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formatstring.go 8.85 KB
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package fmtstr
import (
// FormatEvaler evaluates some format.
type FormatEvaler interface {
// Eval will execute the format and writes the results into
// the provided output buffer. Returns error on failure.
Eval(ctx interface{}, out *bytes.Buffer) error
// StringFormatter interface extends FormatEvaler adding support for querying
// formatter meta data.
type StringFormatter interface {
// Run execute the formatter returning the generated string.
Run(ctx interface{}) (string, error)
// IsConst returns true, if execution of formatter will always return the
// same constant string.
IsConst() bool
// VariableOp defines one expansion variable, including operator and parameter.
// variable operations are always introduced by a collon ':'.
// For example the format string %{x:p1:?p2} has 2 variable operations
// (":", "p1") and (":?", "p2"). It's up to concrete format string implementation
// to compile and interpret variable ops.
type VariableOp struct {
op string
param string
type constStringFormatter struct {
s string
type execStringFormatter struct {
evalers []FormatEvaler
type formatElement interface {
compile(ctx *compileCtx) (FormatEvaler, error)
type compileCtx struct {
compileVariable VariableCompiler
// VariableCompiler is used to compile a variable expansion into
// an FormatEvaler to be used with the format-string.
type VariableCompiler func(string, []VariableOp) (FormatEvaler, error)
// StringElement implements StringFormatter always returning a constant string.
type StringElement struct {
s string
type variableElement struct {
field string
ops []VariableOp
type token struct {
typ tokenType
val string
type tokenType uint16
type lexer chan token
const (
tokErr tokenType = iota + 1
var (
openToken = token{tokOpen, "%{"}
closeToken = token{tokClose, "}"}
var (
errNestedVar = errors.New("format string variables can not be nested")
errUnexpectedOperator = errors.New("unexpected formatter operator")
errMissingClose = errors.New("missing closing '}'")
errEmptyFormat = errors.New("empty format expansion")
errParamsOpsMismatch = errors.New("more parameters then ops parsed")
// Compile compiles an input format string into a StringFormatter. The variable
// compiler `vc` is invoked for every variable expansion found in the input format
// string. Returns error on parse failure or if variable compiler fails.
// Variable expansion are enclosed in expansion braces `%{<expansion>}`.
// The `<expansion>` can contain additional parameters separated by ops
// introduced by collons ':'. For example the format string `%{value:v1:?v2}`
// will be parsed into variable expansion on `value` with variable ops
// `[(":", "v1"), (":?", "v2")]`. It's up to the variable compiler to interpret
// content and variable ops.
// The back-slash character `\` acts as escape character.
func Compile(in string, vc VariableCompiler) (StringFormatter, error) {
ctx := &compileCtx{vc}
return compile(ctx, in)
func compile(ctx *compileCtx, in string) (StringFormatter, error) {
lexer := makeLexer(in)
defer lexer.Finish()
// parse format string
elements, err := parse(lexer)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// compile elements into evaluators
evalers := make([]FormatEvaler, len(elements))
for i := range elements {
evalers[i], err = elements[i].compile(ctx)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
evalers = optimize(evalers)
// try to create constant formatter for constant string
if len(evalers) == 1 {
if se, ok := evalers[0].(StringElement); ok {
return constStringFormatter{se.s}, nil
// create executable string formatter
fmt := execStringFormatter{
evalers: evalers,
return fmt, nil
// optimize optimizes the sequence of evaluators by combining consecutive
// StringElement instances into one StringElement
func optimize(in []FormatEvaler) []FormatEvaler {
out := in[:0]
var active StringElement
isActive := false
for _, evaler := range in {
se, isString := evaler.(StringElement)
if !isString {
if isActive {
out = append(out, active)
isActive = false
out = append(out, evaler)
if !isActive {
active = se
isActive = true
active.s += se.s
if isActive {
out = append(out, active)
return out
func (f constStringFormatter) Eval(_ interface{}, out *bytes.Buffer) error {
_, err := out.WriteString(f.s)
return err
func (f constStringFormatter) Run(_ interface{}) (string, error) {
return f.s, nil
func (f constStringFormatter) IsConst() bool {
return true
func (f execStringFormatter) Eval(ctx interface{}, out *bytes.Buffer) error {
for _, evaler := range f.evalers {
if err := evaler.Eval(ctx, out); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (f execStringFormatter) Run(ctx interface{}) (string, error) {
buf := bytes.NewBuffer(nil)
if err := f.Eval(ctx, buf); err != nil {
return "", err
return buf.String(), nil
func (f execStringFormatter) IsConst() bool {
return false
func (e StringElement) compile(ctx *compileCtx) (FormatEvaler, error) {
return e, nil
// Eval write the string elements constant string value into
// output buffer.
