Choose “System Management”- > “Role Management”(“系统管理”->”角色管理”) , and add the role of “testrole”.
Set “Menu Permission” (“菜单权限”) as follows:
“Data Permission”- > “Data Scope”(“数据权限”->“数据范围”) is set to “ Data Permission of the department”(“本部门数据权限”).
Add a user named test1, and the userId is 100. Add a user named test3, and the userId is 102.
The “Home Department” (“归属部门”) of user test1 is “ Marketing Department” (“市场部门”), and the “Role” ( “角色”) is testrole.
The “Home Department” (“归属部门”) of user test3 is “Financial Department” (“财务部门”), and the “Role” (“角色”) is testrole.
After logging in to the system, user test1 can see only user test1 of the “marketingdepartment”(“市场部门”),but not user test3 of the “financial department”(“财务部门”).
The WebUI provides the “password reset”(“重置密码”) function. Invoke the resetPwd interface through the cookie ofuser test1 to reset the passwordof user test3. The request parameters of user test3 are userId=102 and loginName=test3.
POST /system/user/resetPwd HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost:8090
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:95.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/95.0
Inthe webUI, user test1 does not have permission to reset the password of user test3, but the password of user test3 can be reset through the `/system/user/resetPwd` request.
Choose “System Management”- > “Role Management”(“系统管理”->”角色管理”) , and add the role of “testrole”.
After logging in to the system, user test1 can see only user test1 of the “marketing department”(“市场部门”), butnot user test3 of the “financialdepartment”(“财务部门”).
The WebUI provides the “password reset”(“重置密码”) function. Invoke the resetPwd interface through the cookie of user test1 to reset the password of user test3. The request parameters of user test3 are userId=102 and loginName=test3.
In the webUI, user test1 does not have permission toreset the password ofuser test3, but the password of usertest3 can bereset through the `/system/user/resetPwd` request.
Choose “System Management”- > “Role Management”(“系统管理”->”角色管理”) , and add the role of “testrole”.
After logging in to the system, user test1 can see only user test1 of the“marketing department”(“市场部门”), butnot user test3 of the “financial department”(“财务部门”).
The WebUI provides the “password reset”(“重置密码”) function. Invoke the resetPwd interface through the cookie of user test1 to reset the password of user test3. Therequest parameters of user test3 are userId=102 and loginName=test3.
In the webUI, user `test1 ` does not have permissionto reset the passwordof user `test3`, but the password ofuser `test3`can be reset through the `/system/user/resetPwd` request.
Choose “System Management”- > “Role Management”(“系统管理”->”角色管理”) , and add the role of “testrole”.
After logging in to the system, user `test1` can see only user `test1` ofthe “marketing department”(“市场部门”),but not user `test3` of the “financial department”(“财务部门”).
The WebUI provides the “password reset”(“重置密码”) function. Invoke the resetPwd interface through the cookie of user `test1` to reset the password of user `test3`.The request parameters of user `test3` are `userId=102` and `loginName=test3`.
In the webUI, user `test1 ` does not have permission to reset the password of user `test3`, but the password of user `test3` can be reset through the `/system/user/resetPwd` request.
Choose “System Management”- > “Role Management”(“系统管理”->”角色管理”) , and add the role of “testrole”.
After logging in to the system, user `test1` can see only user `test1` of the “marketing department”(“市场部门”), but not user `test3` of the “financial department”(“财务部门”).
The WebUI provides the “password reset”(“重置密码”) function. Invoke the resetPwd interface through the cookie of user `test1` to reset the password of user `test3`. The request parameters of user `test3` are `userId=102` and `loginName=test3`.
In the WebUI, user `test1 ` does not have permission to reset the password of user `test3`, but the password of user `test3` can be reset through the `/system/user/resetPwd` request.
Choose “System Management”- > “Role Management”(“系统管理”->”角色管理”) , and add the role of “testrole”.
After logging in to the system, user `test1` can see only user `test1` of the “marketing department”(“市场部门”), but not user `test3` of the “financial department”(“财务部门”).
The WebUI provides the “password reset”(“重置密码”) function. Invoke the resetPwd interface through the cookie of user `test1` to reset the password of user `test3`. The request parameters of user `test3` are `userId=102` and `loginName=test3`.
In the WebUI, user `test1 ` does not have permission to reset the password of user `test3`, but the password of user `test3` can be reset through the `/system/user/resetPwd` request.
Choose “System Management”- > “Role Management”(“系统管理”->”角色管理”) , and add the role of “testrole”.
After logging in to the system, user `test1` can see only user `test1` of the “marketing department”(“市场部门”), but not user `test3` of the “financial department”(“财务部门”).
The WebUI provides the “password reset”(“重置密码”) function. Invoke the resetPwd interface through the cookie of user `test1` to reset the password of user `test3`. The request parameters of user `test3` are `userId=102` and `loginName=test3`.
In the WebUI, user `test1 ` does not have permission to reset the password of user `test3`, but the password of user `test3` can be reset through the `/system/user/resetPwd` request.
Choose “System Management”- > “Role Management”(“系统管理”->”角色管理”) , and add the role of “testrole”.
After logging in to the system, user `test1` can see only user `test1` of the “marketing department”(“市场部门”), but not user `test3` of the “financial department”(“财务部门”).
The WebUI provides the “password reset”(“重置密码”) function. Invoke the resetPwd interface through the cookie of user `test1` to reset the password of user `test3`. The request parameters of user `test3` are `userId=102` and `loginName=test3`.