// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022 mochi-mqtt, mochi-co
// SPDX-FileContributor: mochi-co
// Package mqtt provides a high performance, fully compliant MQTT v5 broker server with v3.1.1 backward compatibility.
package mqtt
import (
const (
Version = "2.6.6" // the current server version.
defaultSysTopicInterval int64 = 1 // the interval between $SYS topic publishes
LocalListener = "local"
InlineClientId = "inline"
var (
// Deprecated: Use NewDefaultServerCapabilities to avoid data race issue.
DefaultServerCapabilities = NewDefaultServerCapabilities()
ErrListenerIDExists = errors.New("listener id already exists") // a listener with the same id already exists
ErrConnectionClosed = errors.New("connection not open") // connection is closed
ErrInlineClientNotEnabled = errors.New("please set Options.InlineClient=true to use this feature") // inline client is not enabled by default
ErrOptionsUnreadable = errors.New("unable to read options from bytes")
// Capabilities indicates the capabilities and features provided by the server.
type Capabilities struct {
MaximumClients int64 `yaml:"maximum_clients" json:"maximum_clients"` // maximum number of connected clients
MaximumMessageExpiryInterval int64 `yaml:"maximum_message_expiry_interval" json:"maximum_message_expiry_interval"` // maximum message expiry if message expiry is 0 or over
MaximumClientWritesPending int32 `yaml:"maximum_client_writes_pending" json:"maximum_client_writes_pending"` // maximum number of pending message writes for a client
MaximumSessionExpiryInterval uint32 `yaml:"maximum_session_expiry_interval" json:"maximum_session_expiry_interval"` // maximum number of seconds to keep disconnected sessions
MaximumPacketSize uint32 `yaml:"maximum_packet_size" json:"maximum_packet_size"` // maximum packet size, no limit if 0
maximumPacketID uint32 // unexported, used for testing only
ReceiveMaximum uint16 `yaml:"receive_maximum" json:"receive_maximum"` // maximum number of concurrent qos messages per client
MaximumInflight uint16 `yaml:"maximum_inflight" json:"maximum_inflight"` // maximum number of qos > 0 messages can be stored, 0(=8192)-65535
TopicAliasMaximum uint16 `yaml:"topic_alias_maximum" json:"topic_alias_maximum"` // maximum topic alias value
SharedSubAvailable byte `yaml:"shared_sub_available" json:"shared_sub_available"` // support of shared subscriptions
MinimumProtocolVersion byte `yaml:"minimum_protocol_version" json:"minimum_protocol_version"` // minimum supported mqtt version
Compatibilities Compatibilities `yaml:"compatibilities" json:"compatibilities"` // version compatibilities the server provides
MaximumQos byte `yaml:"maximum_qos" json:"maximum_qos"` // maximum qos value available to clients
RetainAvailable byte `yaml:"retain_available" json:"retain_available"` // support of retain messages
WildcardSubAvailable byte `yaml:"wildcard_sub_available" json:"wildcard_sub_available"` // support of wildcard subscriptions
SubIDAvailable byte `yaml:"sub_id_available" json:"sub_id_available"` // support of subscription identifiers
// NewDefaultServerCapabilities defines the default features and capabilities provided by the server.
func NewDefaultServerCapabilities() *Capabilities {
return &Capabilities{
MaximumClients: math.MaxInt64, // maximum number of connected clients
MaximumMessageExpiryInterval: 60 * 60 * 24, // maximum message expiry if message expiry is 0 or over
MaximumClientWritesPending: 1024 * 8, // maximum number of pending message writes for a client
MaximumSessionExpiryInterval: math.MaxUint32, // maximum number of seconds to keep disconnected sessions
MaximumPacketSize: 0, // no maximum packet size
maximumPacketID: math.MaxUint16,
ReceiveMaximum: 1024, // maximum number of concurrent qos messages per client
MaximumInflight: 1024 * 8, // maximum number of qos > 0 messages can be stored
TopicAliasMaximum: math.MaxUint16, // maximum topic alias value
SharedSubAvailable: 1, // shared subscriptions are available
MinimumProtocolVersion: 3, // minimum supported mqtt version (3.0.0)
MaximumQos: 2, // maximum qos value available to clients
RetainAvailable: 1, // retain messages is available
WildcardSubAvailable: 1, // wildcard subscriptions are available
SubIDAvailable: 1, // subscription identifiers are available
// Compatibilities provides flags for using compatibility modes.
type Compatibilities struct {
ObscureNotAuthorized bool `yaml:"obscure_not_authorized" json:"obscure_not_authorized"` // return unspecified errors instead of not authorized
PassiveClientDisconnect bool `yaml:"passive_client_disconnect" json:"passive_client_disconnect"` // don't disconnect the client forcefully after sending disconnect packet (paho - spec violation)
AlwaysReturnResponseInfo bool `yaml:"always_return_response_info" json:"always_return_response_info"` // always return response info (useful for testing)
RestoreSysInfoOnRestart bool `yaml:"restore_sys_info_on_restart" json:"restore_sys_info_on_restart"` // restore system info from store as if server never stopped
NoInheritedPropertiesOnAck bool `yaml:"no_inherited_properties_on_ack" json:"no_inherited_properties_on_ack"` // don't allow inherited user properties on ack (paho - spec violation)
// Options contains configurable options for the server.
type Options struct {
// Listeners specifies any listeners which should be dynamically added on serve. Used when setting listeners by config.
Listeners []listeners.Config `yaml:"listeners" json:"listeners"`
// Hooks specifies any hooks which should be dynamically added on serve. Used when setting hooks by config.
Hooks []HookLoadConfig `yaml:"hooks" json:"hooks"`
// Capabilities defines the server features and behaviour. If you only wish to modify
// several of these values, set them explicitly - e.g.
// server.Options.Capabilities.MaximumClientWritesPending = 16 * 1024
Capabilities *Capabilities `yaml:"capabilities" json:"capabilities"`
// ClientNetWriteBufferSize specifies the size of the client *bufio.Writer write buffer.
ClientNetWriteBufferSize int `yaml:"client_net_write_buffer_size" json:"client_net_write_buffer_size"`
// ClientNetReadBufferSize specifies the size of the client *bufio.Reader read buffer.
ClientNetReadBufferSize int `yaml:"client_net_read_buffer_size" json:"client_net_read_buffer_size"`
// Logger specifies a custom configured implementation of log/slog to override
// the servers default logger configuration. If you wish to change the log level,
// of the default logger, you can do so by setting:
// server := mqtt.New(nil)
// level := new(slog.LevelVar)
// server.Slog = slog.New(slog.NewTextHandler(os.Stdout, &slog.HandlerOptions{
// Level: level,
// }))
// level.Set(slog.LevelDebug)
Logger *slog.Logger `yaml:"-" json:"-"`
// SysTopicResendInterval specifies the interval between $SYS topic updates in seconds.
SysTopicResendInterval int64 `yaml:"sys_topic_resend_interval" json:"sys_topic_resend_interval"`
// Enable Inline client to allow direct subscribing and publishing from the parent codebase,
// with negligible performance difference (disabled by default to prevent confusion in statistics).
