = "\nSQL : " . $sql . "\nExplain : " . $explainString . "\nUsingTime : " . $time . " ms" . "\nTime : " . date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . "\n"; if (!file_exists($file)) { $content = '<?php defined("IN_SOTER") or exit();?>' . "\n" . $content; } file_put_contents($file, $content, LOCK_EX | FILE_APPEND); } } class Soter_Database_Index_Handle_Default implements Soter_Database_Index_Handle { public function handle($sql, $explainString, $time) { $dir = \Sr::config()->getStorageDirPath() . 'index-debug/'; $file = $dir . 'index-debug.php'; if (!is_dir($dir)) { mkdir($dir, 0700, true); } $content = "\nSQL : " . $sql . "\nExplain : " . $explainString . "\nUsingTime : " . $time . " ms" . "\nTime : " . date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . "\n"; if (!file_exists($file)) { $content = '<?php defined("IN_SOTER") or exit();?>' . "\n" . $content; } file_put_contents($file, $content, LOCK_EX | FILE_APPEND); } } class Soter_Cache_File implements Soter_Cache { private $_cacheDirPath; public function __construct($cacheDirPath = '') { $cacheDirPath = empty($cacheDirPath) ? \Sr::config()->getStorageDirPath() . 'cache/' : $cacheDirPath; $this->_cacheDirPath = \Sr::realPath($cacheDirPath) . '/'; if (!is_dir($this->_cacheDirPath)) { mkdir($this->_cacheDirPath, 0700, true); } if (!is_writable($this->_cacheDirPath)) { throw new \Soter_Exception_500('cache dir [ ' . \Sr::safePath($this->_cacheDirPath) . ' ] not writable'); } } private function _hashKey($key) { return md5($key); } private function _hashKeyPath($key) { $key = md5($key); $len = strlen($key); return $this->_cacheDirPath . $key{$len - 1} . '/' . $key{$len - 2} . '/' . $key{$len - 3} . '/'; } private function pack($userData, $cacheTime) { $cacheTime = (int) $cacheTime; return @serialize(array( 'userData' => $userData, 'expireTime' => ($cacheTime == 0 ? 0 : time() + $cacheTime) )); } private function unpack($cacheData) { $cacheData = @unserialize($cacheData); if (is_array($cacheData) && \Sr::arrayKeyExists('userData', $cacheData) && \Sr::arrayKeyExists('expireTime', $cacheData)) { if ($cacheData['expireTime'] == 0) { return $cacheData['userData']; } return $cacheData['expireTime'] > time() ? $cacheData['userData'] : NULL; } else { return NULL; } } public function clean() { return \Sr::rmdir($this->_cacheDirPath, false); } public function delete($key) { if (empty($key)) { return false; } $key = $this->_hashKey($key); $filePath = $this->_hashKeyPath($key) . $key; if (file_exists($filePath)) { return @unlink($filePath); } return true; } public function get($key) { if (empty($key)) { return null; } $key = $this->_hashKey($key); $filePath = $this->_hashKeyPath($key) . $key; if (file_exists($filePath)) { $cacheData = file_get_contents($filePath); $userData = $this->unpack($cacheData); return is_null($userData) ? null : $userData; } return NULL; } public function set($key, $value, $cacheTime = 0) { if (empty($key)) { return false; } $key = $this->_hashKey($key); $cacheDir = $this->_hashKeyPath($key); $filePath = $cacheDir . $key; if (!is_dir($cacheDir)) { mkdir($cacheDir, 0700, true); } $cacheData = $this->pack($value, $cacheTime); if (empty($cacheData)) { return false; } return file_put_contents($filePath, $cacheData, LOCK_EX); } public function &instance($key = null, $isRead = true) { return $this; } public function reset() { return $this; } } class Soter_Cache_Memcached implements Soter_Cache { private $config, $handle; public function __construct($config) { $this->config = $config; } private function _init() { if (empty($this->handle)) { $this->handle = new \Memcached(); foreach ($this->config as $server) { if ($server[2] > 0) { $this->handle->addServer($server[0], $server[1], $server[2]); } else { $this->handle->addServer($server[0], $server[1]); } } } } public function clean() { $this->_init(); return $this->handle->flush(); } public function delete($key) { $this->_init(); return $this->handle->delete($key); } public function get($key) { $this->_init(); return ($data = $this->handle->get($key)) ? $data : null; } public function set($key, $value, $cacheTime = 0) { $this->_init(); return $this->handle->set($key, $value, $cacheTime > 0 ? (time() + $cacheTime) : 0); } public function &instance($key = null, $isRead = true) { $this->_init(); return $this->handle; } public