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mysql.go 16.01 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
package main
import (
// Packet types
const (
type MysqlMessage struct {
start int
end int
Ts time.Time
IsRequest bool
PacketLength uint32
Seq uint8
Typ uint8
NumberOfRows int
NumberOfFields int
Size uint64
Fields []string
Rows [][]string
Tables string
IsOK bool
AffectedRows int
InsertId int
IsError bool
ErrorCode int
ErrorInfo string
Query string
Stream_id uint32
Direction uint8
IsTruncated bool
Tuple *IpPortTuple
CmdlineTuple *CmdlineTuple
Raw []byte
type MysqlTransaction struct {
Type string
tuple TcpTuple
Src Endpoint
Dst Endpoint
ResponseTime int32
Ts int64
JsTs time.Time
ts time.Time
Mysql bson.M
Request_raw string
Response_raw string
timer *time.Timer
type MysqlStream struct {
tcpStream *TcpStream
data []byte
parseOffset int
parseState int
isClient bool
message *MysqlMessage
const (
TransactionsHashSize = 2 ^ 16
TransactionTimeout = 10 * 1e9
const (
MysqlStateStart = iota
var mysqlTransactionsMap = make(map[TcpTuple]*MysqlTransaction, TransactionsHashSize)
func (stream *MysqlStream) PrepareForNewMessage() {
stream.data = stream.data[stream.message.end:]
stream.parseState = MysqlStateStart
stream.parseOffset = 0
stream.isClient = false
stream.message = nil
func mysqlMessageParser(s *MysqlStream) (bool, bool) {
m := s.message
for s.parseOffset < len(s.data) {
switch s.parseState {
case MysqlStateStart:
m.start = s.parseOffset
if len(s.data[s.parseOffset:]) < 5 {
WARN("MySQL Message too short. Ignore it.")
return false, false
hdr := s.data[s.parseOffset : s.parseOffset+5]
m.PacketLength = uint32(hdr[0]) | uint32(hdr[1])<<8 | uint32(hdr[2])<<16
m.Seq = uint8(hdr[3])
m.Typ = uint8(hdr[4])
DEBUG("mysqldetailed", "MySQL Header: Packet length %d, Seq %d, Type=%d", m.PacketLength, m.Seq, m.Typ)
if m.Seq == 0 {
// starts Command Phase
if m.Typ == MYSQL_CMD_QUERY {
// parse request
m.IsRequest = true
m.start = s.parseOffset
s.parseState = MysqlStateEatMessage
} else {
// ignore command
s.parseState = MysqlStateEatMessage
if !s.isClient {
s.isClient = true
} else if !s.isClient {
// parse response
m.IsRequest = false
if uint8(hdr[4]) == 0x00 {
DEBUG("mysqldetailed", "Received OK response")
m.start = s.parseOffset
s.parseState = MysqlStateEatMessage
m.IsOK = true
} else if uint8(hdr[4]) == 0xff {
DEBUG("mysqldetailed", "Received ERR response")
m.start = s.parseOffset
s.parseState = MysqlStateEatMessage
m.IsError = true
} else if m.PacketLength == 1 {
DEBUG("mysqldetailed", "Query response. Number of fields %d", uint8(hdr[4]))
m.NumberOfFields = int(hdr[4])
m.start = s.parseOffset
s.parseOffset += 5
s.parseState = MysqlStateEatFields
} else {
// something else. ignore
s.parseState = MysqlStateEatMessage
} else {
// something else, not expected
WARN("Unexpected MySQL message of type %d received.", m.Typ)
return false, false
case MysqlStateEatMessage:
if len(s.data[s.parseOffset:]) >= int(m.PacketLength)+4 {
s.parseOffset += 4 //header
s.parseOffset += int(m.PacketLength)
m.end = s.parseOffset
if m.IsRequest {
m.Query = string(s.data[m.start+5 : m.end])
return true, true
} else if m.IsOK {
m.AffectedRows = int(s.data[m.start+5])
m.InsertId = int(s.data[m.start+6])
return true, true
} else if m.IsError {
m.ErrorCode = int(uint16(s.data[m.start+6])<<8 | uint16(s.data[m.start+7]))
m.ErrorInfo = string(s.data[m.start+9:m.start+14]) + ": " + string(s.data[m.start+15:])
return true, true
} else {
// wait for more
return true, false
case MysqlStateEatFields:
if len(s.data[s.parseOffset:]) < 4 {
// wait for more
return true, false
hdr := s.data[s.parseOffset : s.parseOffset+4]
m.PacketLength = uint32(hdr[0]) | uint32(hdr[1])<<8 | uint32(hdr[2])<<16
m.Seq = uint8(hdr[3])
DEBUG("mysqldetailed", "Fields: packet length %d, packet number %d", m.PacketLength, m.Seq)
if len(s.data[s.parseOffset:]) >= int(m.PacketLength)+4 {
s.parseOffset += 4 // header
if uint8(s.data[s.parseOffset]) == 0xfe {
DEBUG("mysqldetailed", "Received EOF packet")
// EOF marker
s.parseOffset += int(m.PacketLength)
s.parseState = MysqlStateEatRows
} else {
_ /* catalog */, off := read_lstring(s.data, s.parseOffset)
