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parser.go 9.59 KB
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package main
import (
// tagParser contains the data needed while parsing.
type tagParser struct {
fset *token.FileSet
tags []Tag // list of created tags
types []string // all types we encounter, used to determine the constructors
relative bool // should filenames be relative to basepath
basepath string // output file directory
// Parse parses the source in filename and returns a list of tags. If relative
// is true, the filenames in the list of tags are relative to basepath.
func Parse(filename string, relative bool, basepath string) ([]Tag, error) {
p := &tagParser{
fset: token.NewFileSet(),
tags: []Tag{},
types: make([]string, 0),
relative: relative,
basepath: basepath,
f, err := parser.ParseFile(p.fset, filename, nil, 0)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// package
// imports
// declarations
return p.tags, nil
// parsePackage creates a package tag.
func (p *tagParser) parsePackage(f *ast.File) {
p.tags = append(p.tags, p.createTag(f.Name.Name, f.Name.Pos(), Package))
// parseImports creates an import tag for each import.
func (p *tagParser) parseImports(f *ast.File) {
for _, im := range f.Imports {
name := strings.Trim(im.Path.Value, "\"")
p.tags = append(p.tags, p.createTag(name, im.Path.Pos(), Import))
// parseDeclarations creates a tag for each function, type or value declaration.
func (p *tagParser) parseDeclarations(f *ast.File) {
// first parse the type and value declarations, so that we have a list of all
// known types before parsing the functions.
for _, d := range f.Decls {
if decl, ok := d.(*ast.GenDecl); ok {
for _, s := range decl.Specs {
switch ts := s.(type) {
case *ast.TypeSpec:
case *ast.ValueSpec:
// now parse all the functions
for _, d := range f.Decls {
if decl, ok := d.(*ast.FuncDecl); ok {
// parseFunction creates a tag for function declaration f.
func (p *tagParser) parseFunction(f *ast.FuncDecl) {
tag := p.createTag(f.Name.Name, f.Pos(), Function)
tag.Fields[Access] = getAccess(tag.Name)
tag.Fields[Signature] = fmt.Sprintf("(%s)", getTypes(f.Type.Params, true))
tag.Fields[TypeField] = getTypes(f.Type.Results, false)
if f.Recv != nil && len(f.Recv.List) > 0 {
// this function has a receiver, set the type to Method
tag.Fields[ReceiverType] = getType(f.Recv.List[0].Type, false)
tag.Type = Method
} else if name, ok := p.belongsToReceiver(f.Type.Results); ok {
// this function does not have a receiver, but it belongs to one based
// on its return values; its type will be Function instead of Method.
tag.Fields[ReceiverType] = name
tag.Type = Function
p.tags = append(p.tags, tag)
// parseTypeDeclaration creates a tag for type declaration ts and for each
// field in case of a struct, or each method in case of an interface.
func (p *tagParser) parseTypeDeclaration(ts *ast.TypeSpec) {
tag := p.createTag(ts.Name.Name, ts.Pos(), Type)
tag.Fields[Access] = getAccess(tag.Name)
switch s := ts.Type.(type) {
case *ast.StructType:
tag.Fields[TypeField] = "struct"
p.parseStructFields(tag.Name, s)
p.types = append(p.types, tag.Name)
case *ast.InterfaceType:
tag.Fields[TypeField] = "interface"
tag.Type = Interface
p.parseInterfaceMethods(tag.Name, s)
tag.Fields[TypeField] = getType(ts.Type, true)
p.tags = append(p.tags, tag)
// parseValueDeclaration creates a tag for each variable or constant declaration,
// unless the declaration uses a blank identifier.
func (p *tagParser) parseValueDeclaration(v *ast.ValueSpec) {
for _, d := range v.Names {
if d.Name == "_" {
tag := p.createTag(d.Name, d.Pos(), Variable)
tag.Fields[Access] = getAccess(tag.Name)
if v.Type != nil {
tag.Fields[TypeField] = getType(v.Type, true)
switch d.Obj.Kind {
case ast.Var:
tag.Type = Variable
case ast.Con:
tag.Type = Constant
p.tags = append(p.tags, tag)
// parseStructFields creates a tag for each field in struct s, using name as the
// tags ctype.
func (p *tagParser) parseStructFields(name string, s *ast.StructType) {
for _, f := range s.Fields.List {
var tag Tag
if len(f.Names) > 0 {
for _, n := range f.Names {
tag = p.createTag(n.Name, n.Pos(), Field)
tag.Fields[Access] = getAccess(tag.Name)
tag.Fields[ReceiverType] = name
tag.Fields[TypeField] = getType(f.Type, true)
p.tags = append(p.tags, tag)
} else {
// embedded field
tag = p.createTag(getType(f.Type, true), f.Pos(), Embedded)
tag.Fields[Access] = getAccess(tag.Name)
tag.Fields[ReceiverType] = name
tag.Fields[TypeField] = getType(f.Type, true)
p.tags = append(p.tags, tag)
// parseInterfaceMethods creates a tag for each method in interface s, using name
// as the tags ctype.
