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builder.go 11.22 KB
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chai2010 提交于 2023-07-07 23:07 . 模块路径改为 wa-lang.org/wazero
package wazero
import (
// HostFunctionBuilder defines a host function (in Go), so that a
// WebAssembly binary (e.g. %.wasm file) can import and use it.
// Here's an example of an addition function:
// hostModuleBuilder.NewFunctionBuilder().
// WithFunc(func(cxt context.Context, x, y uint32) uint32 {
// return x + y
// }).
// Export("add")
// # Memory
// All host functions act on the importing api.Module, including any memory
// exported in its binary (%.wasm file). If you are reading or writing memory,
// it is sand-boxed Wasm memory defined by the guest.
// Below, `m` is the importing module, defined in Wasm. `fn` is a host function
// added via Export. This means that `x` was read from memory defined in Wasm,
// not arbitrary memory in the process.
// fn := func(ctx context.Context, m api.Module, offset uint32) uint32 {
// x, _ := m.Memory().ReadUint32Le(ctx, offset)
// return x
// }
type HostFunctionBuilder interface {
// WithGoFunction is an advanced feature for those who need higher
// performance than WithFunc at the cost of more complexity.
// Here's an example addition function:
// builder.WithGoFunction(api.GoFunc(func(ctx context.Context, params []uint64) []uint64 {
// x, y := uint32(params[0]), uint32(params[1])
// sum := x + y
// return []uint64{sum}
// }, []api.ValueType{api.ValueTypeI32, api.ValueTypeI32}, []api.ValueType{api.ValueTypeI32})
// As you can see above, defining in this way implies knowledge of which
// WebAssembly api.ValueType is appropriate for each parameter and result.
// See WithGoModuleFunction if you also need to access the calling module.
WithGoFunction(fn api.GoFunction, params, results []api.ValueType) HostFunctionBuilder
// WithGoModuleFunction is an advanced feature for those who need higher
// performance than WithFunc at the cost of more complexity.
// Here's an example addition function that loads operands from memory:
// builder.WithGoModuleFunction(api.GoModuleFunc(func(ctx context.Context, mod api.Module, params []uint64) []uint64 {
// mem := m.Memory()
// offset := uint32(params[0])
// x, _ := mem.ReadUint32Le(ctx, offset)
// y, _ := mem.ReadUint32Le(ctx, offset + 4) // 32 bits == 4 bytes!
// sum := x + y
// return []uint64{sum}
// }, []api.ValueType{api.ValueTypeI32, api.ValueTypeI32}, []api.ValueType{api.ValueTypeI32})
// As you can see above, defining in this way implies knowledge of which
// WebAssembly api.ValueType is appropriate for each parameter and result.
// See WithGoFunction if you don't need access to the calling module.
WithGoModuleFunction(fn api.GoModuleFunction, params, results []api.ValueType) HostFunctionBuilder
// WithFunc uses reflect.Value to map a go `func` to a WebAssembly
// compatible Signature. An input that isn't a `func` will fail to
// instantiate.
// Here's an example of an addition function:
// builder.WithFunc(func(cxt context.Context, x, y uint32) uint32 {
// return x + y
// })
// # Defining a function
// Except for the context.Context and optional api.Module, all parameters
// or result types must map to WebAssembly numeric value types. This means
// uint32, int32, uint64, int32 float32 or float64.
// api.Module may be specified as the second parameter, usually to access
// memory. This is important because there are only numeric types in Wasm.
// The only way to share other data is via writing memory and sharing
// offsets.
// builder.WithFunc(func(ctx context.Context, m api.Module, offset uint32) uint32 {
// mem := m.Memory()
// x, _ := mem.ReadUint32Le(ctx, offset)
// y, _ := mem.ReadUint32Le(ctx, offset + 4) // 32 bits == 4 bytes!
