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publish.go 10.62 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
Monica Sarbu 提交于 2014-08-07 21:22 . go fmt
package main
import (
type PublisherType struct {
name string
disabled bool
Index string
Output []OutputInterface
TopologyOutput OutputInterface
RefreshTopologyTimer <-chan time.Time
type OutputInterface interface {
PublishIPs(name string, localAddrs []string) error
GetNameByIP(ip string) string
PublishEvent(event *Event) error
var Publisher PublisherType
// Config
type tomlAgent struct {
Name string
Refresh_topology_freq int
Ignore_outgoing bool
Topology_expire int
type tomlMothership struct {
Enabled bool
Save_topology bool
Host string
Port int
Protocol string
Username string
Password string
Index string
Path string
Db int
Db_topology int
Timeout int
Reconnect_interval int
const (
ElasticsearchOutputName = "elasticsearch"
RedisOutputName = "redis"
var outputTypes = []string{ElasticsearchOutputName, RedisOutputName}
type Event struct {
Timestamp time.Time `json:"@timestamp"`
Type string `json:"type"`
Agent string `json:"agent"`
Src_ip string `json:"src_ip"`
Src_port uint16 `json:"src_port"`
Src_proc string `json:"src_proc"`
Src_country string `json:"src_country"`
Src_server string `json:"src_server"`
Dst_ip string `json:"dst_ip"`
Dst_port uint16 `json:"dst_port"`
Dst_proc string `json:"dst_proc"`
Dst_server string `json:"dst_server"`
ResponseTime int32 `json:"responsetime"`
Status string `json:"status"`
RequestRaw string `json:"request_raw"`
ResponseRaw string `json:"response_raw"`
Mysql bson.M `json:"mysql"`
Http bson.M `json:"http"`
Redis bson.M `json:"redis"`
Pgsql bson.M `json:"pgsql"`
type Topology struct {
Name string `json:"name"`
Ip string `json:"ip"`
func PrintPublishEvent(event *Event) {
json, err := json.MarshalIndent(event, "", " ")
if err != nil {
ERR("json.Marshal: %s", err)
} else {
DEBUG("publish", "Publish: %s", string(json))
const (
func (publisher *PublisherType) GetServerName(ip string) string {
// in case the IP is localhost, return current agent name
islocal, err := IsLoopback(ip)
if err != nil {
ERR("Parsing IP %s fails with: %s", ip, err)
return ""
} else {
if islocal {
return publisher.name
// find the agent with the desired IP
return publisher.TopologyOutput.GetNameByIP(ip)
func (publisher *PublisherType) PublishHttpTransaction(t *HttpTransaction) error {
event := Event{}
event.Type = "http"
response := t.Http["response"].(bson.M)
code := response["code"].(uint16)
if code < 400 {
event.Status = OK_STATUS
} else {
event.Status = ERROR_STATUS
event.ResponseTime = t.ResponseTime
event.RequestRaw = t.Request_raw
event.ResponseRaw = t.Response_raw
event.Http = t.Http
return publisher.PublishEvent(t.ts, &t.Src, &t.Dst, &event)
func (publisher *PublisherType) PublishMysqlTransaction(t *MysqlTransaction) error {
event := Event{}
event.Type = "mysql"
if t.Mysql["iserror"].(bool) {
event.Status = ERROR_STATUS
} else {
event.Status = OK_STATUS
event.ResponseTime = t.ResponseTime
event.RequestRaw = t.Request_raw
event.ResponseRaw = t.Response_raw
event.Mysql = t.Mysql
return publisher.PublishEvent(t.ts, &t.Src, &t.Dst, &event)
func (publisher *PublisherType) PublishRedisTransaction(t *RedisTransaction) error {
event := Event{}
event.Type = "redis"
event.Status = OK_STATUS
event.ResponseTime = t.ResponseTime
event.RequestRaw = t.Request_raw
event.ResponseRaw = t.Response_raw
event.Redis = t.Redis
return publisher.PublishEvent(t.ts, &t.Src, &t.Dst, &event)
func (publisher *PublisherType) PublishEvent(ts time.Time, src *Endpoint, dst *Endpoint, event *Event) error {
event.Src_server = publisher.GetServerName(src.Ip)
event.Dst_server = publisher.GetServerName(dst.Ip)
if _Config.Agent.Ignore_outgoing && event.Dst_server != "" &&
event.Dst_server != publisher.name {
// duplicated transaction -> ignore it
DEBUG("publish", "Ignore duplicated REDIS transaction on %s: %s -> %s", publisher.name, event.Src_server, event.Dst_server)
return nil
event.Timestamp = ts
event.Agent = publisher.name
event.Src_ip = src.Ip
event.Src_port = src.Port
event.Src_proc = src.Proc
event.Dst_ip = dst.Ip
event.Dst_port = dst.Port
event.Dst_proc = dst.Proc
