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package pvtstatepurgemgmt
import (
// PurgeMgr manages purging of the expired pvtdata
type PurgeMgr interface {
// PrepareForExpiringKeys gives a chance to the PurgeMgr to do background work in advance if any
PrepareForExpiringKeys(expiringAtBlk uint64)
// WaitForPrepareToFinish holds the caller till the background goroutine lauched by 'PrepareForExpiringKeys' is finished
// DeleteExpiredAndUpdateBookkeeping updates the bookkeeping and modifies the update batch by adding the deletes for the expired pvtdata
pvtUpdates *privacyenabledstate.PvtUpdateBatch,
hashedUpdates *privacyenabledstate.HashedUpdateBatch) error
// UpdateBookkeepingForPvtDataOfOldBlocks updates the existing expiry entries in the bookkeeper with the given pvtUpdates
UpdateBookkeepingForPvtDataOfOldBlocks(pvtUpdates *privacyenabledstate.PvtUpdateBatch) error
// BlockCommitDone is a callback to the PurgeMgr when the block is committed to the ledger
BlockCommitDone() error
type keyAndVersion struct {
key string
committingBlock uint64
purgeKeyOnly bool
type expiryInfoMap map[privacyenabledstate.HashedCompositeKey]*keyAndVersion
type workingset struct {
toPurge expiryInfoMap
toClearFromSchedule []*expiryInfoKey
expiringBlk uint64
err error
type purgeMgr struct {
btlPolicy pvtdatapolicy.BTLPolicy
db privacyenabledstate.DB
expKeeper expiryKeeper
lock *sync.Mutex
waitGrp *sync.WaitGroup
workingset *workingset
// InstantiatePurgeMgr instantiates a PurgeMgr.
func InstantiatePurgeMgr(ledgerid string, db privacyenabledstate.DB, btlPolicy pvtdatapolicy.BTLPolicy, bookkeepingProvider bookkeeping.Provider) (PurgeMgr, error) {
return &purgeMgr{
btlPolicy: btlPolicy,
db: db,
expKeeper: newExpiryKeeper(ledgerid, bookkeepingProvider),
lock: &sync.Mutex{},
waitGrp: &sync.WaitGroup{},
}, nil
// PrepareForExpiringKeys implements function in the interface 'PurgeMgr'
func (p *purgeMgr) PrepareForExpiringKeys(expiringAtBlk uint64) {
go func() {
defer p.lock.Unlock()
p.workingset = p.prepareWorkingsetFor(expiringAtBlk)
// WaitForPrepareToFinish implements function in the interface 'PurgeMgr'
func (p *purgeMgr) WaitForPrepareToFinish() {
func (p *purgeMgr) UpdateBookkeepingForPvtDataOfOldBlocks(pvtUpdates *privacyenabledstate.PvtUpdateBatch) error {
builder := newExpiryScheduleBuilder(p.btlPolicy)
pvtUpdateCompositeKeyMap := pvtUpdates.ToCompositeKeyMap()
for k, vv := range pvtUpdateCompositeKeyMap {
builder.add(k.Namespace, k.CollectionName, k.Key, util.ComputeStringHash(k.Key), vv)
var updatedList []*expiryInfo
for _, toAdd := range builder.getExpiryInfo() {
toUpdate, err := p.expKeeper.retrieveByExpiryKey(toAdd.expiryInfoKey)
if err != nil {
return err
// Though we could update the existing entry (as there should be one due
// to only the keyHash of this pvtUpdateKey), for simplicity and to be less
// expensive, we append a new entry
updatedList = append(updatedList, toUpdate)
// As the expiring keys list might have been constructed after the last
// regular block commit, we need to update the list. This is because,
// some of the old pvtData which are being committed might get expired
// during the next regular block commit. As a result, the corresponding
// hashedKey in the expiring keys list would be missing the pvtData.
return p.expKeeper.updateBookkeeping(updatedList, nil)
func (p *purgeMgr) addMissingPvtDataToWorkingSet(pvtKeys privacyenabledstate.PvtdataCompositeKeyMap) {
if p.workingset == nil || len(p.workingset.toPurge) == 0 {
for k := range pvtKeys {
hashedCompositeKey := privacyenabledstate.HashedCompositeKey{
Namespace: k.Namespace,
CollectionName: k.CollectionName,
KeyHash: string(util.ComputeStringHash(k.Key))}
toPurgeKey, ok := p.workingset.toPurge[hashedCompositeKey]
if !ok {
// corresponding hashedKey is not present in the
// expiring keys list
// if the purgeKeyOnly is set, it means that the version of the pvtKey
// stored in the stateDB is older than the version of the hashedKey.
