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common.go 35.69 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
Mark 提交于 2023-08-01 08:17 . refactor: spell error
package parser
import (
// The whitespace characters recognised by the Augmented Backus-Naur Form syntax
// that SIP uses (RFC 3261 S.25).
const abnfWs = " \t"
// The maximum permissible CSeq number in a SIP message (2**31 - 1).
// C.f. RFC 3261 S.
const maxCseq = 2147483647
// A Parser converts the raw bytes of SIP messages into core.Message objects.
// It allows
type Parser interface {
// Write implements io.Writer. Queues the given bytes to be parsed.
// If the parser has terminated due to a previous fatal error, it will return n=0 and an appropriate error.
// Otherwise, it will return n=len(p) and err=nil.
// Note that err=nil does not indicate that the data provided is valid - simply that the data was successfully queued for parsing.
Write(p []byte) (n int, err error)
// SetHeaderParser register a custom header parser for a particular header type.
// This will overwrite any existing registered parser for that header type.
// If a parser is not available for a header type in a message, the parser will produce a core.GenericHeader struct.
SetHeaderParser(headerName string, headerParser HeaderParser)
String() string
// Reset resets parser state
ParseHeader(headerText string) (headers []sip.Header, err error)
// A HeaderParser is any function that turns raw header data into one or more Header objects.
// The HeaderParser will receive arguments of the form ("max-forwards", "70").
// It should return a slice of headers, which should have length > 1 unless it also returns an error.
type HeaderParser func(headerName string, headerData string) ([]sip.Header, error)
func defaultHeaderParsers() map[string]HeaderParser {
return map[string]HeaderParser{
"to": parseAddressHeader,
"t": parseAddressHeader,
"from": parseAddressHeader,
"f": parseAddressHeader,
"contact": parseAddressHeader,
"m": parseAddressHeader,
"call-id": parseCallId,
"i": parseCallId,
"cseq": parseCSeq,
"via": parseViaHeader,
"v": parseViaHeader,
"max-forwards": parseMaxForwards,
"content-length": parseContentLength,
"l": parseContentLength,
"expires": parseExpires,
"user-agent": parseUserAgent,
"server": parseServer,
"allow": parseAllow,
"content-type": parseContentType,
"c": parseContentType,
"accept": parseAccept,
"require": parseRequire,
"supported": parseSupported,
"k": parseSupported,
"route": parseRouteHeader,
"record-route": parseRecordRouteHeader,
//"subject": "s",
// ParseMessage parse a SIP message by creating a parser on the fly.
func ParseMessage(msgData []byte, logger log.Logger) (sip.Message, error) {
parser := NewPacketParser(logger)
return parser.ParseMessage(msgData)
// Calculate the size of a SIP message's body, given the entire contents of the message as a byte array.
func getBodyLength(data []byte) int {
s := string(data)
// Body starts with first character following a double-CRLF.
idx := strings.Index(s, "\r\n\r\n")
if idx == -1 {
return -1
bodyStart := idx + 4
return len(s) - bodyStart
// Heuristic to determine if the given transmission looks like a SIP request.
// It is guaranteed that any RFC3261-compliant request will pass this test,
// but invalid messages may not necessarily be rejected.
func isRequest(startLine string) bool {
// SIP request lines contain precisely two spaces.
if strings.Count(startLine, " ") != 2 {
return false
// Check that the version string starts with SIP.
parts := strings.Split(startLine, " ")
if len(parts) < 3 {
return false
} else if len(parts[2]) < 3 {
return false
} else {
return strings.ToUpper(parts[2][:3]) == "SIP"
// Heuristic to determine if the given transmission looks like a SIP response.
// It is guaranteed that any RFC3261-compliant response will pass this test,
// but invalid messages may not necessarily be rejected.
func isResponse(startLine string) bool {
// SIP status lines contain at least two spaces.
if strings.Count(startLine, " ") < 2 {
return false
// Check that the version string starts with SIP.
