// This file contains the name mapping data used to convert various DNS IDs to
// their string values.
package dns
import (
// opCodeToStringMap contains a mapping of DNS op code values to strings.
var opCodeToStringMap = map[uint8]string{
0: "QUERY",
1: "IQUERY",
2: "STATUS",
4: "NOTIFY",
5: "UPDATE",
// classToStringMap contains a mapping of DNS class values to strings.
var classToStringMap = map[uint16]string{
1: "IN",
2: "CS",
3: "CH",
4: "HS",
254: "NONE",
255: "ANY",
// typeToStringMap contains a mapping of DNS type values to strings.
// This list was created from data maintained by IANA at
// https://www.iana.org/assignments/dns-parameters/dns-parameters.xhtml.
var typeToStringMap = map[uint16]string{
1: "A", // a host address
2: "NS", // an authoritative name server
3: "MD", // a mail destination (OBSOLETE - use MX)
4: "MF", // a mail forwarder (OBSOLETE - use MX)
5: "CNAME", // the canonical name for an alias
6: "SOA", // marks the start of a zone of authority
7: "MB", // a mailbox domain name (EXPERIMENTAL)
8: "MG", // a mail group member (EXPERIMENTAL)
9: "MR", // a mail rename domain name (EXPERIMENTAL)
10: "NULL", // a null RR (EXPERIMENTAL)
11: "WKS", // a well known service description
12: "PTR", // a domain name pointer
13: "HINFO", // host information
14: "MINFO", // mailbox or mail list information
15: "MX", // mail exchange
16: "TXT", // text strings
17: "RP", // for Responsible Person
18: "AFSDB", // for AFS Data Base location
19: "X25", // for X.25 PSDN address
20: "ISDN", // for ISDN address
21: "RT", // for Route Through
22: "NSAP", // for NSAP address, NSAP style A record
23: "NSAP-PTR", // for domain name pointer, NSAP style
24: "SIG", // for security signature
25: "KEY", // for security key
26: "PX", // X.400 mail mapping information
27: "GPOS", // Geographical Position
28: "AAAA", // IP6 Address
29: "LOC", // Location Information
30: "NXT", // Next Domain (OBSOLETE)
31: "EID", // Endpoint Identifier
32: "NIMLOC", // Nimrod Locator
33: "SRV", // Server Selection
34: "ATMA", // ATM Address
35: "NAPTR", // Naming Authority Pointer
36: "KX", // Key Exchanger
37: "CERT", // CERT
38: "A6", // A6 (OBSOLETE - use AAAA)
39: "DNAME", // DNAME
40: "SINK", // SINK
41: "OPT", // OPT
42: "APL", // APL
43: "DS", // Delegation Signer
44: "SSHFP", // SSH Key Fingerprint
46: "RRSIG", // RRSIG
47: "NSEC", // NSEC
49: "DHCID", // DHCID
50: "NSEC3", // NSEC3
52: "TLSA", // TLSA
55: "HIP", // Host Identity Protocol
56: "NINFO", // NINFO
57: "RKEY", // RKEY
58: "TALINK", // Trust Anchor LINK
59: "CDS", // Child DS
60: "CDNSKEY", // DNSKEY(s) the Child wants reflected in DS
61: "OPENPGPKEY", // OpenPGP Key
62: "CSYNC", // Child-To-Parent Synchronization
99: "SPF",
100: "UINFO",
101: "UID",
102: "GID",
103: "UNSPEC",
104: "NID",
105: "L32",
106: "L64",
107: "LP",
108: "EUI48", // an EUI-48 address
109: "EUI64", // an EUI-64 address
249: "TKEY", // Transaction Key
250: "TSIG", // Transaction Signature
251: "IXFR", // incremental transfer
252: "AXFR", // transfer of an entire zone
253: "MAILB", // mailbox-related RRs (MB, MG or MR)
254: "MAILA", // mail agent RRs (OBSOLETE - see MX)
255: "ANY", // A request for all records the server/cache has available
256: "URI", // URI
257: "CAA", // Certification Authority Restriction
32768: "TA", // DNSSEC Trust Authorities
32769: "DLV", // DNSSEC Lookaside Validation
var rcodeToStringMap = map[uint8]string{
0: "NOERROR", // Success
1: "FORMERR", // Format Error [RFC1035]
2: "SERVFAIL", // Server Failure [RFC1035]
3: "NXDOMAIN", // Non-Existent Domain [RFC1035]
4: "NOTIMPL", // Not Implemented [RFC1035]
5: "REFUSED", // Query Refused [RFC1035]
6: "YXDOMAIN", // Name Exists when it should not [RFC2136]
7: "YXRRSET", // RR Set Exists when it should not [RFC2136]
8: "NXRRSET", // RR Set that should exist does not [RFC2136]
9: "NOTAUTH", // Server Not Authoritative for zone [RFC2136]
10: "NOTZONE", // Name not contained in zone [RFC2136]
16: "BADSIG", // TSIG Signature Failure [RFC2845]
// "BADVERS", // Bad OPT Version (also 16) [RFC2671]
17: "BADKEY", // Key not recognized [RFC2845]
18: "BADTIME", // Signature out of time window [RFC2845]
19: "BADMODE", // Bad TKEY Mode [RFC2930]
20: "BADNAME", // Duplicate key name [RFC2930]
21: "BADALG", // Algorithm not supported [RFC2930]
22: "BADTRUNC", // Bad Truncation [RFC4635]
// dnsOpCodeToString converts a DNSOpCode value to a string. If the type's
// string representation is unknown then the numeric value will be returned as
// a string.
func dnsOpCodeToString(opCode layers.DNSOpCode) string {
s, exists := opCodeToStringMap[uint8(opCode)]
if !exists {
return strconv.Itoa(int(opCode))
return s
// dnsResponseCodeToString converts a DNSResponseCode value to a string. If
// the type's string representation is unknown then "Unknown <rcode value>"
// will be returned.
func dnsResponseCodeToString(rcode layers.DNSResponseCode) string {
s, exists := rcodeToStringMap[uint8(rcode)]
if !exists {
return fmt.Sprintf("Unknown %d", int(rcode))
return s
// dnsTypeToString converts a DNSType value to a string. If the type's
// string representation is unknown then the numeric value will be returned
// as a string.
func dnsTypeToString(t layers.DNSType) string {
s, exists := typeToStringMap[uint16(t)]
if !exists {
return strconv.Itoa(int(t))
return s
// dnsClassToString converts a DNSClass value to a string. If the class'es
// string representation is unknown then the numeric value will be returned
// as a string.
func dnsClassToString(c layers.DNSClass) string {
s, exists := classToStringMap[uint16(c)]
if !exists {
return strconv.Itoa(int(c))
return s
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