package main
import (
type RedisMessage struct {
Ts time.Time
NumberOfBulks int64
Bulks []string
Stream_id uint32
Tuple *IpPortTuple
CmdlineTuple *CmdlineTuple
Direction uint8
IsRequest bool
Message string
type RedisStream struct {
tcpStream *TcpStream
data []byte
parseOffset int
parseState int
bytesReceived int
message *RedisMessage
type RedisTransaction struct {
Type string
tuple TcpTuple
Src Endpoint
Dst Endpoint
ResponseTime int32
Ts int64
JsTs time.Time
ts time.Time
cmdline *CmdlineTuple
Redis bson.M
Request_raw string
Response_raw string
timer *time.Timer
// Keep sorted for future command addition
var RedisCommands = map[string]struct{}{
"APPEND": struct{}{},
"AUTH": struct{}{},
"BGREWRITEAOF": struct{}{},
"BGSAVE": struct{}{},
"BITCOUNT": struct{}{},
"BITOP": struct{}{},
"BITPOS": struct{}{},
"BLPOP": struct{}{},
"BRPOP": struct{}{},
"BRPOPLPUSH": struct{}{},
"CLIENT GETNAME": struct{}{},
"CLIENT KILL": struct{}{},
"CLIENT LIST": struct{}{},
"CLIENT PAUSE": struct{}{},
"CLIENT SETNAME": struct{}{},
"CONFIG GET": struct{}{},
"CONFIG RESETSTAT": struct{}{},
"CONFIG REWRITE": struct{}{},
"CONFIG SET": struct{}{},
"DBSIZE": struct{}{},
"DEBUG OBJECT": struct{}{},
"DEBUG SEGFAULT": struct{}{},
"DECR": struct{}{},
"DECRBY": struct{}{},
"DEL": struct{}{},
"DISCARD": struct{}{},
"DUMP": struct{}{},
"ECHO": struct{}{},
"EVAL": struct{}{},
"EVALSHA": struct{}{},
"EXEC": struct{}{},
"EXISTS": struct{}{},
"EXPIRE": struct{}{},
"EXPIREAT": struct{}{},
"FLUSHALL": struct{}{},
"FLUSHDB": struct{}{},
"GET": struct{}{},
"GETBIT": struct{}{},
"GETRANGE": struct{}{},
"GETSET": struct{}{},
"HDEL": struct{}{},
"HEXISTS": struct{}{},
"HGET": struct{}{},
"HGETALL": struct{}{},
"HINCRBY": struct{}{},
"HINCRBYFLOAT": struct{}{},
"HKEYS": struct{}{},
"HLEN": struct{}{},
"HMGET": struct{}{},
"HMSET": struct{}{},
"HSCAN": struct{}{},
"HSET": struct{}{},
"HSETINX": struct{}{},
"HVALS": struct{}{},
"INCR": struct{}{},
"INCRBY": struct{}{},
"INCRBYFLOAT": struct{}{},
"INFO": struct{}{},
"KEYS": struct{}{},
"LASTSAVE": struct{}{},
"LINDEX": struct{}{},
"LINSERT": struct{}{},
"LLEN": struct{}{},
"LPOP": struct{}{},
"LPUSH": struct{}{},
"LPUSHX": struct{}{},
"LRANGE": struct{}{},
"LREM": struct{}{},
"LSET": struct{}{},
"LTRIM": struct{}{},
"MGET": struct{}{},
"MIGRATE": struct{}{},
"MONITOR": struct{}{},
"MOVE": struct{}{},
"MSET": struct{}{},
"MSETNX": struct{}{},
"MULTI": struct{}{},
"OBJECT": struct{}{},
"PERSIST": struct{}{},
"PEXPIRE": struct{}{},
"PEXPIREAT": struct{}{},
"PFADD": struct{}{},
"PFCOUNT": struct{}{},
"PFMERGE": struct{}{},
"PING": struct{}{},
"PSETEX": struct{}{},
"PSUBSCRIBE": struct{}{},
"PTTL": struct{}{},
"PUBLISH": struct{}{},
"PUBSUB": struct{}{},
"PUNSUBSCRIBE": struct{}{},
"QUIT": struct{}{},
"RANDOMKEY": struct{}{},
"RENAME": struct{}{},
"RENAMENX": struct{}{},
"RESTORE": struct{}{},
"RPOP": struct{}{},
"RPOPLPUSH": struct{}{},
"RPUSH": struct{}{},
"RPUSHX": struct{}{},
"SADD": struct{}{},
"SAVE": struct{}{},
"SCAN": struct{}{},
"SCARD": struct{}{},
"SCRIPT EXISTS": struct{}{},
"SCRIPT FLUSH": struct{}{},
"SCRIPT KILL": struct{}{},
"SCRIPT LOAD": struct{}{},
"SDIFF": struct{}{},
"SDIFFSTORE": struct{}{},
"SELECT": struct{}{},
"SET": struct{}{},
"SETBIT": struct{}{},
"SETEX": struct{}{},
"SETNX": struct{}{},
"SETRANGE": struct{}{},
"SHUTDOWN": struct{}{},
"SINTER": struct{}{},
"SINTERSTORE": struct{}{},
"SISMEMBER": struct{}{},
"SLAVEOF": struct{}{},
"SLOWLOG": struct{}{},
"SMEMBERS": struct{}{},
"SMOVE": struct{}{},
"SORT": struct{}{},
"SPOP": struct{}{},
"SRANDMEMBER": struct{}{},
