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util.go 15.30 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
fanliao 提交于 2014-11-12 18:10 . update docs and add change log
package concurrent
import (
const (
intSize = unsafe.Sizeof(1)
ptrSize = unsafe.Sizeof((*int)(nil))
bigEndian = false
var (
hasherT = reflect.TypeOf((*Hashable)(nil)).Elem()
defaultEqualsfunc func(k1 interface{}, k2 interface{}) bool
hasherEng *hashEnginer
boolEng *hashEnginer
intEng *hashEnginer
int8Eng *hashEnginer
int16Eng *hashEnginer
int32Eng *hashEnginer
int64Eng *hashEnginer
uintEng *hashEnginer
uint8Eng *hashEnginer
uint16Eng *hashEnginer
uint32Eng *hashEnginer
uint64Eng *hashEnginer
uintptrEng *hashEnginer
float32Eng *hashEnginer
float64Eng *hashEnginer
complex64Eng *hashEnginer
complex128Eng *hashEnginer
stringEng *hashEnginer
engM map[reflect.Kind]*hashEnginer
func init() {
hasherEng = &hashEnginer{
putFunc: func(w io.Writer, k interface{}) {
boolEng = &hashEnginer{
putFunc: func(w io.Writer, k interface{}) {
k1 := k.(bool)
intEng = &hashEnginer{
putFunc: func(w io.Writer, k interface{}) {
k1 := k.(int)
int8Eng = &hashEnginer{
putFunc: func(w io.Writer, k interface{}) {
k1 := k.(int8)
int16Eng = &hashEnginer{
putFunc: func(w io.Writer, k interface{}) {
k1 := k.(int16)
int32Eng = &hashEnginer{
putFunc: func(w io.Writer, k interface{}) {
k1 := k.(int32)
int64Eng = &hashEnginer{
putFunc: func(w io.Writer, k interface{}) {
k1 := k.(int64)
uintEng = &hashEnginer{
putFunc: func(w io.Writer, k interface{}) {
k1 := k.(uint)
uint8Eng = &hashEnginer{
putFunc: func(w io.Writer, k interface{}) {
k1 := k.(uint8)
uint16Eng = &hashEnginer{
putFunc: func(w io.Writer, k interface{}) {
k1 := k.(uint16)
uint32Eng = &hashEnginer{
putFunc: func(w io.Writer, k interface{}) {
k1 := k.(uint32)
uint64Eng = &hashEnginer{
putFunc: func(w io.Writer, k interface{}) {
k1 := k.(uint64)
uintptrEng = &hashEnginer{
putFunc: func(w io.Writer, k interface{}) {
k1 := k.(uintptr)
float32Eng = &hashEnginer{
putFunc: func(w io.Writer, k interface{}) {
k1 := k.(float32)
//Nan != Nan, so use a rand number to generate hash code
if k1 != k1 {
k1 = rand.Float32()
float64Eng = &hashEnginer{
putFunc: func(w io.Writer, k interface{}) {
k1 := k.(float64)
//Nan != Nan, so use a rand number to generate hash code
if k1 != k1 {
k1 = rand.Float64()
complex64Eng = &hashEnginer{
putFunc: func(w io.Writer, k interface{}) {
k1 := k.(complex64)
complex128Eng = &hashEnginer{
putFunc: func(w io.Writer, k interface{}) {
k1 := k.(complex128)
stringEng = &hashEnginer{
putFunc: func(w io.Writer, k interface{}) {
k1 := k.(string)
engM = map[reflect.Kind]*hashEnginer{
reflect.Bool: boolEng,
reflect.Int: intEng,
reflect.Int8: int8Eng,
reflect.Int16: int16Eng,
reflect.Int32: int32Eng,
reflect.Int64: int64Eng,
reflect.Uint: uintEng,
reflect.Uint8: uint8Eng,
reflect.Uint16: uint16Eng,
reflect.Uint32: uint32Eng,
reflect.Uint64: uint64Eng,
reflect.Uintptr: uintptrEng,
reflect.Float32: float32Eng,
reflect.Float64: float64Eng,
reflect.Complex64: complex64Eng,
reflect.Complex128: complex128Eng,
reflect.String: stringEng,