// set src_country if no src_server is set
event.Src_country = ""
if _GeoLite != nil {
if len(event.Src_server) == 0 { // only for external IP addresses
loc := _GeoLite.GetLocationByIP(src.Ip)
if loc != nil {
event.Src_country = loc.CountryCode
if IS_DEBUG("publish") {
// add transaction
has_error := false
if !publisher.disabled {
for i := 0; i < len(publisher.Output); i++ {
err := publisher.Output[i].PublishEvent(event)
if err != nil {
ERR("Fail to publish event type on output %s: %s", publisher.Output, err)
has_error = true
if has_error {
return errors.New("Fail to publish event")
return nil
func (publisher *PublisherType) PublishPgsqlTransaction(t *PgsqlTransaction) error {
event := Event{}
event.Type = "pgsql"
if t.Pgsql["iserror"].(bool) {
event.Status = ERROR_STATUS
} else {
event.Status = OK_STATUS
event.ResponseTime = t.ResponseTime
event.RequestRaw = t.Request_raw
event.ResponseRaw = t.Response_raw
event.Pgsql = t.Pgsql
return publisher.PublishEvent(t.ts, &t.Src, &t.Dst, &event)
func (publisher *PublisherType) UpdateTopologyPeriodically() {
for _ = range publisher.RefreshTopologyTimer {
func (publisher *PublisherType) PublishTopology(params ...string) error {
var localAddrs []string = params
if len(params) == 0 {
addrs, err := LocalIpAddrsAsStrings(false)
if err != nil {
ERR("Getting local IP addresses fails with: %s", err)
return err
localAddrs = addrs
DEBUG("publish", "Add topology entry for %s: %s", publisher.name, localAddrs)
err := publisher.TopologyOutput.PublishIPs(publisher.name, localAddrs)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (publisher *PublisherType) Init(publishDisabled bool) error {
var err error
for i := 0; i < len(outputTypes); i++ {
output, exists := _Config.Output[outputTypes[i]]
if exists {
switch outputTypes[i] {
case ElasticsearchOutputName:
if output.Enabled {
err := ElasticsearchOutput.Init(output)
if err != nil {
ERR("Fail to initialize Elasticsearch as output: %s", err)
return err
publisher.Output = append(publisher.Output, OutputInterface(&ElasticsearchOutput))
if output.Save_topology {
if publisher.TopologyOutput != nil {
ERR("Multiple outputs defined to store topology. Please add save_topology = true option only for one output.")
return errors.New("Multiple outputs defined to store topology")
publisher.TopologyOutput = OutputInterface(&ElasticsearchOutput)
INFO("Using Elasticsearch to store the topology")
case RedisOutputName:
if output.Enabled {
err := RedisOutput.Init(output)
if err != nil {
ERR("Fail to initialize Redis as output: %s", err)
return err
publisher.Output = append(publisher.Output, OutputInterface(&RedisOutput))
if output.Save_topology {
if publisher.TopologyOutput != nil {
ERR("Multiple outputs defined to store topology. Please add save_topology = true option only for one output.")
return errors.New("Multiple outputs defined to store topology")
publisher.TopologyOutput = OutputInterface(&RedisOutput)
INFO("Using Redis to store the topology")
if len(publisher.Output) == 0 {
INFO("No outputs are defined. Please define one under [output]")
return errors.New("No outputs are define")
if publisher.TopologyOutput == nil {
INFO("No output is defined to store the topology. Please add save_topology = true option to one output.")
return errors.New("No output to store topology")
publisher.name = _Config.Agent.Name
if len(publisher.name) == 0 {
// use the hostname
publisher.name, err = os.Hostname()
if err != nil {
return err
INFO("No agent name configured, using hostname '%s'", publisher.name)
publisher.disabled = publishDisabled
if publisher.disabled {
INFO("Dry run mode. Elasticsearch won't be updated or queried.")
RefreshTopologyFreq := 10 * time.Second
if _Config.Agent.Refresh_topology_freq != 0 {
RefreshTopologyFreq = time.Duration(_Config.Agent.Refresh_topology_freq) * time.Second
publisher.RefreshTopologyTimer = time.Tick(RefreshTopologyFreq)
INFO("Topology map refreshed every %s", RefreshTopologyFreq)
if !publisher.disabled {
// register agent and its public IP addresses
err = publisher.PublishTopology()
if err != nil {
ERR("Failed to publish topology: %s", err)
return err
// update topology periodically
go publisher.UpdateTopologyPeriodically()
return nil
马建仓 AI 助手