// return x + y
// })
// This example propagates context properly when calling other functions
// exported in the api.Module:
// builder.WithFunc(func(ctx context.Context, m api.Module, offset, byteCount uint32) uint32 {
// fn = m.ExportedFunction("__read")
// results, err := fn(ctx, offset, byteCount)
// --snip--
WithFunc(interface{}) HostFunctionBuilder
// WithName defines the optional module-local name of this function, e.g.
// "random_get"
// Note: This is not required to match the Export name.
WithName(name string) HostFunctionBuilder
// WithParameterNames defines optional parameter names of the function
// signature, e.x. "buf", "buf_len"
// Note: When defined, names must be provided for all parameters.
WithParameterNames(names ...string) HostFunctionBuilder
// Export exports this to the HostModuleBuilder as the given name, e.g.
// "random_get"
Export(name string) HostModuleBuilder
// HostModuleBuilder is a way to define host functions (in Go), so that a
// WebAssembly binary (e.g. %.wasm file) can import and use them.
// Specifically, this implements the host side of an Application Binary
// Interface (ABI) like WASI or AssemblyScript.
// For example, this defines and instantiates a module named "env" with one
// function:
// ctx := context.Background()
// r := wazero.NewRuntime(ctx)
// defer r.Close(ctx) // This closes everything this Runtime created.
// hello := func() {
// fmt.Fprintln(stdout, "hello!")
// }
// env, _ := r.NewHostModuleBuilder("env").
// NewFunctionBuilder().WithFunc(hello).Export("hello").
// Instantiate(ctx, r)
// If the same module may be instantiated multiple times, it is more efficient
// to separate steps. Here's an example:
// compiled, _ := r.NewHostModuleBuilder("env").
// NewFunctionBuilder().WithFunc(getRandomString).Export("get_random_string").
// Compile(ctx)
// env1, _ := r.InstantiateModule(ctx, compiled, wazero.NewModuleConfig().WithName("env.1"))
// env2, _ := r.InstantiateModule(ctx, compiled, wazero.NewModuleConfig().WithName("env.2"))
// See HostFunctionBuilder for valid host function signatures and other details.
// # Notes
// - HostModuleBuilder is mutable: each method returns the same instance for
// chaining.
// - methods do not return errors, to allow chaining. Any validation errors
// are deferred until Compile.
// - Insertion order is not retained. Anything defined by this builder is
// sorted lexicographically on Compile.
type HostModuleBuilder interface {
// Note: until golang/go#5860, we can't use example tests to embed code in interface godocs.
// NewFunctionBuilder begins the definition of a host function.
NewFunctionBuilder() HostFunctionBuilder
// Compile returns a CompiledModule that can instantiated in any namespace (Namespace).
// Note: Closing the Namespace has the same effect as closing the result.
Compile(context.Context) (CompiledModule, error)
// Instantiate is a convenience that calls Compile, then Namespace.InstantiateModule.
// This can fail for reasons documented on Namespace.InstantiateModule.
// Here's an example:
// ctx := context.Background()
// r := wazero.NewRuntime(ctx)
// defer r.Close(ctx) // This closes everything this Runtime created.
// hello := func() {
// fmt.Fprintln(stdout, "hello!")
// }
// env, _ := r.NewHostModuleBuilder("env").
// NewFunctionBuilder().WithFunc(hello).Export("hello").
// Instantiate(ctx, r)
// # Notes
// - Closing the Namespace has the same effect as closing the result.
// - Fields in the builder are copied during instantiation: Later changes do not affect the instantiated result.
// - To avoid using configuration defaults, use Compile instead.