func hashKey(key interface{}, m *ConcurrentMap, isRead bool) (hashCode uint32, err error) {
h := fnv.New32a()
switch v := key.(type) {
case bool:
hashCode = h.Sum32()
case int:
hashCode = h.Sum32()
case int8:
hashCode = h.Sum32()
case int16:
hashCode = h.Sum32()
case int32:
hashCode = h.Sum32()
case int64:
hashCode = h.Sum32()
case uint:
hashCode = h.Sum32()
case uint8:
hashCode = h.Sum32()
case uint16:
hashCode = h.Sum32()
case uint32:
hashCode = h.Sum32()
case uint64:
hashCode = h.Sum32()
case uintptr:
hashCode = h.Sum32()
case float32:
//Nan != Nan, so use a rand number to generate hash code
if v != v {
v = rand.Float32()
hashCode = h.Sum32()
case float64:
//Nan != Nan, so use a rand number to generate hash code
if v != v {
v = rand.Float64()
hashCode = h.Sum32()
case complex64:
hashCode = h.Sum32()
case complex128:
hashCode = h.Sum32()
case string:
hashCode = h.Sum32()
//if key is not simple type
if her, ok := key.(Hashable); ok {
} else {
if err = m.parseKey(key); err != nil {
if isRead {
eng := (*hashEnginer)(atomic.LoadPointer(&m.eng))
eng.putFunc(h, key)
} else {
eng := (*hashEnginer)(m.eng)
eng.putFunc(h, key)
hashCode = h.Sum32()
////hash a interface using FNVa
//func hashI(val interface{}) (hashCode uint32) {
// h := fnv.New32a()
// switch v := val.(type) {
// case bool:
// h.Write((*((*[1]byte)(unsafe.Pointer(&v))))[:])
// hashCode = h.Sum32()
// case int:
// h.Write((*((*[intSize]byte)(unsafe.Pointer(&v))))[:])
// hashCode = h.Sum32()
// case int8:
// h.Write((*((*[1]byte)(unsafe.Pointer(&v))))[:])
// hashCode = h.Sum32()
// case int16:
// h.Write((*((*[2]byte)(unsafe.Pointer(&v))))[:])
// hashCode = h.Sum32()
// case int32:
// h.Write((*((*[4]byte)(unsafe.Pointer(&v))))[:])
// hashCode = h.Sum32()
// case int64:
// h.Write((*((*[8]byte)(unsafe.Pointer(&v))))[:])
// hashCode = h.Sum32()
// case uint:
// h.Write((*((*[1]byte)(unsafe.Pointer(&v))))[:])
// hashCode = h.Sum32()
// case uint8:
// h.Write((*((*[intSize]byte)(unsafe.Pointer(&v))))[:])
// hashCode = h.Sum32()
// case uint16:
// h.Write((*((*[2]byte)(unsafe.Pointer(&v))))[:])
// hashCode = h.Sum32()
// case uint32:
// h.Write((*((*[4]byte)(unsafe.Pointer(&v))))[:])
// hashCode = h.Sum32()
// case uint64:
// h.Write((*((*[8]byte)(unsafe.Pointer(&v))))[:])
// hashCode = h.Sum32()
// case uintptr:
// h.Write((*((*[intSize]byte)(unsafe.Pointer(&v))))[:])
// hashCode = h.Sum32()
// case float32:
// //Nan != Nan, so use a rand number to generate hash code
// if v != v {
// v = rand.Float32()
// }
// h.Write((*((*[4]byte)(unsafe.Pointer(&v))))[:])
// hashCode = h.Sum32()
// case float64:
// //Nan != Nan, so use a rand number to generate hash code
// if v != v {
// v = rand.Float64()
// }
// h.Write((*((*[8]byte)(unsafe.Pointer(&v))))[:])
// hashCode = h.Sum32()
// case complex64:
// h.Write((*((*[8]byte)(unsafe.Pointer(&v))))[:])
// hashCode = h.Sum32()
// case complex128:
// h.Write((*((*[128]byte)(unsafe.Pointer(&v))))[:])
// hashCode = h.Sum32()
// case string:
// h.Write([]byte(v))
// hashCode = h.Sum32()
// default:
// //some types can be used as key, we can use equals to test
// _ = val == val
// //support array, struct, channel, interface, pointer