parts := strings.Split(startLine, " ")
if len(parts) < 3 {
return false
} else if len(parts[0]) < 3 {
return false
} else {
return strings.ToUpper(parts[0][:3]) == "SIP"
// ParseRequestLine parse the first line of a SIP request, e.g:
// INVITE bob@example.com SIP/2.0
// REGISTER jane@telco.com SIP/1.0
func ParseRequestLine(requestLine string) (
method sip.RequestMethod, recipient sip.Uri, sipVersion string, err error) {
parts := strings.Split(requestLine, " ")
if len(parts) != 3 {
err = fmt.Errorf("request line should have 2 spaces: '%s'", requestLine)
method = sip.RequestMethod(strings.ToUpper(parts[0]))
recipient, err = ParseUri(parts[1])
sipVersion = parts[2]
switch recipient.(type) {
case *sip.WildcardUri:
err = fmt.Errorf("wildcard URI '*' not permitted in request line: '%s'", requestLine)
// ParseStatusLine parse the first line of a SIP response, e.g:
// SIP/2.0 200 OK
// SIP/1.0 403 Forbidden
func ParseStatusLine(statusLine string) (
sipVersion string, statusCode sip.StatusCode, reasonPhrase string, err error) {
parts := strings.Split(statusLine, " ")
if len(parts) < 3 {
err = fmt.Errorf("status line has too few spaces: '%s'", statusLine)
sipVersion = parts[0]
statusCodeRaw, err := strconv.ParseUint(parts[1], 10, 16)
statusCode = sip.StatusCode(statusCodeRaw)
reasonPhrase = strings.Join(parts[2:], " ")
// ParseUri converts a string representation of a URI into a Uri object.
// If the URI is malformed, or the URI schema is not recognised, an error is returned.
// URIs have the general form of schema:address.
func ParseUri(uriStr string) (uri sip.Uri, err error) {
if strings.TrimSpace(uriStr) == "*" {
// Wildcard '*' URI used in the Contact headers of REGISTERs when unregistering.
return sip.WildcardUri{}, nil
colonIdx := strings.Index(uriStr, ":")
if colonIdx == -1 {
err = fmt.Errorf("no ':' in URI %s", uriStr)
switch strings.ToLower(uriStr[:colonIdx]) {
case "sip":
var sipUri sip.SipUri
sipUri, err = ParseSipUri(uriStr)
uri = &sipUri
case "sips":
// SIPS URIs have the same form as SIP uris, so we use the same parser.
var sipUri sip.SipUri
sipUri, err = ParseSipUri(uriStr)
uri = &sipUri
err = fmt.Errorf("unsupported URI schema %s", uriStr[:colonIdx])
// ParseSipUri converts a string representation of a SIP or SIPS URI into a SipUri object.
func ParseSipUri(uriStr string) (uri sip.SipUri, err error) {
// Store off the original URI in case we need to print it in an error.
uriStrCopy := uriStr
// URI should start 'sip' or 'sips'. Check the first 3 chars.
if strings.ToLower(uriStr[:3]) != "sip" {
err = fmt.Errorf("invalid SIP uri protocol name in '%s'", uriStrCopy)
uriStr = uriStr[3:]
// check if URI authority part exist after scheme
if len(uriStr) < 1 {
err = fmt.Errorf("uri too short to parse. '%s'", uriStrCopy)
if strings.ToLower(uriStr[0:1]) == "s" {
// URI started 'sips', so it's encrypted.
uri.FIsEncrypted = true
uriStr = uriStr[1:]
// check if URI authority part exist after scheme
if len(uriStr) < 1 {
err = fmt.Errorf("uri too short to parse. '%s'", uriStrCopy)
// The 'sip' or 'sips' protocol name should be followed by a ':' character.
if uriStr[0] != ':' {
err = fmt.Errorf("no ':' after protocol name in SIP uri '%s'", uriStrCopy)
uriStr = uriStr[1:]
// SIP URIs may contain a user-info part, ending in a '@'.
// This is the only place '@' may occur, so we can use it to check for the
// existence of a user-info part.
endOfUserInfoPart := strings.Index(uriStr, "@")
if endOfUserInfoPart != -1 {
// A user-info part is present. These take the form:
// user [ ":" password ] "@"
endOfUsernamePart := strings.Index(uriStr, ":")
if endOfUsernamePart > endOfUserInfoPart {
endOfUsernamePart = -1
if endOfUsernamePart == -1 {
// No password component; the whole of the user-info part before
// the '@' is a username.