function reset() { $this->handle = null; return $this; } } class Soter_Cache_Memcache implements Soter_Cache { private $config, $handle; public function __construct($config) { $this->config = $config; } private function _init() { if (empty($this->handle)) { $this->handle = new \Memcache(); foreach ($this->config as $server) { $this->handle->addserver($server[0], $server[1]); } } } public function clean() { $this->_init(); return $this->handle->flush(); } public function delete($key) { $this->_init(); return $this->handle->delete($key); } public function get($key) { $this->_init(); return ($data = $this->handle->get($key)) ? $data : null; } public function set($key, $value, $cacheTime = 0) { $this->_init(); return $this->handle->set($key, $value, false, $cacheTime); } public function &instance($key = null, $isRead = true) { $this->_init(); return $this->handle; } public function reset() { $this->handle = null; return $this; } } class Soter_Cache_Apc implements Soter_Cache { public function clean() { @apc_clear_cache(); @apc_clear_cache("user"); return true; } public function delete($key) { return apc_delete($key); } public function get($key) { $data = apc_fetch($key, $bo); if ($bo === false) { return null; } return $data; } public function set($key, $value, $cacheTime = 0) { return apc_store($key, $value, $cacheTime); } public function &instance($key = null, $isRead = true) { return $this; } public function reset() { return $this; } } class Soter_Cache_Redis implements Soter_Cache { private $config, $servers; public function __construct($config) { foreach ($config as $key => $node) { if (empty($node['slaves']) && !empty($node['master'])) { $config[$key]['slaves'][] = $node['master']; } } $this->config = $config; } private function &selectNode($key, $isRead) { $nodeIndex = sprintf("%u", crc32($key)) % count($this->config); if ($isRead) { $slaveIndex = array_rand($this->config[$nodeIndex]['slaves']); $serverKey = $nodeIndex . '-slaves-' . $slaveIndex; $config = $this->config[$nodeIndex]['slaves'][$slaveIndex]; } else { $serverKey = $nodeIndex . '-master'; $config = $this->config[$nodeIndex]['master']; } if (empty($this->servers[$serverKey])) { $this->servers[$serverKey] = $this->connect($config); } return $this->servers[$serverKey]; } private function &connect($config) { $redis = new \Redis(); if ($config['type'] == 'sock') { $redis->connect($config['sock']); } else { $redis->connect($config['host'], $config['port'], $config['timeout'], $config['retry']); } if (!is_null($config['password'])) { $redis->auth($config['password']); } if (!is_null($config['prefix'])) { if ($config['prefix']{strlen($config['prefix']) - 1} != ':') { $config['prefix'] .= ':'; } $redis->setOption(\Redis::OPT_PREFIX, $config['prefix']); } $redis->select($config['db']); return $redis; } public function reset() { $this->servers = array(); return $this; } public function clean() { $status = true; foreach ($this->config as $nodeIndex => $config) { $redis = $this->connect($config['master']); $status = $status && $redis->flushDB(); } return $status; } public function delete($key) { $redis = $this->selectNode($key, false); return $redis->delete($key); } public function get($key) { $redis = $this->selectNode($key, true); if ($rawData = $redis->get($key)) { $data = @unserialize($rawData); return $data ? $data : $rawData; } else { return null; } } public function set($key, $value, $cacheTime = 0) { $redis = $this->selectNode($key, false); $value = serialize($value); if ($cacheTime) { return $redis->setex($key, $cacheTime, $value); } else { return $redis->set($key, $value); } } public function &instance($key = null, $isRead = true) { return $this->selectNode($key, $isRead); } } class Soter_Cache_Redis_Cluster implements Soter_Cache { private $config, $handle; public function __construct($config) { if (!is_null($config['prefix']) && ($config['prefix']{strlen($config['prefix']) - 1} != ':')) { $config['prefix'] .