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config.go 23.32 KB
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chai2010 提交于 2023-07-07 23:07 . 模块路径改为 wa-lang.org/wazero
package wazero
import (
internalsys "wa-lang.org/wazero/internal/sys"
// RuntimeConfig controls runtime behavior, with the default implementation as
// NewRuntimeConfig
// The example below explicitly limits to Wasm Core 1.0 features as opposed to
// relying on defaults:
// rConfig = wazero.NewRuntimeConfig().WithCoreFeatures(api.CoreFeaturesV1)
// Note: RuntimeConfig is immutable. Each WithXXX function returns a new
// instance including the corresponding change.
type RuntimeConfig interface {
// WithCoreFeatures sets the WebAssembly Core specification features this
// runtime supports. Defaults to api.CoreFeaturesV2.
// Example of disabling a specific feature:
// features := api.CoreFeaturesV2.SetEnabled(api.CoreFeatureMutableGlobal, false)
// rConfig = wazero.NewRuntimeConfig().WithCoreFeatures(features)
// # Why default to version 2.0?
// Many compilers that target WebAssembly require features after
// api.CoreFeaturesV1 by default. For example, TinyGo v0.24+ requires
// api.CoreFeatureBulkMemoryOperations. To avoid runtime errors, wazero
// defaults to api.CoreFeaturesV2, even though it is not yet a Web
// Standard (REC).
WithCoreFeatures(api.CoreFeatures) RuntimeConfig
// WithMemoryLimitPages overrides the maximum pages allowed per memory. The
// default is 65536, allowing 4GB total memory per instance. Setting a
// value larger than default will panic.
// This example reduces the largest possible memory size from 4GB to 128KB:
// rConfig = wazero.NewRuntimeConfig().WithMemoryLimitPages(2)
// Note: Wasm has 32-bit memory and each page is 65536 (2^16) bytes. This
// implies a max of 65536 (2^16) addressable pages.
// See https://www.w3.org/TR/2019/REC-wasm-core-1-20191205/#grow-mem
WithMemoryLimitPages(memoryLimitPages uint32) RuntimeConfig
// WithMemoryCapacityFromMax eagerly allocates max memory, unless max is
// not defined. The default is false, which means minimum memory is
// allocated and any call to grow memory results in re-allocations.
// This example ensures any memory.grow instruction will never re-allocate:
// rConfig = wazero.NewRuntimeConfig().WithMemoryCapacityFromMax(true)
// See https://www.w3.org/TR/2019/REC-wasm-core-1-20191205/#grow-mem
WithMemoryCapacityFromMax(memoryCapacityFromMax bool) RuntimeConfig
// NewRuntimeConfig returns a RuntimeConfig using the compiler if it is supported in this environment,
// or the interpreter otherwise.
func NewRuntimeConfig() RuntimeConfig {
return newRuntimeConfig()
type runtimeConfig struct {
enabledFeatures api.CoreFeatures
memoryLimitPages uint32
memoryCapacityFromMax bool
isInterpreter bool
newEngine func(context.Context, api.CoreFeatures) wasm.Engine
// engineLessConfig helps avoid copy/pasting the wrong defaults.
var engineLessConfig = &runtimeConfig{
enabledFeatures: api.CoreFeaturesV2,
memoryLimitPages: wasm.MemoryLimitPages,
memoryCapacityFromMax: false,
// NewRuntimeConfigCompiler compiles WebAssembly modules into
// runtime.GOARCH-specific assembly for optimal performance.
// The default implementation is AOT (Ahead of Time) compilation, applied at
// Runtime.CompileModule. This allows consistent runtime performance, as well
// the ability to reduce any first request penalty.
// Note: While this is technically AOT, this does not imply any action on your
// part. wazero automatically performs ahead-of-time compilation as needed when
// Runtime.CompileModule is invoked.
