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一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
Copyright IBM Corp. All Rights Reserved.
SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
package node
import (
ccdef "github.com/hyperledger/fabric/common/chaincode"
floggingmetrics "github.com/hyperledger/fabric/common/flogging/metrics"
cc "github.com/hyperledger/fabric/core/cclifecycle"
authHandler "github.com/hyperledger/fabric/core/handlers/auth"
endorsement2 "github.com/hyperledger/fabric/core/handlers/endorsement/api"
endorsement3 "github.com/hyperledger/fabric/core/handlers/endorsement/api/identities"
validation "github.com/hyperledger/fabric/core/handlers/validation/api"
discsupport "github.com/hyperledger/fabric/discovery/support"
discacl "github.com/hyperledger/fabric/discovery/support/acl"
ccsupport "github.com/hyperledger/fabric/discovery/support/chaincode"
gossipcommon "github.com/hyperledger/fabric/gossip/common"
peergossip "github.com/hyperledger/fabric/peer/gossip"
cb "github.com/hyperledger/fabric/protos/common"
common2 "github.com/hyperledger/fabric/protos/common"
discprotos "github.com/hyperledger/fabric/protos/discovery"
pb "github.com/hyperledger/fabric/protos/peer"
const (
chaincodeAddrKey = "peer.chaincodeAddress"
chaincodeListenAddrKey = "peer.chaincodeListenAddress"
defaultChaincodePort = 7052
grpcMaxConcurrency = 2500
var chaincodeDevMode bool
func startCmd() *cobra.Command {
// Set the flags on the node start command.
flags := nodeStartCmd.Flags()
flags.BoolVarP(&chaincodeDevMode, "peer-chaincodedev", "", false,
"Whether peer in chaincode development mode")
return nodeStartCmd
var nodeStartCmd = &cobra.Command{
Use: "start",
Short: "Starts the node.",
Long: `Starts a node that interacts with the network.`,
RunE: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
if len(args) != 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("trailing args detected")
// Parsing of the command line is done so silence cmd usage
cmd.SilenceUsage = true
return serve(args)
func serve(args []string) error {
// currently the peer only works with the standard MSP
// because in certain scenarios the MSP has to make sure
// that from a single credential you only have a single 'identity'.
// Idemix does not support this *YET* but it can be easily
// fixed to support it. For now, we just make sure that
// the peer only comes up with the standard MSP
mspType := mgmt.GetLocalMSP().GetType()
if mspType != msp.FABRIC {
panic("Unsupported msp type " + msp.ProviderTypeToString(mspType))
mspID := viper.GetString("peer.localMspId")
// Trace RPCs with the golang.org/x/net/trace package. This was moved out of
// the deliver service connection factory as it has process wide implications
// and was racy with respect to initialization of gRPC clients and servers.
grpc.EnableTracing = true
logger.Infof("Starting %s", version.GetInfo())
//startup aclmgmt with default ACL providers (resource based and default 1.0 policies based).
//Users can pass in their own ACLProvider to RegisterACLProvider (currently unit tests do this)
aclProvider := aclmgmt.NewACLProvider(
pr := platforms.NewRegistry(
deployedCCInfoProvider := &lscc.DeployedCCInfoProvider{}
identityDeserializerFactory := func(chainID string) msp.IdentityDeserializer {
return mgmt.GetManagerForChain(chainID)
opsSystem := newOperationsSystem()
err := opsSystem.Start()
if err != nil {
return errors.WithMessage(err, "failed to initialize operations subystems")
defer opsSystem.Stop()
metricsProvider := opsSystem.Provider
logObserver := floggingmetrics.NewObserver(metricsProvider)
membershipInfoProvider := privdata.NewMembershipInfoProvider(mspID, createSelfSignedData(), identityDeserializerFactory)
//initialize resource management exit
CustomTxProcessors: peer.ConfigTxProcessors,
PlatformRegistry: pr,
DeployedChaincodeInfoProvider: deployedCCInfoProvider,
MembershipInfoProvider: membershipInfoProvider,
MetricsProvider: metricsProvider,
HealthCheckRegistry: opsSystem,
// Parameter overrides must be processed before any parameters are
// cached. Failures to cache cause the server to terminate immediately.