// As a result, only the pvtKey needs to be purged (expiring block height
// for the recent hashedKey would be higher). If the recent
// pvtKey of the corresponding hashedKey is being committed, we need to
// remove the purgeKeyOnly entries from the toPurgeList it is going to be
// updated by the commit of missing pvtData
if toPurgeKey.purgeKeyOnly {
delete(p.workingset.toPurge, hashedCompositeKey)
} else {
toPurgeKey.key = k.Key
// DeleteExpiredAndUpdateBookkeeping implements function in the interface 'PurgeMgr'
func (p *purgeMgr) DeleteExpiredAndUpdateBookkeeping(
pvtUpdates *privacyenabledstate.PvtUpdateBatch,
hashedUpdates *privacyenabledstate.HashedUpdateBatch) error {
defer p.lock.Unlock()
if p.workingset.err != nil {
return p.workingset.err
listExpiryInfo, err := buildExpirySchedule(p.btlPolicy, pvtUpdates, hashedUpdates)
if err != nil {
return err
// For each key selected for purging, check if the key is not getting updated in the current block,
// add its deletion in the update batches for pvt and hashed updates
for compositeHashedKey, keyAndVersion := range p.workingset.toPurge {
ns := compositeHashedKey.Namespace
coll := compositeHashedKey.CollectionName
keyHash := []byte(compositeHashedKey.KeyHash)
key := keyAndVersion.key
purgeKeyOnly := keyAndVersion.purgeKeyOnly
hashUpdated := hashedUpdates.Contains(ns, coll, keyHash)
pvtKeyUpdated := pvtUpdates.Contains(ns, coll, key)
logger.Debugf("Checking whether the key [ns=%s, coll=%s, keyHash=%x, purgeKeyOnly=%t] "+
"is updated in the update batch for the committing block - hashUpdated=%t, and pvtKeyUpdated=%t",
ns, coll, keyHash, purgeKeyOnly, hashUpdated, pvtKeyUpdated)
expiringTxVersion := version.NewHeight(p.workingset.expiringBlk, math.MaxUint64)
if !hashUpdated && !purgeKeyOnly {
logger.Debugf("Adding the hashed key to be purged to the delete list in the update batch")
hashedUpdates.Delete(ns, coll, keyHash, expiringTxVersion)
if key != "" && !pvtKeyUpdated {
logger.Debugf("Adding the pvt key to be purged to the delete list in the update batch")
pvtUpdates.Delete(ns, coll, key, expiringTxVersion)
return p.expKeeper.updateBookkeeping(listExpiryInfo, nil)
// BlockCommitDone implements function in the interface 'PurgeMgr'
// These orphan entries for purge-schedule can be cleared off in bulk in a separate background routine as well
// If we maintian the following logic (i.e., clear off entries just after block commit), we need a TODO -
// We need to perform a check in the start, becasue there could be a crash between the block commit and
// invocation to this function resulting in the orphan entry for the deletes scheduled for the last block
// Also, the another way is to club the delete of these entries in the same batch that adds entries for the future expirations -
// however, that requires updating the expiry store by replaying the last block from blockchain in order to sustain a crash between
// entries updates and block commit
func (p *purgeMgr) BlockCommitDone() error {
defer func() { p.workingset = nil }()
return p.expKeeper.updateBookkeeping(nil, p.workingset.toClearFromSchedule)
// prepareWorkingsetFor returns a working set for a given expiring block 'expiringAtBlk'.