db /*schema */, off := read_lstring(s.data, off)
table /* table */, off := read_lstring(s.data, off)
db_table := string(db) + "." + string(table)
if len(m.Tables) == 0 {
m.Tables = db_table
} else if !strings.Contains(m.Tables, db_table) {
m.Tables = m.Tables + ", " + db_table
DEBUG("mysqldetailed", "db=%s, table=%s", db, table)
s.parseOffset += int(m.PacketLength)
// go to next field
} else {
// wait for more
return true, false
case MysqlStateEatRows:
if len(s.data[s.parseOffset:]) < 4 {
// wait for more
return true, false
hdr := s.data[s.parseOffset : s.parseOffset+4]
m.PacketLength = uint32(hdr[0]) | uint32(hdr[1])<<8 | uint32(hdr[2])<<16
m.Seq = uint8(hdr[3])
DEBUG("mysqldetailed", "Rows: packet length %d, packet number %d", m.PacketLength, m.Seq)
if len(s.data[s.parseOffset:]) >= int(m.PacketLength)+4 {
s.parseOffset += 4 //header
if uint8(s.data[s.parseOffset]) == 0xfe {
DEBUG("mysqldetailed", "Received EOF packet")
// EOF marker
s.parseOffset += int(m.PacketLength)
if m.end == 0 {
m.end = s.parseOffset
} else {
m.IsTruncated = true
m.Size = uint64(s.parseOffset - m.start)
if !m.IsError {
// in case the response was sent successfully
m.IsOK = true
return true, true
} else {
s.parseOffset += int(m.PacketLength)
if m.end == 0 && s.parseOffset > MAX_PAYLOAD_SIZE {
// only send up to here, but read until the end
m.end = s.parseOffset
m.NumberOfRows += 1
// go to next row
} else {
// wait for more
return true, false
return true, false
func ParseMysql(pkt *Packet, tcp *TcpStream, dir uint8) {
defer RECOVER("ParseMysql exception")
if tcp.mysqlData[dir] == nil {
tcp.mysqlData[dir] = &MysqlStream{
tcpStream: tcp,
data: pkt.payload,
message: &MysqlMessage{Ts: pkt.ts},
} else {
// concatenate bytes
tcp.mysqlData[dir].data = append(tcp.mysqlData[dir].data, pkt.payload...)
stream := tcp.mysqlData[dir]
for len(stream.data) > 0 {
if stream.message == nil {
stream.message = &MysqlMessage{Ts: pkt.ts}
ok, complete := mysqlMessageParser(tcp.mysqlData[dir])
if !ok {
// drop this tcp stream. Will retry parsing with the next
// segment in it
tcp.mysqlData[dir] = nil
DEBUG("mysql", "Ignore MySQL message. Drop tcp stream. Try parsing with the next segment")
if complete {
// all ok, ship it
msg := stream.data[stream.message.start:stream.message.end]
handleMysql(stream.message, tcp, dir, msg)
// and reset message
} else {
// wait for more data
var handleMysql = func(m *MysqlMessage, tcp *TcpStream,
dir uint8, raw_msg []byte) {
m.Stream_id = tcp.id
m.Tuple = tcp.tuple
m.Direction = dir
m.CmdlineTuple = procWatcher.FindProcessesTuple(tcp.tuple)
m.Raw = raw_msg
if m.IsRequest {
} else {
func receivedMysqlRequest(msg *MysqlMessage) {
// Add it to the HT
tuple := TcpTuple{
Src_ip: msg.Tuple.Src_ip,
Dst_ip: msg.Tuple.Dst_ip,
Src_port: msg.Tuple.Src_port,
Dst_port: msg.Tuple.Dst_port,
stream_id: msg.Stream_id,
trans := mysqlTransactionsMap[tuple]
if trans != nil {
if len(trans.Mysql) != 0 {
WARN("Two requests without a Response. Dropping old request: %s", trans.Mysql)
} else {
trans = &MysqlTransaction{Type: "mysql", tuple: tuple}
mysqlTransactionsMap[tuple] = trans
trans.ts = msg.Ts
trans.Ts = int64(trans.ts.UnixNano() / 1000) // transactions have microseconds resolution
trans.JsTs = msg.Ts
trans.Src = Endpoint{
Ip: Ipv4_Ntoa(tuple.Src_ip),
Port: tuple.Src_port,
Proc: string(msg.CmdlineTuple.Src),
trans.Dst = Endpoint{
Ip: Ipv4_Ntoa(tuple.Dst_ip),
Port: tuple.Dst_port,
Proc: string(msg.CmdlineTuple.Dst),
index := strings.Index(msg.Query, " ")
var method string
if index > 0 {
method = strings.ToUpper(msg.Query[:index])
} else {
method = strings.ToUpper(msg.Query)
trans.Mysql = bson.M{
"query": msg.Query,
"query.raw": msg.Query,
"method": method,
// save Raw message
trans.Request_raw = msg.Query
if trans.timer != nil {
trans.timer = time.AfterFunc(TransactionTimeout, func() { trans.Expire() })
func receivedMysqlResponse(msg *MysqlMessage) {
tuple := TcpTuple{
Src_ip: msg.Tuple.Src_ip,
Dst_ip: msg.Tuple.Dst_ip,
Src_port: msg.Tuple.Src_port,
Dst_port: msg.Tuple.Dst_port,
stream_id: msg.Stream_id,
trans := mysqlTransactionsMap[tuple]
if trans == nil {
WARN("Response from unknown transaction. Ignoring.")