= ':'; } $this->config = $config; } private function _init() { if (empty($this->handle)) { $this->handle = new \RedisCluster(null, $this->config['hosts'], $this->config['timeout'], $this->config['read_timeout'], $this->config['persistent']); if ($this->config['prefix']) { $this->handle->setOption(\RedisCluster::OPT_PREFIX, $this->config['prefix']); } } } public function reset() { $this->handle = null; return $this; } public function clean() { throw new \Soter_Exception_500('clean method not supported of Soter_Cache_Redis_Cluster '); } public function delete($key) { $this->_init(); return $this->handle->del($key); } public function get($key) { $this->_init(); if ($rawData = $this->handle->get($key)) { $data = @unserialize($rawData); return $data ? $data : $rawData; } else { return null; } } public function set($key, $value, $cacheTime = 0) { $this->_init(); $value = serialize($value); if ($cacheTime) { return $this->handle->setex($key, $cacheTime, $value); } else { return $this->handle->set($key, $value); } } public function &instance($key = null, $isRead = true) { $this->_init(); return $this->handle; } } class Soter_Generator extends Soter_Task { public function execute(Soter_CliArgs $args) { $config = \Sr::config(); $name = $args->get('name'); $type = $args->get('type'); $force = $args->get('overwrite'); if (empty($name)) { exit('name required , please use : --name=<Name>'); } if (empty($type)) { exit('type required , please use : --type=<Type>'); } $classesDir = $config->getPrimaryApplicationDir() . $config->getClassesDirName() . '/'; $info = array( 'controller' => array( 'dir' => $config->getControllerDirName(), 'parentClass' => 'Soter_Controller', 'methodName' => \Sr::config()->getMethodPrefix() . 'index()', 'nameTip' => 'Controller' ), 'business' => array( 'dir' => $config->getBusinessDirName(), 'parentClass' => 'Soter_Business', 'methodName' => 'business()', 'nameTip' => 'Business' ), 'model' => array( 'dir' => $config->getModelDirName(), 'parentClass' => 'Soter_Model', 'methodName' => 'model()', 'nameTip' => 'Model' ), 'task' => array( 'dir' => $config->getTaskDirName(), 'parentClass' => 'Soter_Task', 'methodName' => 'execute(Soter_CliArgs $args)', 'nameTip' => 'Task' ) ); if (!\Sr::arrayKeyExists($type, $info)) { exit('[ Error ]' . "\n" . 'Type : [ ' . $type . ' ]'); } $classname = $info[$type]['dir'] . '_' . $name; $file = $classesDir . str_replace('_', '/', $classname) . '.php'; $method = $info[$type]['methodName']; $parentClass = $info[$type]['parentClass']; $tip = $info[$type]['nameTip']; if (file_exists($file)) { if ($force) { $this->writeFile($classname, $method, $parentClass, $file, $tip); } else { exit('[ Error ]' . "\n" . $tip . ' [ ' . $classname . ' ] already exists , ' . "{$file}\n" . 'you can use --overwrite to overwrite the file.'); } } else { $this->writeFile($classname, $method, $parentClass, $file, $tip); } } private function writeFile($classname, $method, $parentClass, $file, $tip) { $dir = dirname($file); if (!is_dir($dir)) { mkdir($dir, 0755, true); } $code = "<?php\nclass {$classname} extends {$parentClass} {\n public function {$method} {\n \n }\n}"; if (file_put_contents($file, $code)) { echo "[ Successfull ]\n{$tip} [ $classname ] created successfully \n" . $file; } } } class Soter_Generator_Mysql extends Soter_Task { public function execute(Soter_CliArgs $args) { $config = \Sr::config(); $name = $args->get('name'); $type = $args->get('type'); $force = $args->get('overwrite'); $table = $args->get('table'); $dbGroup = $args->get('db'); if (empty($name)) { exit('name required , please use : --name=<Name>'); } if (empty($table)) { exit('table name required , please use : --table=<Table Name>'); } if (empty($type)) { exit('type required , please use : --type=<Type>'); } $columns = self::getTableFieldsInfo($table, $dbGroup); $primaryKey = ''; $classesDir = $config->getPrimaryApplicationDir() . $config->getClassesDirName() . '/'; $info = array( 'bean' => array( 'dir' => $config->getBeanDirName(), 'parentClass' => 'Soter_Bean', 'nameTip' => 'Bean' ), 'dao' => array( 'dir' => $config->getDaoDirName(), 'parentClass' => 'Soter_Dao', 'nameTip' => 'Dao' ), ); if (!\Sr::arrayKeyExists($type, $info)) { exit('[ Error ]' . "\n" . 