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errors.go 9.20 KB
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天雨流芳 提交于 2024-03-19 15:24 . 增加通用文件
package field
import (
utilerrors "gitee.com/tylf2018/go-micro-framework/pkg/errors"
// Error is an implementation of the 'error' interface, which represents a
// field-level validation error.
type Error struct {
Type ErrorType
Field string
BadValue interface{}
Detail string
var _ error = &Error{}
// Error implements the error interface.
func (v *Error) Error() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s: %s", v.Field, v.ErrorBody())
// ErrorBody returns the error message without the field name. This is useful
// for building nice-looking higher-level error reporting.
func (v *Error) ErrorBody() string {
var s string
switch v.Type {
//nolint: exhaustive
case ErrorTypeRequired, ErrorTypeForbidden, ErrorTypeTooLong, ErrorTypeInternal:
s = v.Type.String()
value := v.BadValue
valueType := reflect.TypeOf(value)
if value == nil || valueType == nil {
value = "null"
} else if valueType.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
if reflectValue := reflect.ValueOf(value); reflectValue.IsNil() {
value = "null"
} else {
value = reflectValue.Elem().Interface()
switch t := value.(type) {
case int64, int32, float64, float32, bool:
// use simple printer for simple types
s = fmt.Sprintf("%s: %v", v.Type, value)
case string:
s = fmt.Sprintf("%s: %q", v.Type, t)
case fmt.Stringer:
// anything that defines String() is better than raw struct
s = fmt.Sprintf("%s: %s", v.Type, t.String())
// fallback to raw struct
// TODO: internal types have panic guards against json.Marshalling to prevent
// accidental use of internal types in external serialized form. For now, use
// %#v, although it would be better to show a more expressive output in the future
s = fmt.Sprintf("%s: %#v", v.Type, value)
if len(v.Detail) != 0 {
s += fmt.Sprintf(": %s", v.Detail)
return s
// ErrorType is a machine readable value providing more detail about why
// a field is invalid. These values are expected to match 1-1 with
// CauseType in api/types.go.
type ErrorType string
// TODO: These values are duplicated in api/types.go, but there's a circular dep. Fix it.
const (
// ErrorTypeNotFound is used to report failure to find a requested value
// (e.g. looking up an ID). See NotFound().
ErrorTypeNotFound ErrorType = "FieldValueNotFound"
// ErrorTypeRequired is used to report required values that are not
// provided (e.g. empty strings, null values, or empty arrays). See
// Required().
ErrorTypeRequired ErrorType = "FieldValueRequired"
// ErrorTypeDuplicate is used to report collisions of values that must be
// unique (e.g. unique IDs). See Duplicate().
ErrorTypeDuplicate ErrorType = "FieldValueDuplicate"
// ErrorTypeInvalid is used to report malformed values (e.g. failed regex
// match, too long, out of bounds). See Invalid().
ErrorTypeInvalid ErrorType = "FieldValueInvalid"
// ErrorTypeNotSupported is used to report unknown values for enumerated
// fields (e.g. a list of valid values). See NotSupported().
ErrorTypeNotSupported ErrorType = "FieldValueNotSupported"
// ErrorTypeForbidden is used to report valid (as per formatting rules)
// values which would be accepted under some conditions, but which are not
// permitted by the current conditions (such as security policy). See
// Forbidden().
ErrorTypeForbidden ErrorType = "FieldValueForbidden"
// ErrorTypeTooLong is used to report that the given value is too long.
// This is similar to ErrorTypeInvalid, but the error will not include the
// too-long value. See TooLong().
ErrorTypeTooLong ErrorType = "FieldValueTooLong"
// ErrorTypeTooMany is used to report "too many". This is used to
// report that a given list has too many items. This is similar to FieldValueTooLong,
// but the error indicates quantity instead of length.
ErrorTypeTooMany ErrorType = "FieldValueTooMany"
// ErrorTypeInternal is used to report other errors that are not related
// to user input. See InternalError().