if username, er := sip.Unescape(uriStr[:endOfUserInfoPart], sip.EncodeUserPassword); er == nil {
uri.FUser = sip.String{Str: username}
} else {
err = fmt.Errorf("unescape username: %w", er)
} else {
if username, er := sip.Unescape(uriStr[:endOfUsernamePart], sip.EncodeUserPassword); er == nil {
uri.FUser = sip.String{Str: username}
} else {
err = fmt.Errorf("unescape username: %w", er)
if password, er := sip.Unescape(uriStr[endOfUsernamePart+1:endOfUserInfoPart], sip.EncodeUserPassword); er == nil {
uri.FPassword = sip.String{Str: password}
} else {
err = fmt.Errorf("unescape password: %w", er)
uriStr = uriStr[endOfUserInfoPart+1:]
// A ';' indicates the beginning of a URI params section, and the end of the URI itself.
endOfUriPart := strings.Index(uriStr, ";")
if endOfUriPart == -1 {
// There are no URI parameters, but there might be header parameters (introduced by '?').
endOfUriPart = strings.Index(uriStr, "?")
if endOfUriPart == -1 {
// There are no parameters at all. The URI ends after the host[:port] part.
endOfUriPart = len(uriStr)
uri.FHost, uri.FPort, err = ParseHostPort(uriStr[:endOfUriPart])
uriStr = uriStr[endOfUriPart:]
if err != nil {
} else if len(uriStr) == 0 {
uri.FUriParams = sip.NewParams()
uri.FHeaders = sip.NewParams()
// Now parse any URI parameters.
// These are key-value pairs separated by ';'.
// They end at the end of the URI, or at the start of any URI headers
// which may be present (denoted by an initial '?').
var uriParams sip.Params
var n int
if uriStr[0] == ';' {
uriParams, n, err = ParseParams(uriStr, ';', ';', '?', true, true)
if err != nil {
} else {
uriParams, n = sip.NewParams(), 0
uri.FUriParams = uriParams
uriStr = uriStr[n:]
// Finally parse any URI headers.
// These are key-value pairs, starting with a '?' and separated by '&'.
var headers sip.Params
headers, n, err = ParseParams(uriStr, '?', '&', 0, true, false)
if err != nil {
uri.FHeaders = headers
uriStr = uriStr[n:]
if len(uriStr) > 0 {
err = fmt.Errorf("internal error: parse of SIP uri ended early! '%s'",
return // Defensive return
// ParseHostPort parse a text representation of a host[:port] pair.
// The port may or may not be present, so we represent it with a *uint16,
// and return 'nil' if no port was present.
func ParseHostPort(rawText string) (host string, port *sip.Port, err error) {
var rawHost, rawPort string
if i := strings.LastIndex(rawText, ":"); i == -1 {
rawHost = rawText
} else {
rawHost = rawText[:i]
rawPort = rawText[i+1:]
if strings.HasPrefix(rawHost, "[") {
// IPv6 with zone
if zone := strings.Index(rawHost, "%25"); zone >= 0 {
host1, er := sip.Unescape(rawHost[:zone], sip.EncodeHost)
if er != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("unescape host: %w", er)
host2, er := sip.Unescape(rawHost[zone:len(rawHost)-1], sip.EncodeZone)
if er != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("unescape zone: %w", er)
host3, er := sip.Unescape(rawHost[len(rawHost)-1:], sip.EncodeHost)
if er != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("unescape host: %w", er)
host = host1 + host2 + host3
if host == "" {
// IPv4 or IPv6 without zone
if h, er := sip.Unescape(rawHost, sip.EncodeHost); er == nil {
host = h
} else {
err = fmt.Errorf("unescape host: %w", er)
if rawPort != "" {
// Surely there must be a better way..!
var portRaw64 uint64
var portRaw16 uint16
portRaw64, err = strconv.ParseUint(rawPort, 10, 16)
if err != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("parse port: %w", err)
portRaw16 = uint16(portRaw64)
port = (*sip.Port)(&portRaw16)
// ParseParams is a general utility method for parsing 'key=value' parameters.
// Takes a string (source), ensures that it begins with the 'start' character provided,
// and then parses successive key/value pairs separated with 'sep',
// until either 'end' is reached or there are no characters remaining.
// A map of keys to values will be returned, along with the number of characters consumed.
// Provide 0 for start or end to indicate that there is no starting/ending delimiter.