// Warning: This panics at runtime if the runtime.GOOS or runtime.GOARCH does not
// support Compiler. Use NewRuntimeConfig to safely detect and fallback to
// NewRuntimeConfigInterpreter if needed.
func NewRuntimeConfigCompiler() RuntimeConfig {
ret := engineLessConfig.clone()
ret.newEngine = compiler.NewEngine
return ret
// NewRuntimeConfigInterpreter interprets WebAssembly modules instead of compiling them into assembly.
func NewRuntimeConfigInterpreter() RuntimeConfig {
ret := engineLessConfig.clone()
ret.isInterpreter = true
ret.newEngine = interpreter.NewEngine
return ret
// clone makes a deep copy of this runtime config.
func (c *runtimeConfig) clone() *runtimeConfig {
ret := *c // copy except maps which share a ref
return &ret
// WithCoreFeatures implements RuntimeConfig.WithCoreFeatures
func (c *runtimeConfig) WithCoreFeatures(features api.CoreFeatures) RuntimeConfig {
ret := c.clone()
ret.enabledFeatures = features
return ret
// WithMemoryLimitPages implements RuntimeConfig.WithMemoryLimitPages
func (c *runtimeConfig) WithMemoryLimitPages(memoryLimitPages uint32) RuntimeConfig {
ret := c.clone()
// This panics instead of returning an error as it is unlikely.
if memoryLimitPages > wasm.MemoryLimitPages {
panic(fmt.Errorf("memoryLimitPages invalid: %d > %d", memoryLimitPages, wasm.MemoryLimitPages))
ret.memoryLimitPages = memoryLimitPages
return ret
// WithMemoryCapacityFromMax implements RuntimeConfig.WithMemoryCapacityFromMax
func (c *runtimeConfig) WithMemoryCapacityFromMax(memoryCapacityFromMax bool) RuntimeConfig {
ret := c.clone()
ret.memoryCapacityFromMax = memoryCapacityFromMax
return ret
// CompiledModule is a WebAssembly module ready to be instantiated (Runtime.InstantiateModule) as an api.Module.
// In WebAssembly terminology, this is a decoded, validated, and possibly also compiled module. wazero avoids using
// the name "Module" for both before and after instantiation as the name conflation has caused confusion.
// See https://www.w3.org/TR/2019/REC-wasm-core-1-20191205/#semantic-phases%E2%91%A0
// Note: Closing the wazero.Runtime closes any CompiledModule it compiled.
type CompiledModule interface {
// Name returns the module name encoded into the binary or empty if not.
Name() string
// ImportedFunctions returns all the imported functions
// (api.FunctionDefinition) in this module or nil if there are none.
// Note: Unlike ExportedFunctions, there is no unique constraint on
// imports.
ImportedFunctions() []api.FunctionDefinition
// ExportedFunctions returns all the exported functions
// (api.FunctionDefinition) in this module keyed on export name.
ExportedFunctions() map[string]api.FunctionDefinition
// ImportedMemories returns all the imported memories
// (api.MemoryDefinition) in this module or nil if there are none.
// ## Notes
// - As of WebAssembly Core Specification 2.0, there can be at most one
// memory.
// - Unlike ExportedMemories, there is no unique constraint on imports.
ImportedMemories() []api.MemoryDefinition
// ExportedMemories returns all the exported memories
// (api.MemoryDefinition) in this module keyed on export name.
// Note: As of WebAssembly Core Specification 2.0, there can be at most one
// memory.
ExportedMemories() map[string]api.MemoryDefinition
// Close releases all the allocated resources for this CompiledModule.
// Note: It is safe to call Close while having outstanding calls from an
// api.Module instantiated from this.