InlineClient bool `yaml:"inline_client" json:"inline_client"`
// Server is an MQTT broker server. It should be created with server.New()
// in order to ensure all the internal fields are correctly populated.
type Server struct {
Options *Options // configurable server options
Listeners *listeners.Listeners // listeners are network interfaces which listen for new connections
Clients *Clients // clients known to the broker
Topics *TopicsIndex // an index of topic filter subscriptions and retained messages
Info *system.Info // values about the server commonly known as $SYS topics
loop *loop // loop contains tickers for the system event loop
done chan bool // indicate that the server is ending
Log *slog.Logger // minimal no-alloc logger
hooks *Hooks // hooks contains hooks for extra functionality such as auth and persistent storage
inlineClient *Client // inlineClient is a special client used for inline subscriptions and inline Publish
// loop contains interval tickers for the system events loop.
type loop struct {
sysTopics *time.Ticker // interval ticker for sending updating $SYS topics
clientExpiry *time.Ticker // interval ticker for cleaning expired clients
inflightExpiry *time.Ticker // interval ticker for cleaning up expired inflight messages
retainedExpiry *time.Ticker // interval ticker for cleaning retained messages
willDelaySend *time.Ticker // interval ticker for sending Will Messages with a delay
willDelayed *packets.Packets // activate LWT packets which will be sent after a delay
// ops contains server values which can be propagated to other structs.
type ops struct {
options *Options // a pointer to the server options and capabilities, for referencing in clients
info *system.Info // pointers to server system info
hooks *Hooks // pointer to the server hooks
log *slog.Logger // a structured logger for the client
// New returns a new instance of mochi mqtt broker. Optional parameters
// can be specified to override some default settings (see Options).
func New(opts *Options) *Server {
if opts == nil {
opts = new(Options)
s := &Server{
done: make(chan bool),
Clients: NewClients(),
Topics: NewTopicsIndex(),
Listeners: listeners.New(),
loop: &loop{
sysTopics: time.NewTicker(time.Second * time.Duration(opts.SysTopicResendInterval)),
clientExpiry: time.NewTicker(time.Second),
inflightExpiry: time.NewTicker(time.Second),
retainedExpiry: time.NewTicker(time.Second),
willDelaySend: time.NewTicker(time.Second),
willDelayed: packets.NewPackets(),
Options: opts,
Info: &system.Info{
Version: Version,
Started: time.Now().Unix(),
Log: opts.Logger,
hooks: &Hooks{
Log: opts.Logger,
if s.Options.InlineClient {
s.inlineClient = s.NewClient(nil, LocalListener, InlineClientId, true)
return s
// ensureDefaults ensures that the server starts with sane default values, if none are provided.
func (o *Options) ensureDefaults() {
if o.Capabilities == nil {
o.Capabilities = NewDefaultServerCapabilities()
o.Capabilities.maximumPacketID = math.MaxUint16 // spec maximum is 65535
if o.Capabilities.MaximumInflight == 0 {
o.Capabilities.MaximumInflight = 1024 * 8
if o.SysTopicResendInterval == 0 {
o.SysTopicResendInterval = defaultSysTopicInterval
if o.ClientNetWriteBufferSize == 0 {
o.ClientNetWriteBufferSize = 1024 * 2
if o.ClientNetReadBufferSize == 0 {
o.ClientNetReadBufferSize = 1024 * 2
if o.Logger == nil {
log := slog.New(slog.NewTextHandler(os.Stdout, nil))
o.Logger = log
// NewClient returns a new Client instance, populated with all the required values and
// references to be used with the server. If you are using this client to directly publish
// messages from the embedding application, set the inline flag to true to bypass ACL and
// topic validation checks.
func (s *Server) NewClient(c net.Conn, listener string, id string, inline bool) *Client {
cl := newClient(c, &ops{ // [MQTT-3.1.2-6] implicit
options: s.Options,
info: s.Info,
hooks: s.hooks,
log: s.Log,
cl.ID = id
cl.Net.Listener = listener
if inline { // inline clients bypass acl and some validity checks.
cl.Net.Inline = true
// By default, we don't want to restrict developer publishes,
// but if you do, reset this after creating inline client.
return cl
// AddHook attaches a new Hook to the server. Ideally, this should be called
// before the server is started with s.Serve().
func (s *Server) AddHook(hook Hook, config any) error {
nl := s.Log.With("hook", hook.ID())
hook.SetOpts(nl, &HookOptions{
Capabilities: s.Options.Capabilities,
s.Log.Info("added hook", "hook", hook.ID())
return s.hooks.Add(hook, config)
// AddHooksFromConfig adds hooks to the server which were specified in the hooks config (usually from a config file).
// New built-in hooks should be added to this list.
func (s *Server) AddHooksFromConfig(hooks []HookLoadConfig) error {
for _, h := range hooks {
if err := s.AddHook(h.Hook, h.Config); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// AddListener adds a new network listener to the server, for receiving incoming client connections.
func (s *Server) AddListener(l listeners.Listener) error {
if _, ok := s.Listeners.Get(l.ID()); ok {
return ErrListenerIDExists
nl := s.Log.With(slog.String("listener", l.ID()))
err := l.Init(nl)
if err != nil {
return err
s.Log.Info("attached listener", "id", l.ID(), "protocol", l.Protocol(), "address", l.Address())
return nil
// AddListenersFromConfig adds listeners to the server which were specified in the listeners config (usually from a config file).
// New built-in listeners should be added to this list.
func (s *Server) AddListenersFromConfig(configs []listeners.Config) error {
for _, conf := range configs {
var l listeners.Listener
switch strings.ToLower(conf.Type) {
case listeners.TypeTCP:
l = listeners.NewTCP(conf)
case listeners.TypeWS:
l = listeners.NewWebsocket(conf)
case listeners.TypeUnix:
l = listeners.NewUnixSock(conf)
case listeners.TypeHealthCheck:
l = listeners.NewHTTPHealthCheck(conf)
case listeners.TypeSysInfo:
l = listeners.NewHTTPStats(conf, s.Info)
case listeners.TypeMock:
l = listeners.NewMockListener(conf.ID, conf.Address)
s.Log.Error("listener type unavailable by config", "listener", conf.Type)
if err := s.AddListener(l); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// Serve starts the event loops responsible for establishing client connections
// on all attached listeners, publishing the system topics, and starting all hooks.
func (s *Server) Serve() error {
s.Log.Info("mochi mqtt starting", "version", Version)
defer s.Log.Info("mochi mqtt server started")
if len(s.Options.Listeners) > 0 {
err := s.AddListenersFromConfig(s.Options.Listeners)
if err != nil {
return err
if len(s.Options.Hooks) > 0 {
err := s.AddHooksFromConfig(s.Options.Hooks)
if err != nil {
return err
if s.hooks.Provides(
) {
err := s.readStore()
if err != nil {
return err
go s.eventLoop() // spin up event loop for issuing $SYS values and closing server.
s.Listeners.ServeAll(s.EstablishConnection) // start listening on all listeners.
s.publishSysTopics() // begin publishing $SYS system values.
return nil
// eventLoop loops forever, running various server housekeeping methods at different intervals.
func (s *Server) eventLoop() {
s.Log.Debug("system event loop started")
defer s.Log.Debug("system event loop halted")
for {
select {
case <-s.done:
case <-s.loop.sysTopics.C:
case <-s.loop.clientExpiry.C:
case <-s.loop.retainedExpiry.C:
case <-s.loop.willDelaySend.C:
case <-s.loop.inflightExpiry.C:
// EstablishConnection establishes a new client when a listener accepts a new connection.
func (s *Server) EstablishConnection(listener string, c net.Conn) error {
cl := s.NewClient(c, listener, "", false)
return s.attachClient(cl, listener)
// attachClient validates an incoming client connection and if viable, attaches the client
// to the server, performs session housekeeping, and reads incoming packets.