Instantiate(context.Context, Namespace) (api.Module, error)
// hostModuleBuilder implements HostModuleBuilder
type hostModuleBuilder struct {
r *runtime
moduleName string
nameToGoFunc map[string]interface{}
funcToNames map[string][]string
// NewHostModuleBuilder implements Runtime.NewHostModuleBuilder
func (r *runtime) NewHostModuleBuilder(moduleName string) HostModuleBuilder {
return &hostModuleBuilder{
r: r,
moduleName: moduleName,
nameToGoFunc: map[string]interface{}{},
funcToNames: map[string][]string{},
// hostFunctionBuilder implements HostFunctionBuilder
type hostFunctionBuilder struct {
b *hostModuleBuilder
fn interface{}
name string
paramNames []string
// WithGoFunction implements HostFunctionBuilder.WithGoFunction
func (h *hostFunctionBuilder) WithGoFunction(fn api.GoFunction, params, results []api.ValueType) HostFunctionBuilder {
h.fn = &wasm.HostFunc{
ParamTypes: params,
ResultTypes: results,
Code: &wasm.Code{IsHostFunction: true, GoFunc: fn},
return h
// WithGoModuleFunction implements HostFunctionBuilder.WithGoModuleFunction
func (h *hostFunctionBuilder) WithGoModuleFunction(fn api.GoModuleFunction, params, results []api.ValueType) HostFunctionBuilder {
h.fn = &wasm.HostFunc{
ParamTypes: params,
ResultTypes: results,
Code: &wasm.Code{IsHostFunction: true, GoFunc: fn},
return h
// WithFunc implements HostFunctionBuilder.WithFunc
func (h *hostFunctionBuilder) WithFunc(fn interface{}) HostFunctionBuilder {
h.fn = fn
return h
// WithName implements HostFunctionBuilder.WithName
func (h *hostFunctionBuilder) WithName(name string) HostFunctionBuilder {
h.name = name
return h
// WithParameterNames implements HostFunctionBuilder.WithParameterNames
func (h *hostFunctionBuilder) WithParameterNames(names ...string) HostFunctionBuilder {
h.paramNames = names
return h
// Export implements HostFunctionBuilder.Export
func (h *hostFunctionBuilder) Export(exportName string) HostModuleBuilder {
if h.name == "" {
h.name = exportName
if fn, ok := h.fn.(*wasm.HostFunc); ok {
if fn.Name == "" {
fn.Name = h.name
fn.ParamNames = h.paramNames
fn.ExportNames = []string{exportName}
h.b.nameToGoFunc[exportName] = h.fn
if len(h.paramNames) > 0 {
h.b.funcToNames[exportName] = append([]string{h.name}, h.paramNames...)
return h.b
// ExportHostFunc implements wasm.HostFuncExporter
func (b *hostModuleBuilder) ExportHostFunc(fn *wasm.HostFunc) {
b.nameToGoFunc[fn.ExportNames[0]] = fn
// ExportProxyFunc implements wasm.ProxyFuncExporter
func (b *hostModuleBuilder) ExportProxyFunc(fn *wasm.ProxyFunc) {
b.nameToGoFunc[fn.Name()] = fn
// NewFunctionBuilder implements HostModuleBuilder.NewFunctionBuilder
func (b *hostModuleBuilder) NewFunctionBuilder() HostFunctionBuilder {
return &hostFunctionBuilder{b: b}
// Compile implements HostModuleBuilder.Compile
func (b *hostModuleBuilder) Compile(ctx context.Context) (CompiledModule, error) {
module, err := wasm.NewHostModule(b.moduleName, b.nameToGoFunc, b.funcToNames, b.r.enabledFeatures)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
} else if err = module.Validate(b.r.enabledFeatures); err != nil {
return nil, err
c := &compiledModule{module: module, compiledEngine: b.r.store.Engine}
listeners, err := buildListeners(ctx, module)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if err = b.r.store.Engine.CompileModule(ctx, module, listeners); err != nil {
return nil, err
return c, nil
// Instantiate implements HostModuleBuilder.Instantiate
func (b *hostModuleBuilder) Instantiate(ctx context.Context, ns Namespace) (api.Module, error) {
if compiled, err := b.Compile(ctx); err != nil {
return nil, err
} else {
compiled.(*compiledModule).closeWithModule = true
return ns.InstantiateModule(ctx, compiled, NewModuleConfig())


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