'Type : [ ' . $type . ' ]'); } $classname = $info[$type]['dir'] . '_' . $name; $file = $classesDir . str_replace('_', '/', $classname) . '.php'; $parentClass = $info[$type]['parentClass']; $tip = $info[$type]['nameTip']; $dir = dirname($file); if (!is_dir($dir)) { mkdir($dir, 0755, true); } if ($type == 'bean') { $methods = array(); $fields = array(); $fieldTemplate = " //{comment}\n private \${column0};"; $methodTemplate = " public function get{column}() {\n return \$this->{column0};\n }\n\n public function set{column}(\${column1}) {\n \$this->{column0} = \${column1};\n return \$this;\n }"; foreach ($columns as $value) { $column = str_replace(' ', '', ucwords(str_replace('_', ' ', $value['name']))); $column0 = $value['name']; $column1 = lcfirst($column); $fields[] = str_replace(array('{column0}', '{comment}'), array($column0, $value['comment']), $fieldTemplate); $methods[] = str_replace(array('{column}', '{column0}', '{column1}'), array($column, $column0, $column1), $methodTemplate); } $code = "<?php\n\nclass {$classname} extends {$parentClass} {\n\n{fields}\n\n{methods}\n\n}"; $code = str_replace(array('{fields}', '{methods}'), array(implode("\n\n", $fields), implode("\n\n", $methods)), $code); } else { $columnsString = ''; $_columns = array(); foreach ($columns as $value) { if ($value['primary']) { $primaryKey = $value['name']; } $_columns[] = '\'' . $value['name'] . "'//" . $value['comment'] . "\n "; } $columnsString = "array(\n " . implode(',', $_columns) . ')'; $code = "<?php\n\nclass {$classname} extends {$parentClass} {\n\n public function getColumns() {\n return {columns};\n }\n\n public function getPrimaryKey() {\n return '{primaryKey}';\n }\n\n public function getTable() {\n return '{table}';\n }\n\n}\n"; $code = str_replace(array('{columns}', '{primaryKey}', '{table}'), array($columnsString, $primaryKey, $table), $code); } if (file_exists($file)) { if ($force) { if (file_put_contents($file, $code)) { echo "[ Successfull ]\n{$tip} [ $classname ] created successfully \n" . $file; } } else { exit('[ Error ]' . "\n" . $tip . ' [ ' . $classname . ' ] already exists , ' . "{$file}\n" . 'you can use --overwrite to overwrite the file.'); } } else { if (file_put_contents($file, $code)) { echo "[ Successfull ]\n{$tip} [ $classname ] created successfully \n" . $file; } } } private static function getTableFieldsInfo($tableName, $db) { if (!is_object($db)) { $db = \Sr::db($db); } if (strtolower($db->getDriverType()) != 'mysql') { throw new \Soter_Exception_500('getTableFieldsInfo() only for mysql database'); } $info = array(); $result = $db->execute('SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM ' . $db->getTablePrefix() . $tableName)->rows(); if ($result) { foreach ($result as $val) { $info[$val['Field']] = array( 'name' => $val['Field'], 'type' => $val['Type'], 'comment' => $val['Comment'] ? $val['Comment'] : $val['Field'], 'notnull' => $val['Null'] == 'NO' ? 1 : 0, 'default' => $val['Default'], 'primary' => (strtolower($val['Key']) == 'pri'), 'autoinc' => (strtolower($val['Extra']) == 'auto_increment'), ); } } return $info; } } class Soter_Session_Redis extends Soter_Session { public function init() { ini_set('session.save_handler', 'redis'); ini_set('session.save_path', $this->config['path']); } } class Soter_Session_Memcached extends Soter_Session { public function init() { ini_set('session.save_handler', 'memcached'); ini_set('session.save_path', $this->config['path']); } } class Soter_Session_Memcache extends Soter_Session { public function init() { ini_set('session.save_handler', 'memcache'); ini_set('session.save_path', $this->config['path']); } } class Soter_Session_Mongodb extends Soter_Session { private $__mongo_collection = NULL; private $__current_session = NULL; private $__mongo_conn = NULL; public function __construct($configFileName) { parent::__construct($configFileName); $cfg = \Sr::config()->getSessionConfig(); $this->config['lifetime'] = $cfg['lifetime']; } public function connect() { if (is_object($this->__mongo_collection)) { return; } $connection_string = sprintf('mongodb://%s:%s', $this->config['host'], $this->config['port']); if ($this->config['user'] != null && $this->config['password'] != null) { $connection_string = sprintf('mongodb://%s:%s@%s:%s/%s', $this->config['user'], $this->config['password'], $this->config['host'], $this->config['port'], $this->config['database']); } $opts = array('connect' => true); if ($this->config['persistent'] && !empty($this->config['persistentId'])) { $opts['persist'] = $this->config['persistentId']; } if ($this->config['replicaSet']) { $opts['replicaSet'] = $this->config['replicaSet']; } $class = '\MongoClient'; if (!class_exists($class)) { $class = '\Mongo'; } $this->__mongo_conn = $object_conn = new $class($connection_string, $opts); $object_mongo = $object_conn->{$this->config['database']}; $this->__mongo_collection = $object_mongo->{$this->config['collection']}; if ($this->__mongo_collection == NULL) { throw new \Soter_Exception_500('can not connect to mongodb server'); } } public function init() { session_set_save_handler(array(&$this, 'open'), array(&$this, 'close'), array(&$this, 'read'), array(&$this, 'write'), array(&$this, 'destroy'), array(&$this, 'gc')); } public function open($session_path, $session_name) { $this->connect(); return true; } public function close() { $this->__mongo_conn->close(); return true; } public function read($session_id) { $result = NULL; $ret = ''; $expiry = time(); $query['_id'] = $session_id; $query['expiry'] = array('$gte' => $expiry); $result = $this->__mongo_collection->findone($query); if ($result) { $this->__current_session = $result; $result['expiry'] = time() + $this->config['lifetime']; $this->__mongo_collection->update(array("_id" => $session_id), $result); $ret = $result['data']; } return $ret; } public function write($session_id, $data) { $result = true; $expiry = time() + $this->config['lifetime']; $session_data = array(); if (empty($this->__current_session)) { $session_id = $session_id; $session_data['_id'] = $session_id; $session_data['data'] = $data; $session_data['expiry'] = $expiry; } else { $session_data = (array) $this->__current_session; $session_data['data'] = $data; $session_data['expiry'] = $expiry; } $query['_id'] = $session_id; $record = $this->__mongo_collection->findOne($query); if ($record == null) { $this->__mongo_collection->insert($session_data); } else { $record['data'] = $data; $record['expiry'] = $expiry; $this->__mongo_collection->save($record); } return true; } public function destroy($session_id) { unset($_SESSION); $query['_id'] = $session_id; $this->__mongo_collection->remove($query); return true; } public function gc($max = 0) { $query = array(); $query['expiry'] = array(':lt' => time()); $this->__mongo_collection->remove($query, array('justOne' => false)); return true; } } class Soter_Session_Mysql extends Soter_Session { protected $dbConnection; protected $dbTable; public function __construct($configFileName) { parent::__construct($configFileName); $cfg = \Sr::config()->getSessionConfig(); $this->config['lifetime'] = $cfg['lifetime']; } public function init() { session_set_save_handler(array($this, 'open'), array($this, 'close'), array($this, 'read'), array($this, 'write'), array($this, 'destroy'), array($this, 'gc')); } public function connect() { $this->dbTable = $this->config['table']; if ($this->config['group']) { $this->dbConnection = \Sr::db($this->config['group']); } else { $dbConfig = \Soter_Database::getDefaultConfig(); $dbConfig['database'] = $this->config['database']; $dbConfig['tablePrefix'] = $this->config['table_prefix']; $dbConfig['masters']['master01']['hostname'] = $this->config['hostname']; $dbConfig['masters']['master01']['port'] = $this->config['port']; $dbConfig['masters']['master01']['username'] = $this->config['username']; $dbConfig['masters']['master01']['password'] = $this->config['password']; $this->dbConnection = \Sr::db($dbConfig); } } public function open($save_path, $session_name) { if (!is_object($this->dbConnection)) { $this->connect(); } return TRUE; } public function close() { $this->dbConnection->close(); return true; } public function read($id) { $result = $this->dbConnection->from($this->dbTable)->where(array('id' => $id))->execute(); if ($result->total()) { $record = $result->row(); $where['id'] = $id; $data['timestamp'] = time() + intval($this->config['lifetime']); $this->dbConnection->update($this->dbTable, $data, $where)->execute(); return $record['data']; } else { return false; } return true; } public function write($id, $sessionData) { $data['id'] = $id; $data['data'] = $sessionData; $data['timestamp'] = time() + intval($this->config['lifetime']); $this->dbConnection->replace($this->dbTable, $data); return $this->dbConnection->execute() > 0; } public function destroy($id) { unset($_SESSION); return $this->dbConnection->delete($this->dbTable, array('id' => $id))->execute() > 0; } public function gc($max = 0) { return $this->dbConnection->delete($this->dbTable, array('timestamp <' => time()))->execute() > 0; } }
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