// //don't support slice, function, map
// rv := reflect.ValueOf(val)
// switch rv.Kind() {
// case reflect.Ptr:
// //ei.word stores the memory address of value that v points to, we use address to generate hash code
// ei := (*emptyInterface)(unsafe.Pointer(&val))
// hashCode = hashI(uintptr(ei.word))
// case reflect.Interface:
// //for interface, we use contained value to generate the hash code
// hashCode = hashI(rv.Elem())
// default:
// //for array, struct and chan, will get byte array to calculate the hash code
// hashMem(rv, h)
// hashCode = h.Sum32()
// fmt.Println("array, struct or chan", rv.Interface(), hashCode, reflect.ValueOf(rv).Type().Size())
// }
// }
// return
////hashMem writes byte array of underlying value to hash function
//func hashMem(i interface{}, hashFunc hash.Hash32) {
// fmt.Println("hashMem")
// size := reflect.ValueOf(i).Type().Size()
// ei := (*emptyInterface)(unsafe.Pointer(&i))
// //if size of underlying value is greater than pointer size, ei.word will store the pointer that point to underlying value
// //else ei.word will store underlying value
// if size > ptrSize {
// addr := ei.word
// hashPtrData(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(addr)), size, hashFunc)
// } else {
// data := ei.word
// fmt.Println("hashData", uintptr(data), size, ptrSize)
// hashData(uintptr(data), size, hashFunc)
// }
// return
//func hashPtrData(basePtr unsafe.Pointer, size uintptr, hashFunc hash.Hash32) {
// offset := uintptr(0)
// for {
// /* cannot store unsafe.Pointer in an uintptr according to https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/golang-dev/bfMdPAQigfM
// * but the expression
// * unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(basePtr) + offset)
// * is safe under Go 1.3
// */
// //d := uintptr(basePtr) + offset
// //ptr := unsafe.Pointer(d)
// ptr := unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(basePtr) + offset)
// if size >= 32 {
// bytes := *(*[32]byte)(ptr)
// size -= 32
// offset += 32
// fmt.Println("hashPtrData", ptr, bytes[:])
// hashFunc.Write(bytes[:])
// } else if size >= 16 {
// bytes := *(*[16]byte)(ptr)
// size -= 16
// offset += 16
// hashFunc.Write(bytes[:])
// } else if size >= 8 {
// bytes := *(*[8]byte)(ptr)
// size -= 8
// offset += 8
// hashFunc.Write(bytes[:])
// } else if size >= 4 {
// bytes := *(*[4]byte)(ptr)
// size -= 4
// offset += 4
// hashFunc.Write(bytes[:])
// } else if size >= 2 {
// bytes := *(*[2]byte)(ptr)
// size -= 2
// offset += 2
// hashFunc.Write(bytes[:])
// } else if size == 1 {
// bytes := *(*[1]byte)(ptr)
// hashFunc.Write(bytes[:])
// return
// }
// if size == 0 {
// return
// }
// }
//func hashData(data uintptr, size uintptr, hashFunc hash.Hash32) {
// bytes := (*((*[ptrSize]byte)(unsafe.Pointer(&data))))
// hashFunc.Write(bytes[0:size])
// return
func isNil(v interface{}) bool {
if v == nil {
return true
rv := reflect.ValueOf(v)
k := rv.Type().Kind()
switch k {
case reflect.Chan, reflect.Func, reflect.Map, reflect.Ptr, reflect.Interface, reflect.Slice:
return rv.IsNil()
return false
//// emptyInterface is the header for an interface{} value.