if chaincodeDevMode {
logger.Info("Running in chaincode development mode")
logger.Info("Disable loading validity system chaincode")
viper.Set("chaincode.mode", chaincode.DevModeUserRunsChaincode)
if err := peer.CacheConfiguration(); err != nil {
return err
peerEndpoint, err := peer.GetPeerEndpoint()
if err != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("Failed to get Peer Endpoint: %s", err)
return err
peerHost, _, err := net.SplitHostPort(peerEndpoint.Address)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("peer address is not in the format of host:port: %v", err)
listenAddr := viper.GetString("peer.listenAddress")
serverConfig, err := peer.GetServerConfig()
if err != nil {
logger.Fatalf("Error loading secure config for peer (%s)", err)
throttle := comm.NewThrottle(grpcMaxConcurrency)
serverConfig.Logger = flogging.MustGetLogger("core.comm").With("server", "PeerServer")
serverConfig.ServerStatsHandler = comm.NewServerStatsHandler(metricsProvider)
serverConfig.UnaryInterceptors = append(
serverConfig.StreamInterceptors = append(
peerServer, err := peer.NewPeerServer(listenAddr, serverConfig)
if err != nil {
logger.Fatalf("Failed to create peer server (%s)", err)
if serverConfig.SecOpts.UseTLS {
logger.Info("Starting peer with TLS enabled")
// set up credential support
cs := comm.GetCredentialSupport()
roots, err := peer.GetServerRootCAs()
if err != nil {
logger.Fatalf("Failed to set TLS server root CAs: %s", err)
cs.ServerRootCAs = roots
// set the cert to use if client auth is requested by remote endpoints
clientCert, err := peer.GetClientCertificate()
if err != nil {
logger.Fatalf("Failed to set TLS client certificate: %s", err)
mutualTLS := serverConfig.SecOpts.UseTLS && serverConfig.SecOpts.RequireClientCert
policyCheckerProvider := func(resourceName string) deliver.PolicyCheckerFunc {
return func(env *cb.Envelope, channelID string) error {
return aclProvider.CheckACL(resourceName, channelID, env)
abServer := peer.NewDeliverEventsServer(mutualTLS, policyCheckerProvider, &peer.DeliverChainManager{}, metricsProvider)
pb.RegisterDeliverServer(peerServer.Server(), abServer)
// Initialize chaincode service
chaincodeSupport, ccp, sccp, packageProvider := startChaincodeServer(peerHost, aclProvider, pr, opsSystem)
logger.Debugf("Running peer")
// Start the Admin server
startAdminServer(listenAddr, peerServer.Server(), serverConfig)
privDataDist := func(channel string, txID string, privateData *transientstore.TxPvtReadWriteSetWithConfigInfo, blkHt uint64) error {
return service.GetGossipService().DistributePrivateData(channel, txID, privateData, blkHt)
signingIdentity := mgmt.GetLocalSigningIdentityOrPanic()
serializedIdentity, err := signingIdentity.Serialize()
if err != nil {
logger.Panicf("Failed serializing self identity: %v", err)
libConf := library.Config{}
if err = viperutil.EnhancedExactUnmarshalKey("peer.handlers", &libConf); err != nil {
return errors.WithMessage(err, "could not load YAML config")
reg := library.InitRegistry(libConf)
authFilters := reg.Lookup(library.Auth).([]authHandler.Filter)
endorserSupport := &endorser.SupportImpl{
SignerSupport: signingIdentity,
Peer: peer.Default,
PeerSupport: peer.DefaultSupport,
ChaincodeSupport: chaincodeSupport,
SysCCProvider: sccp,
ACLProvider: aclProvider,
endorsementPluginsByName := reg.Lookup(library.Endorsement).(map[string]endorsement2.PluginFactory)
validationPluginsByName := reg.Lookup(library.Validation).(map[string]validation.PluginFactory)
signingIdentityFetcher := (endorsement3.SigningIdentityFetcher)(endorserSupport)
channelStateRetriever := endorser.ChannelStateRetriever(endorserSupport)
pluginMapper := endorser.MapBasedPluginMapper(endorsementPluginsByName)
pluginEndorser := endorser.NewPluginEndorser(&endorser.PluginSupport{
ChannelStateRetriever: channelStateRetriever,
TransientStoreRetriever: peer.TransientStoreFactory,
PluginMapper: pluginMapper,