// If quoteValues is true, values can be enclosed in double-quotes which will be validated by the
// parser and omitted from the returned map.
// If permitSingletons is true, keys with no values are permitted.
// These will result in a nil value in the returned map.
func ParseParams(
source string,
start uint8,
sep uint8,
end uint8,
quoteValues bool,
permitSingletons bool,
) (params sip.Params, consumed int, err error) {
params = sip.NewParams()
if len(source) == 0 {
// Key-value section is completely empty; return defaults.
// Ensure the starting character is correct.
if start != 0 {
if source[0] != start {
err = fmt.Errorf(
"expected %c at start of key-value section; got %c. section was %s",
// Statefully parse the given string one character at a time.
var buffer bytes.Buffer
var key string
parsingKey := true // false implies we are parsing a value
inQuotes := false
for ; consumed < len(source); consumed++ {
switch source[consumed] {
case end:
if inQuotes {
// We read an end character, but since we're inside quotations we should
// treat it as a literal part of the value.
break parseLoop
case sep:
if inQuotes {
// We read a separator character, but since we're inside quotations
// we should treat it as a literal part of the value.
if parsingKey && permitSingletons {
if k, er := sip.Unescape(buffer.String(), sip.EncodeQueryComponent); er == nil {
params.Add(k, nil)
} else {
err = fmt.Errorf("unescape params: %w", er)
} else if parsingKey {
err = fmt.Errorf(
"singleton param '%s' when parsing params which disallow singletons: \"%s\"",
} else {
if k, er := sip.Unescape(key, sip.EncodeQueryComponent); er == nil {
if v, er := sip.Unescape(buffer.String(), sip.EncodeQueryComponent); er == nil {
params.Add(k, sip.String{Str: v})
} else {
err = fmt.Errorf("unescape params: %w", er)
} else {
err = fmt.Errorf("unescape params: %w", er)
parsingKey = true
case '"':
if !quoteValues {
// We hit a quote character, but since quoting is turned off we treat it as a literal.
if parsingKey {
// Quotes are never allowed in keys.
err = fmt.Errorf("unexpected '\"' in parameter key in params \"%s\"", source)
if !inQuotes && buffer.Len() != 0 {
// We hit an initial quote midway through a value; that's not allowed.
err = fmt.Errorf("unexpected '\"' in params \"%s\"", source)
if inQuotes &&
consumed != len(source)-1 &&
source[consumed+1] != sep {
// We hit an end-quote midway through a value; that's not allowed.
err = fmt.Errorf("unexpected character %c after quoted param in \"%s\"",
source[consumed+1], source)
inQuotes = !inQuotes
case '=':
if buffer.Len() == 0 {
err = fmt.Errorf("key of length 0 in params \"%s\"", source)
if !parsingKey {
err = fmt.Errorf("unexpected '=' char in value token: \"%s\"", source)
key = buffer.String()
parsingKey = false
if !inQuotes && strings.Contains(abnfWs, string(source[consumed])) {
// Skip unquoted whitespace.
// The param string has ended. Check that it ended in a valid place, and then store off the
// contents of the buffer.
if inQuotes {
err = fmt.Errorf("unclosed quotes in parameter string: %s", source)
} else if parsingKey && permitSingletons {
if k, er := sip.Unescape(buffer.String(), sip.EncodeQueryComponent); er == nil {
params.Add(k, nil)
} else {
err = fmt.Errorf("unescape params: %w", er)
} else if parsingKey {
err = fmt.Errorf("singleton param '%s' when parsing params which disallow singletons: \"%s\"",
buffer.String(), source)
} else {
if k, er := sip.Unescape(key, sip.EncodeQueryComponent); er == nil {
if v, er := sip.Unescape(buffer.String(), sip.EncodeQueryComponent); er == nil {
params.Add(k, sip.String{Str: v})
} else {
err = fmt.Errorf("unescape params: %w", er)
} else {
err = fmt.Errorf("unescape params: %w", er)
// Parse a "To", "From" or "Contact" header line, producing one or more logical SipHeaders.
func parseAddressHeader(headerName string, headerText string) (
headers []sip.Header, err error) {
switch headerName {
case "to", "from", "contact", "t", "f", "m":
var displayNames []sip.MaybeString
var uris []sip.Uri
var paramSets []sip.Params
// Perform the actual parsing. The rest of this method is just typeclass bookkeeping.
displayNames, uris, paramSets, err = ParseAddressValues(headerText)
if err != nil {
if len(displayNames) != len(uris) || len(uris) != len(paramSets) {
// This shouldn't happen unless ParseAddressValues is bugged.
err = fmt.Errorf("internal parser error: parsed param mismatch. "+
"%d display names, %d uris and %d param sets "+
"in %s",
len(displayNames), len(uris), len(paramSets),
// Build a slice of headers of the appropriate kind, populating them with the values parsed above.
