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mongodb_structs.go 5.51 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
Steffen Siering 提交于 2016-11-14 14:50 . More Packetbeat cleanups (#2972)
package mongodb
// Represent a mongodb message being parsed
import (
type mongodbMessage struct {
ts time.Time
tcpTuple common.TCPTuple
cmdlineTuple *common.CmdlineTuple
direction uint8
isResponse bool
expectsResponse bool
// Standard message header fields from mongodb wire protocol
// see http://docs.mongodb.org/meta-driver/latest/legacy/mongodb-wire-protocol/#standard-message-header
messageLength int
requestID int
responseTo int
opCode opCode
// deduced from content. Either an operation from the original wire protocol or the name of a command (passed through a query)
// List of commands: http://docs.mongodb.org/manual/reference/command/
// List of original protocol operations: http://docs.mongodb.org/meta-driver/latest/legacy/mongodb-wire-protocol/#request-opcodes
method string
error string
resource string
documents []interface{}
params map[string]interface{}
// Other fields vary very much depending on operation type
// lets just put them in a map
event common.MapStr
// Represent a stream being parsed that contains a mongodb message
type stream struct {
tcptuple *common.TCPTuple
data []byte
message *mongodbMessage
// Parser moves to next message in stream
func (st *stream) PrepareForNewMessage() {
st.data = st.data[st.message.messageLength:]
st.message = nil
// The private data of a parser instance
// is composed of 2 potentially active streams: incoming, outgoing
type mongodbConnectionData struct {
streams [2]*stream
// Represent a full mongodb transaction (request/reply)
// These transactions are the end product of this parser
type transaction struct {
cmdline *common.CmdlineTuple
src common.Endpoint
dst common.Endpoint
responseTime int32
ts time.Time
bytesOut int
bytesIn int
mongodb common.MapStr
event common.MapStr
method string
resource string
error string
params map[string]interface{}
documents []interface{}
type opCode int32
const (
opReply opCode = 1
opMsg opCode = 1000
opUpdate opCode = 2001
opInsert opCode = 2002
opReserved opCode = 2003
opQuery opCode = 2004
opGetMore opCode = 2005
opDelete opCode = 2006
opKillCursor opCode = 2007
// List of valid mongodb wire protocol operation codes
// see http://docs.mongodb.org/meta-driver/latest/legacy/mongodb-wire-protocol/#request-opcodes
var opCodeNames = map[opCode]string{
1: "OP_REPLY",
1000: "OP_MSG",
2001: "OP_UPDATE",
2002: "OP_INSERT",
2003: "RESERVED",
2004: "OP_QUERY",
2005: "OP_GET_MORE",
2006: "OP_DELETE",
func validOpcode(o opCode) bool {
_, found := opCodeNames[o]
return found
func (o opCode) String() string {
return opCodeNames[o]
func awaitsReply(c opCode) bool {
return c == opQuery || c == opGetMore
// List of mongodb user commands (send throuwh a query of the legacy protocol)
// see http://docs.mongodb.org/manual/reference/command/
// This list was obtained by calling db.listCommands() and some grepping.
// They are compared cased insensitive
var databaseCommands = []string{
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