SigningIdentityFetcher: signingIdentityFetcher,
endorserSupport.PluginEndorser = pluginEndorser
serverEndorser := endorser.NewEndorserServer(privDataDist, endorserSupport, pr, metricsProvider)
expirationLogger := flogging.MustGetLogger("certmonitor")
expirationLogger.Warnf, // This can be used to piggyback a metric event in the future
policyMgr := peer.NewChannelPolicyManagerGetter()
// Initialize gossip component
err = initGossipService(policyMgr, metricsProvider, peerServer, serializedIdentity, peerEndpoint.Address)
if err != nil {
return err
defer service.GetGossipService().Stop()
// register prover grpc service
// FAB-12971 disable prover service before v1.4 cut. Will uncomment after v1.4 cut
// err = registerProverService(peerServer, aclProvider, signingIdentity)
// if err != nil {
// return err
// }
// initialize system chaincodes
// deploy system chaincodes
sccp.DeploySysCCs("", ccp)
logger.Infof("Deployed system chaincodes")
installedCCs := func() ([]ccdef.InstalledChaincode, error) {
return packageProvider.ListInstalledChaincodes()
lifecycle, err := cc.NewLifeCycle(cc.Enumerate(installedCCs))
if err != nil {
logger.Panicf("Failed creating lifecycle: +%v", err)
onUpdate := cc.HandleMetadataUpdate(func(channel string, chaincodes ccdef.MetadataSet) {
service.GetGossipService().UpdateChaincodes(chaincodes.AsChaincodes(), gossipcommon.ChainID(channel))
// this brings up all the channels
peer.Initialize(func(cid string) {
logger.Debugf("Deploying system CC, for channel <%s>", cid)
sccp.DeploySysCCs(cid, ccp)
sub, err := lifecycle.NewChannelSubscription(cid, cc.QueryCreatorFunc(func() (cc.Query, error) {
return peer.GetLedger(cid).NewQueryExecutor()
if err != nil {
logger.Panicf("Failed subscribing to chaincode lifecycle updates")
cceventmgmt.GetMgr().Register(cid, sub)
}, ccp, sccp, txvalidator.MapBasedPluginMapper(validationPluginsByName),
pr, deployedCCInfoProvider, membershipInfoProvider, metricsProvider)
if viper.GetBool("peer.discovery.enabled") {
registerDiscoveryService(peerServer, policyMgr, lifecycle)
networkID := viper.GetString("peer.networkId")
logger.Infof("Starting peer with ID=[%s], network ID=[%s], address=[%s]", peerEndpoint.Id, networkID, peerEndpoint.Address)
// Get configuration before starting go routines to avoid
// racing in tests
profileEnabled := viper.GetBool("peer.profile.enabled")
profileListenAddress := viper.GetString("peer.profile.listenAddress")
// Start the grpc server. Done in a goroutine so we can deploy the
// genesis block if needed.
serve := make(chan error)
// Start profiling http endpoint if enabled
if profileEnabled {
go func() {
logger.Infof("Starting profiling server with listenAddress = %s", profileListenAddress)
if profileErr := http.ListenAndServe(profileListenAddress, nil); profileErr != nil {
logger.Errorf("Error starting profiler: %s", profileErr)
go handleSignals(addPlatformSignals(map[os.Signal]func(){
syscall.SIGINT: func() { serve <- nil },
syscall.SIGTERM: func() { serve <- nil },
logger.Infof("Started peer with ID=[%s], network ID=[%s], address=[%s]", peerEndpoint.Id, networkID, peerEndpoint.Address)
// check to see if the peer ledgers have been reset
preResetHeights, err := kvledger.LoadPreResetHeight()
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error loading prereset height: %s", err)
for cid, height := range preResetHeights {
logger.Infof("Ledger rebuild: channel [%s]: preresetHeight: [%d]", cid, height)
if len(preResetHeights) > 0 {
logger.Info("Ledger rebuild: Entering loop to check if current ledger heights surpass prereset ledger heights. Endorsement request processing will be disabled.")
resetFilter := &reset{
reject: true,
authFilters = append(authFilters, resetFilter)
go resetLoop(resetFilter, preResetHeights, peer.GetLedger, 10*time.Second)
// start the peer server
auth := authHandler.ChainFilters(serverEndorser, authFilters...)