// It is assumed that all headers returned by ParseAddressValues are of the same kind,
// although we do not check for this below.
for idx := 0; idx < len(displayNames); idx++ {
var header sip.Header
if headerName == "to" || headerName == "t" {
if idx > 0 {
// Only a single To header is permitted in a SIP message.
return nil,
fmt.Errorf("multiple to: headers in message:\n%s: %s",
headerName, headerText)
switch uris[idx].(type) {
case sip.WildcardUri:
// The Wildcard '*' URI is only permitted in Contact headers.
err = fmt.Errorf(
"wildcard uri not permitted in to: header: %s",
toHeader := sip.ToHeader{
DisplayName: displayNames[idx],
Address: uris[idx],
Params: paramSets[idx],
header = &toHeader
} else if headerName == "from" || headerName == "f" {
if idx > 0 {
// Only a single From header is permitted in a SIP message.
return nil,
"multiple from: headers in message:\n%s: %s",
switch uris[idx].(type) {
case sip.WildcardUri:
// The Wildcard '*' URI is only permitted in Contact headers.
err = fmt.Errorf(
"wildcard uri not permitted in from: header: %s",
fromHeader := sip.FromHeader{
DisplayName: displayNames[idx],
Address: uris[idx],
Params: paramSets[idx],
header = &fromHeader
} else if headerName == "contact" || headerName == "m" {
switch uris[idx].(type) {
case sip.ContactUri:
if uris[idx].(sip.ContactUri).IsWildcard() {
if paramSets[idx].Length() > 0 {
// Wildcard headers do not contain parameters.
err = fmt.Errorf(
"wildcard contact header should contain no parameters: '%s",
if displayNames[idx] != nil {
// Wildcard headers do not contain display names.
err = fmt.Errorf(
"wildcard contact header should contain no display name %s",
contactHeader := sip.ContactHeader{
DisplayName: displayNames[idx],
Address: uris[idx].(sip.ContactUri),
Params: paramSets[idx],
header = &contactHeader
// URIs in contact headers are restricted to being either SIP URIs or 'Contact: *'.
return nil,
"uri %s not valid in Contact header. Must be SIP uri or '*'",
headers = append(headers, header)
// Parse a string representation of a CSeq header, returning a slice of at most one CSeq.
func parseCSeq(headerName string, headerText string) (
headers []sip.Header, err error) {
var cseq sip.CSeq
parts := SplitByWhitespace(headerText)
if len(parts) != 2 {
err = fmt.Errorf(
"CSeq field should have precisely one whitespace section: '%s'",
var seqno uint64
seqno, err = strconv.ParseUint(parts[0], 10, 32)
if err != nil {
if seqno > maxCseq {
err = fmt.Errorf("invalid CSeq %d: exceeds maximum permitted value "+
"2**31 - 1", seqno)
cseq.SeqNo = uint32(seqno)
cseq.MethodName = sip.RequestMethod(strings.TrimSpace(parts[1]))
if strings.Contains(string(cseq.MethodName), ";") {
err = fmt.Errorf("unexpected ';' in CSeq body: %s", headerText)
headers = []sip.Header{&cseq}
// Parse a string representation of a Call-ID header, returning a slice of at most one CallID.
func parseCallId(headerName string, headerText string) (
headers []sip.Header, err error) {
headerText = strings.TrimSpace(headerText)
var callId = sip.CallID(headerText)
if strings.ContainsAny(string(callId), abnfWs) {
err = fmt.Errorf("unexpected whitespace in CallID header body '%s'", headerText)
if strings.Contains(string(callId), ";") {
err = fmt.Errorf("unexpected semicolon in CallID header body '%s'", headerText)
if len(string(callId)) == 0 {
err = fmt.Errorf("empty Call-ID body")
headers = []sip.Header{&callId}
// Parse a string representation of a Via header, returning a slice of at most one ViaHeader.
