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runtime.go 9.38 KB
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chai2010 提交于 2023-07-07 23:07 . 模块路径改为 wa-lang.org/wazero
package wazero
import (
experimentalapi "wa-lang.org/wazero/experimental"
binaryformat "wa-lang.org/wazero/internal/wasm/binary"
// Runtime allows embedding of WebAssembly modules.
// The below is an example of basic initialization:
// ctx := context.Background()
// r := wazero.NewRuntime(ctx)
// defer r.Close(ctx) // This closes everything this Runtime created.
// module, _ := r.InstantiateModuleFromBinary(ctx, wasm)
type Runtime interface {
// NewHostModuleBuilder lets you create modules out of functions defined in Go.
// Below defines and instantiates a module named "env" with one function:
// ctx := context.Background()
// hello := func() {
// fmt.Fprintln(stdout, "hello!")
// }
// _, err := r.NewHostModuleBuilder("env").
// NewFunctionBuilder().WithFunc(hello).Export("hello").
// Instantiate(ctx, r)
NewHostModuleBuilder(moduleName string) HostModuleBuilder
// CompileModule decodes the WebAssembly binary (%.wasm) or errs if invalid.
// Any pre-compilation done after decoding wasm is dependent on RuntimeConfig.
// There are two main reasons to use CompileModule instead of InstantiateModuleFromBinary:
// - Improve performance when the same module is instantiated multiple times under different names
// - Reduce the amount of errors that can occur during InstantiateModule.
// # Notes
// - The resulting module name defaults to what was binary from the custom name section.
// - Any pre-compilation done after decoding the source is dependent on RuntimeConfig.
// See https://www.w3.org/TR/2019/REC-wasm-core-1-20191205/#name-section%E2%91%A0
CompileModule(ctx context.Context, binary []byte) (CompiledModule, error)
// InstantiateModuleFromBinary instantiates a module from the WebAssembly binary (%.wasm) or errs if invalid.
// Here's an example:
// ctx := context.Background()
// r := wazero.NewRuntime(ctx)
// defer r.Close(ctx) // This closes everything this Runtime created.
// module, _ := r.InstantiateModuleFromBinary(ctx, wasm)
// # Notes
// - This is a convenience utility that chains CompileModule with InstantiateModule. To instantiate the same
// source multiple times, use CompileModule as InstantiateModule avoids redundant decoding and/or compilation.
// - To avoid using configuration defaults, use InstantiateModule instead.
InstantiateModuleFromBinary(ctx context.Context, source []byte) (api.Module, error)
// Namespace is the default namespace of this runtime, and is embedded for convenience. Most users will only use the
// default namespace.
// Advanced use cases can use NewNamespace to redefine modules of the same name. For example, to allow different
// modules to define their own stateful "env" module.
// NewNamespace creates an empty namespace which won't conflict with any other namespace including the default.
// This is more efficient than multiple runtimes, as namespaces share a compiler cache.
// In simplest case, a namespace won't conflict if another has a module with the same name:
// b := assemblyscript.NewBuilder(r)
// m1, _ := b.InstantiateModule(ctx, r.NewNamespace(ctx))
// m2, _ := b.InstantiateModule(ctx, r.NewNamespace(ctx))
// This is also useful for different modules that import the same module name (like "env"), but need different
// configuration or state. For example, one with trace logging enabled and another disabled:
// b := assemblyscript.NewBuilder(r)
// // m1 has trace logging disabled
// ns1 := r.NewNamespace(ctx)
// _ = b.InstantiateModule(ctx, ns1)
// m1, _ := ns1.InstantiateModule(ctx, compiled, config)
// // m2 has trace logging enabled
// ns2 := r.NewNamespace(ctx)
// _ = b.WithTraceToStdout().InstantiateModule(ctx, ns2)
// m2, _ := ns2.InstantiateModule(ctx, compiled, config)
// # Notes
// - The returned namespace does not inherit any modules from the runtime default namespace.
// - Closing the returned namespace closes any modules in it.
// - Closing this runtime also closes the namespace returned from this function.
NewNamespace(context.Context) Namespace
// CloseWithExitCode closes all the modules that have been initialized in this Runtime with the provided exit code.
// An error is returned if any module returns an error when closed.
// Here's an example:
// ctx := context.Background()
// r := wazero.NewRuntime(ctx)
// defer r.CloseWithExitCode(ctx, 2) // This closes everything this Runtime created.
// // Everything below here can be closed, but will anyway due to above.
// _, _ = wasi_snapshot_preview1.InstantiateSnapshotPreview1(ctx, r)
// mod, _ := r.InstantiateModuleFromBinary(ctx, wasm)
CloseWithExitCode(ctx context.Context, exitCode uint32) error
// Closer closes all namespace and compiled code by delegating to CloseWithExitCode with an exit code of zero.