func (s *Server) attachClient(cl *Client, listener string) error {
defer s.Listeners.ClientsWg.Done()
go cl.WriteLoop()
defer cl.Stop(nil)
pk, err := s.readConnectionPacket(cl)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("read connection: %w", err)
cl.ParseConnect(listener, pk)
if atomic.LoadInt64(&s.Info.ClientsConnected) >= s.Options.Capabilities.MaximumClients {
if cl.Properties.ProtocolVersion < 5 {
s.SendConnack(cl, packets.ErrServerUnavailable, false, nil)
} else {
s.SendConnack(cl, packets.ErrServerBusy, false, nil)
return packets.ErrServerBusy
code := s.validateConnect(cl, pk) // [MQTT-3.1.4-1] [MQTT-3.1.4-2]
if code != packets.CodeSuccess {
if err := s.SendConnack(cl, code, false, nil); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid connection send ack: %w", err)
return code // [MQTT-3.2.2-7] [MQTT-3.1.4-6]
err = s.hooks.OnConnect(cl, pk)
if err != nil {
return err
if !s.hooks.OnConnectAuthenticate(cl, pk) { // [MQTT-3.1.4-2]
err := s.SendConnack(cl, packets.ErrBadUsernameOrPassword, false, nil)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid connection send ack: %w", err)
return packets.ErrBadUsernameOrPassword
atomic.AddInt64(&s.Info.ClientsConnected, 1)
defer atomic.AddInt64(&s.Info.ClientsConnected, -1)
s.hooks.OnSessionEstablish(cl, pk)
sessionPresent := s.inheritClientSession(pk, cl)
s.Clients.Add(cl) // [MQTT-4.1.0-1]
err = s.SendConnack(cl, code, sessionPresent, nil) // [MQTT-3.1.4-5] [MQTT-3.2.0-1] [MQTT-3.2.0-2] &[MQTT-3.14.0-1]
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("ack connection packet: %w", err)
s.loop.willDelayed.Delete(cl.ID) // [MQTT-3.1.3-9]
if sessionPresent {
err = cl.ResendInflightMessages(true)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("resend inflight: %w", err)
s.hooks.OnSessionEstablished(cl, pk)
err = cl.Read(s.receivePacket)
if err != nil {
} else {
cl.Properties.Will = Will{} // [MQTT-3.14.4-3] [MQTT-3.1.2-10]
s.Log.Debug("client disconnected", "error", err, "client", cl.ID, "remote", cl.Net.Remote, "listener", listener)
expire := (cl.Properties.ProtocolVersion == 5 && cl.Properties.Props.SessionExpiryInterval == 0) || (cl.Properties.ProtocolVersion < 5 && cl.Properties.Clean)
s.hooks.OnDisconnect(cl, err, expire)
if expire && atomic.LoadUint32(&cl.State.isTakenOver) == 0 {
s.Clients.Delete(cl.ID) // [MQTT-4.1.0-2] ![MQTT-3.1.2-23]
return err
// readConnectionPacket reads the first incoming header for a connection, and if
// acceptable, returns the valid connection packet.
func (s *Server) readConnectionPacket(cl *Client) (pk packets.Packet, err error) {
fh := new(packets.FixedHeader)
err = cl.ReadFixedHeader(fh)
if err != nil {
if fh.Type != packets.Connect {
return pk, packets.ErrProtocolViolationRequireFirstConnect // [MQTT-3.1.0-1]
pk, err = cl.ReadPacket(fh)
if err != nil {
// receivePacket processes an incoming packet for a client, and issues a disconnect to the client
// if an error has occurred (if mqtt v5).
func (s *Server) receivePacket(cl *Client, pk packets.Packet) error {
err := s.processPacket(cl, pk)
if err != nil {
if code, ok := err.(packets.Code); ok &&
cl.Properties.ProtocolVersion == 5 &&
code.Code >= packets.ErrUnspecifiedError.Code {
_ = s.DisconnectClient(cl, code)
s.Log.Warn("error processing packet", "error", err, "client", cl.ID, "listener", cl.Net.Listener, "pk", pk)
return err
return nil
// validateConnect validates that a connect packet is compliant.
func (s *Server) validateConnect(cl *Client, pk packets.Packet) packets.Code {
code := pk.ConnectValidate() // [MQTT-3.1.4-1] [MQTT-3.1.4-2]
if code != packets.CodeSuccess {
return code
if cl.Properties.ProtocolVersion < 5 && !pk.Connect.Clean && pk.Connect.ClientIdentifier == "" {
return packets.ErrUnspecifiedError
if cl.Properties.ProtocolVersion < s.Options.Capabilities.MinimumProtocolVersion {
return packets.ErrUnsupportedProtocolVersion // [MQTT-3.1.2-2]
} else if cl.Properties.Will.Qos > s.Options.Capabilities.MaximumQos {
return packets.ErrQosNotSupported // [MQTT-3.2.2-12]
} else if cl.Properties.Will.Retain && s.Options.Capabilities.RetainAvailable == 0x00 {
return packets.ErrRetainNotSupported // [MQTT-3.2.2-13]
return code
// inheritClientSession inherits the state of an existing client sharing the same
// connection ID. If clean is true, the state of any previously existing client
// session is abandoned.
func (s *Server) inheritClientSession(pk packets.Packet, cl *Client) bool {
if existing, ok := s.Clients.Get(cl.ID); ok {
_ = s.DisconnectClient(existing, packets.ErrSessionTakenOver) // [MQTT-3.1.4-3]
if pk.Connect.Clean || (existing.Properties.Clean && existing.Properties.ProtocolVersion < 5) { // [MQTT-3.1.2-4] [MQTT-3.1.4-4]
atomic.StoreUint32(&existing.State.isTakenOver, 1) // only set isTakenOver after unsubscribe has occurred
return false // [MQTT-3.2.2-3]
atomic.StoreUint32(&existing.State.isTakenOver, 1)
if existing.State.Inflight.Len() > 0 {
cl.State.Inflight = existing.State.Inflight.Clone() // [MQTT-3.1.2-5]
if cl.State.Inflight.maximumReceiveQuota == 0 && cl.ops.options.Capabilities.ReceiveMaximum != 0 {
cl.State.Inflight.ResetReceiveQuota(int32(cl.ops.options.Capabilities.ReceiveMaximum)) // server receive max per client
cl.State.Inflight.ResetSendQuota(int32(cl.Properties.Props.ReceiveMaximum)) // client receive max
for _, sub := range existing.State.Subscriptions.GetAll() {
existed := !s.Topics.Subscribe(cl.ID, sub) // [MQTT-3.8.4-3]
if !existed {
atomic.AddInt64(&s.Info.Subscriptions, 1)
cl.State.Subscriptions.Add(sub.Filter, sub)
// Clean the state of the existing client to prevent sequential take-overs
// from increasing memory usage by inflights + subs * client-id.
s.Log.Debug("session taken over", "client", cl.ID, "old_remote", existing.Net.Remote, "new_remote", cl.Net.Remote)
return true // [MQTT-3.2.2-3]
if atomic.LoadInt64(&s.Info.ClientsConnected) > atomic.LoadInt64(&s.Info.ClientsMaximum) {
atomic.AddInt64(&s.Info.ClientsMaximum, 1)
return false // [MQTT-3.2.2-2]
// SendConnack returns a Connack packet to a client.
func (s *Server) SendConnack(cl *Client, reason packets.Code, present bool, properties *packets.Properties) error {
if properties == nil {
properties = &packets.Properties{
ReceiveMaximum: s.Options.Capabilities.ReceiveMaximum,
properties.ReceiveMaximum = s.Options.Capabilities.ReceiveMaximum // Receive Maximum
if cl.State.ServerKeepalive { // You can set this dynamically using the OnConnect hook.
properties.ServerKeepAlive = cl.State.Keepalive // [MQTT-3.1.2-21]
properties.ServerKeepAliveFlag = true
if reason.Code >= packets.ErrUnspecifiedError.Code {
if cl.Properties.ProtocolVersion < 5 {
if v3reason, ok := packets.V5CodesToV3[reason]; ok { // NB v3 Connack return codes
reason = v3reason
properties.ReasonString = reason.Reason
ack := packets.Packet{
FixedHeader: packets.FixedHeader{
Type: packets.Connack,
SessionPresent: false, // [MQTT-3.2.2-6]
ReasonCode: reason.Code, // [MQTT-3.2.2-8]
Properties: *properties,
return cl.WritePacket(ack)
if s.Options.Capabilities.MaximumQos < 2 {
properties.MaximumQos = s.Options.Capabilities.MaximumQos // [MQTT-3.2.2-9]
properties.MaximumQosFlag = true
if cl.Properties.Props.AssignedClientID != "" {
properties.AssignedClientID = cl.Properties.Props.AssignedClientID // [MQTT-3.1.3-7] [MQTT-3.2.2-16]
if cl.Properties.Props.SessionExpiryInterval > s.Options.Capabilities.MaximumSessionExpiryInterval {
properties.SessionExpiryInterval = s.Options.Capabilities.MaximumSessionExpiryInterval
properties.SessionExpiryIntervalFlag = true
cl.Properties.Props.SessionExpiryInterval = properties.SessionExpiryInterval
cl.Properties.Props.SessionExpiryIntervalFlag = true
ack := packets.Packet{
FixedHeader: packets.FixedHeader{
Type: packets.Connack,
SessionPresent: present,
ReasonCode: reason.Code, // [MQTT-3.2.2-8]
Properties: *properties,
return cl.WritePacket(ack)
// processPacket processes an inbound packet for a client. Since the method is
// typically called as a goroutine, errors are primarily for test checking purposes.