// Register the Endorser server
pb.RegisterEndorserServer(peerServer.Server(), auth)
go func() {
var grpcErr error
if grpcErr = peerServer.Start(); grpcErr != nil {
grpcErr = fmt.Errorf("grpc server exited with error: %s", grpcErr)
serve <- grpcErr
// Block until grpc server exits
return <-serve
func handleSignals(handlers map[os.Signal]func()) {
var signals []os.Signal
for sig := range handlers {
signals = append(signals, sig)
signalChan := make(chan os.Signal, 1)
signal.Notify(signalChan, signals...)
for sig := range signalChan {
logger.Infof("Received signal: %d (%s)", sig, sig)
func localPolicy(policyObject proto.Message) policies.Policy {
localMSP := mgmt.GetLocalMSP()
pp := cauthdsl.NewPolicyProvider(localMSP)
policy, _, err := pp.NewPolicy(utils.MarshalOrPanic(policyObject))
if err != nil {
logger.Panicf("Failed creating local policy: +%v", err)
return policy
func createSelfSignedData() common2.SignedData {
sId := mgmt.GetLocalSigningIdentityOrPanic()
msg := make([]byte, 32)
sig, err := sId.Sign(msg)
if err != nil {
logger.Panicf("Failed creating self signed data because message signing failed: %v", err)
peerIdentity, err := sId.Serialize()
if err != nil {
logger.Panicf("Failed creating self signed data because peer identity couldn't be serialized: %v", err)
return common2.SignedData{
Data: msg,
Signature: sig,
Identity: peerIdentity,
func registerDiscoveryService(peerServer *comm.GRPCServer, polMgr policies.ChannelPolicyManagerGetter, lc *cc.Lifecycle) {
mspID := viper.GetString("peer.localMspId")
localAccessPolicy := localPolicy(cauthdsl.SignedByAnyAdmin([]string{mspID}))
if viper.GetBool("peer.discovery.orgMembersAllowedAccess") {
localAccessPolicy = localPolicy(cauthdsl.SignedByAnyMember([]string{mspID}))
channelVerifier := discacl.NewChannelVerifier(policies.ChannelApplicationWriters, polMgr)
acl := discacl.NewDiscoverySupport(channelVerifier, localAccessPolicy, discacl.ChannelConfigGetterFunc(peer.GetStableChannelConfig))
gSup := gossip.NewDiscoverySupport(service.GetGossipService())
ccSup := ccsupport.NewDiscoverySupport(lc)
ea := endorsement.NewEndorsementAnalyzer(gSup, ccSup, acl, lc)
confSup := config.NewDiscoverySupport(config.CurrentConfigBlockGetterFunc(peer.GetCurrConfigBlock))
support := discsupport.NewDiscoverySupport(acl, gSup, ea, confSup, acl)
svc := discovery.NewService(discovery.Config{
TLS: peerServer.TLSEnabled(),
AuthCacheEnabled: viper.GetBool("peer.discovery.authCacheEnabled"),
AuthCacheMaxSize: viper.GetInt("peer.discovery.authCacheMaxSize"),
AuthCachePurgeRetentionRatio: viper.GetFloat64("peer.discovery.authCachePurgeRetentionRatio"),
}, support)
logger.Info("Discovery service activated")
discprotos.RegisterDiscoveryServer(peerServer.Server(), svc)
//create a CC listener using peer.chaincodeListenAddress (and if that's not set use peer.peerAddress)
func createChaincodeServer(ca tlsgen.CA, peerHostname string) (srv *comm.GRPCServer, ccEndpoint string, err error) {
// before potentially setting chaincodeListenAddress, compute chaincode endpoint at first
ccEndpoint, err = computeChaincodeEndpoint(peerHostname)
if err != nil {
if chaincode.IsDevMode() {
// if any error for dev mode, we use
ccEndpoint = fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", "", defaultChaincodePort)
logger.Warningf("use %s as chaincode endpoint because of error in computeChaincodeEndpoint: %s", ccEndpoint, err)
} else {
// for non-dev mode, we have to return error
logger.Errorf("Error computing chaincode endpoint: %s", err)
return nil, "", err
host, _, err := net.SplitHostPort(ccEndpoint)
if err != nil {
logger.Panic("Chaincode service host", ccEndpoint, "isn't a valid hostname:", err)
cclistenAddress := viper.GetString(chaincodeListenAddrKey)
if cclistenAddress == "" {
cclistenAddress = fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", peerHostname, defaultChaincodePort)
logger.Warningf("%s is not set, using %s", chaincodeListenAddrKey, cclistenAddress)
viper.Set(chaincodeListenAddrKey, cclistenAddress)
config, err := peer.GetServerConfig()
if err != nil {
logger.Errorf("Error getting server config: %s", err)
return nil, "", err
// set the logger for the server
config.Logger = flogging.MustGetLogger("core.comm").With("server", "ChaincodeServer")
// Override TLS configuration if TLS is applicable
if config.SecOpts.UseTLS {
// Create a self-signed TLS certificate with a SAN that matches the computed chaincode endpoint