func (p *tagParser) parseInterfaceMethods(name string, s *ast.InterfaceType) {
for _, f := range s.Methods.List {
var tag Tag
if len(f.Names) > 0 {
tag = p.createTag(f.Names[0].Name, f.Names[0].Pos(), Method)
} else {
// embedded interface
tag = p.createTag(getType(f.Type, true), f.Pos(), Embedded)
tag.Fields[Access] = getAccess(tag.Name)
if t, ok := f.Type.(*ast.FuncType); ok {
tag.Fields[Signature] = fmt.Sprintf("(%s)", getTypes(t.Params, true))
tag.Fields[TypeField] = getTypes(t.Results, false)
tag.Fields[InterfaceType] = name
p.tags = append(p.tags, tag)
// createTag creates a new tag, using pos to find the filename and set the line number.
func (p *tagParser) createTag(name string, pos token.Pos, tagType TagType) Tag {
f := p.fset.File(pos).Name()
if p.relative {
if abs, err := filepath.Abs(f); err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "could not determine absolute path: %s\n", err)
} else if rel, err := filepath.Rel(p.basepath, abs); err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "could not determine relative path: %s\n", err)
} else {
f = rel
return NewTag(name, f, p.fset.Position(pos).Line, tagType)
// belongsToReceiver checks if a function with these return types belongs to
// a receiver. If it belongs to a receiver, the name of that receiver will be
// returned with ok set to true. Otherwise ok will be false.
// Behavior should be similar to how go doc decides when a function belongs to
// a receiver (gosrc/pkg/go/doc/reader.go).
func (p *tagParser) belongsToReceiver(types *ast.FieldList) (name string, ok bool) {
if types == nil || types.NumFields() == 0 {
return "", false
// If the first return type has more than 1 result associated with
// it, it should not belong to that receiver.
// Similar behavior as go doc (go source/.
if len(types.List[0].Names) > 1 {
return "", false
// get name of the first return type
t := getType(types.List[0].Type, false)
// check if it exists in the current list of known types
for _, knownType := range p.types {
if t == knownType {
return knownType, true
return "", false
// getTypes returns a comma separated list of types in fields. If includeNames is
// true each type is preceded by a comma separated list of parameter names.
func getTypes(fields *ast.FieldList, includeNames bool) string {
if fields == nil {
return ""
types := make([]string, len(fields.List))
for i, param := range fields.List {
if len(param.Names) > 0 {
// there are named parameters, there may be multiple names for a single type
t := getType(param.Type, true)
if includeNames {
// join all the names, followed by their type
names := make([]string, len(param.Names))
for j, n := range param.Names {
names[j] = n.Name
t = fmt.Sprintf("%s %s", strings.Join(names, ", "), t)
} else {
if len(param.Names) > 1 {
// repeat t len(param.Names) times
t = strings.Repeat(fmt.Sprintf("%s, ", t), len(param.Names))
// remove trailing comma and space
t = t[:len(t)-2]
types[i] = t
} else {
// no named parameters
types[i] = getType(param.Type, true)
return strings.Join(types, ", ")
// getType returns a string representation of the type of node. If star is true and the
// type is a pointer, a * will be prepended to the string.
func getType(node ast.Node, star bool) (paramType string) {
switch t := node.(type) {
case *ast.Ident:
paramType = t.Name
case *ast.StarExpr:
if star {
paramType = "*" + getType(t.X, star)
} else {
paramType = getType(t.X, star)
case *ast.SelectorExpr:
paramType = getType(t.X, star) + "." + getType(t.Sel, star)
case *ast.ArrayType:
if l, ok := t.Len.(*ast.BasicLit); ok {
paramType = fmt.Sprintf("[%s]%s", l.Value, getType(t.Elt, star))
} else {
paramType = "[]" + getType(t.Elt, star)
case *ast.FuncType:
fparams := getTypes(t.Params, true)
fresult := getTypes(t.Results, false)
if len(fresult) > 0 {
paramType = fmt.Sprintf("func(%s) %s", fparams, fresult)
} else {
paramType = fmt.Sprintf("func(%s)", fparams)
case *ast.MapType:
paramType = fmt.Sprintf("map[%s]%s", getType(t.Key, true), getType(t.Value, true))
case *ast.ChanType:
paramType = fmt.Sprintf("chan %s", getType(t.Value, true))
case *ast.InterfaceType:
paramType = "interface{}"
// getAccess returns the string "public" if name is considered an exported name, otherwise
// the string "private" is returned.
func getAccess(name string) (access string) {
if idx := strings.LastIndex(name, "."); idx > -1 && idx < len(name) {
name = name[idx+1:]
if ast.IsExported(name) {
access = "public"
} else {
access = "private"


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