//type emptyInterface struct {
// typ uintptr
// word unsafe.Pointer
type keyInfo struct {
isHasher bool
/*-- kind of key type --*/
kind reflect.Kind
/*-- index of field if it is a field of struct --*/
index []int
/*-- field informations of struct --*/
fields []*keyInfo
/*-- element information of array --*/
elementInfo *keyInfo
size int
//获取t对应的类型信息,不支持slice, function, map, pointer, interface, channel
func getKeyInfo(t reflect.Type) (ki *keyInfo, err error) {
return getKeyInfoByParent(t, nil, make([]int, 0, 0))
//获取t对应的类型信息,不支持slice, function, map, pointer, interface, channel
//如果parentIdx的长度>0,则表示t是strut中的字段的类型信息, t为字段对应的类型
func getKeyInfoByParent(t reflect.Type, parent *keyInfo, parentIdx []int) (ki *keyInfo, err error) {
ki = &keyInfo{}
if t.Implements(hasherT) {
ki.isHasher = true
ki.kind = t.Kind()
if _, ok := engM[ki.kind]; ok {
ki.index = parentIdx
} else {
//some types can be used as key, we can use equals to test
switch ki.kind {
case reflect.Chan, reflect.Slice, reflect.Func, reflect.Map, reflect.Ptr, reflect.Interface:
err = NonSupportKey
case reflect.Struct:
if parent == nil {
parent = ki
ki.fields = make([]*keyInfo, 0, t.NumField())
for i := 0; i < t.NumField(); i++ {
f := t.Field(i)
//skip unexported field,
if len(f.PkgPath) > 0 {
idx := make([]int, len(parentIdx), len(parentIdx)+1)
copy(idx, parentIdx)
idx = append(idx, i)
if fi, e := getKeyInfoByParent(f.Type, parent, idx); e != nil {
err = e
} else {
//fi.index = i
parent.fields = append(ki.fields, fi)
case reflect.Array:
if ki.elementInfo, err = getKeyInfo(t.Elem()); err != nil {
ki.size = t.Len()
ki.index = parentIdx
func getPutFunc(ki *keyInfo) func(w io.Writer, k interface{}) {
if ki.isHasher {
return hasherEng.putFunc
//Printf("getPutFunc, ki = %v\n", ki)
if eng, ok := engM[ki.kind]; ok {
return eng.putFunc
} else {
if ki.kind == reflect.Struct {
//Printf("getPutFunc, ki = %v, other case\n", ki)
putFunc := func(w io.Writer, k interface{}) {
rv := reflect.ValueOf(k)
for _, fieldInfo := range ki.fields {
putF := getPutFunc(fieldInfo)
//Printf("getPutFunc, ki = %#v, fieldInfo = %#v, %#v\n", ki, fieldInfo, rv.Interface())
//Printf("getPutFunc, value = %v\n", rv.FieldByIndex(fieldInfo.index).Interface())
putF(w, rv.FieldByIndex(fieldInfo.index).Interface())
//Printf("getPutFunc, ki=%v, putFunc = %v, other case\n", ki, putFunc)
return putFunc
} else if ki.kind == reflect.Array {
putFunc := func(w io.Writer, k interface{}) {
rv := reflect.ValueOf(k)
putF := getPutFunc(ki.elementInfo)
for i := 0; i < ki.size; i++ {
putF(w, rv.Index(i).Interface())
return putFunc
Printf("getPutFunc, return nil")
return nil
func equals(k1, k2 interface{}) bool {
if h1, ok := k1.(Hashable); ok {
return h1.Equals(k2)
} else {
return k1 == k2
func Printf(format string, a ...interface{}) (n int, err error) {
if Debug {
return fmt.Printf(format, a...)
} else {
return 0, nil
func Println(a ...interface{}) (n int, err error) {
if Debug {
return fmt.Println(a...)
} else {
return 0, nil


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