certKeyPair, err := ca.NewServerCertKeyPair(host)
if err != nil {
logger.Panicf("Failed generating TLS certificate for chaincode service: +%v", err)
config.SecOpts = &comm.SecureOptions{
UseTLS: true,
// Require chaincode shim to authenticate itself
RequireClientCert: true,
// Trust only client certificates signed by ourselves
ClientRootCAs: [][]byte{ca.CertBytes()},
// Use our own self-signed TLS certificate and key
Certificate: certKeyPair.Cert,
Key: certKeyPair.Key,
// No point in specifying server root CAs since this TLS config is only used for
// a gRPC server and not a client
ServerRootCAs: nil,
// Chaincode keepalive options - static for now
chaincodeKeepaliveOptions := &comm.KeepaliveOptions{
ServerInterval: time.Duration(2) * time.Hour, // 2 hours - gRPC default
ServerTimeout: time.Duration(20) * time.Second, // 20 sec - gRPC default
ServerMinInterval: time.Duration(1) * time.Minute, // match ClientInterval
config.KaOpts = chaincodeKeepaliveOptions
srv, err = comm.NewGRPCServer(cclistenAddress, config)
if err != nil {
logger.Errorf("Error creating GRPC server: %s", err)
return nil, "", err
return srv, ccEndpoint, nil
// computeChaincodeEndpoint will utilize chaincode address, chaincode listen
// address (these two are from viper) and peer address to compute chaincode endpoint.
// There could be following cases of computing chaincode endpoint:
// Case A: if chaincodeAddrKey is set, use it if not "" (or "::")
// Case B: else if chaincodeListenAddrKey is set and not "" or ("::"), use it
// Case C: else use peer address if not "" (or "::")
// Case D: else return error
func computeChaincodeEndpoint(peerHostname string) (ccEndpoint string, err error) {
logger.Infof("Entering computeChaincodeEndpoint with peerHostname: %s", peerHostname)
// set this to the host/ip the chaincode will resolve to. It could be
// the same address as the peer (such as in the sample docker env using
// the container name as the host name across the board)
ccEndpoint = viper.GetString(chaincodeAddrKey)
if ccEndpoint == "" {
// the chaincodeAddrKey is not set, try to get the address from listener
// (may finally use the peer address)
ccEndpoint = viper.GetString(chaincodeListenAddrKey)
if ccEndpoint == "" {
// Case C: chaincodeListenAddrKey is not set, use peer address
peerIp := net.ParseIP(peerHostname)
if peerIp != nil && peerIp.IsUnspecified() {
// Case D: all we have is "" or "::" which chaincode cannot connect to
logger.Errorf("ChaincodeAddress and chaincodeListenAddress are nil and peerIP is %s", peerIp)
return "", errors.New("invalid endpoint for chaincode to connect")
// use peerAddress:defaultChaincodePort
ccEndpoint = fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", peerHostname, defaultChaincodePort)
} else {
// Case B: chaincodeListenAddrKey is set
host, port, err := net.SplitHostPort(ccEndpoint)
if err != nil {
logger.Errorf("ChaincodeAddress is nil and fail to split chaincodeListenAddress: %s", err)
return "", err
ccListenerIp := net.ParseIP(host)
// ignoring other values such as Multicast address etc ...as the server
// wouldn't start up with this address anyway
if ccListenerIp != nil && ccListenerIp.IsUnspecified() {
// Case C: if "" or "::", we have to use peer address with the listen port
peerIp := net.ParseIP(peerHostname)
if peerIp != nil && peerIp.IsUnspecified() {
// Case D: all we have is "" or "::" which chaincode cannot connect to
logger.Error("ChaincodeAddress is nil while both chaincodeListenAddressIP and peerIP are")
return "", errors.New("invalid endpoint for chaincode to connect")
ccEndpoint = fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s", peerHostname, port)
} else {
// Case A: the chaincodeAddrKey is set
if host, _, err := net.SplitHostPort(ccEndpoint); err != nil {
logger.Errorf("Fail to split chaincodeAddress: %s", err)
return "", err
} else {
ccIP := net.ParseIP(host)
if ccIP != nil && ccIP.IsUnspecified() {
logger.Errorf("ChaincodeAddress' IP cannot be %s in non-dev mode", ccIP)
return "", errors.New("invalid endpoint for chaincode to connect")
logger.Infof("Exit with ccEndpoint: %s", ccEndpoint)
return ccEndpoint, nil
//NOTE - when we implement JOIN we will no longer pass the chainID as param
//The chaincode support will come up without registering system chaincodes
//which will be registered only during join phase.