// Note that although Via headers may contain a comma-separated list, RFC 3261 makes it clear that
// these should not be treated as separate logical Via headers, but as multiple values on a single
// Via header.
func parseViaHeader(headerName string, headerText string) (
headers []sip.Header, err error) {
sections := strings.Split(headerText, ",")
var via = sip.ViaHeader{}
for _, section := range sections {
var hop sip.ViaHop
parts := strings.Split(section, "/")
if len(parts) < 3 {
err = fmt.Errorf("not enough protocol parts in via header: '%s'", parts)
parts[2] = strings.Join(parts[2:], "/")
// The transport part ends when whitespace is reached, but may also start with
// whitespace.
// So the end of the transport part is the first whitespace char following the
// first non-whitespace char.
initialSpaces := len(parts[2]) - len(strings.TrimLeft(parts[2], abnfWs))
sentByIdx := strings.IndexAny(parts[2][initialSpaces:], abnfWs) + initialSpaces + 1
if sentByIdx == 0 {
err = fmt.Errorf("expected whitespace after sent-protocol part "+
"in via header '%s'", section)
} else if sentByIdx == 1 {
err = fmt.Errorf("empty transport field in via header '%s'", section)
hop.ProtocolName = strings.TrimSpace(parts[0])
hop.ProtocolVersion = strings.TrimSpace(parts[1])
hop.Transport = strings.TrimSpace(parts[2][:sentByIdx-1])
if len(hop.ProtocolName) == 0 {
err = fmt.Errorf("no protocol name provided in via header '%s'", section)
} else if len(hop.ProtocolVersion) == 0 {
err = fmt.Errorf("no version provided in via header '%s'", section)
} else if len(hop.Transport) == 0 {
err = fmt.Errorf("no transport provided in via header '%s'", section)
if err != nil {
viaBody := parts[2][sentByIdx:]
paramsIdx := strings.Index(viaBody, ";")
var host string
var port *sip.Port
if paramsIdx == -1 {
// There are no header parameters, so the rest of the Via body is part of the host[:post].
host, port, err = ParseHostPort(viaBody)
hop.Host = host
hop.Port = port
if err != nil {
hop.Params = sip.NewParams()
} else {
host, port, err = ParseHostPort(viaBody[:paramsIdx])
if err != nil {
hop.Host = host
hop.Port = port
hop.Params, _, err = ParseParams(viaBody[paramsIdx:],
';', ';', 0, true, true)
via = append(via, &hop)
headers = []sip.Header{via}
// Parse a string representation of a Max-Forwards header into a slice of at most one MaxForwards header object.
func parseMaxForwards(headerName string, headerText string) (
headers []sip.Header, err error) {
var maxForwards sip.MaxForwards
var value uint64
value, err = strconv.ParseUint(strings.TrimSpace(headerText), 10, 32)
maxForwards = sip.MaxForwards(value)
headers = []sip.Header{&maxForwards}
func parseExpires(headerName string, headerText string) (headers []sip.Header, err error) {
var expires sip.Expires
var value uint64
value, err = strconv.ParseUint(strings.TrimSpace(headerText), 10, 32)
expires = sip.Expires(value)
headers = []sip.Header{&expires}
func parseUserAgent(headerName string, headerText string) (headers []sip.Header, err error) {
var userAgent sip.UserAgentHeader
headerText = strings.TrimSpace(headerText)
userAgent = sip.UserAgentHeader(headerText)
headers = []sip.Header{&userAgent}
func parseServer(headerName string, headerText string) (headers []sip.Header, err error) {
var srv sip.ServerHeader
headerText = strings.TrimSpace(headerText)
srv = sip.ServerHeader(headerText)
headers = []sip.Header{&srv}
func parseContentType(headerName string, headerText string) (headers []sip.Header, err error) {
var contentType sip.ContentType
headerText = strings.TrimSpace(headerText)
contentType = sip.ContentType(headerText)
headers = []sip.Header{&contentType}
func parseAccept(headerName string, headerText string) (headers []sip.Header, err error) {
var accept sip.Accept
headerText = strings.TrimSpace(headerText)
accept = sip.Accept(headerText)
headers = []sip.Header{&accept}
func parseAllow(headerName string, headerText string) (headers []sip.Header, err error) {
allow := make(sip.AllowHeader, 0)
methods := strings.Split(headerText, ",")
for _, method := range methods {
allow = append(allow, sip.RequestMethod(strings.TrimSpace(method)))
headers = []sip.Header{allow}
func parseRequire(headerName string, headerText string) (headers []sip.Header, err error) {
var require sip.RequireHeader
require.Options = make([]string, 0)
extensions := strings.Split(headerText, ",")
for _, ext := range extensions {
require.Options = append(require.Options, strings.TrimSpace(ext))
headers = []sip.Header{&require}
func parseSupported(headerName string, headerText string) (headers []sip.Header, err error) {
var supported sip.SupportedHeader
supported.Options = make([]string, 0)
extensions := strings.Split(headerText, ",")
for _, ext := range extensions {
supported.Options = append(supported.Options, strings.TrimSpace(ext))
headers = []sip.Header{&supported}
// Parse a string representation of a Content-Length header into a slice of at most one ContentLength header object.