"SREM": struct{}{},
"SSCAN": struct{}{},
"STRLEN": struct{}{},
"SUBSCRIBE": struct{}{},
"SUNION": struct{}{},
"SUNIONSTORE": struct{}{},
"SYNC": struct{}{},
"TIME": struct{}{},
"TTL": struct{}{},
"TYPE": struct{}{},
"UNSUBSCRIBE": struct{}{},
"UNWATCH": struct{}{},
"WATCH": struct{}{},
"ZADD": struct{}{},
"ZCARD": struct{}{},
"ZCOUNT": struct{}{},
"ZINCRBY": struct{}{},
"ZINTERSTORE": struct{}{},
"ZRANGE": struct{}{},
"ZRANGEBYSCORE": struct{}{},
"ZRANK": struct{}{},
"ZREM": struct{}{},
"ZREMRANGEBYLEX": struct{}{},
"ZREMRANGEBYRANK": struct{}{},
"ZREVRANGE": struct{}{},
"ZREVRANK": struct{}{},
"ZSCAN": struct{}{},
"ZSCORE": struct{}{},
"ZUNIONSTORE": struct{}{},
var redisTransactionsMap = make(map[TcpTuple]*RedisTransaction, TransactionsHashSize)
func (stream *RedisStream) PrepareForNewMessage() {
stream.message.NumberOfBulks = 0
stream.message.Bulks = []string{}
stream.message.IsRequest = false
func redisMessageParser(s *RedisStream) (bool, bool) {
var err error
var value string
m := s.message
for s.parseOffset < len(s.data) {
if s.data[s.parseOffset] == '*' {
//Multi Bulk Message
line, off := readLine(s.data, s.parseOffset)
if len(line) == 3 && line[1] == '-' && line[2] == '1' {
//NULL Multi Bulk
s.parseOffset = off
value = "nil"
} else {
m.NumberOfBulks, err = strconv.ParseInt(line[1:], 10, 64)
if err != nil {
ERR("Failed to read number of bulk messages: %s", err)
return false, false
s.parseOffset = off
m.Bulks = []string{}
} else if s.data[s.parseOffset] == '$' {
// Bulk Reply
line, off := readLine(s.data, s.parseOffset)
if len(line) == 3 && line[1] == '-' && line[2] == '1' {
// NULL Bulk Reply
value = "nil"
s.parseOffset = off
} else {
length, err := strconv.ParseInt(line[1:], 10, 64)
if err != nil {
ERR("Failed to read bulk message: %s", err)
return false, false
s.parseOffset = off
line, off = readLine(s.data, s.parseOffset)
if int64(len(line)) != length {
ERR("Wrong length of data: %d instead of %d", len(line), length)
return false, false
value = line
s.parseOffset = off
} else if s.data[s.parseOffset] == ':' {
// Integer reply
line, off := readLine(s.data, s.parseOffset)
n, err := strconv.ParseInt(line[1:], 10, 64)
if err != nil {
ERR("Failed to read integer reply: %s", err)
return false, false
value = string(n)
s.parseOffset = off
} else if s.data[s.parseOffset] == '+' {
// Status Reply
line, off := readLine(s.data, s.parseOffset)
value = line[1:]
s.parseOffset = off
} else if s.data[s.parseOffset] == '-' {
// Error Reply
line, off := readLine(s.data, s.parseOffset)
value = line[1:]
s.parseOffset = off
} else {
DEBUG("redis", "Unexpected message starting with %s", s.data[s.parseOffset:])
return false, false
// add value
if m.NumberOfBulks > 0 {
m.NumberOfBulks = m.NumberOfBulks - 1
m.Bulks = append(m.Bulks, value)
if len(m.Bulks) == 1 {
// check if it's a command
if isRedisCommand(value) {
m.IsRequest = true
if m.NumberOfBulks == 0 {
// the last bulk received
m.Message = strings.Join(m.Bulks, " ")
return true, true
} else {
m.Message = value
return true, true
} //end for
return true, false
func readLine(data []byte, offset int) (string, int) {
q := bytes.Index(data[offset:], []byte("\r\n"))
return string(data[offset : offset+q]), offset + q + 2
func ParseRedis(pkt *Packet, tcp *TcpStream, dir uint8) {
defer RECOVER("ParseRedis exception")
if tcp.redisData[dir] == nil {
tcp.redisData[dir] = &RedisStream{
tcpStream: tcp,
data: pkt.payload,
message: &RedisMessage{Ts: pkt.ts},
} else {
// concatenate bytes
tcp.redisData[dir].data = append(tcp.redisData[dir].data, pkt.payload...)
