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schema.go 3.03 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
package schema
import (
// Schema describes how a map[string]interface{} object can be parsed and converted into
// an event. The conversions can be described using an (optionally nested) common.MapStr
// that contains Conv objects.
type Schema map[string]Mapper
// Mapper interface represents a valid type to be used in a schema.
type Mapper interface {
// Map applies the Mapper conversion on the data and adds the result
// to the event on the key.
Map(key string, event common.MapStr, data map[string]interface{})
HasKey(key string) bool
// A Conv object represents a conversion mechanism from the data map to the event map.
type Conv struct {
Func Converter // Convertor function
Key string // The key in the data map
Optional bool // Whether to log errors if the key is not found
// Convertor function type
type Converter func(key string, data map[string]interface{}) (interface{}, error)
// Map applies the conversion on the data and adds the result
// to the event on the key.
func (conv Conv) Map(key string, event common.MapStr, data map[string]interface{}) {
value, err := conv.Func(conv.Key, data)
if err != nil {
if !conv.Optional {
logp.Err("Error on field '%s': %v", key, err)
} else {
event[key] = value
func (conv Conv) HasKey(key string) bool {
return conv.Key == key
// implements Mapper interface for structure
type Object map[string]Mapper
func (o Object) Map(key string, event common.MapStr, data map[string]interface{}) {
subEvent := common.MapStr{}
applySchemaToEvent(subEvent, data, o)
event[key] = subEvent
func (o Object) HasKey(key string) bool {
return hasKey(key, o)
// ApplyTo adds the fields extracted from data, converted using the schema, to the
// event map.
func (s Schema) ApplyTo(event common.MapStr, data map[string]interface{}) common.MapStr {
applySchemaToEvent(event, data, s)
return event
// Apply converts the fields extracted from data, using the schema, into a new map.
func (s Schema) Apply(data map[string]interface{}) common.MapStr {
return s.ApplyTo(common.MapStr{}, data)
// HasKey checks if the key is part of the schema
func (s Schema) HasKey(key string) bool {
return hasKey(key, s)
func hasKey(key string, mappers map[string]Mapper) bool {
for _, mapper := range mappers {
if mapper.HasKey(key) {
return true
return false
func applySchemaToEvent(event common.MapStr, data map[string]interface{}, conversions map[string]Mapper) {
for key, mapper := range conversions {
mapper.Map(key, event, data)
// SchemaOption is for adding optional parameters to the conversion
// functions
type SchemaOption func(c Conv) Conv
// The optional flag suppresses the error message in case the key
// doesn't exist or results in an error.
func Optional(c Conv) Conv {
c.Optional = true
return c
// setOptions adds the optional flags to the Conv object
func SetOptions(c Conv, opts []SchemaOption) Conv {
for _, opt := range opts {
c = opt(c)
return c
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