func (s *Server) processPacket(cl *Client, pk packets.Packet) error {
var err error
switch pk.FixedHeader.Type {
case packets.Connect:
err = s.processConnect(cl, pk)
case packets.Disconnect:
err = s.processDisconnect(cl, pk)
case packets.Pingreq:
err = s.processPingreq(cl, pk)
case packets.Publish:
code := pk.PublishValidate(s.Options.Capabilities.TopicAliasMaximum)
if code != packets.CodeSuccess {
return code
err = s.processPublish(cl, pk)
case packets.Puback:
err = s.processPuback(cl, pk)
case packets.Pubrec:
err = s.processPubrec(cl, pk)
case packets.Pubrel:
err = s.processPubrel(cl, pk)
case packets.Pubcomp:
err = s.processPubcomp(cl, pk)
case packets.Subscribe:
code := pk.SubscribeValidate()
if code != packets.CodeSuccess {
return code
err = s.processSubscribe(cl, pk)
case packets.Unsubscribe:
code := pk.UnsubscribeValidate()
if code != packets.CodeSuccess {
return code
err = s.processUnsubscribe(cl, pk)
case packets.Auth:
code := pk.AuthValidate()
if code != packets.CodeSuccess {
return code
err = s.processAuth(cl, pk)
return fmt.Errorf("no valid packet available; %v", pk.FixedHeader.Type)
s.hooks.OnPacketProcessed(cl, pk, err)
if err != nil {
return err
if cl.State.Inflight.Len() > 0 && atomic.LoadInt32(&cl.State.Inflight.sendQuota) > 0 {
next, ok := cl.State.Inflight.NextImmediate()
if ok {
_ = cl.WritePacket(next)
if ok := cl.State.Inflight.Delete(next.PacketID); ok {
atomic.AddInt64(&s.Info.Inflight, -1)
return nil
// processConnect processes a Connect packet. The packet cannot be used to establish
// a new connection on an existing connection. See EstablishConnection instead.
func (s *Server) processConnect(cl *Client, _ packets.Packet) error {
return packets.ErrProtocolViolationSecondConnect // [MQTT-3.1.0-2]
// processPingreq processes a Pingreq packet.
func (s *Server) processPingreq(cl *Client, _ packets.Packet) error {
return cl.WritePacket(packets.Packet{
FixedHeader: packets.FixedHeader{
Type: packets.Pingresp, // [MQTT-3.12.4-1]
// Publish publishes a publish packet into the broker as if it were sent from the specified client.
// This is a convenience function which wraps InjectPacket. As such, this method can publish packets
// to any topic (including $SYS) and bypass ACL checks. The qos byte is used for limiting the
// outbound qos (mqtt v5) rather than issuing to the broker (we assume qos 2 complete).
func (s *Server) Publish(topic string, payload []byte, retain bool, qos byte) error {
if !s.Options.InlineClient {
return ErrInlineClientNotEnabled
return s.InjectPacket(s.inlineClient, packets.Packet{
FixedHeader: packets.FixedHeader{
Type: packets.Publish,
Qos: qos,
Retain: retain,
TopicName: topic,
Payload: payload,
PacketID: uint16(qos), // we never process the inbound qos, but we need a packet id for validity checks.
// Subscribe adds an inline subscription for the specified topic filter and subscription identifier
// with the provided handler function.
func (s *Server) Subscribe(filter string, subscriptionId int, handler InlineSubFn) error {
if !s.Options.InlineClient {
return ErrInlineClientNotEnabled
if handler == nil {
return packets.ErrInlineSubscriptionHandlerInvalid
if !IsValidFilter(filter, false) {
return packets.ErrTopicFilterInvalid
subscription := packets.Subscription{
Identifier: subscriptionId,
Filter: filter,
pk := s.hooks.OnSubscribe(s.inlineClient, packets.Packet{ // subscribe like a normal client.
Origin: s.inlineClient.ID,
FixedHeader: packets.FixedHeader{Type: packets.Subscribe},
Filters: packets.Subscriptions{subscription},
inlineSubscription := InlineSubscription{
Subscription: subscription,
Handler: handler,
s.hooks.OnSubscribed(s.inlineClient, pk, []byte{packets.CodeSuccess.Code})
// Handling retained messages.
for _, pkv := range s.Topics.Messages(filter) { // [MQTT-3.8.4-4]
handler(s.inlineClient, inlineSubscription.Subscription, pkv)
return nil
// Unsubscribe removes an inline subscription for the specified subscription and topic filter.
// It allows you to unsubscribe a specific subscription from the internal subscription
// associated with the given topic filter.
func (s *Server) Unsubscribe(filter string, subscriptionId int) error {
if !s.Options.InlineClient {
return ErrInlineClientNotEnabled
if !IsValidFilter(filter, false) {
return packets.ErrTopicFilterInvalid
pk := s.hooks.OnUnsubscribe(s.inlineClient, packets.Packet{
Origin: s.inlineClient.ID,
FixedHeader: packets.FixedHeader{Type: packets.Unsubscribe},
Filters: packets.Subscriptions{
Identifier: subscriptionId,
Filter: filter,
s.Topics.InlineUnsubscribe(subscriptionId, filter)
s.hooks.OnUnsubscribed(s.inlineClient, pk)
return nil
// InjectPacket injects a packet into the broker as if it were sent from the specified client.
// InlineClients using this method can publish packets to any topic (including $SYS) and bypass ACL checks.
func (s *Server) InjectPacket(cl *Client, pk packets.Packet) error {
pk.ProtocolVersion = cl.Properties.ProtocolVersion
err := s.processPacket(cl, pk)
if err != nil {
return err
atomic.AddInt64(&cl.ops.info.PacketsReceived, 1)
if pk.FixedHeader.Type == packets.Publish {
atomic.AddInt64(&cl.ops.info.MessagesReceived, 1)
return nil
// processPublish processes a Publish packet.
func (s *Server) processPublish(cl *Client, pk packets.Packet) error {
if !cl.Net.Inline && !IsValidFilter(pk.TopicName, true) {
return nil
if atomic.LoadInt32(&cl.State.Inflight.receiveQuota) == 0 {
return s.DisconnectClient(cl, packets.ErrReceiveMaximum) // ~[MQTT-3.3.4-7] ~[MQTT-3.3.4-8]
if !cl.Net.Inline && !s.hooks.OnACLCheck(cl, pk.TopicName, true) {
if pk.FixedHeader.Qos == 0 {
return nil
if cl.Properties.ProtocolVersion != 5 {
return s.DisconnectClient(cl, packets.ErrNotAuthorized)
ackType := packets.Puback
if pk.FixedHeader.Qos == 2 {
ackType = packets.Pubrec
ack := s.buildAck(pk.PacketID, ackType, 0, pk.Properties, packets.ErrNotAuthorized)
return cl.WritePacket(ack)
pk.Origin = cl.ID
pk.Created = time.Now().Unix()
if !cl.Net.Inline {
if pki, ok := cl.State.Inflight.Get(pk.PacketID); ok {
if pki.FixedHeader.Type == packets.Pubrec { // [MQTT-4.3.3-10]
ack := s.buildAck(pk.PacketID, packets.Pubrec, 0, pk.Properties, packets.ErrPacketIdentifierInUse)
return cl.WritePacket(ack)
if ok := cl.State.Inflight.Delete(pk.PacketID); ok { // [MQTT-4.3.2-5]
atomic.AddInt64(&s.Info.Inflight, -1)
if pk.Properties.TopicAliasFlag && pk.Properties.TopicAlias > 0 { // [MQTT-3.3.2-11]
pk.TopicName = cl.State.TopicAliases.Inbound.Set(pk.Properties.TopicAlias, pk.TopicName)
if pk.FixedHeader.Qos > s.Options.Capabilities.MaximumQos {
pk.FixedHeader.Qos = s.Options.Capabilities.MaximumQos // [MQTT-3.2.2-9] Reduce qos based on server max qos capability
pkx, err := s.hooks.OnPublish(cl, pk)
if err == nil {
pk = pkx
} else if errors.Is(err, packets.ErrRejectPacket) {
return nil
} else if errors.Is(err, packets.CodeSuccessIgnore) {
pk.Ignore = true
} else if cl.Properties.ProtocolVersion == 5 && pk.FixedHeader.Qos > 0 && errors.As(err, new(packets.Code)) {
err = cl.WritePacket(s.buildAck(pk.PacketID, packets.Puback, 0, pk.Properties, err.(packets.Code)))
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
if pk.FixedHeader.Retain { // [MQTT-3.3.1-5] ![MQTT-3.3.1-8]
s.retainMessage(cl, pk)
// If it's inlineClient, it can't handle PUBREC and PUBREL.