Close(context.Context) error
// compile-time check to ensure compiledModule implements CompiledModule
var _ CompiledModule = &compiledModule{}
type compiledModule struct {
module *wasm.Module
// compiledEngine holds an engine on which `module` is compiled.
compiledEngine wasm.Engine
// closeWithModule prevents leaking compiled code when a module is compiled implicitly.
closeWithModule bool
// Name implements CompiledModule.Name
func (c *compiledModule) Name() (moduleName string) {
if ns := c.module.NameSection; ns != nil {
moduleName = ns.ModuleName
// Close implements CompiledModule.Close
func (c *compiledModule) Close(context.Context) error {
// It is possible the underlying may need to return an error later, but in any case this matches api.Module.Close.
return nil
// ImportedFunctions implements CompiledModule.ImportedFunctions
func (c *compiledModule) ImportedFunctions() []api.FunctionDefinition {
return c.module.ImportedFunctions()
// ExportedFunctions implements CompiledModule.ExportedFunctions
func (c *compiledModule) ExportedFunctions() map[string]api.FunctionDefinition {
return c.module.ExportedFunctions()
// ImportedMemories implements CompiledModule.ImportedMemories
func (c *compiledModule) ImportedMemories() []api.MemoryDefinition {
return c.module.ImportedMemories()
// ExportedMemories implements CompiledModule.ExportedMemories
func (c *compiledModule) ExportedMemories() map[string]api.MemoryDefinition {
return c.module.ExportedMemories()
// ModuleConfig configures resources needed by functions that have low-level interactions with the host operating
// system. Using this, resources such as STDIN can be isolated, so that the same module can be safely instantiated
// multiple times.
// Here's an example:
// // Initialize base configuration:
// config := wazero.NewModuleConfig().WithStdout(buf).WithSysNanotime()
// // Assign different configuration on each instantiation
// module, _ := r.InstantiateModule(ctx, compiled, config.WithName("rotate").WithArgs("rotate", "angle=90", "dir=cw"))
// While wazero supports Windows as a platform, host functions using ModuleConfig follow a UNIX dialect.
// See RATIONALE.md for design background and relationship to WebAssembly System Interfaces (WASI).
// Note: ModuleConfig is immutable. Each WithXXX function returns a new instance including the corresponding change.
type ModuleConfig interface {
// WithArgs assigns command-line arguments visible to an imported function that reads an arg vector (argv). Defaults to
// none. Runtime.InstantiateModule errs if any arg is empty.
// These values are commonly read by the functions like "args_get" in "wasi_snapshot_preview1" although they could be
// read by functions imported from other modules.
// Similar to os.Args and exec.Cmd Env, many implementations would expect a program name to be argv[0]. However, neither
// WebAssembly nor WebAssembly System Interfaces (WASI) define this. Regardless, you may choose to set the first
// argument to the same value set via WithName.
// Note: This does not default to os.Args as that violates sandboxing.
// See https://linux.die.net/man/3/argv and https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Null-terminated_string
WithArgs(...string) ModuleConfig
// WithEnv sets an environment variable visible to a Module that imports functions. Defaults to none.
// Runtime.InstantiateModule errs if the key is empty or contains a NULL(0) or equals("") character.
// Validation is the same as os.Setenv on Linux and replaces any existing value. Unlike exec.Cmd Env, this does not
// default to the current process environment as that would violate sandboxing. This also does not preserve order.
// Environment variables are commonly read by the functions like "environ_get" in "wasi_snapshot_preview1" although
// they could be read by functions imported from other modules.
// While similar to process configuration, there are no assumptions that can be made about anything OS-specific. For
// example, neither WebAssembly nor WebAssembly System Interfaces (WASI) define concerns processes have, such as
// case-sensitivity on environment keys. For portability, define entries with case-insensitively unique keys.
// See https://linux.die.net/man/3/environ and https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Null-terminated_string
WithEnv(key, value string) ModuleConfig
// WithFS assigns the file system to use for any paths beginning at "/".
// Defaults return fs.ErrNotExist.
// This example sets a read-only, embedded file-system:
// //go:embed testdata/index.html
// var testdataIndex embed.FS
// rooted, err := fs.Sub(testdataIndex, "testdata")
// require.NoError(t, err)
// // "index.html" is accessible as "/index.html".