func parseContentLength(headerName string, headerText string) (
headers []sip.Header, err error) {
var contentLength sip.ContentLength
var value uint64
value, err = strconv.ParseUint(strings.TrimSpace(headerText), 10, 32)
contentLength = sip.ContentLength(value)
headers = []sip.Header{&contentLength}
// ParseAddressValues parses a comma-separated list of addresses, returning
// any display names and header params, as well as the SIP URIs themselves.
// ParseAddressValues is aware of < > bracketing and quoting, and will not
// break on commas within these structures.
func ParseAddressValues(addresses string) (
displayNames []sip.MaybeString,
uris []sip.Uri,
headerParams []sip.Params,
err error,
) {
prevIdx := 0
inBrackets := false
inQuotes := false
// Append a comma to simplify the parsing code; we split address sections
// on commas, so use a comma to signify the end of the final address section.
addresses = addresses + ","
for idx, char := range addresses {
if char == '<' && !inQuotes {
inBrackets = true
} else if char == '>' && !inQuotes {
inBrackets = false
} else if char == '"' {
inQuotes = !inQuotes
} else if !inQuotes && !inBrackets && char == ',' {
var displayName sip.MaybeString
var uri sip.Uri
var params sip.Params
displayName, uri, params, err = ParseAddressValue(addresses[prevIdx:idx])
if err != nil {
prevIdx = idx + 1
displayNames = append(displayNames, displayName)
uris = append(uris, uri)
headerParams = append(headerParams, params)
// ParseAddressValue parses an address - such as from a From, To, or
// Contact header. It returns:
// - a MaybeString containing the display name (or not)
// - a parsed SipUri object
// - a map containing any header parameters present
// - the error object
// See RFC 3261 section 20.10 for details on parsing an address.
// Note that this method will not accept a comma-separated list of addresses;
// addresses in that form should be handled by ParseAddressValues.
func ParseAddressValue(addressText string) (
displayName sip.MaybeString,
uri sip.Uri,
headerParams sip.Params,
err error,
) {
headerParams = sip.NewParams()
if len(addressText) == 0 {
err = fmt.Errorf("address-type header has empty body")
addressTextCopy := addressText
addressText = strings.TrimSpace(addressText)
firstAngleBracket := findUnescaped(addressText, '<', quotesDelim)
displayName = nil
if firstAngleBracket > 0 {
// We have an angle bracket, and it's not the first character.
// Since we have just trimmed whitespace, this means there must
// be a display name.
if addressText[0] == '"' {
// The display name is within quotations.
// So it is composed of all text until the closing quote.
addressText = addressText[1:]
nextQuote := strings.Index(addressText, "\"")
if nextQuote == -1 {
// Unclosed quotes - parse error.
err = fmt.Errorf("unclosed quotes in header text: %s",
nameField := addressText[:nextQuote]
displayName = sip.String{Str: nameField}
addressText = addressText[nextQuote+1:]
} else {
// The display name is unquoted, so it is composed of
// all text until the opening angle bracket, except surrounding whitespace.
// According to the ABNF grammar: display-name = *(token LWS)/ quoted-string
// there are certain characters the display name cannot contain unless it's quoted,
// however we don't check for them here since it doesn't impact parsing.
