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# Copyright 2018 The KubeSphere Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a Apache license
# that can be found in the LICENSE file.
# Produce CRDs that work back to Kubernetes 1.11 (no version conversion)
CRD_OPTIONS ?= "crd:trivialVersions=true"
GV="network:v1alpha1 servicemesh:v1alpha2 tenant:v1alpha1 tenant:v1alpha2 devops:v1alpha1 iam:v1alpha2 devops:v1alpha3 cluster:v1alpha1 storage:v1alpha1 auditing:v1alpha1 types:v1beta1 quota:v1alpha2 application:v1alpha1 notification:v2beta1 gateway:v1alpha1"
MANIFESTS="application/* cluster/* iam/* network/v1alpha1 quota/* storage/* tenant/* gateway/*"
# App Version
APP_VERSION = v3.2.0
# Get the currently used golang install path (in GOPATH/bin, unless GOBIN is set)
ifeq (,$(shell go env GOBIN))
GOBIN=$(shell go env GOPATH)/bin
GOBIN=$(shell go env GOBIN)
ifeq (${GOFLAGS},)
# go build with vendor by default.
export GOFLAGS=-mod=vendor
# Build code.
# Args:
# WHAT: Directory names to build. If any of these directories has a 'main'
# package, the build will produce executable files under $(OUT_DIR).
# If not specified, "everything" will be built.
# GOFLAGS: Extra flags to pass to 'go' when building.
# GOLDFLAGS: Extra linking flags passed to 'go' when building.
# GOGCFLAGS: Additional go compile flags passed to 'go' when building.
# Example:
# make
# make all
# make all WHAT=cmd/ks-apiserver
# Note: Use the -N -l options to disable compiler optimizations an inlining.
# Using these build options allows you to subsequently use source
# debugging tools like delve.
.PHONY: all
all: test ks-apiserver ks-controller-manager;$(info $(M)...Begin to test and build all of binary.) @ ## Test and build all of binary.
@grep -hE '^[ a-zA-Z0-9_-]+:.*?## .*$$' $(MAKEFILE_LIST) | \
awk 'BEGIN {FS = ":.*?## "}; {printf "\033[36m%-17s\033[0m %s\n", $$1, $$2}'
.PHONY: binary
# Build all of binary
binary: | ks-apiserver ks-controller-manager; $(info $(M)...Build all of binary.) @ ## Build all of binary.
# Build ks-apiserver binary
ks-apiserver: ; $(info $(M)...Begin to build ks-apiserver binary.) @ ## Build ks-apiserver.
hack/gobuild.sh cmd/ks-apiserver;
# Build ks-controller-manager binary
ks-controller-manager: ; $(info $(M)...Begin to build ks-controller-manager binary.) @ ## Build ks-controller-manager.
hack/gobuild.sh cmd/controller-manager
# Run all verify scripts hack/verify-*.sh
verify-all: ; $(info $(M)...Begin to run all verify scripts hack/verify-*.sh.) @ ## Run all verify scripts hack/verify-*.sh.
# Build e2e binary
e2e: ;$(info $(M)...Begin to build e2e binary.) @ ## Build e2e binary.
hack/build_e2e.sh test/e2e
kind-e2e: ;$(info $(M)...Run e2e test.) @ ## Run e2e test in kind.
# Run go fmt against code
fmt: ;$(info $(M)...Begin to run go fmt against code.) @ ## Run go fmt against code.
gofmt -w ./pkg ./cmd ./tools ./api
# Format all import, `goimports` is required.
goimports: ;$(info $(M)...Begin to Format all import.) @ ## Format all import, `goimports` is required.
# Run go vet against code
vet: ;$(info $(M)...Begin to run go vet against code.) @ ## Run go vet against code.
go vet ./pkg/... ./cmd/...
# Generate manifests e.g. CRD, RBAC etc.
manifests: ;$(info $(M)...Begin to generate manifests e.g. CRD, RBAC etc..) @ ## Generate manifests e.g. CRD, RBAC etc.
hack/generate_manifests.sh ${CRD_OPTIONS} ${MANIFESTS}
deploy: manifests ;$(info $(M)...Begin to deploy.) @ ## Deploy.
kubectl apply -f config/crds
kustomize build config/default | kubectl apply -f -
mockgen: ;$(info $(M)...Begin to mockgen.) @ ## Mockgen.
mockgen -package=openpitrix -source=pkg/simple/client/openpitrix/openpitrix.go -destination=pkg/simple/client/openpitrix/mock.go
deepcopy: ;$(info $(M)...Begin to deepcopy.) @ ## Deepcopy.
hack/generate_group.sh "deepcopy" kubesphere.io/api kubesphere.io/api ${GV} --output-base=staging/src/ -h "hack/boilerplate.go.txt"
openapi: ;$(info $(M)...Begin to openapi.) @ ## Openapi.