// config := wazero.NewModuleConfig().WithFS(rooted)
// This example sets a mutable file-system:
// // Files relative to "/work/appA" are accessible as "/".
// config := wazero.NewModuleConfig().WithFS(os.DirFS("/work/appA"))
// Isolation
// os.DirFS documentation includes important notes about isolation, which
// also applies to fs.Sub. As of Go 1.19, the built-in file-systems are not
// jailed (chroot). See https://github.com/golang/go/issues/42322
// Working Directory "."
// Relative path resolution, such as "./config.yml" to "/config.yml" or
// otherwise, is compiler-specific. See /RATIONALE.md for notes.
WithFS(fs.FS) ModuleConfig
// WithName configures the module name. Defaults to what was decoded from the name section.
WithName(string) ModuleConfig
// WithStartFunctions configures the functions to call after the module is
// instantiated. Defaults to "_start".
// # Notes
// - If any function doesn't exist, it is skipped. However, all functions
// that do exist are called in order.
// - Some start functions may exit the module during instantiate with a
// sys.ExitError (e.g. emscripten), preventing use of exported functions.
WithStartFunctions(...string) ModuleConfig
// WithStderr configures where standard error (file descriptor 2) is written. Defaults to io.Discard.
// This writer is most commonly used by the functions like "fd_write" in "wasi_snapshot_preview1" although it could
// be used by functions imported from other modules.
// # Notes
// - The caller is responsible to close any io.Writer they supply: It is not closed on api.Module Close.
// - This does not default to os.Stderr as that both violates sandboxing and prevents concurrent modules.
// See https://linux.die.net/man/3/stderr
WithStderr(io.Writer) ModuleConfig
// WithStdin configures where standard input (file descriptor 0) is read. Defaults to return io.EOF.
// This reader is most commonly used by the functions like "fd_read" in "wasi_snapshot_preview1" although it could
// be used by functions imported from other modules.
// # Notes
// - The caller is responsible to close any io.Reader they supply: It is not closed on api.Module Close.
// - This does not default to os.Stdin as that both violates sandboxing and prevents concurrent modules.
// See https://linux.die.net/man/3/stdin
WithStdin(io.Reader) ModuleConfig
// WithStdout configures where standard output (file descriptor 1) is written. Defaults to io.Discard.
// This writer is most commonly used by the functions like "fd_write" in "wasi_snapshot_preview1" although it could
// be used by functions imported from other modules.
// # Notes
// - The caller is responsible to close any io.Writer they supply: It is not closed on api.Module Close.
// - This does not default to os.Stdout as that both violates sandboxing and prevents concurrent modules.
// See https://linux.die.net/man/3/stdout
WithStdout(io.Writer) ModuleConfig
// WithWalltime configures the wall clock, sometimes referred to as the
// real time clock. Defaults to a fake result that increases by 1ms on
// each reading.
// Here's an example that uses a custom clock:
// moduleConfig = moduleConfig.
// WithWalltime(func(context.Context) (sec int64, nsec int32) {
// return clock.walltime()
// }, sys.ClockResolution(time.Microsecond.Nanoseconds()))
// Note: This does not default to time.Now as that violates sandboxing. Use
// WithSysWalltime for a usable implementation.
WithWalltime(sys.Walltime, sys.ClockResolution) ModuleConfig
// WithSysWalltime uses time.Now for sys.Walltime with a resolution of 1us
// (1000ns).
// See WithWalltime
WithSysWalltime() ModuleConfig
// WithNanotime configures the monotonic clock, used to measure elapsed
// time in nanoseconds. Defaults to a fake result that increases by 1ms
// on each reading.
// Here's an example that uses a custom clock:
// moduleConfig = moduleConfig.
