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options.go 6.99 KB
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天雨流芳 提交于 2024-03-19 19:58 . 通用的应用启动逻辑封装
package logger
import (
const (
flagLevel = "log.level"
flagDisableCaller = "log.disable-caller"
flagDisableStacktrace = "log.disable-stacktrace"
flagFormat = "log.format"
flagEnableColor = "log.enable-color"
flagOutputPaths = "log.output-paths"
flagErrorOutputPaths = "log.error-output-paths"
flagDevelopment = "log.development"
flagName = "log.name"
fileSegment = "log.enable-file-segment"
fileSegmentMaxSize = "log.file-segment.max-size"
fileSegmentMaxAge = "log.file-segment.max-age"
fileSegmentMaxBackups = "log.file-segment.max-backups"
consoleFormat = "console"
jsonFormat = "json"
stdoutPath = "stdout"
stderrPath = "stderr"
var (
levelAllows = []string{"debug", "info", "warn", "error"}
formatAllows = []string{consoleFormat, jsonFormat}
// Options 日志的配置类,推荐使用NewOptions方法创建默认的配置,然后再根据配置文件进行填充个性化配置
type Options struct {
// 日志级别,选项(debug,info,warn,error,dpanic,panic,fatal)
Level string `json:"level" mapstructure:"level"`
// json的格式,选项(console,json)
Format string `json:"format" mapstructure:"format"`
// 停止使用调用函数的文件名和行号注释日志, 在默认情况下 所有日志都有注释
DisableCaller bool `json:"disable-caller" mapstructure:"disable-caller"`
// 禁用自动捕获堆栈跟踪。默认情况下,在 dev 环境中捕获WarnLevel及以上级别的日志,在 pro 环境中捕获ErrorLevel及以上级别的日志
DisableStacktrace bool `json:"disable-stacktrace" mapstructure:"disable-stacktrace"`
EnableColor bool `json:"enable-color" mapstructure:"enable-color"`
// 是否是开发模式
Development bool `json:"development" mapstructure:"development"`
// 日志名称
Name string `json:"name" mapstructure:"name"`
EnableTraceID bool `json:"enable-trace-id" mapstructure:"enable-trace-id"`
EnableTraceStack bool `json:"enable-trace-stack" mapstructure:"enable-trace-stack"`
// 输出 默认输出到标准输出,如果不是标准输出,则认为是文件输出
OutputPaths []string `json:"output-paths" mapstructure:"output-paths"`
// 错误输出 默认输出到标准错误
ErrorOutputPaths []string `json:"error-output-paths" mapstructure:"error-output-paths"`
EnableFileSegment bool `json:"enable-file-segment" mapstructure:"enable-file-segment"`
// 文件分割策略
FileSegment FileSegmentOptions `json:"file-segment" mapstructure:"file-segment"`
type FileSegmentOptions struct {
// MaxSize 进行切割之前,日志文件的最大大小(MB为单位),默认为100MB
MaxSize int `json:"max-size" mapstructure:"max-size"`
// MaxAge 是根据文件名中编码的时间戳保留旧日志文件的最大天数,默认为30天。
MaxAge int `json:"max-age" mapstructure:"max-age"`
// MaxBackups 是要保留的旧日志文件的最大数量。默认是保留所有旧的日志文件(尽管 MaxAge 可能仍会导致它们被删除。)
MaxBackups int `json:"max-backups" mapstructure:"max-backups"`
type Option func(*Options)
func NewOptions(opts ...Option) *Options {
defaultOptions := &Options{
Level: "info",
DisableCaller: false,
DisableStacktrace: false,
Format: consoleFormat,
EnableColor: false,
Development: false,
EnableTraceID: false,
EnableTraceStack: false,
OutputPaths: []string{"stdout"},
ErrorOutputPaths: []string{"stderr"},
EnableFileSegment: false,
FileSegment: FileSegmentOptions{
MaxSize: 100,
MaxAge: 30,
if len(opts) == 0 {
return defaultOptions
for _, opt := range opts {
return defaultOptions
func WithDebugLevel() Option {
return func(o *Options) {
o.Level = "debug"
func WithInfoLevel() Option {
return func(o *Options) {
o.Level = "info"
func WithConsoleFormat() Option {
return func(o *Options) {
o.Format = consoleFormat
func WithJsonFormat() Option {
return func(o *Options) {
o.Format = jsonFormat
func WithColor(on bool) Option {
return func(o *Options) {
o.EnableColor = on
func WithOutPutPath(outPutPath, errorOutPutPath []string) Option {
return func(o *Options) {
o.OutputPaths = outPutPath
o.ErrorOutputPaths = errorOutPutPath
func WithFileSegment(on bool) Option {
return func(o *Options) {
o.EnableFileSegment = on
func WithFileSegmentOption(maxSize, maxAge, maxBackups int) Option {
return func(o *Options) {
o.FileSegment.MaxSize = maxSize
o.FileSegment.MaxAge = maxAge
o.FileSegment.MaxBackups = maxBackups
func (o *Options) AddFlags(fs *pflag.FlagSet) {
fs.StringVar(&o.Level, flagLevel, o.Level, "Minimum log output `LEVEL`.")
fs.BoolVar(&o.DisableCaller, flagDisableCaller, o.DisableCaller, "Disable output of caller information in the log.")
fs.BoolVar(&o.DisableStacktrace, flagDisableStacktrace, o.DisableStacktrace, "Disable the log to record a stack trace for all messages at or above panic level.")
fs.StringVar(&o.Format, flagFormat, o.Format, "Log output `FORMAT`, support plain or json format.")
fs.BoolVar(&o.EnableColor, flagEnableColor, o.EnableColor, "Enable output ansi colors in plain format logs.")
fs.StringSliceVar(&o.OutputPaths, flagOutputPaths, o.OutputPaths, "Output paths of log.")
fs.StringSliceVar(&o.ErrorOutputPaths, flagErrorOutputPaths, o.ErrorOutputPaths, "Error output paths of log.")
fs.BoolVar(&o.Development, flagDevelopment, o.Development,
"Development puts the logger in development mode, which changes the behavior of DPanicLevel and takes stacktraces more liberally.",
fs.StringVar(&o.Name, flagName, o.Name, "The name of the logger.")
fs.BoolVar(&o.EnableFileSegment, fileSegment, o.EnableFileSegment, "是否开启文件分割.")
fs.IntVar(&o.FileSegment.MaxSize, fileSegmentMaxSize, o.FileSegment.MaxSize, "进行切割之前,日志文件的最大大小(MB为单位),默认为100MB")
fs.IntVar(&o.FileSegment.MaxAge, fileSegmentMaxAge, o.FileSegment.MaxAge, "是根据文件名中编码的时间保留旧日志文件的最大天数,默认为30天。")
fs.IntVar(&o.FileSegment.MaxBackups, fileSegmentMaxBackups, o.FileSegment.MaxBackups, "是要保留的旧日志文件的最大数量。默认是保留所有旧的日志文件(尽管 MaxAge 可能仍会导致它们被删除。)")
func (o *Options) Validate() error {
if sliceutil.HasNotIn(o.Level, levelAllows) {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid log level: %s,allows:%v", o.Level, levelAllows)
if sliceutil.HasNotIn(o.Format, formatAllows) {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid log format: %s,allows:%v", o.Format, formatAllows)
if len(o.OutputPaths) == 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("no output paths")
if len(o.ErrorOutputPaths) == 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("no error output paths")
return nil


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