go run ./vendor/k8s.io/kube-openapi/cmd/openapi-gen/openapi-gen.go -O openapi_generated -i ./vendor/k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1,./vendor/kubesphere.io/api/tenant/v1alpha1 -p kubesphere.io/api/tenant/v1alpha1 -h ./hack/boilerplate.go.txt --report-filename ./api/api-rules/violation_exceptions.list --output-base=staging/src/
go run ./vendor/k8s.io/kube-openapi/cmd/openapi-gen/openapi-gen.go -O openapi_generated -i ./vendor/k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1,./vendor/kubesphere.io/api/network/v1alpha1 -p kubesphere.io/api/network/v1alpha1 -h ./hack/boilerplate.go.txt --report-filename ./api/api-rules/violation_exceptions.list --output-base=staging/src/
go run ./vendor/k8s.io/kube-openapi/cmd/openapi-gen/openapi-gen.go -O openapi_generated -i ./vendor/k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1,./vendor/kubesphere.io/api/servicemesh/v1alpha2 -p kubesphere.io/api/servicemesh/v1alpha2 -h ./hack/boilerplate.go.txt --report-filename ./api/api-rules/violation_exceptions.list --output-base=staging/src/
go run ./vendor/k8s.io/kube-openapi/cmd/openapi-gen/openapi-gen.go -O openapi_generated -i ./vendor/k8s.io/api/networking/v1,./vendor/k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1,./vendor/k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/util/intstr,./vendor/kubesphere.io/api/network/v1alpha1 -p kubesphere.io/api/network/v1alpha1 -h ./hack/boilerplate.go.txt --report-filename ./api/api-rules/violation_exceptions.list --output-base=staging/src/
go run ./vendor/k8s.io/kube-openapi/cmd/openapi-gen/openapi-gen.go -O openapi_generated -i ./vendor/k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1,./vendor/kubesphere.io/api/devops/v1alpha1,./vendor/k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/runtime,./vendor/k8s.io/api/core/v1 -p kubesphere.io/api/devops/v1alpha1 -h ./hack/boilerplate.go.txt --report-filename ./api/api-rules/violation_exceptions.list --output-base=staging/src/
go run ./vendor/k8s.io/kube-openapi/cmd/openapi-gen/openapi-gen.go -O openapi_generated -i ./vendor/k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1,./vendor/kubesphere.io/api/cluster/v1alpha1,./vendor/k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/runtime,./vendor/k8s.io/api/core/v1 -p kubesphere.io/api/cluster/v1alpha1 -h ./hack/boilerplate.go.txt --report-filename ./api/api-rules/violation_exceptions.list --output-base=staging/src/
go run ./vendor/k8s.io/kube-openapi/cmd/openapi-gen/openapi-gen.go -O openapi_generated -i ./vendor/k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1,./vendor/kubesphere.io/api/devops/v1alpha3,./vendor/k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/runtime -p kubesphere.io/api/devops/v1alpha3 -h ./hack/boilerplate.go.txt --report-filename ./api/api-rules/violation_exceptions.list --output-base=staging/src/
go run ./tools/cmd/crd-doc-gen/main.go
go run ./tools/cmd/doc-gen/main.go
container: ;$(info $(M)...Begin to build the docker image.) @ ## Build the docker image.
DRY_RUN=true hack/docker_build.sh
container-push: ;$(info $(M)...Begin to build and push.) @ ## Build and Push.
container-cross: ; $(info $(M)...Begin to build container images for multiple platforms.) @ ## Build container images for multiple platforms. Currently, only linux/amd64,linux/arm64 are supported.
DRY_RUN=true hack/docker_build_multiarch.sh
container-cross-push: ; $(info $(M)...Begin to build and push.) @ ## Build and Push.
helm-package: ; $(info $(M)...Begin to helm-package.) @ ## Helm-package.
ls config/crds/ | xargs -i cp -r config/crds/{} config/ks-core/crds/
helm package config/ks-core --app-version=${APP_VERSION} --version=0.1.0 -d ./bin
helm-deploy: ; $(info $(M)...Begin to helm-deploy.) @ ## Helm-deploy.
ls config/crds/ | xargs -i cp -r config/crds/{} config/ks-core/crds/
- kubectl create ns kubesphere-controls-system
helm upgrade --install ks-core ./config/ks-core -n kubesphere-system --create-namespace
kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kubesphere/ks-installer/master/roles/ks-core/prepare/files/ks-init/role-templates.yaml
helm-uninstall: ; $(info $(M)...Begin to helm-uninstall.) @ ## Helm-uninstall.
- kubectl delete ns kubesphere-controls-system
helm uninstall ks-core -n kubesphere-system
kubectl delete -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kubesphere/ks-installer/master/roles/ks-core/prepare/files/ks-init/role-templates.yaml
# Run tests
ENVTEST_ASSETS_DIR=$(shell pwd)/testbin
test: vet test-env ;$(info $(M)...Begin to run tests.) @ ## Run tests.
export KUBEBUILDER_ASSETS=$(shell pwd)/testbin/bin; go test ./pkg/... ./cmd/... -covermode=atomic -coverprofile=coverage.txt
cd staging/src/kubesphere.io/api ; GOFLAGS="" go test ./...
cd staging/src/kubesphere.io/client-go ; GOFLAGS="" go test ./...
.PHONY: test-env
test-env: ;$(info $(M)...Begin to setup test env) @ ## Download unit test libraries e.g. kube-apiserver etcd.
.PHONY: clean
clean: ;$(info $(M)...Begin to clean.) @ ## Clean.
-make -C ./pkg/version clean
@echo "ok"
clientset: ;$(info $(M)...Begin to find or download controller-gen.) @ ## Find or download controller-gen,download controller-gen if necessary.
./hack/generate_client.sh ${GV}
# Fix invalid file's license.
update-licenses: ;$(info $(M)...Begin to update licenses.)
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