// NewRuntime returns a runtime with a configuration assigned by NewRuntimeConfig.
func NewRuntime(ctx context.Context) Runtime {
return NewRuntimeWithConfig(ctx, NewRuntimeConfig())
// NewRuntimeWithConfig returns a runtime with the given configuration.
func NewRuntimeWithConfig(ctx context.Context, rConfig RuntimeConfig) Runtime {
if v := ctx.Value(version.WazeroVersionKey{}); v == nil {
ctx = context.WithValue(ctx, version.WazeroVersionKey{}, wazeroVersion)
config := rConfig.(*runtimeConfig)
store, ns := wasm.NewStore(config.enabledFeatures, config.newEngine(ctx, config.enabledFeatures))
return &runtime{
store: store,
ns: &namespace{store: store, ns: ns},
enabledFeatures: config.enabledFeatures,
memoryLimitPages: config.memoryLimitPages,
memoryCapacityFromMax: config.memoryCapacityFromMax,
isInterpreter: config.isInterpreter,
// runtime allows decoupling of public interfaces from internal representation.
type runtime struct {
store *wasm.Store
ns *namespace
enabledFeatures api.CoreFeatures
memoryLimitPages uint32
memoryCapacityFromMax bool
isInterpreter bool
compiledModules []*compiledModule
// NewNamespace implements Runtime.NewNamespace.
func (r *runtime) NewNamespace(ctx context.Context) Namespace {
return &namespace{store: r.store, ns: r.store.NewNamespace(ctx)}
// Module implements Namespace.Module embedded by Runtime.
func (r *runtime) Module(moduleName string) api.Module {
return r.ns.Module(moduleName)
// CompileModule implements Runtime.CompileModule
func (r *runtime) CompileModule(ctx context.Context, binary []byte) (CompiledModule, error) {
if binary == nil {
return nil, errors.New("binary == nil")
if len(binary) < 4 || !bytes.Equal(binary[0:4], binaryformat.Magic) {
return nil, errors.New("invalid binary")
internal, err := binaryformat.DecodeModule(binary, r.enabledFeatures, r.memoryLimitPages, r.memoryCapacityFromMax)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
} else if err = internal.Validate(r.enabledFeatures); err != nil {
// TODO: decoders should validate before returning, as that allows
// them to err with the correct position in the wasm binary.
return nil, err
// Now that the module is validated, cache the function and memory definitions.
c := &compiledModule{module: internal, compiledEngine: r.store.Engine}
listeners, err := buildListeners(ctx, internal)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if err = r.store.Engine.CompileModule(ctx, internal, listeners); err != nil {
return nil, err
r.compiledModules = append(r.compiledModules, c)
return c, nil
func buildListeners(ctx context.Context, internal *wasm.Module) ([]experimentalapi.FunctionListener, error) {
// Test to see if internal code are using an experimental feature.
fnlf := ctx.Value(experimentalapi.FunctionListenerFactoryKey{})
if fnlf == nil {
return nil, nil
factory := fnlf.(experimentalapi.FunctionListenerFactory)
importCount := internal.ImportFuncCount()
listeners := make([]experimentalapi.FunctionListener, len(internal.FunctionSection))
for i := 0; i < len(listeners); i++ {
listeners[i] = factory.NewListener(internal.FunctionDefinitionSection[uint32(i)+importCount])
return listeners, nil
// InstantiateModuleFromBinary implements Runtime.InstantiateModuleFromBinary
func (r *runtime) InstantiateModuleFromBinary(ctx context.Context, binary []byte) (api.Module, error) {
if compiled, err := r.CompileModule(ctx, binary); err != nil {
return nil, err
} else {
compiled.(*compiledModule).closeWithModule = true
return r.InstantiateModule(ctx, compiled, NewModuleConfig())
// InstantiateModule implements Namespace.InstantiateModule embedded by Runtime.
func (r *runtime) InstantiateModule(
ctx context.Context,
compiled CompiledModule,
mConfig ModuleConfig,
) (api.Module, error) {
return r.ns.InstantiateModule(ctx, compiled, mConfig)
// Close implements api.Closer embedded in Runtime.
func (r *runtime) Close(ctx context.Context) error {
return r.CloseWithExitCode(ctx, 0)
// CloseWithExitCode implements Runtime.CloseWithExitCode
func (r *runtime) CloseWithExitCode(ctx context.Context, exitCode uint32) error {
err := r.store.CloseWithExitCode(ctx, exitCode)
for _, c := range r.compiledModules {
if e := c.Close(ctx); e != nil && err == nil {
err = e
return err