func (e StringElement) Eval(_ interface{}, out *bytes.Buffer) error {
_, err := out.WriteString(e.s)
return err
func makeVariableElement(f string, ops, params []string) (variableElement, error) {
if len(params) > len(ops) {
return variableElement{}, errParamsOpsMismatch
out := make([]VariableOp, len(ops))
for i := range params {
out[i] = VariableOp{op: ops[i], param: params[i]}
if len(ops) > len(params) {
i := len(ops) - 1
out[i] = VariableOp{op: ops[i]}
return variableElement{field: f, ops: out}, nil
func (e variableElement) compile(ctx *compileCtx) (FormatEvaler, error) {
return ctx.compileVariable(e.field, e.ops)
func parse(lex lexer) ([]formatElement, error) {
var elems []formatElement
for token := range lex.Tokens() {
switch token.typ {
case tokErr:
return nil, errors.New(token.val)
case tokString:
elems = append(elems, StringElement{token.val})
case tokOpen:
elem, err := parseVariable(lex)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
elems = append(elems, elem)
case tokClose, tokOperator:
// should not happen, but let's return error just in case
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Token '%v'(%v) not allowed", token.val, token.typ)
return elems, nil
func parseVariable(lex lexer) (formatElement, error) {
var strings []string
var ops []string
for token := range lex.Tokens() {
switch token.typ {
case tokErr:
return nil, errors.New(token.val)
case tokOpen:
return nil, errNestedVar
case tokClose:
if len(strings) == 0 {
return nil, errEmptyFormat
return makeVariableElement(strings[0], ops, strings[1:])
case tokString:
if len(strings) != len(ops) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Unexpected string token %v, expected operator", token.val)
strings = append(strings, token.val)
case tokOperator:
if len(strings) == 0 {
return nil, errUnexpectedOperator
ops = append(ops, token.val)
if len(ops) > len(strings) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Consecutive operator tokens '%v'", token.val)
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Unexpected token '%v' (%v)", token.val, token.typ)
return nil, errMissingClose
func makeLexer(in string) lexer {
lex := make(chan token, 1)
go func() {
off := 0
content := in
defer func() {
if len(content) > 0 {
lex <- token{tokString, content}
strToken := func(s string) {
if s != "" {
lex <- token{tokString, s}
opToken := func(op string) token {
return token{tokOperator, op}
varcount := 0
for len(content) > 0 {
idx := -1
if varcount == 0 {
idx = strings.IndexAny(content[off:], `%\`)
} else {
idx = strings.IndexAny(content[off:], `%:}\`)
if idx == -1 {
idx += off
off = idx + 1
switch content[idx] {
case '\\': // escape next character
content = content[:idx] + content[off:]
case ':':
if len(content) <= off { // found ':' at end of string
op := ":"
if strings.ContainsRune("!@#&*=+<>?", rune(content[off])) {
op = content[idx : off+1]
lex <- opToken(op)
case '}':
lex <- closeToken
case '%':
if len(content) <= off { // found '%' at end of string
if content[off] != '{' {
continue // no variable expression
lex <- openToken
content = content[off:]
off = 0
return lex
func (l lexer) Tokens() <-chan token {
return (chan token)(l)
func (l lexer) Finish() {
for range l.Tokens() {
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