// When it publishes a package with a qos > 0, the server treats
// the package as qos=0, and the client receives it as qos=1 or 2.
if pk.FixedHeader.Qos == 0 || cl.Net.Inline {
s.hooks.OnPublished(cl, pk)
return nil
ack := s.buildAck(pk.PacketID, packets.Puback, 0, pk.Properties, packets.QosCodes[pk.FixedHeader.Qos]) // [MQTT-4.3.2-4]
if pk.FixedHeader.Qos == 2 {
ack = s.buildAck(pk.PacketID, packets.Pubrec, 0, pk.Properties, packets.CodeSuccess) // [MQTT-3.3.4-1] [MQTT-4.3.3-8]
if ok := cl.State.Inflight.Set(ack); ok {
atomic.AddInt64(&s.Info.Inflight, 1)
s.hooks.OnQosPublish(cl, ack, ack.Created, 0)
err = cl.WritePacket(ack)
if err != nil {
return err
if pk.FixedHeader.Qos == 1 {
if ok := cl.State.Inflight.Delete(ack.PacketID); ok {
atomic.AddInt64(&s.Info.Inflight, -1)
s.hooks.OnQosComplete(cl, ack)
s.hooks.OnPublished(cl, pk)
return nil
// retainMessage adds a message to a topic, and if a persistent store is provided,
// adds the message to the store to be reloaded if necessary.
func (s *Server) retainMessage(cl *Client, pk packets.Packet) {
if s.Options.Capabilities.RetainAvailable == 0 || pk.Ignore {
out := pk.Copy(false)
r := s.Topics.RetainMessage(out)
s.hooks.OnRetainMessage(cl, pk, r)
atomic.StoreInt64(&s.Info.Retained, int64(s.Topics.Retained.Len()))
// publishToSubscribers publishes a publish packet to all subscribers with matching topic filters.
func (s *Server) publishToSubscribers(pk packets.Packet) {
if pk.Ignore {
if pk.Created == 0 {
pk.Created = time.Now().Unix()
pk.Expiry = pk.Created + s.Options.Capabilities.MaximumMessageExpiryInterval
if pk.Properties.MessageExpiryInterval > 0 {
pk.Expiry = pk.Created + int64(pk.Properties.MessageExpiryInterval)
subscribers := s.Topics.Subscribers(pk.TopicName)
if len(subscribers.Shared) > 0 {
subscribers = s.hooks.OnSelectSubscribers(subscribers, pk)
if len(subscribers.SharedSelected) == 0 {
for _, inlineSubscription := range subscribers.InlineSubscriptions {
inlineSubscription.Handler(s.inlineClient, inlineSubscription.Subscription, pk)
for id, subs := range subscribers.Subscriptions {
if cl, ok := s.Clients.Get(id); ok {
_, err := s.publishToClient(cl, subs, pk)
if err != nil {
s.Log.Debug("failed publishing packet", "error", err, "client", cl.ID, "packet", pk)
func (s *Server) publishToClient(cl *Client, sub packets.Subscription, pk packets.Packet) (packets.Packet, error) {
if sub.NoLocal && pk.Origin == cl.ID {
return pk, nil // [MQTT-3.8.3-3]
out := pk.Copy(false)
if !s.hooks.OnACLCheck(cl, pk.TopicName, false) {
return out, packets.ErrNotAuthorized
if !sub.FwdRetainedFlag && ((cl.Properties.ProtocolVersion == 5 && !sub.RetainAsPublished) || cl.Properties.ProtocolVersion < 5) { // ![MQTT-3.3.1-13] [v3 MQTT-3.3.1-9]
out.FixedHeader.Retain = false // [MQTT-3.3.1-12]
if len(sub.Identifiers) > 0 { // [MQTT-3.3.4-3]
out.Properties.SubscriptionIdentifier = []int{}
for _, id := range sub.Identifiers {
out.Properties.SubscriptionIdentifier = append(out.Properties.SubscriptionIdentifier, id) // [MQTT-3.3.4-4] ![MQTT-3.3.4-5]
if out.FixedHeader.Qos > sub.Qos {
out.FixedHeader.Qos = sub.Qos
if out.FixedHeader.Qos > s.Options.Capabilities.MaximumQos {
out.FixedHeader.Qos = s.Options.Capabilities.MaximumQos // [MQTT-3.2.2-9]
if cl.Properties.Props.TopicAliasMaximum > 0 {
var aliasExists bool
out.Properties.TopicAlias, aliasExists = cl.State.TopicAliases.Outbound.Set(pk.TopicName)
if out.Properties.TopicAlias > 0 {
out.Properties.TopicAliasFlag = true
if aliasExists {
out.TopicName = ""
if out.FixedHeader.Qos > 0 {
if cl.State.Inflight.Len() >= int(s.Options.Capabilities.MaximumInflight) {
// add hook?
atomic.AddInt64(&s.Info.InflightDropped, 1)
s.Log.Warn("client store quota reached", "client", cl.ID, "listener", cl.Net.Listener)
return out, packets.ErrQuotaExceeded
i, err := cl.NextPacketID() // [MQTT-4.3.2-1] [MQTT-4.3.3-1]
if err != nil {
s.hooks.OnPacketIDExhausted(cl, pk)
atomic.AddInt64(&s.Info.InflightDropped, 1)
s.Log.Warn("packet ids exhausted", "error", err, "client", cl.ID, "listener", cl.Net.Listener)
return out, packets.ErrQuotaExceeded
out.PacketID = uint16(i) // [MQTT-2.2.1-4]
sentQuota := atomic.LoadInt32(&cl.State.Inflight.sendQuota)
if ok := cl.State.Inflight.Set(out); ok { // [MQTT-4.3.2-3] [MQTT-4.3.3-3]
atomic.AddInt64(&s.Info.Inflight, 1)
s.hooks.OnQosPublish(cl, out, out.Created, 0)
if sentQuota == 0 && atomic.LoadInt32(&cl.State.Inflight.maximumSendQuota) > 0 {
out.Expiry = -1
return out, nil
if cl.Net.Conn == nil || cl.Closed() {
return out, packets.CodeDisconnect
select {
case cl.State.outbound <- &out:
atomic.AddInt32(&cl.State.outboundQty, 1)
atomic.AddInt64(&s.Info.MessagesDropped, 1)
cl.ops.hooks.OnPublishDropped(cl, pk)
if out.FixedHeader.Qos > 0 {
cl.State.Inflight.Delete(out.PacketID) // packet was dropped due to irregular circumstances, so rollback inflight.
return out, packets.ErrPendingClientWritesExceeded
return out, nil
func (s *Server) publishRetainedToClient(cl *Client, sub packets.Subscription, existed bool) {
if IsSharedFilter(sub.Filter) {
return // 4.8.2 Non-normative - Shared Subscriptions - No Retained Messages are sent to the Session when it first subscribes.
if sub.RetainHandling == 1 && existed || sub.RetainHandling == 2 { // [MQTT-3.3.1-10] [MQTT-3.3.1-11]
sub.FwdRetainedFlag = true
for _, pkv := range s.Topics.Messages(sub.Filter) { // [MQTT-3.8.4-4]
_, err := s.publishToClient(cl, sub, pkv)
if err != nil {
s.Log.Debug("failed to publish retained message", "error", err, "client", cl.ID, "listener", cl.Net.Listener, "packet", pkv)
s.hooks.OnRetainPublished(cl, pkv)
// buildAck builds a standardised ack message for Puback, Pubrec, Pubrel, Pubcomp packets.
