Package beater provides the implementation of the libbeat Beater interface for
Winlogbeat. The main event loop is implemented in this package.
package beater
import (
// Metrics that can retrieved through the expvar web interface. Metrics must be
// enable through configuration in order for the web service to be started.
var (
publishedEvents = expvar.NewMap("published_events")
ignoredEvents = expvar.NewMap("ignored_events")
func init() {
expvar.Publish("uptime", expvar.Func(uptime))
// Debug logging functions for this package.
var (
debugf = logp.MakeDebug("winlogbeat")
// Time the application was started.
var startTime = time.Now().UTC()
// Winlogbeat is used to conform to the beat interface
type Winlogbeat struct {
beat *beat.Beat // Common beat information.
config *config.Settings // Configuration settings.
eventLogs []eventlog.EventLog // List of all event logs being monitored.
done chan struct{} // Channel to initiate shutdown of main event loop.
client publisher.Client // Interface to publish event.
checkpoint *checkpoint.Checkpoint // Persists event log state to disk.
// New returns a new Winlogbeat.
func New(b *beat.Beat, _ *common.Config) (beat.Beater, error) {
// Read configuration.
// XXX: winlogbeat validates top-level config -> ignore beater config and
// parse complete top-level config
config := config.DefaultSettings
rawConfig := b.RawConfig
err := rawConfig.Unpack(&config)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Error reading configuration file. %v", err)
// resolve registry file path
config.Winlogbeat.RegistryFile = paths.Resolve(
paths.Data, config.Winlogbeat.RegistryFile)
logp.Info("State will be read from and persisted to %s",
eb := &Winlogbeat{
beat: b,
config: &config,
done: make(chan struct{}),
if err := eb.init(b); err != nil {
return nil, err
return eb, nil
func (eb *Winlogbeat) init(b *beat.Beat) error {
config := &eb.config.Winlogbeat
// Create the event logs. This will validate the event log specific
// configuration.
eb.eventLogs = make([]eventlog.EventLog, 0, len(config.EventLogs))
for _, config := range config.EventLogs {
eventLog, err := eventlog.New(config)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Failed to create new event log. %v", err)
debugf("Initialized EventLog[%s]", eventLog.Name())
eb.eventLogs = append(eb.eventLogs, eventLog)
return nil
// Setup uses the loaded config and creates necessary markers and environment
// settings to allow the beat to be used.
func (eb *Winlogbeat) setup(b *beat.Beat) error {
config := &eb.config.Winlogbeat
eb.client = b.Publisher.Connect()
var err error
eb.checkpoint, err = checkpoint.NewCheckpoint(config.RegistryFile, 10, 5*time.Second)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// Run is used within the beats interface to execute the Winlogbeat workers.
func (eb *Winlogbeat) Run(b *beat.Beat) error {
if err := eb.setup(b); err != nil {
return err
persistedState := eb.checkpoint.States()
// Initialize metrics.
publishedEvents.Add("total", 0)
ignoredEvents.Add("total", 0)
var wg sync.WaitGroup
for _, log := range eb.eventLogs {
state, _ := persistedState[log.Name()]
// Initialize per event log metrics.
publishedEvents.Add(log.Name(), 0)
ignoredEvents.Add(log.Name(), 0)
// Start a goroutine for each event log.
go eb.processEventLog(&wg, log, state)
return nil
// Stop is used to tell the winlogbeat that it should cease executing.
func (eb *Winlogbeat) Stop() {
logp.Info("Stopping Winlogbeat")
if eb.done != nil {
func (eb *Winlogbeat) processEventLog(
wg *sync.WaitGroup,
api eventlog.EventLog,
state checkpoint.EventLogState,
) {
defer wg.Done()
err := api.Open(state.RecordNumber)
if err != nil {
logp.Warn("EventLog[%s] Open() error. No events will be read from "+
"this source. %v", api.Name(), err)
defer func() {
logp.Info("EventLog[%s] Stop processing.", api.Name())
if err := api.Close(); err != nil {
logp.Warn("EventLog[%s] Close() error. %v", api.Name(), err)
debugf("EventLog[%s] opened successfully", api.Name())
for {
select {
case <-eb.done:
// Read from the event.
records, err := api.Read()
if err != nil {
logp.Warn("EventLog[%s] Read() error: %v", api.Name(), err)
debugf("EventLog[%s] Read() returned %d records", api.Name(), len(records))
if len(records) == 0 {
// TODO: Consider implementing notifications using
// NotifyChangeEventLog instead of polling.
events := make([]common.MapStr, 0, len(records))
for _, lr := range records {
events = append(events, lr.ToMapStr())
// Publish events.
numEvents := int64(len(events))
ok := eb.client.PublishEvents(events, publisher.Sync, publisher.Guaranteed)
if !ok {
// due to using Sync and Guaranteed the ok will only be false on shutdown.
// Do not update the internal state and return in this case
publishedEvents.Add("total", numEvents)
publishedEvents.Add(api.Name(), numEvents)
logp.Info("EventLog[%s] Successfully published %d events",
api.Name(), numEvents)
// uptime returns a map of uptime related metrics.
func uptime() interface{} {
now := time.Now().UTC()
uptimeDur := now.Sub(startTime)
return map[string]interface{}{
"start_time": startTime,
"uptime": uptimeDur.String(),
"uptime_ms": fmt.Sprintf("%d", uptimeDur.Nanoseconds()/int64(time.Microsecond)),
"server_time": now,
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