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membershipinfo.go 2.21 KB
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Copyright IBM Corp. All Rights Reserved.
SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
package privdata
import (
var logger = flogging.MustGetLogger("common.privdata")
// MembershipProvider can be used to check whether a peer is eligible to a collection or not
type MembershipProvider struct {
mspID string
selfSignedData common.SignedData
IdentityDeserializerFactory func(chainID string) msp.IdentityDeserializer
// NewMembershipInfoProvider returns MembershipProvider
func NewMembershipInfoProvider(mspID string, selfSignedData common.SignedData,
identityDeserializerFunc func(chainID string) msp.IdentityDeserializer) *MembershipProvider {
return &MembershipProvider{mspID: mspID, selfSignedData: selfSignedData, IdentityDeserializerFactory: identityDeserializerFunc}
// AmMemberOf checks whether the current peer is a member of the given collection config.
// If getPolicy returns an error, it will drop the error and return false - same as a RejectAll policy.
// It is used when a chaincode is upgraded to see if the peer's org has become eligible after a collection
// change.
func (m *MembershipProvider) AmMemberOf(channelName string,
collectionPolicyConfig *common.CollectionPolicyConfig) (bool, error) {
deserializer := m.IdentityDeserializerFactory(channelName)
// Do a simple check to see if the mspid matches any principal identities in the SignaturePolicy - FAB-17059
if collectionPolicyConfig.GetSignaturePolicy() != nil {
memberOrgs := getMemberOrgs(collectionPolicyConfig.GetSignaturePolicy().GetIdentities(), deserializer)
for _, org := range memberOrgs {
if m.mspID == org {
return true, nil
// Fall back to default access policy evaluation otherwise
accessPolicy, err := getPolicy(collectionPolicyConfig, deserializer)
if err != nil {
// drop the error and return false - same as reject all policy
logger.Errorf("Reject all due to error getting policy: %s", err)
return false, nil
if err := accessPolicy.Evaluate([]*common.SignedData{&m.selfSignedData}); err != nil {
return false, nil
return true, nil