// May as well be lenient.
nameField := addressText[:firstAngleBracket]
displayName = sip.String{Str: strings.TrimSpace(nameField)}
addressText = addressText[firstAngleBracket:]
// Work out where the SIP URI starts and ends.
addressText = strings.TrimSpace(addressText)
var endOfUri int
var startOfParams int
if addressText[0] != '<' {
if displayName != nil {
// The address must be in <angle brackets> if a display name is
// present, so this is an invalid address line.
err = fmt.Errorf(
"invalid character '%c' following display "+
"name in address line; expected '<': %s",
endOfUri = strings.Index(addressText, ";")
if endOfUri == -1 {
endOfUri = len(addressText)
startOfParams = endOfUri
} else {
addressText = addressText[1:]
endOfUri = strings.Index(addressText, ">")
if endOfUri == 0 {
err = fmt.Errorf("'<' without closing '>' in address %s",
startOfParams = endOfUri + 1
// Now parse the SIP URI.
uri, err = ParseUri(addressText[:endOfUri])
if err != nil {
if startOfParams >= len(addressText) {
// Finally, parse any header parameters and then return.
addressText = addressText[startOfParams:]
headerParams, _, err = ParseParams(addressText, ';', ';', ',', true, true)
func parseRouteHeader(headerName string, headerText string) (headers []sip.Header, err error) {
var routeHeader sip.RouteHeader
routeHeader.Addresses = make([]sip.Uri, 0)
if _, uris, _, err := ParseAddressValues(headerText); err == nil {
routeHeader.Addresses = uris
} else {
return nil, err
return []sip.Header{&routeHeader}, nil
func parseRecordRouteHeader(headerName string, headerText string) (headers []sip.Header, err error) {
var routeHeader sip.RecordRouteHeader
routeHeader.Addresses = make([]sip.Uri, 0)
if _, uris, _, err := ParseAddressValues(headerText); err == nil {
routeHeader.Addresses = uris
} else {
return nil, err
return []sip.Header{&routeHeader}, nil
// GetNextHeaderLine extract the next logical header line from the message.
// This may run over several actual lines; lines that start with whitespace are
// a continuation of the previous line.
// Therefore also return how many lines we consumed so the parent parser can
// keep track of progress through the message.
func GetNextHeaderLine(contents []string) (headerText string, consumed int) {
if len(contents) == 0 {
if len(contents[0]) == 0 {
var buffer bytes.Buffer
for consumed = 1; consumed < len(contents); consumed++ {
firstChar, _ := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(contents[consumed])
if !unicode.IsSpace(firstChar) {
} else if len(contents[consumed]) == 0 {
buffer.WriteString(" " + strings.TrimSpace(contents[consumed]))
headerText = buffer.String()
// A delimiter is any pair of characters used for quoting text (i.e. bulk escaping literals).
type delimiter struct {
start uint8
end uint8
// Define common quote characters needed in parsing.
var quotesDelim = delimiter{'"', '"'}
var anglesDelim = delimiter{'<', '>'}
// Find the first instance of the target in the given text which is not enclosed in any delimiters
// from the list provided.
func findUnescaped(text string, target uint8, delims ...delimiter) int {
return findAnyUnescaped(text, string(target), delims...)
// Find the first instance of the targets in the given text that are not enclosed in any delimiters
// from the list provided.
func findAnyUnescaped(text string, targets string, delims ...delimiter) int {
escaped := false
var endEscape uint8 = 0
endChars := make(map[uint8]uint8)
for _, delim := range delims {
endChars[delim.start] = delim.end
for idx := 0; idx < len(text); idx++ {
if !escaped && strings.Contains(targets, string(text[idx])) {
return idx
if escaped {
escaped = text[idx] != endEscape
} else {
endEscape, escaped = endChars[text[idx]]
return -1
// SplitByWhitespace splits the given string into sections, separated by one or more characters
// from c_ABNF_WS.
func SplitByWhitespace(text string) []string {
var buffer bytes.Buffer
var inString = true
result := make([]string, 0)
for _, char := range text {
s := string(char)
if strings.Contains(abnfWs, s) {
if inString {
// First whitespace char following text; flush buffer to the results array.
result = append(result, buffer.String())
inString = false
} else {
inString = true
if buffer.Len() > 0 {
result = append(result, buffer.String())
return result