func registerChaincodeSupport(
grpcServer *comm.GRPCServer,
ccEndpoint string,
ca tlsgen.CA,
packageProvider *persistence.PackageProvider,
aclProvider aclmgmt.ACLProvider,
pr *platforms.Registry,
lifecycleSCC *lifecycle.SCC,
ops *operations.System,
) (*chaincode.ChaincodeSupport, ccprovider.ChaincodeProvider, *scc.Provider) {
//get user mode
userRunsCC := chaincode.IsDevMode()
tlsEnabled := viper.GetBool("peer.tls.enabled")
authenticator := accesscontrol.NewAuthenticator(ca)
ipRegistry := inproccontroller.NewRegistry()
sccp := scc.NewProvider(peer.Default, peer.DefaultSupport, ipRegistry)
lsccInst := lscc.New(sccp, aclProvider, pr)
dockerProvider := dockercontroller.NewProvider(
dockerVM := dockercontroller.NewDockerVM(
err := ops.RegisterChecker("docker", dockerVM)
if err != nil {
logger.Panicf("failed to register docker health check: %s", err)
chaincodeSupport := chaincode.NewChaincodeSupport(
dockercontroller.ContainerType: dockerProvider,
inproccontroller.ContainerType: ipRegistry,
ipRegistry.ChaincodeSupport = chaincodeSupport
ccp := chaincode.NewProvider(chaincodeSupport)
ccSrv := pb.ChaincodeSupportServer(chaincodeSupport)
if tlsEnabled {
ccSrv = authenticator.Wrap(ccSrv)
csccInst := cscc.New(ccp, sccp, aclProvider)
qsccInst := qscc.New(aclProvider)
//Now that chaincode is initialized, register all system chaincodes.
sccs := scc.CreatePluginSysCCs(sccp)
for _, cc := range append([]scc.SelfDescribingSysCC{lsccInst, csccInst, qsccInst, lifecycleSCC}, sccs...) {
pb.RegisterChaincodeSupportServer(grpcServer.Server(), ccSrv)
return chaincodeSupport, ccp, sccp
// startChaincodeServer will finish chaincode related initialization, including:
// 1) setup local chaincode install path
// 2) create chaincode specific tls CA
// 3) start the chaincode specific gRPC listening service
func startChaincodeServer(
peerHost string,
aclProvider aclmgmt.ACLProvider,
pr *platforms.Registry,
ops *operations.System,
) (*chaincode.ChaincodeSupport, ccprovider.ChaincodeProvider, *scc.Provider, *persistence.PackageProvider) {
// Setup chaincode path
chaincodeInstallPath := ccprovider.GetChaincodeInstallPathFromViper()
ccPackageParser := &persistence.ChaincodePackageParser{}
ccStore := &persistence.Store{
Path: chaincodeInstallPath,
ReadWriter: &persistence.FilesystemIO{},
packageProvider := &persistence.PackageProvider{
LegacyPP: &ccprovider.CCInfoFSImpl{},
Store: ccStore,
lifecycleSCC := &lifecycle.SCC{
Protobuf: &lifecycle.ProtobufImpl{},
Functions: &lifecycle.Lifecycle{
PackageParser: ccPackageParser,
ChaincodeStore: ccStore,
// Create a self-signed CA for chaincode service
ca, err := tlsgen.NewCA()
if err != nil {
logger.Panic("Failed creating authentication layer:", err)
ccSrv, ccEndpoint, err := createChaincodeServer(ca, peerHost)
if err != nil {
logger.Panicf("Failed to create chaincode server: %s", err)
chaincodeSupport, ccp, sccp := registerChaincodeSupport(