stream := tcp.redisData[dir]
if stream.message == nil {
stream.message = &RedisMessage{Ts: pkt.ts}
ok, complete := redisMessageParser(tcp.redisData[dir])
if !ok {
// drop this tcp stream. Will retry parsing with the next
// segment in it
tcp.redisData[dir] = nil
if complete {
if stream.message.IsRequest {
DEBUG("redis", "REDIS request message: %s", stream.message.Message)
} else {
DEBUG("redis", "REDIS response message: %s", stream.message.Message)
// all ok, go to next level
handleRedis(stream.message, tcp, dir)
// and reset message
func isRedisCommand(key string) bool {
_, exists := RedisCommands[key]
return exists
func handleRedis(m *RedisMessage, tcp *TcpStream,
dir uint8) {
m.Stream_id = tcp.id
m.Tuple = tcp.tuple
m.Direction = dir
m.CmdlineTuple = procWatcher.FindProcessesTuple(tcp.tuple)
if m.IsRequest {
} else {
func receivedRedisRequest(msg *RedisMessage) {
// Add it to the HT
tuple := TcpTuple{
Src_ip: msg.Tuple.Src_ip,
Dst_ip: msg.Tuple.Dst_ip,
Src_port: msg.Tuple.Src_port,
Dst_port: msg.Tuple.Dst_port,
stream_id: msg.Stream_id,
trans := redisTransactionsMap[tuple]
if trans != nil {
if len(trans.Redis) != 0 {
WARN("Two requests without a Response. Dropping old request")
} else {
trans = &RedisTransaction{Type: "redis", tuple: tuple}
redisTransactionsMap[tuple] = trans
trans.Redis = bson.M{
"request": msg.Message,
trans.Request_raw = msg.Message
trans.cmdline = msg.CmdlineTuple
trans.ts = msg.Ts
trans.Ts = int64(trans.ts.UnixNano() / 1000) // transactions have microseconds resolution
trans.JsTs = msg.Ts
trans.Src = Endpoint{
Ip: Ipv4_Ntoa(tuple.Src_ip),
Port: tuple.Src_port,
Proc: string(msg.CmdlineTuple.Src),
trans.Dst = Endpoint{
Ip: Ipv4_Ntoa(tuple.Dst_ip),
Port: tuple.Dst_port,
Proc: string(msg.CmdlineTuple.Dst),
if trans.timer != nil {
trans.timer = time.AfterFunc(TransactionTimeout, func() { trans.Expire() })
func (trans *RedisTransaction) Expire() {
// remove from map
delete(redisTransactionsMap, trans.tuple)
func receivedRedisResponse(msg *RedisMessage) {
tuple := TcpTuple{
Src_ip: msg.Tuple.Src_ip,
Dst_ip: msg.Tuple.Dst_ip,
Src_port: msg.Tuple.Src_port,
Dst_port: msg.Tuple.Dst_port,
stream_id: msg.Stream_id,
trans := redisTransactionsMap[tuple]
if trans == nil {
WARN("Response from unknown transaction. Ignoring.")
// check if the request was received
if len(trans.Redis) == 0 {
WARN("Response from unknown transaction. Ignoring.")
trans.Redis["response"] = msg.Message
trans.Response_raw = msg.Message
trans.ResponseTime = int32(msg.Ts.Sub(trans.ts).Nanoseconds() / 1e6) // resp_time in milliseconds
err := Publisher.PublishRedisTransaction(trans)
if err != nil {
WARN("Publish failure: %s", err)
DEBUG("redis", "Redis transaction completed: %s", trans.Redis)
// remove from map
delete(redisTransactionsMap, trans.tuple)
if trans.timer != nil {
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