// This working set contains the pvt data keys that will expire with the commit of block 'expiringAtBlk'.
func (p *purgeMgr) prepareWorkingsetFor(expiringAtBlk uint64) *workingset {
logger.Debugf("Preparing potential purge list working-set for expiringAtBlk [%d]", expiringAtBlk)
workingset := &workingset{expiringBlk: expiringAtBlk}
// Retrieve the keys from bookkeeper
expiryInfo, err := p.expKeeper.retrieve(expiringAtBlk)
if err != nil {
workingset.err = err
return workingset
// Transform the keys into the form such that for each hashed key that is eligible for purge appears in 'toPurge'
toPurge := transformToExpiryInfoMap(expiryInfo)
// Load the latest versions of the hashed keys
var expiryInfoKeysToClear []*expiryInfoKey
if len(toPurge) == 0 {
logger.Debugf("No expiry entry found for expiringAtBlk [%d]", expiringAtBlk)
return workingset
logger.Debugf("Total [%d] expiring entries found. Evaluaitng whether some of these keys have been overwritten in later blocks...", len(toPurge))
for purgeEntryK, purgeEntryV := range toPurge {
logger.Debugf("Evaluating for hashedKey [%s]", purgeEntryK)
expiryInfoKeysToClear = append(expiryInfoKeysToClear, &expiryInfoKey{committingBlk: purgeEntryV.committingBlock, expiryBlk: expiringAtBlk})
currentVersion, err := p.db.GetKeyHashVersion(purgeEntryK.Namespace, purgeEntryK.CollectionName, []byte(purgeEntryK.KeyHash))
if err != nil {
workingset.err = err
return workingset
if sameVersion(currentVersion, purgeEntryV.committingBlock) {
"The version of the hashed key in the committed state and in the expiry entry is same " +
"hence, keeping the entry in the purge list")
logger.Debugf("The version of the hashed key in the committed state and in the expiry entry is different")
if purgeEntryV.key != "" {
logger.Debugf("The expiry entry also contains the raw key along with the key hash")
committedPvtVerVal, err := p.db.GetPrivateData(purgeEntryK.Namespace, purgeEntryK.CollectionName, purgeEntryV.key)
if err != nil {
workingset.err = err
return workingset
if sameVersionFromVal(committedPvtVerVal, purgeEntryV.committingBlock) {
"The version of the pvt key in the committed state and in the expiry entry is same" +
"Including only key in the purge list and not the hashed key")
purgeEntryV.purgeKeyOnly = true
// If we reached here, the keyhash and private key (if present, in the expiry entry) have been updated in a later block, therefore remove from current purge list
logger.Debugf("Removing from purge list - the key hash and key (if present, in the expiry entry)")
delete(toPurge, purgeEntryK)
// Final keys to purge from state
workingset.toPurge = toPurge
// Keys to clear from bookkeeper
workingset.toClearFromSchedule = expiryInfoKeysToClear
return workingset
func (p *purgeMgr) preloadCommittedVersionsInCache(expInfoMap expiryInfoMap) {
if !p.db.IsBulkOptimizable() {
var hashedKeys []*privacyenabledstate.HashedCompositeKey
for k := range expInfoMap {
hashedKeys = append(hashedKeys, &k)
p.db.LoadCommittedVersionsOfPubAndHashedKeys(nil, hashedKeys)
func transformToExpiryInfoMap(expiryInfo []*expiryInfo) expiryInfoMap {
expinfoMap := make(expiryInfoMap)
for _, expinfo := range expiryInfo {
for ns, colls := range expinfo.pvtdataKeys.Map {
for coll, keysAndHashes := range colls.Map {
for _, keyAndHash := range keysAndHashes.List {
compositeKey := privacyenabledstate.HashedCompositeKey{Namespace: ns, CollectionName: coll, KeyHash: string(keyAndHash.Hash)}
expinfoMap[compositeKey] = &keyAndVersion{key: keyAndHash.Key, committingBlock: expinfo.expiryInfoKey.committingBlk}
return expinfoMap
func sameVersion(version *version.Height, blockNum uint64) bool {
return version != nil && version.BlockNum == blockNum
func sameVersionFromVal(vv *statedb.VersionedValue, blockNum uint64) bool {
return vv != nil && sameVersion(vv.Version, blockNum)
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