// check if the request was received
if len(trans.Mysql) == 0 {
WARN("Response from unknown transaction. Ignoring.")
// save json details
trans.Mysql = bson_concat(trans.Mysql, bson.M{
"isok": msg.IsOK,
"affected_rows": msg.AffectedRows,
"insert_id": msg.InsertId,
"tables": msg.Tables,
"num_rows": msg.NumberOfRows,
"size": msg.Size,
"num_fields": msg.NumberOfFields,
"iserror": msg.IsError,
"error_code": msg.ErrorCode,
"error_message": msg.ErrorInfo,
trans.ResponseTime = int32(msg.Ts.Sub(trans.ts).Nanoseconds() / 1e6) // resp_time in milliseconds
// save Raw message
if len(msg.Raw) > 0 {
fields, rows := parseMysqlResponse(msg.Raw)
trans.Response_raw = dumpInCSVFormat(fields, rows)
err := Publisher.PublishMysqlTransaction(trans)
if err != nil {
WARN("Publish failure: %s", err)
DEBUG("mysql", "Mysql transaction completed: %s", trans.Mysql)
DEBUG("mysql", "%s", trans.Response_raw)
// remove from map
delete(mysqlTransactionsMap, trans.tuple)
if trans.timer != nil {
func (trans *MysqlTransaction) Expire() {
// TODO: Here we need to PUBLISH an incomplete/timeout transaction
// remove from map
delete(mysqlTransactionsMap, trans.tuple)
func dumpInCSVFormat(fields []string, rows [][]string) string {
var buf bytes.Buffer
writer := csv.NewWriter(&buf)
for i, field := range fields {
fields[i] = strings.Replace(field, "\n", "\\n", -1)
if len(fields) > 0 {
for _, row := range rows {
for i, field := range row {
field = strings.Replace(field, "\n", "\\n", -1)
field = strings.Replace(field, "\r", "\\r", -1)
row[i] = field
csv := buf.String()
return csv
func parseMysqlResponse(data []byte) ([]string, [][]string) {
length := read_length(data, 0)
if length < 1 {
WARN("Warning: Skipping empty Response")
return []string{}, [][]string{}
fields := []string{}
rows := [][]string{}
if uint8(data[4]) == 0x00 {
// OK response
} else if uint8(data[4]) == 0xff {
// Error response
} else {
offset := 5
// Read fields
for {
length = read_length(data, offset)
if uint8(data[offset+4]) == 0xfe {
// EOF
offset += length + 4
_ /* catalog */, off := read_lstring(data, offset+4)
_ /*database*/, off = read_lstring(data, off)
_ /*table*/, off = read_lstring(data, off)
_ /*org table*/, off = read_lstring(data, off)
name, off := read_lstring(data, off)
_ /* org name */, off = read_lstring(data, off)
fields = append(fields, string(name))
offset += length + 4
// Read rows
for offset < len(data) {
var row []string
if uint8(data[offset+4]) == 0xfe {
// EOF
offset += length + 4
length = read_length(data, offset)
off := offset + 4 // skip length + packet number
start := off
for off < start+length {
var text []byte
if uint8(data[off]) == 0xfb {
text = []byte("NULL")
} else {
text, off = read_lstring(data, off)
row = append(row, string(text))
rows = append(rows, row)
offset += length + 4
return fields, rows
马建仓 AI 助手
