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树悉猿 / WLDOS云物互联应用支撑平台UI前端ReactJs版

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树悉猿 提交于 2021-11-16 10:12 . 1.0发行版
“本协议”适用于“贡献者”提交给 WLDOS及由WLDOS衍生 社区 (“社区”)的全部项目(后称“项目”)
“贡献” 是指受版权法保护的,由“贡献者”有意“提交”以包含在“项目”所分发软件中任何作品。
除“本协议”明确约定外,“贡献者”的 “贡献”在提供时不带任何明示或默示的担保,“贡献者”或版权
Contributor License Agreement
When you use the software source code or submit contributions to the source code
official and its community, you agree and accept this agreement by default.
By signing the contribution agreement ("this Agreement"), the signed contributor
agrees to accept and be bound by this agreement. This Agreement applies to the
"contributions" of all projects (hereinafter referred to as "projects") submitted
by contributors to wldos and wldos derived communities (the "communities"),
whether they are provided before, at or after the signing date.
"Contribution" means any work protected by copyright law that is intentionally
"submitted" by the contributor to be included in the software distributed by the
project. "Submission" refers to any form of electronic, oral or written
communication sent to the community manager or its representative, including but
not limited to the communication on the e-mail list managed by the community
manager for discussing and improving the project, the source code control system
and the problem tracking system managed by the community manager or its
representative, but does not include "I" Communications clearly marked or
designated in writing as "non contribution".
"Contributor" or "I" refers to the individual or legal entity submitting
contributions to the wldos platform and its derivative projects. For legal
entities, the entity making the "contribution" and all other entities controlled,
controlled or jointly controlled by the entity are regarded as "contributors".
For the purposes of this definition, "control" means having at least 50% of the
direct or indirect voting rights, funds or other securities of the controlled
party or the jointly controlled party.
Contributor grants the community manager and each recipient of the software
distributed by the project a permanent, global, free, non exclusive, irrevocable
and sublicense copyright license for its reproduction, use, modification and
distribution of its contribution, whether modified or not.
The contributor grants the community manager and each recipient of the software
distributed by the project a permanent, global, free, non exclusive, irrevocable
and sublicensed patent license to manufacture, commission manufacturing, use,
offer for sale, sell, import or otherwise transfer its contribution. The
foregoing patent license is limited to the patent claims that will inevitably be
infringed by the "contribution" itself or the combination of its "contribution"
and the "project" software for which the "contribution" is submitted, which is
owned or controlled by the "contributor" now or in the future, and does not
include the modification of the "contribution" only by someone other than the
"contributor" Or other patent claims that will inevitably be infringed in
combination. If the license actually adopted by the software distributed by the
"project" further restricts the patent authorization of the software recipient,
and restricts the recipient from initiating patent litigation or other rights
protection for the "contribution" or the aforementioned software, the patent
authorization of the aforementioned software recipient shall be subject to the
corresponding provisions of the specific project license.
Contributor warrants that I am the copyright owner of the contribution, or that
I am authorized by the copyright owner to make the contribution, and that I
legally grant the rights set forth in this agreement.
Contributor warrants that I am not aware that any of my contributions has
infringed or will infringe the copyright, trademark, patent or other
intellectual property rights of any third party.
Except as expressly agreed in this agreement, the "contribution" of the
"contributor" is provided without any express or implied warranty, and the
"contributor" or copyright owner shall not be liable for any direct or
indirect loss caused by anyone's use of the software distributed by the
project or its "contribution", regardless of the cause or legal theory,
Even if it has been suggested that there is a possibility of such loss.


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