ErrorTypeInternal ErrorType = "InternalError"
// String converts a ErrorType into its corresponding canonical error message.
func (t ErrorType) String() string {
switch t {
case ErrorTypeNotFound:
return "Not found"
case ErrorTypeRequired:
return "Required value"
case ErrorTypeDuplicate:
return "Duplicate value"
case ErrorTypeInvalid:
return "Invalid value"
case ErrorTypeNotSupported:
return "Unsupported value"
case ErrorTypeForbidden:
return "Forbidden"
case ErrorTypeTooLong:
return "Too long"
case ErrorTypeTooMany:
return "Too many"
case ErrorTypeInternal:
return "Internal error"
panic(fmt.Sprintf("unrecognized validation error: %q", string(t)))
// NotFound returns a *Error indicating "value not found". This is
// used to report failure to find a requested value (e.g. looking up an ID).
func NotFound(field *Path, value interface{}) *Error {
return &Error{ErrorTypeNotFound, field.String(), value, ""}
// Required returns a *Error indicating "value required". This is used
// to report required values that are not provided (e.g. empty strings, null
// values, or empty arrays).
func Required(field *Path, detail string) *Error {
return &Error{ErrorTypeRequired, field.String(), "", detail}
// Duplicate returns a *Error indicating "duplicate value". This is
// used to report collisions of values that must be unique (e.g. names or IDs).
func Duplicate(field *Path, value interface{}) *Error {
return &Error{ErrorTypeDuplicate, field.String(), value, ""}
// Invalid returns a *Error indicating "invalid value". This is used
// to report malformed values (e.g. failed regex match, too long, out of bounds).
func Invalid(field *Path, value interface{}, detail string) *Error {
return &Error{ErrorTypeInvalid, field.String(), value, detail}
// NotSupported returns a *Error indicating "unsupported value".
// This is used to report unknown values for enumerated fields (e.g. a list of
// valid values).
func NotSupported(field *Path, value interface{}, validValues []string) *Error {
detail := ""
if len(validValues) > 0 {
quotedValues := make([]string, len(validValues))
for i, v := range validValues {
quotedValues[i] = strconv.Quote(v)
detail = "supported values: " + strings.Join(quotedValues, ", ")
return &Error{ErrorTypeNotSupported, field.String(), value, detail}
// Forbidden returns a *Error indicating "forbidden". This is used to
// report valid (as per formatting rules) values which would be accepted under
// some conditions, but which are not permitted by current conditions (e.g.
// security policy).
func Forbidden(field *Path, detail string) *Error {
return &Error{ErrorTypeForbidden, field.String(), "", detail}
// TooLong returns a *Error indicating "too long". This is used to
// report that the given value is too long. This is similar to
// Invalid, but the returned error will not include the too-long
// value.
func TooLong(field *Path, value interface{}, maxLength int) *Error {
return &Error{ErrorTypeTooLong, field.String(), value, fmt.Sprintf("must have at most %d bytes", maxLength)}
// TooMany returns a *Error indicating "too many". This is used to
// report that a given list has too many items. This is similar to TooLong,
// but the returned error indicates quantity instead of length.
func TooMany(field *Path, actualQuantity, maxQuantity int) *Error {
return &Error{
fmt.Sprintf("must have at most %d items", maxQuantity),
// InternalError returns a *Error indicating "internal error". This is used
// to signal that an error was found that was not directly related to user
// input. The err argument must be non-nil.
func InternalError(field *Path, err error) *Error {
return &Error{ErrorTypeInternal, field.String(), nil, err.Error()}
// ErrorList holds a set of Errors. It is plausible that we might one day have
// non-field errors in this same umbrella package, but for now we don't, so
// we can keep it simple and leave ErrorList here.
type ErrorList []*Error
// NewErrorTypeMatcher returns an errors.Matcher that returns true
// if the provided error is a Error and has the provided ErrorType.
func NewErrorTypeMatcher(t ErrorType) utilerrors.Matcher {
return func(err error) bool {
if e, ok := err.(*Error); ok {
return e.Type == t
return false
// ToAggregate converts the ErrorList into an errors.Aggregate.
func (list ErrorList) ToAggregate() utilerrors.Aggregate {
errs := make([]error, 0, len(list))
errorMsgs := sets.NewString()
for _, err := range list {
msg := fmt.Sprintf("%v", err)
if errorMsgs.Has(msg) {
errs = append(errs, err)
return utilerrors.NewAggregate(errs)
func fromAggregate(agg utilerrors.Aggregate) ErrorList {
errs := agg.Errors()
list := make(ErrorList, len(errs))
for i := range errs {
list[i] = errs[i].(*Error)
return list
// Filter removes items from the ErrorList that match the provided fns.
func (list ErrorList) Filter(fns ...utilerrors.Matcher) ErrorList {
err := utilerrors.FilterOut(list.ToAggregate(), fns...)
if err == nil {
return nil
// FilterOut takes an Aggregate and returns an Aggregate
return fromAggregate(err.(utilerrors.Aggregate))


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