// WithNanotime(func(context.Context) int64 {
// return clock.nanotime()
// }, sys.ClockResolution(time.Microsecond.Nanoseconds()))
// # Notes:
// - This does not default to time.Since as that violates sandboxing.
// - Some compilers implement sleep by looping on sys.Nanotime (e.g. Go).
// - If you set this, you should probably set WithNanosleep also.
// - Use WithSysNanotime for a usable implementation.
WithNanotime(sys.Nanotime, sys.ClockResolution) ModuleConfig
// WithSysNanotime uses time.Now for sys.Nanotime with a resolution of 1us.
// See WithNanotime
WithSysNanotime() ModuleConfig
// WithNanosleep configures the how to pause the current goroutine for at
// least the configured nanoseconds. Defaults to return immediately.
// This example uses a custom sleep function:
// moduleConfig = moduleConfig.
// WithNanosleep(func(ctx context.Context, ns int64) {
// rel := unix.NsecToTimespec(ns)
// remain := unix.Timespec{}
// for { // loop until no more time remaining
// err := unix.ClockNanosleep(unix.CLOCK_MONOTONIC, 0, &rel, &remain)
// --snip--
// # Notes:
// - This primarily supports `poll_oneoff` for relative clock events.
// - This does not default to time.Sleep as that violates sandboxing.
// - Some compilers implement sleep by looping on sys.Nanotime (e.g. Go).
// - If you set this, you should probably set WithNanotime also.
// - Use WithSysNanosleep for a usable implementation.
WithNanosleep(sys.Nanosleep) ModuleConfig
// WithSysNanosleep uses time.Sleep for sys.Nanosleep.
// See WithNanosleep
WithSysNanosleep() ModuleConfig
// WithRandSource configures a source of random bytes. Defaults to return a
// deterministic source. You might override this with crypto/rand.Reader
// This reader is most commonly used by the functions like "random_get" in
// "wasi_snapshot_preview1", "seed" in AssemblyScript standard "env", and
// "getRandomData" when runtime.GOOS is "js".
// Note: The caller is responsible to close any io.Reader they supply: It
// is not closed on api.Module Close.
WithRandSource(io.Reader) ModuleConfig
type moduleConfig struct {
name string
startFunctions []string
stdin io.Reader
stdout io.Writer
stderr io.Writer
randSource io.Reader
walltime *sys.Walltime
walltimeResolution sys.ClockResolution
nanotime *sys.Nanotime
nanotimeResolution sys.ClockResolution
nanosleep *sys.Nanosleep
args []string
// environ is pair-indexed to retain order similar to os.Environ.
environ []string
// environKeys allow overwriting of existing values.
environKeys map[string]int
// fs is the file system to open files with
fs fs.FS
// NewModuleConfig returns a ModuleConfig that can be used for configuring module instantiation.
func NewModuleConfig() ModuleConfig {
return &moduleConfig{
startFunctions: []string{"_start"},
environKeys: map[string]int{},
// clone makes a deep copy of this module config.
func (c *moduleConfig) clone() *moduleConfig {
ret := *c // copy except maps which share a ref
ret.environKeys = make(map[string]int, len(c.environKeys))
for key, value := range c.environKeys {
ret.environKeys[key] = value
return &ret
// WithArgs implements ModuleConfig.WithArgs
func (c *moduleConfig) WithArgs(args ...string) ModuleConfig {
ret := c.clone()
ret.args = args
return ret
// WithEnv implements ModuleConfig.WithEnv
func (c *moduleConfig) WithEnv(key, value string) ModuleConfig {
ret := c.clone()
// Check to see if this key already exists and update it.
if i, ok := ret.environKeys[key]; ok {
ret.environ[i+1] = value // environ is pair-indexed, so the value is 1 after the key.