func (s *Server) buildAck(packetID uint16, pkt, qos byte, properties packets.Properties, reason packets.Code) packets.Packet {
if s.Options.Capabilities.Compatibilities.NoInheritedPropertiesOnAck {
properties = packets.Properties{}
if reason.Code >= packets.ErrUnspecifiedError.Code {
properties.ReasonString = reason.Reason
pk := packets.Packet{
FixedHeader: packets.FixedHeader{
Type: pkt,
Qos: qos,
PacketID: packetID, // [MQTT-2.2.1-5]
ReasonCode: reason.Code, // [MQTT-3.4.2-1]
Properties: properties,
Created: time.Now().Unix(),
Expiry: time.Now().Unix() + s.Options.Capabilities.MaximumMessageExpiryInterval,
return pk
// processPuback processes a Puback packet, denoting completion of a QOS 1 packet sent from the server.
func (s *Server) processPuback(cl *Client, pk packets.Packet) error {
if _, ok := cl.State.Inflight.Get(pk.PacketID); !ok {
return nil // omit, but would be packets.ErrPacketIdentifierNotFound
if ok := cl.State.Inflight.Delete(pk.PacketID); ok { // [MQTT-4.3.2-5]
atomic.AddInt64(&s.Info.Inflight, -1)
s.hooks.OnQosComplete(cl, pk)
return nil
// processPubrec processes a Pubrec packet, denoting receipt of a QOS 2 packet sent from the server.
func (s *Server) processPubrec(cl *Client, pk packets.Packet) error {
if _, ok := cl.State.Inflight.Get(pk.PacketID); !ok { // [MQTT-4.3.3-7] [MQTT-4.3.3-13]
return cl.WritePacket(s.buildAck(pk.PacketID, packets.Pubrel, 1, pk.Properties, packets.ErrPacketIdentifierNotFound))
if pk.ReasonCode >= packets.ErrUnspecifiedError.Code || !pk.ReasonCodeValid() { // [MQTT-4.3.3-4]
if ok := cl.State.Inflight.Delete(pk.PacketID); ok {
atomic.AddInt64(&s.Info.Inflight, -1)
cl.ops.hooks.OnQosDropped(cl, pk)
return nil // as per MQTT5 Section 4.13.2 paragraph 2
ack := s.buildAck(pk.PacketID, packets.Pubrel, 1, pk.Properties, packets.CodeSuccess) // [MQTT-4.3.3-4] ![MQTT-4.3.3-6]
cl.State.Inflight.DecreaseReceiveQuota() // -1 RECV QUOTA
cl.State.Inflight.Set(ack) // [MQTT-4.3.3-5]
return cl.WritePacket(ack)
// processPubrel processes a Pubrel packet, denoting completion of a QOS 2 packet sent from the client.
func (s *Server) processPubrel(cl *Client, pk packets.Packet) error {
if _, ok := cl.State.Inflight.Get(pk.PacketID); !ok { // [MQTT-4.3.3-7] [MQTT-4.3.3-13]
return cl.WritePacket(s.buildAck(pk.PacketID, packets.Pubcomp, 0, pk.Properties, packets.ErrPacketIdentifierNotFound))
if pk.ReasonCode >= packets.ErrUnspecifiedError.Code || !pk.ReasonCodeValid() { // [MQTT-4.3.3-9]
if ok := cl.State.Inflight.Delete(pk.PacketID); ok {
atomic.AddInt64(&s.Info.Inflight, -1)
cl.ops.hooks.OnQosDropped(cl, pk)
return nil
ack := s.buildAck(pk.PacketID, packets.Pubcomp, 0, pk.Properties, packets.CodeSuccess) // [MQTT-4.3.3-11]
err := cl.WritePacket(ack)
if err != nil {
return err
cl.State.Inflight.IncreaseReceiveQuota() // +1 RECV QUOTA
cl.State.Inflight.IncreaseSendQuota() // +1 SENT QUOTA
if ok := cl.State.Inflight.Delete(pk.PacketID); ok { // [MQTT-4.3.3-12]
atomic.AddInt64(&s.Info.Inflight, -1)
s.hooks.OnQosComplete(cl, pk)
return nil
// processPubcomp processes a Pubcomp packet, denoting completion of a QOS 2 packet sent from the server.
func (s *Server) processPubcomp(cl *Client, pk packets.Packet) error {
// regardless of whether the pubcomp is a success or failure, we end the qos flow, delete inflight, and restore the quotas.
cl.State.Inflight.IncreaseReceiveQuota() // +1 RECV QUOTA
cl.State.Inflight.IncreaseSendQuota() // +1 SENT QUOTA
if ok := cl.State.Inflight.Delete(pk.PacketID); ok {
atomic.AddInt64(&s.Info.Inflight, -1)
s.hooks.OnQosComplete(cl, pk)
return nil
// processSubscribe processes a Subscribe packet.
func (s *Server) processSubscribe(cl *Client, pk packets.Packet) error {
pk = s.hooks.OnSubscribe(cl, pk)
code := packets.CodeSuccess
if _, ok := cl.State.Inflight.Get(pk.PacketID); ok {
code = packets.ErrPacketIdentifierInUse
filterExisted := make([]bool, len(pk.Filters))
reasonCodes := make([]byte, len(pk.Filters))
for i, sub := range pk.Filters {
if code != packets.CodeSuccess {
reasonCodes[i] = code.Code // NB 3.9.3 Non-normative 0x91
} else if !IsValidFilter(sub.Filter, false) {
reasonCodes[i] = packets.ErrTopicFilterInvalid.Code
} else if sub.NoLocal && IsSharedFilter(sub.Filter) {
reasonCodes[i] = packets.ErrProtocolViolationInvalidSharedNoLocal.Code // [MQTT-3.8.3-4]
} else if !s.hooks.OnACLCheck(cl, sub.Filter, false) {
reasonCodes[i] = packets.ErrNotAuthorized.Code
if s.Options.Capabilities.Compatibilities.ObscureNotAuthorized {
reasonCodes[i] = packets.ErrUnspecifiedError.Code
} else {
isNew := s.Topics.Subscribe(cl.ID, sub) // [MQTT-3.8.4-3]
if isNew {
atomic.AddInt64(&s.Info.Subscriptions, 1)
cl.State.Subscriptions.Add(sub.Filter, sub) // [MQTT-3.2.2-10]
if sub.Qos > s.Options.Capabilities.MaximumQos {
sub.Qos = s.Options.Capabilities.MaximumQos // [MQTT-3.2.2-9]
filterExisted[i] = !isNew
reasonCodes[i] = sub.Qos // [MQTT-3.9.3-1] [MQTT-3.8.4-7]
if reasonCodes[i] > packets.CodeGrantedQos2.Code && cl.Properties.ProtocolVersion < 5 { // MQTT3
reasonCodes[i] = packets.ErrUnspecifiedError.Code
ack := packets.Packet{ // [MQTT-3.8.4-1] [MQTT-3.8.4-5]
FixedHeader: packets.FixedHeader{
Type: packets.Suback,
PacketID: pk.PacketID, // [MQTT-2.2.1-6] [MQTT-3.8.4-2]
ReasonCodes: reasonCodes, // [MQTT-3.8.4-6]
Properties: packets.Properties{
User: pk.Properties.User,
if code.Code >= packets.ErrUnspecifiedError.Code {
ack.Properties.ReasonString = code.Reason
s.hooks.OnSubscribed(cl, pk, reasonCodes)
err := cl.WritePacket(ack)
if err != nil {
return err
for i, sub := range pk.Filters { // [MQTT-3.3.1-9]
if reasonCodes[i] >= packets.ErrUnspecifiedError.Code {
s.publishRetainedToClient(cl, sub, filterExisted[i])
return nil
// processUnsubscribe processes an unsubscribe packet.