go ccSrv.Start()
return chaincodeSupport, ccp, sccp, packageProvider
func adminHasSeparateListener(peerListenAddr string, adminListenAddress string) bool {
// By default, admin listens on the same port as the peer data service
if adminListenAddress == "" {
return false
_, peerPort, err := net.SplitHostPort(peerListenAddr)
if err != nil {
logger.Panicf("Failed parsing peer listen address")
_, adminPort, err := net.SplitHostPort(adminListenAddress)
if err != nil {
logger.Panicf("Failed parsing admin listen address")
// Admin service has a separate listener in case it doesn't match the peer's
// configured service
return adminPort != peerPort
func startAdminServer(peerListenAddr string, peerServer *grpc.Server, baseServerConfig comm.ServerConfig) {
adminListenAddress := viper.GetString("peer.adminService.listenAddress")
separateLsnrForAdmin := adminHasSeparateListener(peerListenAddr, adminListenAddress)
mspID := viper.GetString("peer.localMspId")
adminPolicy := localPolicy(cauthdsl.SignedByAnyAdmin([]string{mspID}))
gRPCService := peerServer
if separateLsnrForAdmin {
logger.Info("Creating gRPC server for admin service on", adminListenAddress)
serverConfig, err := peer.GetServerConfig()
if err != nil {
logger.Fatalf("Error loading secure config for admin service (%s)", err)
serverConfig.Logger = flogging.MustGetLogger("core.comm").With("server", "AdminServer")
serverConfig.ServerStatsHandler = baseServerConfig.ServerStatsHandler
serverConfig.UnaryInterceptors = baseServerConfig.UnaryInterceptors
serverConfig.StreamInterceptors = baseServerConfig.StreamInterceptors
adminServer, err := peer.NewPeerServer(adminListenAddress, serverConfig)
if err != nil {
logger.Fatalf("Failed to create admin server (%s)", err)
gRPCService = adminServer.Server()
defer func() {
go adminServer.Start()
pb.RegisterAdminServer(gRPCService, admin.NewAdminServer(adminPolicy))
// secureDialOpts is the callback function for secure dial options for gossip service
func secureDialOpts() []grpc.DialOption {
var dialOpts []grpc.DialOption
// set max send/recv msg sizes
dialOpts = append(
// set the keepalive options
kaOpts := comm.DefaultKeepaliveOptions
if viper.IsSet("peer.keepalive.client.interval") {
kaOpts.ClientInterval = viper.GetDuration("peer.keepalive.client.interval")
if viper.IsSet("peer.keepalive.client.timeout") {
kaOpts.ClientTimeout = viper.GetDuration("peer.keepalive.client.timeout")
dialOpts = append(dialOpts, comm.ClientKeepaliveOptions(kaOpts)...)
if viper.GetBool("peer.tls.enabled") {
dialOpts = append(dialOpts, grpc.WithTransportCredentials(comm.GetCredentialSupport().GetPeerCredentials()))
} else {
dialOpts = append(dialOpts, grpc.WithInsecure())
return dialOpts
// initGossipService will initialize the gossip service by:
// 1. Enable TLS if configured;
// 2. Init the message crypto service;
// 3. Init the security advisor;
// 4. Init gossip related struct.
