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output_redis.go 5.63 KB
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package main
import (
type RedisOutputType struct {
Index string
Client *redis.Client
TopologyExpire time.Duration
ReconnectInterval time.Duration
Hostname string
Password string
Db int
DbTopology int
Timeout time.Duration
TopologyMap map[string]string
sendingQueue chan RedisQueueMsg
connected bool
type RedisQueueMsg struct {
index string
msg string
var RedisOutput RedisOutputType
func (out *RedisOutputType) Init(config tomlMothership) error {
out.Hostname = fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", config.Host, config.Port)
if config.Password != "" {
out.Password = config.Password
if config.Db != 0 {
out.Db = config.Db
out.DbTopology = 1
if config.Db_topology != 0 {
out.DbTopology = config.Db_topology
out.Timeout = time.Duration(5) * time.Second
if config.Timeout != 0 {
out.Timeout = time.Duration(config.Timeout) * time.Second
if config.Index != "" {
out.Index = config.Index
} else {
out.Index = "packetbeat"
out.ReconnectInterval = time.Duration(1) * time.Second
if config.Reconnect_interval != 0 {
out.ReconnectInterval = time.Duration(config.Reconnect_interval) * time.Second
exp_sec := 15
if _Config.Agent.Topology_expire != 0 {
exp_sec = _Config.Agent.Topology_expire
out.TopologyExpire = time.Duration(exp_sec) * time.Second
INFO("[RedisOutput] Using Redis server %s", out.Hostname)
if out.Password != "" {
INFO("[RedisOutput] Using password to connect to Redis")
INFO("[RedisOutput] Redis connection timeout %s", out.Timeout)
INFO("[RedisOutput] Redis reconnect interval %s", out.ReconnectInterval)
INFO("[RedisOutput] Using index pattern %s", out.Index)
INFO("[RedisOutput] Topology expires after %s", out.TopologyExpire)
INFO("[RedisOutput] Using db %d for storing events", out.Db)
INFO("[RedisOutput] Using db %d for storing topology", out.DbTopology)
out.sendingQueue = make(chan RedisQueueMsg, 1000)
go out.SendMessagesGoroutine()
return nil
func (out *RedisOutputType) Connect() error {
client := redis.NewTCPClient(&redis.Options{
Addr: out.Hostname,
Password: out.Password,
DB: int64(out.Db),
DialTimeout: out.Timeout,
_, err := client.Ping().Result()
if err != nil {
ERR("Failed connection to Redis. ping returns an error: %s", err)
return err
out.Client = client
out.connected = true
return nil
func (out *RedisOutputType) Close() {
func (out *RedisOutputType) SendMessagesGoroutine() {
for queueMsg := range out.sendingQueue {
if !out.connected {
DEBUG("output_redis", "Droping pkt ...")
DEBUG("output_redis", "Send event to redis")
_, err := out.Client.RPush(queueMsg.index, queueMsg.msg).Result()
if err != nil {
ERR("Fail to publish event to REDIS: %s", err)
out.connected = false
go out.Reconnect()
func (out *RedisOutputType) Reconnect() {
for {
err := out.Connect()
if err != nil {
WARN("Error connecting to Redis (%s). Retrying in %s", err, out.ReconnectInterval)
} else {
func (out *RedisOutputType) GetNameByIP(ip string) string {
name, exists := out.TopologyMap[ip]
if !exists {
return ""
return name
func (out *RedisOutputType) PublishIPs(name string, localAddrs []string) error {
DEBUG("output_redis", "[%s] Publish the IPs %s", name, localAddrs)
// connect to db
client := redis.NewTCPClient(&redis.Options{
Addr: out.Hostname,
Password: out.Password,
DialTimeout: out.Timeout,
defer client.Close()
_, err := client.HSet(name, "ipaddrs", strings.Join(localAddrs, ",")).Result()
if err != nil {
ERR("[%s] Fail to set the IP addresses: %s", name, err)
return err
_, err = client.Expire(name, out.TopologyExpire).Result()
if err != nil {
ERR("[%s] Fail to set the expiration time: %s", name, err)
return err
return nil
func (out *RedisOutputType) UpdateLocalTopologyMap(client *redis.Client) {
TopologyMapTmp := make(map[string]string)
res, err := client.Keys("*").Result()
if err != nil {
ERR("Fail to get the all agents from the topology map %s", err)
for _, hostname := range res {
res, err := client.HGet(hostname, "ipaddrs").Result()
if err != nil {
ERR("[%s] Fail to get the IPs: %s", hostname, err)
} else {
ipaddrs := strings.Split(res, ",")
for _, addr := range ipaddrs {
TopologyMapTmp[addr] = hostname
out.TopologyMap = TopologyMapTmp
DEBUG("output_redis", "Topology %s", TopologyMapTmp)
func (out *RedisOutputType) PublishEvent(event *Event) error {
json_event, err := json.Marshal(event)
if err != nil {
ERR("Fail to convert the event to JSON: %s", err)
return err
out.sendingQueue <- RedisQueueMsg{index: out.Index, msg: string(json_event)}
DEBUG("output_redis", "Publish event")
return nil
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