func (s *Server) processUnsubscribe(cl *Client, pk packets.Packet) error {
code := packets.CodeSuccess
if _, ok := cl.State.Inflight.Get(pk.PacketID); ok {
code = packets.ErrPacketIdentifierInUse
pk = s.hooks.OnUnsubscribe(cl, pk)
reasonCodes := make([]byte, len(pk.Filters))
for i, sub := range pk.Filters { // [MQTT-3.10.4-6] [MQTT-3.11.3-1]
if code != packets.CodeSuccess {
reasonCodes[i] = code.Code // NB 3.11.3 Non-normative 0x91
if q := s.Topics.Unsubscribe(sub.Filter, cl.ID); q {
atomic.AddInt64(&s.Info.Subscriptions, -1)
reasonCodes[i] = packets.CodeSuccess.Code
} else {
reasonCodes[i] = packets.CodeNoSubscriptionExisted.Code
cl.State.Subscriptions.Delete(sub.Filter) // [MQTT-3.10.4-2] [MQTT-3.10.4-2] ~[MQTT-3.10.4-3]
ack := packets.Packet{ // [MQTT-3.10.4-4]
FixedHeader: packets.FixedHeader{
Type: packets.Unsuback,
PacketID: pk.PacketID, // [MQTT-2.2.1-6] [MQTT-3.10.4-5]
ReasonCodes: reasonCodes, // [MQTT-3.11.3-2]
Properties: packets.Properties{
User: pk.Properties.User,
if code.Code >= packets.ErrUnspecifiedError.Code {
ack.Properties.ReasonString = code.Reason
s.hooks.OnUnsubscribed(cl, pk)
return cl.WritePacket(ack)
// UnsubscribeClient unsubscribes a client from all of their subscriptions.
func (s *Server) UnsubscribeClient(cl *Client) {
i := 0
filterMap := cl.State.Subscriptions.GetAll()
filters := make([]packets.Subscription, len(filterMap))
for k := range filterMap {
if atomic.LoadUint32(&cl.State.isTakenOver) == 1 {
for k, v := range filterMap {
if s.Topics.Unsubscribe(k, cl.ID) {
atomic.AddInt64(&s.Info.Subscriptions, -1)
filters[i] = v
s.hooks.OnUnsubscribed(cl, packets.Packet{FixedHeader: packets.FixedHeader{Type: packets.Unsubscribe}, Filters: filters})
// processAuth processes an Auth packet.
func (s *Server) processAuth(cl *Client, pk packets.Packet) error {
_, err := s.hooks.OnAuthPacket(cl, pk)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// processDisconnect processes a Disconnect packet.
func (s *Server) processDisconnect(cl *Client, pk packets.Packet) error {
if pk.Properties.SessionExpiryIntervalFlag {
if pk.Properties.SessionExpiryInterval > 0 && cl.Properties.Props.SessionExpiryInterval == 0 {
return packets.ErrProtocolViolationZeroNonZeroExpiry
cl.Properties.Props.SessionExpiryInterval = pk.Properties.SessionExpiryInterval
cl.Properties.Props.SessionExpiryIntervalFlag = true
if pk.ReasonCode == packets.CodeDisconnectWillMessage.Code { // [MQTT-] Non-normative comment
return packets.CodeDisconnectWillMessage
s.loop.willDelayed.Delete(cl.ID) // [MQTT-3.1.3-9] [MQTT-3.1.2-8]
cl.Stop(packets.CodeDisconnect) // [MQTT-3.14.4-2]
return nil
// DisconnectClient sends a Disconnect packet to a client and then closes the client connection.
func (s *Server) DisconnectClient(cl *Client, code packets.Code) error {
out := packets.Packet{
FixedHeader: packets.FixedHeader{
Type: packets.Disconnect,
ReasonCode: code.Code,
Properties: packets.Properties{},
if code.Code >= packets.ErrUnspecifiedError.Code {
out.Properties.ReasonString = code.Reason // // [MQTT-3.14.2-1]
// We already have a code we are using to disconnect the client, so we are not
// interested if the write packet fails due to a closed connection (as we are closing it).
err := cl.WritePacket(out)
if !s.Options.Capabilities.Compatibilities.PassiveClientDisconnect {
if code.Code >= packets.ErrUnspecifiedError.Code {
return code
return err
// publishSysTopics publishes the current values to the server $SYS topics.
// Due to the int to string conversions this method is not as cheap as
// some of the others so the publishing interval should be set appropriately.
func (s *Server) publishSysTopics() {
pk := packets.Packet{
FixedHeader: packets.FixedHeader{
Type: packets.Publish,
Retain: true,
Created: time.Now().Unix(),
var m runtime.MemStats
atomic.StoreInt64(&s.Info.MemoryAlloc, int64(m.HeapInuse))
atomic.StoreInt64(&s.Info.Threads, int64(runtime.NumGoroutine()))
atomic.StoreInt64(&s.Info.Time, time.Now().Unix())
atomic.StoreInt64(&s.Info.Uptime, time.Now().Unix()-atomic.LoadInt64(&s.Info.Started))
atomic.StoreInt64(&s.Info.ClientsTotal, int64(s.Clients.Len()))
atomic.StoreInt64(&s.Info.ClientsDisconnected, atomic.LoadInt64(&s.Info.ClientsTotal)-atomic.LoadInt64(&s.Info.ClientsConnected))
info := s.Info.Clone()
topics := map[string]string{
SysPrefix + "/broker/version": s.Info.Version,
SysPrefix + "/broker/time": Int64toa(info.Time),
SysPrefix + "/broker/uptime": Int64toa(info.Uptime),
SysPrefix + "/broker/started": Int64toa(info.Started),
SysPrefix + "/broker/load/bytes/received": Int64toa(info.BytesReceived),
SysPrefix + "/broker/load/bytes/sent": Int64toa(info.BytesSent),
SysPrefix + "/broker/clients/connected": Int64toa(info.ClientsConnected),
SysPrefix + "/broker/clients/disconnected": Int64toa(info.ClientsDisconnected),
SysPrefix + "/broker/clients/maximum": Int64toa(info.ClientsMaximum),
SysPrefix + "/broker/clients/total": Int64toa(info.ClientsTotal),
SysPrefix + "/broker/packets/received": Int64toa(info.PacketsReceived),
SysPrefix + "/broker/packets/sent": Int64toa(info.PacketsSent),
SysPrefix + "/broker/messages/received": Int64toa(info.MessagesReceived),
SysPrefix + "/broker/messages/sent": Int64toa(info.MessagesSent),
SysPrefix + "/broker/messages/dropped": Int64toa(info.MessagesDropped),
SysPrefix + "/broker/messages/inflight": Int64toa(info.Inflight),
SysPrefix + "/broker/retained": Int64toa(info.Retained),
SysPrefix + "/broker/subscriptions": Int64toa(info.Subscriptions),
SysPrefix + "/broker/system/memory": Int64toa(info.MemoryAlloc),
SysPrefix + "/broker/system/threads": Int64toa(info.Threads),
for topic, payload := range topics {
pk.TopicName = topic
pk.Payload = []byte(payload)
// Close attempts to gracefully shut down the server, all listeners, clients, and stores.
func (s *Server) Close() error {
s.Log.Info("gracefully stopping server")
s.Log.Info("mochi mqtt server stopped")
return nil
// closeListenerClients closes all clients on the specified listener.
func (s *Server) closeListenerClients(listener string) {
clients := s.Clients.GetByListener(listener)
for _, cl := range clients {
_ = s.DisconnectClient(cl, packets.ErrServerShuttingDown)
// sendLWT issues an LWT message to a topic when a client disconnects.