} else {
ret.environKeys[key] = len(ret.environ)
ret.environ = append(ret.environ, key, value)
return ret
// WithFS implements ModuleConfig.WithFS
func (c *moduleConfig) WithFS(fs fs.FS) ModuleConfig {
ret := c.clone()
ret.fs = fs
return ret
// WithName implements ModuleConfig.WithName
func (c *moduleConfig) WithName(name string) ModuleConfig {
ret := c.clone()
ret.name = name
return ret
// WithStartFunctions implements ModuleConfig.WithStartFunctions
func (c *moduleConfig) WithStartFunctions(startFunctions ...string) ModuleConfig {
ret := c.clone()
ret.startFunctions = startFunctions
return ret
// WithStderr implements ModuleConfig.WithStderr
func (c *moduleConfig) WithStderr(stderr io.Writer) ModuleConfig {
ret := c.clone()
ret.stderr = stderr
return ret
// WithStdin implements ModuleConfig.WithStdin
func (c *moduleConfig) WithStdin(stdin io.Reader) ModuleConfig {
ret := c.clone()
ret.stdin = stdin
return ret
// WithStdout implements ModuleConfig.WithStdout
func (c *moduleConfig) WithStdout(stdout io.Writer) ModuleConfig {
ret := c.clone()
ret.stdout = stdout
return ret
// WithWalltime implements ModuleConfig.WithWalltime
func (c *moduleConfig) WithWalltime(walltime sys.Walltime, resolution sys.ClockResolution) ModuleConfig {
ret := c.clone()
ret.walltime = &walltime
ret.walltimeResolution = resolution
return ret
// We choose arbitrary resolutions here because there's no perfect alternative. For example, according to the
// source in time.go, windows monotonic resolution can be 15ms. This chooses arbitrarily 1us for wall time and
// 1ns for monotonic. See RATIONALE.md for more context.
// WithSysWalltime implements ModuleConfig.WithSysWalltime
func (c *moduleConfig) WithSysWalltime() ModuleConfig {
return c.WithWalltime(platform.Walltime, sys.ClockResolution(time.Microsecond.Nanoseconds()))
// WithNanotime implements ModuleConfig.WithNanotime
func (c *moduleConfig) WithNanotime(nanotime sys.Nanotime, resolution sys.ClockResolution) ModuleConfig {
ret := c.clone()
ret.nanotime = &nanotime
ret.nanotimeResolution = resolution
return ret
// WithSysNanotime implements ModuleConfig.WithSysNanotime
func (c *moduleConfig) WithSysNanotime() ModuleConfig {
return c.WithNanotime(platform.Nanotime, sys.ClockResolution(1))
// WithNanosleep implements ModuleConfig.WithNanosleep
func (c *moduleConfig) WithNanosleep(nanosleep sys.Nanosleep) ModuleConfig {
ret := *c // copy
ret.nanosleep = &nanosleep
return &ret
// WithSysNanosleep implements ModuleConfig.WithSysNanosleep
func (c *moduleConfig) WithSysNanosleep() ModuleConfig {
return c.WithNanosleep(platform.Nanosleep)
// WithRandSource implements ModuleConfig.WithRandSource
func (c *moduleConfig) WithRandSource(source io.Reader) ModuleConfig {
ret := c.clone()
ret.randSource = source
return ret
// toSysContext creates a baseline wasm.Context configured by ModuleConfig.
func (c *moduleConfig) toSysContext() (sysCtx *internalsys.Context, err error) {
var environ []string // Intentionally doesn't pre-allocate to reduce logic to default to nil.
// Same validation as syscall.Setenv for Linux
for i := 0; i < len(c.environ); i += 2 {
key, value := c.environ[i], c.environ[i+1]
if len(key) == 0 {
err = errors.New("environ invalid: empty key")
for j := 0; j < len(key); j++ {
if key[j] == '=' { // NUL enforced in NewContext
err = errors.New("environ invalid: key contains '=' character")
environ = append(environ, key+"="+value)
return internalsys.NewContext(
c.walltime, c.walltimeResolution,
c.nanotime, c.nanotimeResolution,


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