func initGossipService(policyMgr policies.ChannelPolicyManagerGetter, metricsProvider metrics.Provider,
peerServer *comm.GRPCServer, serializedIdentity []byte, peerAddr string) error {
var certs *gossipcommon.TLSCertificates
if peerServer.TLSEnabled() {
serverCert := peerServer.ServerCertificate()
clientCert, err := peer.GetClientCertificate()
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "failed obtaining client certificates")
certs = &gossipcommon.TLSCertificates{}
messageCryptoService := peergossip.NewMCS(
secAdv := peergossip.NewSecurityAdvisor(mgmt.NewDeserializersManager())
bootstrap := viper.GetStringSlice("peer.gossip.bootstrap")
orgLeader := viper.GetBool("peer.gossip.orgLeader")
return service.InitGossipService(
func newOperationsSystem() *operations.System {
return operations.NewSystem(operations.Options{
Logger: flogging.MustGetLogger("peer.operations"),
ListenAddress: viper.GetString("operations.listenAddress"),
Metrics: operations.MetricsOptions{
Provider: viper.GetString("metrics.provider"),
Statsd: &operations.Statsd{
Network: viper.GetString("metrics.statsd.network"),
Address: viper.GetString("metrics.statsd.address"),
WriteInterval: viper.GetDuration("metrics.statsd.writeInterval"),
Prefix: viper.GetString("metrics.statsd.prefix"),
TLS: operations.TLS{
Enabled: viper.GetBool("operations.tls.enabled"),
CertFile: viper.GetString("operations.tls.cert.file"),
KeyFile: viper.GetString("operations.tls.key.file"),
ClientCertRequired: viper.GetBool("operations.tls.clientAuthRequired"),
ClientCACertFiles: viper.GetStringSlice("operations.tls.clientRootCAs.files"),
Version: metadata.Version,
func registerProverService(peerServer *comm.GRPCServer, aclProvider aclmgmt.ACLProvider, signingIdentity msp.SigningIdentity) error {
policyChecker := &server.PolicyBasedAccessControl{
ACLProvider: aclProvider,
ACLResources: &server.ACLResources{
IssueTokens: resources.Token_Issue,
TransferTokens: resources.Token_Transfer,
ListTokens: resources.Token_List,
responseMarshaler, err := server.NewResponseMarshaler(signingIdentity)
if err != nil {
logger.Errorf("Failed to create prover service: %s", err)
return err
prover := &server.Prover{
CapabilityChecker: &server.TokenCapabilityChecker{
PeerOps: peer.Default,
Marshaler: responseMarshaler,
PolicyChecker: policyChecker,
TMSManager: &server.Manager{
LedgerManager: &server.PeerLedgerManager{},
token.RegisterProverServer(peerServer.Server(), prover)
return nil
//go:generate counterfeiter -o mock/get_ledger.go -fake-name GetLedger getLedger
//go:generate counterfeiter -o mock/peer_ledger.go -fake-name PeerLedger ../../core/ledger PeerLedger
type getLedger func(string) ledger.PeerLedger
func resetLoop(
resetFilter *reset,
preResetHeights map[string]uint64,
peerLedger getLedger,
interval time.Duration,
) {
// periodically check to see if current ledger height(s) surpass prereset height(s)
ticker := time.NewTicker(interval)
defer ticker.Stop()
for {
select {
case <-ticker.C:
logger.Info("Ledger rebuild: Checking if current ledger heights surpass prereset ledger heights")
logger.Debugf("Ledger rebuild: Number of ledgers still rebuilding before check: %d", len(preResetHeights))
for cid, height := range preResetHeights {
ledger := peerLedger(cid)
if ledger != nil {
bcInfo, err := ledger.GetBlockchainInfo()
if bcInfo != nil {
logger.Debugf("Ledger rebuild: channel [%s]: currentHeight [%d] : preresetHeight [%d]", cid, bcInfo.GetHeight(), height)
if bcInfo.GetHeight() >= height {
delete(preResetHeights, cid)
} else {
} else {
if err != nil {
logger.Warningf("Ledger rebuild: could not retrieve info for channel [%s]: %s", cid, err.Error())
logger.Debugf("Ledger rebuild: Number of ledgers still rebuilding after check: %d", len(preResetHeights))
if len(preResetHeights) == 0 {
logger.Infof("Ledger rebuild: Complete, all ledgers surpass prereset heights. Endorsement request processing will be enabled.")
err := kvledger.ClearPreResetHeight()
if err != nil {
logger.Warningf("Ledger rebuild: could not clear off prerest files: error=%s", err)
//implements the auth.Filter interface
type reset struct {
next pb.EndorserServer
reject bool
func (r *reset) setReject(reject bool) {
defer r.Unlock()
r.reject = reject
// Init initializes Reset with the next EndorserServer
func (r *reset) Init(next pb.EndorserServer) {
r.next = next
// ProcessProposal processes a signed proposal
func (r *reset) ProcessProposal(ctx context.Context, signedProp *pb.SignedProposal) (*pb.ProposalResponse, error) {
defer r.RUnlock()
if r.reject {
return nil, errors.New("endorse requests are blocked while ledgers are being rebuilt")
return r.next.ProcessProposal(ctx, signedProp)