func (s *Server) sendLWT(cl *Client) {
if atomic.LoadUint32(&cl.Properties.Will.Flag) == 0 {
modifiedLWT := s.hooks.OnWill(cl, cl.Properties.Will)
pk := packets.Packet{
FixedHeader: packets.FixedHeader{
Type: packets.Publish,
Retain: modifiedLWT.Retain, // [MQTT-3.1.2-14] [MQTT-3.1.2-15]
Qos: modifiedLWT.Qos,
TopicName: modifiedLWT.TopicName,
Payload: modifiedLWT.Payload,
Properties: packets.Properties{
User: modifiedLWT.User,
Origin: cl.ID,
Created: time.Now().Unix(),
if cl.Properties.Will.WillDelayInterval > 0 {
pk.Connect.WillProperties.WillDelayInterval = cl.Properties.Will.WillDelayInterval
pk.Expiry = time.Now().Unix() + int64(pk.Connect.WillProperties.WillDelayInterval)
s.loop.willDelayed.Add(cl.ID, pk)
if pk.FixedHeader.Retain {
s.retainMessage(cl, pk)
s.publishToSubscribers(pk) // [MQTT-3.1.2-8]
atomic.StoreUint32(&cl.Properties.Will.Flag, 0) // [MQTT-3.1.2-10]
s.hooks.OnWillSent(cl, pk)
// readStore reads in any data from the persistent datastore (if applicable).
func (s *Server) readStore() error {
if s.hooks.Provides(StoredClients) {
clients, err := s.hooks.StoredClients()
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to load clients; %w", err)
s.Log.Debug("loaded clients from store", "len", len(clients))
if s.hooks.Provides(StoredSubscriptions) {
subs, err := s.hooks.StoredSubscriptions()
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("load subscriptions; %w", err)
s.Log.Debug("loaded subscriptions from store", "len", len(subs))
if s.hooks.Provides(StoredInflightMessages) {
inflight, err := s.hooks.StoredInflightMessages()
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("load inflight; %w", err)
s.Log.Debug("loaded inflights from store", "len", len(inflight))
if s.hooks.Provides(StoredRetainedMessages) {
retained, err := s.hooks.StoredRetainedMessages()
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("load retained; %w", err)
s.Log.Debug("loaded retained messages from store", "len", len(retained))
if s.hooks.Provides(StoredSysInfo) {
sysInfo, err := s.hooks.StoredSysInfo()
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("load server info; %w", err)
s.Log.Debug("loaded $SYS info from store")
return nil
// loadServerInfo restores server info from the datastore.
func (s *Server) loadServerInfo(v system.Info) {
if s.Options.Capabilities.Compatibilities.RestoreSysInfoOnRestart {
atomic.StoreInt64(&s.Info.BytesReceived, v.BytesReceived)
atomic.StoreInt64(&s.Info.BytesSent, v.BytesSent)
atomic.StoreInt64(&s.Info.ClientsMaximum, v.ClientsMaximum)
atomic.StoreInt64(&s.Info.ClientsTotal, v.ClientsTotal)
atomic.StoreInt64(&s.Info.ClientsDisconnected, v.ClientsDisconnected)
atomic.StoreInt64(&s.Info.MessagesReceived, v.MessagesReceived)
atomic.StoreInt64(&s.Info.MessagesSent, v.MessagesSent)
atomic.StoreInt64(&s.Info.MessagesDropped, v.MessagesDropped)
atomic.StoreInt64(&s.Info.PacketsReceived, v.PacketsReceived)
atomic.StoreInt64(&s.Info.PacketsSent, v.PacketsSent)
atomic.StoreInt64(&s.Info.InflightDropped, v.InflightDropped)
atomic.StoreInt64(&s.Info.Retained, v.Retained)
atomic.StoreInt64(&s.Info.Inflight, v.Inflight)
atomic.StoreInt64(&s.Info.Subscriptions, v.Subscriptions)
// loadSubscriptions restores subscriptions from the datastore.
func (s *Server) loadSubscriptions(v []storage.Subscription) {
for _, sub := range v {
sb := packets.Subscription{
Filter: sub.Filter,
RetainHandling: sub.RetainHandling,
Qos: sub.Qos,
RetainAsPublished: sub.RetainAsPublished,
NoLocal: sub.NoLocal,
Identifier: sub.Identifier,
if s.Topics.Subscribe(sub.Client, sb) {
if cl, ok := s.Clients.Get(sub.Client); ok {
cl.State.Subscriptions.Add(sub.Filter, sb)
// loadClients restores clients from the datastore.
func (s *Server) loadClients(v []storage.Client) {
for _, c := range v {
cl := s.NewClient(nil, c.Listener, c.ID, false)
cl.Properties.Username = c.Username
cl.Properties.Clean = c.Clean
cl.Properties.ProtocolVersion = c.ProtocolVersion
cl.Properties.Props = packets.Properties{
SessionExpiryInterval: c.Properties.SessionExpiryInterval,
SessionExpiryIntervalFlag: c.Properties.SessionExpiryIntervalFlag,
AuthenticationMethod: c.Properties.AuthenticationMethod,
AuthenticationData: c.Properties.AuthenticationData,
RequestProblemInfoFlag: c.Properties.RequestProblemInfoFlag,
RequestProblemInfo: c.Properties.RequestProblemInfo,
RequestResponseInfo: c.Properties.RequestResponseInfo,
ReceiveMaximum: c.Properties.ReceiveMaximum,
TopicAliasMaximum: c.Properties.TopicAliasMaximum,
User: c.Properties.User,
MaximumPacketSize: c.Properties.MaximumPacketSize,
cl.Properties.Will = Will(c.Will)
// cancel the context, update cl.State such as disconnected time and stopCause.
expire := (cl.Properties.ProtocolVersion == 5 && cl.Properties.Props.SessionExpiryInterval == 0) || (cl.Properties.ProtocolVersion < 5 && cl.Properties.Clean)
s.hooks.OnDisconnect(cl, packets.ErrServerShuttingDown, expire)
if expire {
} else {
// loadInflight restores inflight messages from the datastore.
func (s *Server) loadInflight(v []storage.Message) {
for _, msg := range v {
if client, ok := s.Clients.Get(msg.Client); ok {
// loadRetained restores retained messages from the datastore.
func (s *Server) loadRetained(v []storage.Message) {
for _, msg := range v {
// clearExpiredClients deletes all clients which have been disconnected for longer
// than their given expiry intervals.
func (s *Server) clearExpiredClients(dt int64) {
for id, client := range s.Clients.GetAll() {
disconnected := client.StopTime()
if disconnected == 0 {
expire := s.Options.Capabilities.MaximumSessionExpiryInterval
if client.Properties.ProtocolVersion == 5 && client.Properties.Props.SessionExpiryIntervalFlag {
expire = client.Properties.Props.SessionExpiryInterval
if disconnected+int64(expire) < dt {
s.Clients.Delete(id) // [MQTT-4.1.0-2]
// clearExpiredRetainedMessage deletes retained messages from topics if they have expired.
func (s *Server) clearExpiredRetainedMessages(now int64) {
for filter, pk := range s.Topics.Retained.GetAll() {
expired := pk.ProtocolVersion == 5 && pk.Expiry > 0 && pk.Expiry < now // [MQTT-3.3.2-5]
// If the maximum message expiry interval is set (greater than 0), and the message
// retention period exceeds the maximum expiry, the message will be forcibly removed.
enforced := s.Options.Capabilities.MaximumMessageExpiryInterval > 0 &&
now-pk.Created > s.Options.Capabilities.MaximumMessageExpiryInterval
if expired || enforced {
// clearExpiredInflights deletes any inflight messages which have expired.
func (s *Server) clearExpiredInflights(now int64) {
for _, client := range s.Clients.GetAll() {
if deleted := client.ClearExpiredInflights(now, s.Options.Capabilities.MaximumMessageExpiryInterval); len(deleted) > 0 {
for _, id := range deleted {
s.hooks.OnQosDropped(client, packets.Packet{PacketID: id})
// sendDelayedLWT sends any LWT messages which have reached their issue time.
func (s *Server) sendDelayedLWT(dt int64) {
for id, pk := range s.loop.willDelayed.GetAll() {
if dt > pk.Expiry {
s.publishToSubscribers(pk) // [MQTT-3.1.2-8]
if cl, ok := s.Clients.Get(id); ok {
if pk.FixedHeader.Retain {
s.retainMessage(cl, pk)
cl.Properties.Will = Will{} // [MQTT-3.1.2-10]
s.hooks.OnWillSent(cl, pk)
// Int64toa converts an int64 to a string.
func Int64toa(v int64) string {
return strconv.FormatInt(v, 10)
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